View Full Version : This and that...
yang punk
03-10-2004, 01:15 PM
Just some random mini series...
Doggy poses from different angles.
03-10-2004, 04:21 PM
mmmmhhhhhh......yangpunk, my doggy man!!! Loooooove it. BTW: Is that your or her juice leaking out of her pussy?
Rod Kok
04-10-2004, 10:43 AM
ahhh, finally get to see a "closer up" of that rare pusi flower, this time not on display at the botanic gardens but in its natural habitat. i believe it was first discovered by a famous botanist by the name of yang punk … hey! that's u!
always happy to see pusi, thanks :D
yang punk
04-10-2004, 10:36 PM
Wow... 2 appreciative bros :p hehehee
Made my day!
05-10-2004, 12:07 AM
she looks damn tempting man! ur pics r really in a class of their own..
05-10-2004, 02:23 AM
my bf hav always like pusi too....hmmmmm :D
let me see if can give you points or not..think hav given you too many...cannot leow...haahaa...but bf say..must give must give,,,haahaa
yang punk
05-10-2004, 01:22 PM
Thanks for the nice comments Noirion & Meimei... means more to me than points. ;)
yang punk
05-10-2004, 01:40 PM
Reclining poses...
yang punk
09-10-2004, 03:23 PM
Anybody have fetish for heels?
09-10-2004, 03:51 PM
Anybody have fetish for heels?
For sure I have....! Because then the booty is sticking out nicely and the babes move their asses more!!! I say: The more skilled they walk on high heels, the better the move in bed...
09-10-2004, 04:24 PM
Anybody have fetish for heels?
I say TP, is that yr missus.. If Yes, she's sure keeping herself in fine shape since the early days U've posted.. Send her my compliments.. Voluptous and sexy .. with all the curves at the right place.. Wow, u lucky devil ;)
yang punk
09-10-2004, 05:16 PM
I say TP, is that yr missus.. If Yes, she's sure keeping herself in fine shape since the early days U've posted.. Send her my compliments.. Voluptous and sexy .. with all the curves at the right place.. Wow, u lucky devil ;)
Have said before...not missus...but real close buddy ;)
Lucky? I think so too.
09-10-2004, 07:40 PM
Have said before...not missus...but real close buddy ;)
Lucky? I think so too.
WAH! :eek: this kind of real close buddy, i oso want! some guys get all the luck man..
09-10-2004, 10:24 PM
For sure I have....! Because then the booty is sticking out nicely and the babes move their asses more!!! I say: The more skilled they walk on high heels, the better the move in bed...
Malefikus - now that's advice I have not heard before - I will defintiely have to take that into "consideration" for my missus future footware when we go shopping for her heels.
YP - Been cut off access via the mass bootout of SB forum - but can definitely imagne Pusi impressing the lads here. :)
10-10-2004, 02:47 AM
Anybody have fetish for heels?
yang bro, your girl have a killer smile... keep those smiles in the pic :D
yang punk
10-10-2004, 09:21 PM
More heels...
Thanks for the kind words and compliments folks...hope you enjoy these pics. They are not the hardcore type but more the artistic nudes. Practising my photography skills mah... Maybe if kenna retrench can apply to Playboy as photographer...hahaha
yang punk
10-10-2004, 09:51 PM
YP - Been cut off access via the mass bootout of SB forum - but can definitely imagne Pusi impressing the lads here. :)
Hi Wonker
Can understand your frustration...But then Sboy is the boss of this forum and we are not paying anything to be a member. I must add that so far this IS the best local site for local amature pics sharing. Many have tried to break away and start their own but none have been as successful. They either taper off after awhile or the members start to steal pics from elsewhere (including from SB) to repost. Hence the latest round of action arose because someone complained about the Tok-#### site.
I too do not have more than one model to shoot and neither can I persuade her to pose every other day. So what to do? When have opportunity shoot as many pics as possible (sometimes hundreds) and then slowly release. Like keeping a pics bank for regular withdrawal. Also this means in between shoots must do some planning and thinking...themes...locations...etc. Just like Mr & Mrs P and the Thrustmeis. Good thing don't come easy. ;)
I must say and I am sure many people here also agree that you have started on a very interesting and worthy project. That is to "train your wife to be sexually more liberal". We would like to be able to follow your progress here... read your progress reports and see your pics from time to time! So I hope you can be more patient and bear with the idiosyncrasy of this forum...and don't give up!
A large part of the fun of voyeurism is to have an audience! And Sammy in his own ways have tried his best to provide us with one.
So thanks to you too boss!
10-10-2004, 10:42 PM
Hi yang pang,
let hope SB will not take too long to have actions. For me, i have been waiting for more than a mth, but access has not been restored back yet.
Wonder how long will this waiting be... :(
yang punk
11-10-2004, 03:31 PM
Meanwhile...last instalment of 'Heels'
11-10-2004, 05:18 PM
I really liked that stuff with the heels, thanks!
13-10-2004, 01:14 AM
They are not the hardcore type but more the artistic nudes. Practising my photography skills mah... Maybe if kenna retrench can apply to Playboy as photographer...hahaha
With her suggestive/encouraging smiles, really wasteful that her face got covered up. :(
But I guess it is indeed neccessary, so I understand.
13-10-2004, 01:23 AM
But then Sboy is the boss of this forum and we are not paying anything to be a member. I must add that so far this IS the best local site for local amature pics sharing.
I think our free access here is really the least appreciated aspect sometimes.
As for local sites, this is indeed THE BEST by more than a few miles.
A large part of the fun of voyeurism is to have an audience! And Sammy in his own ways have tried his best to provide us with one.
Actually, voyeurism may not be the most appropriate description here since all of our contributions here are posed. :p
More significantly though, I honestly think there are more than just the few of us here who has the camera handy when they bonk (or simply play erotic games) ... however, what they managed to capture will continue to remain skeletons-in-the-closet becoz not many of these spouses are brave enough to show off or to risk being identified. :(
13-10-2004, 01:26 AM
let hope SB will not take too long to have actions. For me, i have been waiting for more than a mth, but access has not been restored back yet.
Wonder how long will this waiting be... :(
Actually ... I have a greater concern.
This re-instatement of private accesses is indeed taking too long, coupled with the recent system down-time & the member-list non-accessibility ... what happens if this place just gets overwhelmed & BOOM - start from scratch again??? :eek:
yang punk
13-10-2004, 09:35 AM
Hmmm...seeing more interaction in this thread. Keep it up folks and thanks for the compliments. This series was taken much earlier when she wore this pair of heels for the first time. No prize for guess the location!
Errrr...not nude but sexy to me at least ;) and now you see the eyes...
13-10-2004, 10:50 AM
Hmmm...seeing more interaction in this thread. Keep it up folks and thanks for the compliments. This series was taken much earlier when she wore this pair of heels for the first time. No prize for guess the location!
Errrr...not nude but sexy to me at least ;) and now you see the eyes...
Great pix bro. Nice model too! Already gave you a fiver today, so can't give out more. :p
13-10-2004, 12:57 PM
wat an arse..more points for u, bro punk...keep 'em cumming...
Mozzer Out
Rod Kok
13-10-2004, 04:49 PM
pusi's one great looker, even with the bit of masking.
great pics of a great looking gal!
13-10-2004, 06:19 PM
This series was taken much earlier when she wore this pair of heels for the first time.
What heels?? Only had eyes for the sheer lingerie ... just the type that never fail to turn me on, too bad most gals cannot live without the paddings and/or underwires. ;)
Please buy her more such lingerie ... :D
yang punk
14-10-2004, 10:51 PM
Final instalment of the 'tigeress' performing on the footstool ;)
But don't worry... the show is not over yet!
18-10-2004, 10:09 AM
Have said before...not missus...but real close buddy ;)
Lucky? I think so too.
Ohh, muz have missed yr comments on close buddy bro.. nice eyes she has too, in yr survey thread... wah soo lucky U, nice missus n nice buddy too.. ;) hmm see if i can rep u too.. cheersss
18-10-2004, 10:33 AM
Ohh, muz have missed yr comments on close buddy bro, apologies.. nice eyes she has too and the body.. oolala, in yr survey thread... wah soo lucky U, nice missus n nice buddy too.. ;) hmm see if i can rep u too.. schucks.. gotta spread around pts again..
**Does anyone know how many pts we need to spread around b4 we can rep pts to same deserving person again**
Rod Kok
19-10-2004, 02:23 PM
pusi's really sexy, yp. wow wow wow!!!
yang punk
19-10-2004, 04:06 PM
This is an appeal to "Picture_Master" and PB from the Tok-#### site.
I have considered long and hard whether to post pics with minimal censoring so as not to risk recognition. Comforted by SB latest weeding out of non-contributors and thinking that the rest of us faithful who survived the cut are more reasonable and thrustworthy people, perhaps even gentlemen who share this code of brotherhood (afterall many do address each other as Bro right?), I decided to share this series. But sad to say Picture Master had already reposted these pics as well as many others from SB pte forum to tok-####.
Sure this is the internet and once posted it's as good as public property. But PM, PB and people like them...tell us what do you gain by doing this? Yes a few people may say thank you to you. You mean it takes so little to boost your ego? If you want real credit and I mean people to really look up to you than you should go and take some original pics of your own to share.
We know now YOU are still in this forum under different nicks. So bro(s) why betray us??? If we had wanted our pics to be there we can jolly well post them there ourselves! :mad:
19-10-2004, 04:27 PM
Why don't you take the issue up with the admin of that forum. After all, the pictures belong to you and you own the copyright.
This is an appeal to "Picture_Master" and PB from the Tok-#### site.
yang punk
19-10-2004, 04:50 PM
But that is only a one time solution. What is to prevent them from doing it again? I think Rod had done that but it didn't stop them from stealing others' pics.
Hopefully the appeal will work on their sense of justice and fairplay.
19-10-2004, 06:45 PM
hei bro mai Tahan ler see ur pix its getting bette every each day !!! ;) we want more we want more...
02-11-2004, 01:13 AM
YP...this series of the best so far...
love them...
wow be nice to hav her beside me in a pic...heehee....but no chance....just hav to enjoy them. they really are great .. :D
yang punk
04-11-2004, 11:47 PM
Thanks for the compliment...trying hard to keep up with you folks!
The t-k people spoilt my mood to post the rest in this series. :mad:
04-11-2004, 11:56 PM
The t-k people spoilt my mood to post the rest in this series. :mad:
Sharing your frustrations ... not that my stuff has been good enough for such thefts yet.
Seriously though, the lack of repu-points as compliments for my pics has also been slowing me (& many more pics) down. :(
yang punk
05-11-2004, 10:33 PM
Looks like the points system isn't working out too well in this forum... Firstly the whole system is not properly explained, eg. the rep power. why some more and some less even though of same seniority. Some with very low postings yet have high rep power. Then what's the significance of those little green square(s)...
Also no control over the number of points we are entitled to give, eg I have the power of 4 but I may only want to give 1 or 2 to new contributors to encourage them...not the full 4 pts. Then again some productive contributors like yourself (Kingeros) I want to give more frequently also cannot...always that 'spread around' message.
Therefore, for myself I have given up the urge to ask for points. Got good comments and compliments enough liow!
Then the thought of 'wolves' in sheep's clothing lurking here and betraying us ... lagi chum!
06-11-2004, 06:56 AM
Looks like the points system isn't working out too well in this forum... Firstly the whole system is not properly explained, eg. the rep power. why some more and some less even though of same seniority. Some with very low postings yet have high rep power. Then what's the significance of those little green square(s)...
the king
06-11-2004, 07:41 AM
**Does anyone know how many pts we need to spread around b4 we can rep pts to same deserving person again**
if i am not mistaken...LOTS!!!
yang punk
06-11-2004, 03:53 PM
WoW...that was a quantum leap for me...thanks SB :D
08-11-2004, 08:59 PM
Brother YP, actually this issue with TK. Rod, Kitty and myself got exchange PMs about this issue. Seems like the more we fight, the more those TK fu-ckers want to post our pics. No point, nowadays i find it hard to get MissUSBPort to take pics. After she know that her pics are in TK. :(
Anyway, Pusi's real sexy... :D
yang punk
09-11-2004, 12:01 AM
Can understand her feelings...its like being betrayed by someone you trust.
Folks going around calling each other bro & sis...sharing our intimate pics... and then you get one or two of these infantile f..kers who take glory in 'sharing' what are not theirs just so that they can drown themselves in praises by those lamers who would otherwise not get to see.
Looks like another one of us (PinS) have realised he's pics have been hijacked!
still :mad:
09-11-2004, 08:57 PM
Well, what to do?
11-11-2004, 12:45 AM
YP, do not know whether you seen this in that wretched TK forum.
facing some problem here..... i had lost my access for the pictures, so only be back when i get it back. must be that yp talked bad about me..
Think can ask Sam who do not have access. Could be one of those idiots who is stealing!
11-11-2004, 12:50 AM
Think can ask Sam who do not have access. Could be one of those idiots who is stealing!
Think this was the whole rationale of SB kicking everybody out of this private forum, before manually certifying who should be allowed in again.
Anyway, there are too many samsters who got thrown out for SB to positively identify that idiotic "picture_master" who steals for fun. :(
11-11-2004, 11:00 PM
Posted in the sob forum
bluetooth wroteQuote:
Brother YP, actually this issue with TK. Rod, Kitty and myself got exchange PMs about this issue. Seems like the more we fight, the more those TK fu-ckers want to post our pics. No point, nowadays i find it hard to get MissUSBPort to take pics. After she know that her pics are in TK.
Anyway, Pusi's real sexy...
yangpunk wroteQuote:
Can understand her feelings...its like being betrayed by someone you trust.
Folks going around calling each other bro & sis...sharing our intimate pics... and then you get one or two of these infantile f..kers who take glory in 'sharing' what are not theirs just so that they can drown themselves in praises by those lamers who would otherwise not get to see.
Looks like another one of us (PinS) have realised he's pics have been hijacked!
bluetooth wroteQuote:
YP, do not know whether you seen this in that wretched TK forum.
facing some problem here..... i had lost my access for the pictures, so only be back when i get it back. must be that yp talked bad about me..
Think can ask Sam who do not have access. Could be one of those idiots who is stealing!
more here
To Picture Master and Hammer, please post those fuckers pictures so I can e-mail them to my friends
See this? Posted by another kid named John. Trying to act cute. Dunno who's the real fucker.
Anyway don't really care, they want to circulate let them be. These kind of people, more we say them. They more yaya.
yang punk
17-11-2004, 01:08 PM
On with the show...this time standing poses.
yang punk
17-11-2004, 01:12 PM
Part 2 of standing poses.
17-11-2004, 01:45 PM
Part 2 of standing poses.
Bravo, my friend ... glad that you're back. :D
Do I see correct that your babe wears specs (06a.jpg) ... testimony that there's brains to that body too?? Too bad we had to mask her face. :p
17-11-2004, 03:10 PM
if i am not mistaken...LOTS!!!
I think it's 500, last i checked while snooping around looking for the ROE... cheerio
17-11-2004, 03:17 PM
Bravo, my friend ... glad that you're back.
Do I see correct that your babe wears specs (06a.jpg) ... testimony that there's brains to that body too?? Too bad we had to mask her face. :p
YP bro.. wah lao.. great body yr buddy has , nice big eyes... 1 of the best bods in here.. u lucky devil..
KE - hmm maybe YP wld oblige with 1 juz blank the specs lor, leaving her nice smile and face features intact.. now won't we all like tt.. Hmm, we did get to c the eyes courtesy of YP I believe.. real nice her eyes.. cheerio
PS: YP, i guess u got my PM by now... real shame some of the u-know-whos; anyway.. juz ignore, hv fun and keep em cumming bro.. :)
17-11-2004, 03:52 PM
I think it's 500, last i checked while snooping around looking for the ROE... cheerio
Beeep ... wrong answer.
It's a 1000 samsters in between before you can revisit ... used to be 500 though, when the system was first implemented. :D
17-11-2004, 04:02 PM
Beeep ... wrong answer.
It's a 1000 samsters in between before you can revisit ... used to be 500 though, when the system was first implemented. :D
Ooh really.. so juz gotta keep on giving deserving different Samsters lor.. cheeriooo...
17-11-2004, 04:07 PM
Ooh really.. so juz gotta keep on giving deserving different Samsters lor.. cheeriooo...
It just means that you can forget about revisiting ... 'coz mathematically it would take about 1.5 years (500 days), taking into consideration that you can visit 2 samsters every 24 hours. Worst still, who'd sit in front of their monitor & religiously attend to 2 samsters, like a prescribed medicine?? :D :D
17-11-2004, 04:31 PM
It just means that you can forget about revisiting ... 'coz mathematically it would take about 1.5 years (500 days), taking into consideration that you can visit 2 samsters every 24 hours. Worst still, who'd sit in front of their monitor & religiously attend to 2 samsters, like a prescribed medicine?? :D :D
Oh ya, there's tt max of 2 person reputed per 24 hrs restriction thingy too.. oh well.. pass it around lor as u go along.... cheerios
Rod Kok
17-11-2004, 06:16 PM
yp … i thot u might have given up. made me so sad :(
but now u'r back :D
19-11-2004, 03:12 PM
Kick ass photos mate. Well done!!!! :D
yang punk
20-11-2004, 08:46 PM
This series taken out at the balcony overlooking the Padang.
yang punk
05-12-2004, 12:31 PM
Me wanting to take pics of her...but she gets notti with her toy...or is she hinting to me what she really wants :confused:
yang punk
05-12-2004, 12:34 PM
Isn't she getting explicit?
yang punk
05-12-2004, 12:37 PM
Wat did you guys expect on a boring Sunday ?
I'm sure these pics did not give you a hard on...but will at least put a smile on your face...hehehee :o
05-12-2004, 12:47 PM
I'm sure these pics did not give you a hard on...but will at least put a smile on your face...hehehee :o
Wrong ... got a hard on in no time.
Very subtle & artistic piece of work ... & you can enlist my help in portraying that huggable bear, should you lose sight of it one day. ;)
06-12-2004, 05:41 PM
hey yang punk, king wants to be the teddy bear ...... i dont mind taking over you as the camera man...... just in case you want pics to be taken when you and pusi are in action. hahahahahaha. great pics my man. and tell pusi i was drooling all over. hahahahaa
06-12-2004, 06:38 PM
hey yang punk, king wants to be the teddy bear ...... i dont mind taking over you as the camera man...... just in case you want pics to be taken when you and pusi are in action. hahahahaa
Dun wanna lar ... like that teddy bear ended up on the neighbouring sofa & could only watch!!! :(
06-12-2004, 07:04 PM
hey king my man, thats only for a start..... hahahahaha. dont be so greedy la. at least we get to watch live...... we might get lucky and get invited into the action! hahahahahaha
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