View Full Version : Kapoo club bangkok

26-11-2014, 11:59 AM
I start this new thread as no need to search long long for kapoo club in other bangkok and thailand posts so for bros to share similar FRs on Kapoo club

Kapoo club - studio surprise /kawaii

read in the other threads on this type of massage so hop on to scoot n try:
Kapoo club is for their thai bizman who needs relaxing time with syt uni going girls without sex.

took the long walk from Soi 39 and find the place according to the advert search from google

took the lift to 3rd floor and simple recept counter with sofa sit facing the hallway.

a slightly older lady came out and ask whether been here before, i confidently says No but intro by friends.

On the counter top written B$2300 and B$1800 which is Nude and non nude price respectively for 60 minutes.

I told her B$2300 and she started calling out names and randomly a girl will start parading on the hallway directly in front of you. There were 4 girls altogether and all syt. chose the prettiest of the lot(to each his own taste)
and she lead me holding hands to the room.

The room is with cubicle bath standing room enough for 2, bros who are big size might have a little problem squeezing in but then might turn out to be advantages cos you will be grouping her in a tight space.

anyway i went to the cubicle first whilst she strip nude to join me...be warned of the mistake I make ..choosing pretty girl is good but pretty face doesnt mean killer body. her breast is so small..in fact smaller than mine..hahahaha.. nevermind first time just enjoy la..

she will bathe you fully including your brother and ask you to use her listerine to rinse your mouth..wah..my mind think got 69 ah!!!

after towel dry she ask me to lie face down and do a massage ,surprisingly quite ok and relaxing.

forget to say, i was lucky this thai uni girl speaks english and she claims she is only girl there who can speak english

as she massage she tells me if want extra like bj and fj also can but must pay extra...then she say not everyone she will offer...sounds familiar tactic..i just kept quiet and let her do whatever she wants.

ask to turn over and she start catbath with lots of slurping noises and moaning...then she starts to girate her pussy against the end part of the penis just beneath the balls. simultaineously jerking your dick with her hand
exploded soon looking at her georgeous face.

took a bath , changed and gave her B$200 tip

I ask her why she never offer bj and fj for me.she says since i never ask for the price or nego means i not keen on these service...she says to come back again and she give special price ...so lan lan left...

I also found out better to go after 5pm for more choices...they close by midnight and not 24 hours..

Hope this help brothers who going bangkok looking for syt uni girl FL without sex.

26-11-2014, 12:54 PM
I start this new thread as no need to search long long for kapoo club in other bangkok and thailand posts so for bros to share similar FRs on Kapoo club

Hope this help brothers who going bangkok looking for syt uni girl FL without sex.
Great thread - thanks for starting this!

I got turned on to Kapoo clubs a couple or so years ago when a friend brought me and IMHO, these places are brilliant!

Tired of seeing all the dark-skinned Issan girls in the Suks, jaded by the jaded soapy ones, these comparatively better looking and rather innocent girls (errr... I like to think so! LOL), I was hooked. Unfortunately, on more recent visits, I think the quality and innocence of the girls have gone a bit. Just IMHO, perhaps from a less than stellar experience the last time.

Googling Kapoo will also yield you a lot of write-ups about this particular type of niche service, but mostly written by Western Farangs, who may not have the same perspective as Asians, or Thai language ones where you can oogle at the pictures to give you a good idea as to the quality of the girls.

Again thanks for starting this thread as I do want - and need - to learn more about this quite enjoyable activity in Bangkok.


Ps. I hope you don't mind my posting a link to this thread on my thread on finding new mongering places. BKK may not be a new destination, but this may be a new activity for us to consider. Thanks

26-11-2014, 10:22 PM
The bonus of kapoo places is that if you live here it's surprisingly easy to transition these girls into "freebie" giks given the majority aren't hardened hookers as such.

27-11-2014, 04:40 PM
Just personal observation and guess-

With proliferation of kapoo joints, it is inevitable some joints will stock girls who are not SYT by the most liberal definition. Such is the case I encountered yesterday at Studio Kawaii- a 27 yo masquerading as a SYT in student uniform. However, my friend picked a genuine SYT in stewardess uni. If you are into uniform fetish, just pay for the non-nude cheaper option. Most of them look better in these uniforms anyways.

Stopped by Celebrity kapoo in SKV soi 16 today and confirmed it is still alive and kicking, or should I say, grinding.

27-11-2014, 07:53 PM
Thanks for de info.

28-11-2014, 05:00 PM
The bonus of kapoo places is that if you live here it's surprisingly easy to transition these girls into "freebie" giks given the majority aren't hardened hookers as such.

Beg to differ ... these girls work becuz they need money.. many are genuine uni girls working to pay their school fees and support their parents... "freebie" giks ??:confused: Doubt so , they will be your gik only if you sponsor their sch fees and give them monthly allowance to shop and party, send money to their parents or maybe to support their thai boyfriend/gik :p

Or unless you super handsome and these girls fall in love with you at first sight then maybe they willingly be your "freebie" gik :D

28-11-2014, 05:30 PM
Thks for sharing

28-11-2014, 05:32 PM
Beg to differ ... these girls work becuz they need money.. many are genuine uni girls working to pay their school fees and support their parents... "freebie" giks ??:confused: Doubt so , they will be your gik only if you sponsor their sch fees and give them monthly allowance to shop and party, send money to their parents or maybe to support their thai boyfriend/gik :p

Or unless you super handsome and these girls fall in love with you at first sight then maybe they willingly be your "freebie" gik :D

Just my experience, underneath it they're normal girls (as you say, so you kind of contradict yourself by then pitching them as hard bitten mercenaries) if you click with them you can get lucky, I've had about a 25% rate personally. Of course you need to be age appropriate and the sort of person they'd reasonably get involved with socially...otherwise yeah it's going to be a sugar daddy thing.

28-11-2014, 06:20 PM
Beg to differ ... these girls work becuz they need money.. many are genuine uni girls working to pay their school fees and support their parents...

Genuine uni girls? Lol! Heard this line everywhere every time. Any evidence? Anyone seen any lecture notes? Or Uni invoices for semester fees? (Student cards, esp in China are usually fake btw)

Not saying there are no Uni girls plying the trade, but until I see hard evidence......

Even 2 months ago, picked up this unusual for Beach Road, Beach Road young passable puying, let's say a 7, quite classily attired, and she was giving me the spiel how she was part-timing only this week-end in Patts as she's a Uni student from Thammasat Uni in Bkk and cant afford to let her friends see her earning side income. And I went yeah, yeah, yeah....

28-11-2014, 06:35 PM
Well turning up one day a month for some dodgy communication arts degree at Ramkhamhaeng seems to be very common amongst G Club girls. It'll be about as useful as a chocolate teapot but hey at least they can claim they're Uni girls 555

28-11-2014, 06:56 PM
Monkey face and 3rd world skunk also in this thread. Bet 3rd world skunk will copy his about his so called agents essays, and monkey face will back his ass up. :rolleyes:

28-11-2014, 07:48 PM
Lol Bozo and his inane comments!
Whatever happen to his ignore button?
Empty boaster!

06-08-2015, 12:03 AM

Need to ask for recommendations on the good kapoos to try out. I have been googling but everything is in thai and I have no idea where to go. I will be staying on Sukhumvit. Some pointers will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

06-08-2015, 03:55 PM

Need to ask for recommendations on the good kapoos to try out. I have been googling but everything is in thai and I have no idea where to go. I will be staying on Sukhumvit. Some pointers will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

The most conveniently located ones from suk rd: (the ones I know of)
1. S22 Massage on Soi 22
2. Studio Surprise in the middle of Soi 35 and 39
3. Bitstyle Fantasy Massage on Soi 22 (not sure if classified as Kapoo or Soapy)
4. The Ease 7eaven, Soi 63, Thong Lor 10 Alley, Between Ekkamai 7 and 9 Alley
5. Princess Spa, along rachada, need to take bike
6. CCK Spa, also need to take bike from Huai Khwang, or you can route march
7. Le Ciel, walk from Sanam Pao

There are others on my map but it's damn far, have to cab or motorbike. Hope this helps.

31-08-2015, 09:40 PM
Good information! Thumbs up!

01-09-2015, 03:49 AM
Just personal observation and guess-

With proliferation of kapoo joints, it is inevitable some joints will stock girls who are not SYT by the most liberal definition. Such is the case I encountered yesterday at Studio Kawaii- a 27 yo masquerading as a SYT in student uniform. However, my friend picked a genuine SYT in stewardess uni. If you are into uniform fetish, just pay for the non-nude cheaper option. Most of them look better in these uniforms anyways.

Stopped by Celebrity kapoo in SKV soi 16 today and confirmed it is still alive and kicking, or should I say, grinding.

Kapoo spas are somewhat diversifying their stocks. They sometimes have older girls in the mix-- like late20s... These are the girls that are more inclined to offer full service.
I think it's fun to have cute girls giving you a handjob. But tokyo would be much better than bkk for the quality and genuine college students experience. This is just my observation...

Personally I prefer skills & great service when I am paying to play. I also find the bath houses having much clearer pricing, and damn, some of the girls from la belle and nataree are just as yummy in the looks department while offering fantastic services.

Just my 2 cents though, we like what we like. 開心就好!

But I got a nagging suspicion that some less than honest kapoo joints do jack up their prices if you aren't thai, and if you visit alone. Some spas like Studio surprise has fixed pricing, but some spas also have different price categories for their girls and I think that's where they might charge you extra.

I got burnt once earlier this year and got turned off by some of these spas.

01-09-2015, 09:14 PM
Heard there's 1 not bad one in RCA. Anyone knows the details ? Is it still there ?

01-09-2015, 09:33 PM
It's kitty spa. Yup still around. ;)

Thanks. Just found below webby (Translated from thai) where you can find some very comprehensive reviews as well as the pictures of the available girls.

https://translate.google.com.sg/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.kapooclubwebboard.com%2Fforum%2 Findex.php&edit-text=&act=url

07-09-2015, 07:12 PM
It's kitty spa. Yup still around. ;)

Yup can confirm that it's still around.

09-10-2015, 05:03 PM
I do a research on kapooclub for the past months. Even adding some contacts in Line, though it's all in Thai. Have to use translator. RCA have 2 kapoo, one is call Absolute RCA, another one is call Happiness Spa RCA. :D Source: http://www.kapooclub.com/index.php/absolute/

26-10-2015, 05:43 PM
Kapoo Expedition Oct 2015

BTS BangNa area
1) 18 Plus – Located a Soi Lasalle 69 Suk 105. BTS Bangna + Taxi advisable. Only 4 girls available. Price ranging from Bt 1,300 – Bt 1,800. Cheap price but none edible.

BTS Punawiti area
2) The Melody Ex Spa – Located a Soi Watchiratham Sathit 7, Suk 101/1. Walkable distance. Appx 15 – 18 girls. A few good looking ones. Took a Bt 2,300 looker but FJ not on the menu. Had an expensive wank job. Not returning anytime soon.

MRT PhaRam 9 area
3) The Great – Located a Soi Lert Kaew2, Phra Ram9. Walkable distance. Appx 20 girls. Mixed of a few young and more older ones. Bt 1,500 for 60 minutes and Bt 2,000 for 90 minutes. Took a youngish looking girl for Bt 1,500. FJ not offered too. Wasted some sperms here.

MRT Phrom Phong area
4) Aspire Spa – Located a Suk 49/11, Suk 39. Walkable distance but preferably Motorsai. Appx 3-4 girls only. Youngish. Different pricing for Freshie, Prety and Model category. Took a Pretty cat for Bt 2,400 + additional Bt 2,500 for FJ. Worth the price for the tightness and low mileage. But still expensive if you want to have just a quick release.

01-01-2016, 08:47 PM
any brothers can do latest updates on kapoo clubs as i will be there for chinese new year. much appreciated.

04-01-2016, 03:39 PM
ya, especially info on those that offer fj will be greatly appreciated!!!

05-01-2016, 02:17 PM
The most conveniently located ones from suk rd: (the ones I know of)
1. S22 Massage on Soi 22
2. Studio Surprise in the middle of Soi 35 and 39
3. Bitstyle Fantasy Massage on Soi 22 (not sure if classified as Kapoo or Soapy)
4. The Ease 7eaven, Soi 63, Thong Lor 10 Alley, Between Ekkamai 7 and 9 Alley
5. Princess Spa, along rachada, need to take bike
6. CCK Spa, also need to take bike from Huai Khwang, or you can route march
7. Le Ciel, walk from Sanam Pao

There are others on my map but it's damn far, have to cab or motorbike. Hope this helps.

the kapoo msg all like quite ulu. went to kawaii also walk quite a distance

30-01-2016, 12:50 AM
hi any good kapoo shop close to hyatt erawan? i mean walking distance. thank you bro in advance.

25-03-2016, 07:14 PM
Area : Suthisan
Place : Pretty Secret
Damage : 2,000 - 2,300 baht
Girl Strength : appx 11 girls
Girl Quality : Mostly SYT rate 6 – 7

Picked BM for 2,300 baht. Sweet young girl. Unfortunately mamasan informed 1st day to work only after I paid. Bad news !! Although body was tight with nice firm tits. Ended only with an expensive and painful wank job. Lost a bit of pubic hair as well.

Note : Ayumi Spa location is 2 blocks from Pretty Secret but they do not post any pictures of the available girls so did not venture into. Probably some dinos as price is much cheaper compared to Pretty Secret.

17-04-2016, 01:25 PM
Bros.. reading some of the recent reports seems kapoo scene is quite touch and go now?.. can any senior bros or other fellow samsters in BkK advise on the best 1-2 kapoo places to visit where the real-syt experience and good service still exists? off to bkk in a couple of days..waiting for inputs! thanks in advance bros..

11-05-2016, 03:04 PM
Just want to bring up an alternative to the overpriced kapooclubs.

A new Japanese Pinsaro Style shop (aka Blowjob only) opened a few months back at Sukhumvit Soi 33, I think it's at the first lane to the right after you enter the Soi. Shop is called 7-Heaven.

Girls Qty: 5-6 girls varies (recruitment is always ongoing)
Service Level: Absolutely tops, my favourite. The shop has its own loyal customers despite the competitive environment.
Cost: 1300 or 1400 baht ... around there, definitely competitive with a free drink complimentary
Environment: Very new and clean. Only bad thing is they don't have full bathing facilities.
Reception: ;) A very nice lady. She speaks Thai, English and Japanese.
Location: This is the main reason I love this place as I always stay in hotels near Phrom Phong BTS and its is only 5 mins walk from Emporium. Great for a quick and fuss free release.

Note: Due to some bad experiences with some dark skinned customers and farang (bully/trying to get free refunds/cheats) such customers may be rejected at the door.

That being said, Sinkies pls support !!! :p

14-05-2016, 11:47 PM
Anyone got new sharing? or is the kawaii the joint to go to?