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Old 27-08-2004, 08:51 AM
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Re: Maid for Sex

Originally Posted by nirvana
1st, never call me big bro... here in cyber space, everyone is same level.

2nd, u very kuku, go tell tat ger my nick in SB. how the hell she know my nick here? i already told u, she is very very DAO. did she ask u r u handsome?

i think, later afternoon, u use another phone to call her, speak to her. have patient, she got attitude, but, worth it.
ok bro,
NO chance to talk to her.
Never get pass those few SMS
Really botak now as pull out the few remaining hairs I have.
Pse, not another Girlz. One is enough!
Lsseon learnt: SMS to say I look like Andy Lau to start with.
Old 27-08-2004, 08:57 AM
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Re: Maid for Sex

Originally Posted by robertking
ok bro,
NO chance to talk to her.
Never get pass those few SMS
Really botak now as pull out the few remaining hairs I have.
Pse, not another Girlz. One is enough!
Lsseon learnt: SMS to say I look like Andy Lau to start with.
today i good mood, PM me, i pass u another petting gal contact. if u botch it again... dun ask me anymore.
Old 27-08-2004, 09:06 AM
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Re: Maid for Sex

Originally Posted by nirvana
today i good mood, PM me, i pass u another petting gal contact. if u botch it again... dun ask me anymore.
wah lau, put me under such pressure.
I have high blood pressure; give chance a bit.
Old 27-08-2004, 10:03 AM
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Re: Maid for Sex

Originally Posted by nirvana
hm..i think i am willing to bet $10 with u tat she is currently not a working maid here in sillypore. if i am right, will win u $5, lose , give u $10.

I got it that u read the thread and u tink she is not a maid. But no one explain Y U or Dr King think so? If its too troublesome to explain then thats ok the issue is not so impt.

For the bet

I dun wan to take u up on ur bet , cos I tink the logistics of proving it will be much more costly than the bet itself.
How to verify?
1. Visit her alleged boss and see her mopping the floor?
2. Ask her to bring paperwork proof?

Oso "currently" a maid working in Singapore. Maybe she was maid b4 but no longer a maid now. I dun really see her tat much, who noe what can happen.

I did note that she had long fingernails which seem to be wrong for a maid, but I take the story at face value - until I get more conclusive proof. Whether she is a maid dun bother me, the deal is still a good deal.

I say bro proprimate noes best since he met her.
Old 27-08-2004, 11:43 AM
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Re: Maid for Sex

Originally Posted by laodi123456789

I got it that u read the thread and u tink she is not a maid. But no one explain Y U or Dr King think so? If its too troublesome to explain then thats ok the issue is not so impt.

For the bet

I dun wan to take u up on ur bet , cos I tink the logistics of proving it will be much more costly than the bet itself.
How to verify?
1. Visit her alleged boss and see her mopping the floor?
2. Ask her to bring paperwork proof?

Oso "currently" a maid working in Singapore. Maybe she was maid b4 but no longer a maid now. I dun really see her tat much, who noe what can happen.

I did note that she had long fingernails which seem to be wrong for a maid, but I take the story at face value - until I get more conclusive proof. Whether she is a maid dun bother me, the deal is still a good deal.

I say bro proprimate noes best since he met her.

everheard of Runaway maid. The boss must be fuming mad bcoz he will loose his bank guarantee if she doesn't go back .......
Old 27-08-2004, 12:01 PM
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Re: Maid for Sex

Originally Posted by t123ang
everheard of Runaway maid. The boss must be fuming mad bcoz he will loose his bank guarantee if she doesn't go back .......
boss come back today. new paper haf story tomollow!

"Runaway maid - extra special"

"Boss ah beng just returned from his working err holiday in Thailand to find that his maid has gone. we investigate and discover a lurid scandal involving hundreds of Singaporean men meeting her to have SEX. At an undisclosed hotel location (room 229) we finally interview the infamous "The Maid".

"When my boss go then I do" .....

Watch out for the next episode of "Get Real"
Old 27-08-2004, 12:30 PM
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Re: Maid for Sex

On the matter of "whether MAID or not"

There is one story in Pancha Tantra, which uses animals as their subject. Please donot flame on similarities. I am just translating the actual story, not suggesting any thing.

It is a cold night. A group monkies are warming their bodies around fireflies and enjoying. A parrot observed them for a while, irritated by their stupidity and started preaching. "The heat you are thinking does not exist. It is Bio-luminescence and no temperature."

The monkey king approached the parrot, pluck all feathers and threw it away saying "I know."
Old 28-08-2004, 07:01 PM
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Re: Maid for Sex

Originally Posted by laodi123456789
boss come back today. new paper haf story tomollow!

"Runaway maid - extra special"

"Boss ah beng just returned from his working err holiday in Thailand to find that his maid has gone. we investigate and discover a lurid scandal involving hundreds of Singaporean men meeting her to have SEX. At an undisclosed hotel location (room 229) we finally interview the infamous "The Maid".

"When my boss go then I do" .....

Watch out for the next episode of "Get Real"


Is this true? I wish this could be a joke.
Old 28-08-2004, 08:51 PM
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Re: Maid for Sex


What can I say, I had my wonderful session wit her yesterday after some bro in the evening with those simple jeand and yellow top as some bros who did her would noticed. The oni problem I was drunk hehehe, so took a bloody long time to cum. Just felt my prick numbed but hard so it was shiok jus pumping and pumping a wet pussy. However spent another hour chit chatting her rendevous for the past week.

She said she enjoyed her sessions and I can see that she wans more of it. Its like she can never get enough of corks, i wonder. The money is another matter. She get clients who short changed her or wan to have 3 shots in an hour, and so on.

Guys, be reasonable. The standard is 2 shots for 2 hours for $100. U will neber smell such deal wit the cat150 if u know wat I mean. I gave her $100 for a shot even tho I took her for 2 hours. I guess I like her company, very thereupatic hehehe. She even said some were very rough and so on. U will get the best of her if u giv her the boyfren treatment. Try if u dun believe, u will get her to even a higher state of ecstasy which will oni heighten yours!

Called her today, late evening, she said she is sick and needed a rest. Poor soul, too much sex I guess hehehe.
Peopel have been asking what my nick means.....
PRO means prostitutes
PRI means prick
MATE means Prostitutes & Pricks mate

BTW, the avatar is the rear view of JULIA, the FL.
Link to her pics (with compliments to Bro Tallman):
Old 29-08-2004, 03:44 PM
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Re: Maid for Sex

bro proprimate really thanks for your lobang she actually gave me some special and she's indeed very playful but the bad part is that i dun know how to speak malay so communicatoin very limited but whatever the case thanks.
Old 29-08-2004, 05:42 PM
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Re: Maid for Sex

thank bro proprimate..had a session with this indo lady on friday evening...woo really cannot tehan her power in pumping and stereo effects! wonder if those hotel neighbours can hear her moan and screams..really enjoyed my session with this indo lady. but due to my limited melayu..the communication barrier exist...haha but its a sure RTF!
Old 30-08-2004, 01:10 AM
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Re: Maid for Sex


This thread is becoming popular. Jus chek out the readership man! We jus crossed the 30,000 mark. Unbelievable. Thanks to all bros who have made this a success.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my................hahahaha.

Jus read Conner's comments. I can imagine wat u feel bro like coming out of the hotel wondering if people are around to what went inside hehehe. Dun know if its fake or not, but it sure hell got the shiok out of me though. Cheers!
Peopel have been asking what my nick means.....
PRO means prostitutes
PRI means prick
MATE means Prostitutes & Pricks mate

BTW, the avatar is the rear view of JULIA, the FL.
Link to her pics (with compliments to Bro Tallman):
Old 30-08-2004, 01:12 AM
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Re: Maid for Sex

Originally Posted by makop
she actually gave me some special.
Now u got everyone curious, what "special"? Care to share?
Peopel have been asking what my nick means.....
PRO means prostitutes
PRI means prick
MATE means Prostitutes & Pricks mate

BTW, the avatar is the rear view of JULIA, the FL.
Link to her pics (with compliments to Bro Tallman):
Old 30-08-2004, 01:30 AM
ConnerDoReMe ConnerDoReMe is offline
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Re: Maid for Sex

oh...the service & the stereo effect from this indo maid need not me to exaggerate cos samsters here who had tried her know best..but during the bonking session did really feel superior to have cause those moan/screams (some samster here have the same feeling too?) machiam kenna rape by her riding ontop.. she is certainly worth the $$
Once again saluate bro proprimate's lobang!
Old 30-08-2004, 01:55 AM
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Re: Maid for Sex

that's something between us so it's not nice to tell everyone and later everyone start asking for it but dun worry it's not doing raw coz i also value my life and have respect for other chiongster here.
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