View Full Version : Reason to get out of Singapore????? Pls help!!!
23-04-2007, 04:53 AM
Hi broz...
What reason should I give my wife to get a chance to go overseas to meet my Gf...???
I can to meet her in Hongkong or Thailand....
But my job does not require me to go to these 2 countries.... My wife knows well... so i cannot use oversea business trip as excuse.
Pls give me some good advices... Thank u!!!
23-04-2007, 05:14 AM
FWAH. This situation quite sticky indeed...
Maybe you can go Thailand/HK without telling your wife? But then again if she sees the chops on your passport you also die.
If she allows you to go overseas with your buddies then use that as an excuse lor. Say you going to HK/Macau with your brudders to gamble. Then if she see HK customs chop she also won't wonder why... :D
Or maybe you can get your GF to go to the countries where you would normally go for work? Then wife won't be suspicious also.
Just suggestions, hope they help. :)
23-04-2007, 05:44 AM
Business golf trip ..?
23-04-2007, 09:13 AM
Not sure what level u are in your job, but how about a managment off-site meeting? Off site retreat?
Or a global meeting may also be possible
23-04-2007, 09:37 AM
Not sure what level u are in your job, but how about a managment off-site meeting? Off site retreat?
Or a global meeting may also be possible
Is the wife the nosy type of person who will make calls to office, friends, and so on to re-confirm any story you bring up? This is very important.
If she isn't, much easier on you. If she pokes around, you better construct a iron alibi.
23-04-2007, 10:04 AM
ask ur gf to come to sg to meet u instead lar.
23-04-2007, 10:11 AM
transisting lah...!!:rolleyes:
23-04-2007, 10:21 AM
But my job does not require me to go to these 2 countries.... My wife knows well... so i cannot use oversea business trip as excuse.
ok one way is to send your wife overseas for shopping or visit relatives etc and ask you gf to come spore. :D
23-04-2007, 10:23 AM
do u know if yr wife or any of her kakis r in this forum...???? b4 we leak out our secrets & sexcuses....better b vry SURE!!! :confused:
23-04-2007, 10:34 AM
I can to meet her in Hongkong or Thailand....
Y your gf can travel to these 2 countries only??? :confused:
23-04-2007, 10:38 AM
i got a better idea... buy a holiday package for your wife and send her oversea.. ha ha ha....
23-04-2007, 10:52 AM
you should start training your wife not to ask questions . pump her with the same method she treats you . mine no longer talks when she is not supposed to :D I'm not saying threaten , beat her , scream at her or anything like that , just do to her what she does to you and let her know how it feels .
23-04-2007, 11:03 AM
Company send you for conferences or seminars lah......
23-04-2007, 12:55 PM
A good reason will be your company's oversea retreat, many companies do that now. But make sure your wife isnt close to any of your colleague in company.
23-04-2007, 01:03 PM
Hi broz...
What reason should I give my wife to get a chance to go overseas to meet my Gf...???
I can to meet her in Hongkong or Thailand....
But my job does not require me to go to these 2 countries.... My wife knows well... so i cannot use oversea business trip as excuse.
Pls give me some good advices... Thank u!!!
Use the excuse as attending Wedding lah.. My boss always use this excuse and got away with it every time. Get someone to print a wedding invitation. Your wife may asked for photo from the dinner, this is a tough one, can't help you much but maybe you can get your computer friend to do some trick for you. Good luck.
23-04-2007, 01:05 PM
How about customer having off-site planning meetings in those countries and you need to participate..
Better not use excuse of own company having off-site meeting as she can easily call your company to find out if true or not.
But participating in company off-site meeting, harder to verify.
23-04-2007, 02:39 PM
not really gd idea to ask her come to sg. skali kana spotted by sum1 and inform ur wife.
bro, juz say u r recall for reservist in an overseas exercise loh in thai if u are still eligible for reservist.
23-04-2007, 03:30 PM
go for praying trip lor:cool:
23-04-2007, 03:36 PM
not really gd idea to ask her come to sg. skali kana spotted by sum1 and inform ur wife.
bro, juz say u r recall for reservist in an overseas exercise loh in thai if u are still eligible for reservist.
reservist need proof ma... got letter bo?? heh
we dun wan to meet in singapore cos we will not have freedom to walk abt freely... enjoy ourself for few days....
23-04-2007, 03:38 PM
go for praying trip lor:cool:
hope i can skip this excuse.....
23-04-2007, 04:39 PM
wa bro, ur wife really will ask for the reservist letter?
if she even qns where, when, wif who if u go out alone in sg,
lidat, wat xucse, she will also pose a lot of qns lah.
23-04-2007, 04:46 PM
tell her your friend got extra air ticket due to his partner can't make it last min. ( reason can be recall manning , chicken pot , someone close not well , etc )
Do some home work like find out which flight leave at 2-3am . I think your wife will not follow you to airport. So be prepare to sleep in the airport till morning if your origin booking flight is in the morning.
remember hor ....only can try once...:D i used it before ...heehee.
note: must be very confidence and tell her less a week before flight.
oh shit ...i feel so guilty now....evil me...LOL
23-04-2007, 05:37 PM
yeah i thikn praying trip is good idea... since thailand is famous for buddhism... only scare she say wan to go also... maybe can give the excuse the temple is located at rural area.. tell her there is no shopping centre nearby... :o
24-04-2007, 12:16 AM
I think "TEAM building" at overseas location is best..
Sound like '2nd Family Building' :rolleyes:
24-04-2007, 12:43 AM
Bro......bring her here to S'pore......and put her up in the hotel on SENTOSA.I tink its called BEAUFORT HOTEL and RASA SENTOSA.Mostly tourist go there......hardly any locals.:)
25-04-2007, 03:13 AM
Bro......bring her here to S'pore......and put her up in the hotel on SENTOSA.I tink its called BEAUFORT HOTEL and RASA SENTOSA.Mostly tourist go there......hardly any locals.:)
bro.. even if i bring her to singapore, i also cannot stay overnight... need to go home...
oversea is better, all the time dedicated for 2 lovebirds.... hahaha
appreciate all the comments from bros..... still planning...
25-04-2007, 10:48 AM
Maybe u can try
1) Need to go overseas for job interview
2) Kena kidnapped. so disappear for a couple of days
3) U lost your memory temporary, have been wandering around nowhere for 2-3 days.
25-04-2007, 11:18 AM
Hi, my input for u & for all the bros out there.
It pays to lay your groundwork from the beginning.
1) Get a outdoor hobby eg fishing, biking, trekking etc. Its a darn good excuse to get out of the country
2) Annual "Guys-Only trip eg Golf. Also another good plan to get away. Of coz u need good wing brothers to help convince the wife/gf
3) Prayer trip but chances are, the wife/gf may follow. a bit risky this plan
Been enjoying all these overseas excursions using the above methods w/o arousing any suspicions from my gf. So far, so good.
25-04-2007, 02:03 PM
reservist got letter, silent recall no need.
give some signal first, warn her a few days before that army called you and tell you that you are on silent standby.... then on the day itself, kena recall.
Why not go places like Johor ? nearby and cheap..
depending on whether she check your passport or not....
they shouldn't be so nosey....
for me, I'm in the IT line, so alot of OT, sometimes, you know, system crash, so need to stay in data center whole night, some more all the machinery cause handphone to fail. Or work weekend. feel guilty ? next day bring them to vivo city and eat nice dinner. That's how I get by.
another thing to try is personal matter.... like best friend, boss etc, ask you to help him. e.g.
boss tells u that his 3rd uncle found dead in HK, or arrested by police, he cannot go, but ask you to go instead. cook some nice story. and try to be secretive.
25-04-2007, 03:00 PM
I know... Xiao Tian Tian from HK just passed away, tell her is ur 3rd aunty's daughter's niece... go there for her funeral and hope to get some inheritance.
25-04-2007, 05:37 PM
I think all this coy teambuilding etc not so safe, OC just need to call office and thats it ... how about, some brudders here act as your customer and ask u out for golf overseas ... (if u golf), if not maybe praying thingy to Thailand hahaha.
25-04-2007, 07:11 PM
I think all this coy teambuilding etc not so safe, OC just need to call office and thats it ... how about, some brudders here act as your customer and ask u out for golf overseas ... (if u golf), if not maybe praying thingy to Thailand hahaha.
good idea.. get help fro brudders here....,
but i dun golf... shit... will take up asap.... heh
25-04-2007, 07:16 PM
My humble suggestion :
Pretend to go for a local job interview with a MNC and 2 weeks later, tell your wife that you need to go for 2nd interview at the MNC's Headquarter lor ......... and followed by 3rd interview. Eventually not interested as not satisfied with the pay package......... Bwahahahaha :D
Cheers !!! :)
25-04-2007, 07:30 PM
My humble suggestion :
Pretend to go for a local job interview with a MNC and 2 weeks later, tell your wife that you need to go for 2nd interview at the MNC's Headquarter lor ......... and followed by 3rd interview. Eventually not interested as not satisfied with the pay package......... Bwahahahaha :D
Cheers !!! :)
good idea!!!
but can only use 1-2 times only.... haha... any long term suggestion?
25-04-2007, 07:38 PM
but can only use 1-2 times only.... haha... any long term suggestion?
Got ......... Go for regional job lor ......... 3/4 of your times would be outstation ......... :D
Cheers !!!
25-04-2007, 08:03 PM
bro, dun get too sexcited. dun forget u still got OC de lah:D
27-04-2007, 01:03 PM
Ultimately, don hv reason where she can check tih your colleagues, else, she call, and they say u on leave liao, and then even your colleagues will be wondering what u doing lying to wife about overseas trip ... :eek:
27-04-2007, 01:08 PM
Got ......... Go for regional job lor ......... 3/4 of your times would be outstation ......... :D
Cheers !!!
That's a feasible option :)
27-04-2007, 02:38 PM
I am always using this strategy,
I have got customers in Batam, so after a few visits, my wife requested to come along because of what the newspaper were saying, actually I am there for serious business and never stay overnight unless its necessary.
Got a bit piss by my wife request so on the next trip, I told my driver to bring us to eatery at the worst hygiene one can imagine, goto toilet without flushing system, tell my customer to make me wake as long as possible to start the meeting and rush like mad to return to sg via the last ferry. After that she vow never to travel to Batam with me.
I don't need to give reason to my business trip I repeat the same for thailand , Jarakata, Vietnam and all parts of malaysia untill she realised that I only go there for work no for fun:D . Stay in 2 star or 3 star hotel , tell her peak season so cannot get better hotel.
The other time, was in Hanoi for 2day 2 night, arrive Hanoi at 11pm, check into a USD10 budget hotel, makan by the road side then sleep already, In the room , we can even hear my neighbour snooring. Then next morning, wake her up at 6.30 cos supplier pick me up at 7.30am so told them to eat local is good but she was complaining cos the stool is low , is like squating by the roadside while we eat. Then see customer, rush , wait, rush wait, rush wait till dinner and the dinner session is bloody long, told is very inpolite not to eat the food that was ordered. Dinner lasted till 10pm , went back to hotel, and she was all shack out and I manage to sneak out to meet my GF for 1 hour then rush back to hotel. Wife ask me why so early and the truth is Joint in Hanoi close at 12midnite. So complain complain until we touch down sg the next day. Again Vow never to go with me anymore.
For malaysia, better still, I always do day trip, imagine this, wake 6am in the morning, arrive KL by 11.30 strave her till lunch with customer, drag and drag till 2pm then go for lunch, eat at a super hot coffe shop then rush back to sg, get yourself stuck in traffic jam at the causeway back to sg. So time yourself on return trip. Tell her will only stay overnight if necessary cos got work in sg to clear. But work time no play time.
Of course the client don't have to be a client, it can be your friend.
Slowly stretch from 2 day to 3 day to 4 day max. Never go beyond that but once awhile she will pop the question that she wants to tag along at the very last minute and never turn her down so never confirm with girlfriend until you are in the airport. Not a good idea to goto retreats like Bali or Phuket, better to stick to capital city. Use only cash and avoid credit card. Unless its business class hotel.
Remember to attent local exhibition to collect brochure of foreign company of the country you intent to visit, then write a brief business development report on it, leave on the writting desk at home for her to sees it also after a few trip to the same country, remember to write a feasibility report for her eyes only. But must promise her that once a while to bring her there if there is further future business development. Will not happen overnight but need time to do that. Always remember while you are having fun, try to attent local exhibition hosted there too collect business card and brochure..... at least something to show for then also discuss the business possibility with your hinting its an unofficial visit you are making but if can claim a bit of allownace is still better then nothing. Don't only work your small brain , big brain must work too la.
Can PM me your trade then maybe can give you better strategy.
28-04-2007, 06:36 PM
I am always using this strategy,
I have got customers in Batam, so after a few visits, my wife requested to come along because of what the newspaper were saying, actually I am there for serious business and never stay overnight unless its necessary.
Got a bit piss by my wife request so on the next trip, I told my driver to bring us to eatery at the worst hygiene one can imagine, goto toilet without flushing system, tell my customer to make me wake as long as possible to start the meeting and rush like mad to return to sg via the last ferry. After that she vow never to travel to Batam with me.
I don't need to give reason to my business trip I repeat the same for thailand , Jarakata, Vietnam and all parts of malaysia untill she realised that I only go there for work no for fun:D . Stay in 2 star or 3 star hotel , tell her peak season so cannot get better hotel.
The other time, was in Hanoi for 2day 2 night, arrive Hanoi at 11pm, check into a USD10 budget hotel, makan by the road side then sleep already, In the room , we can even hear my neighbour snooring. Then next morning, wake her up at 6.30 cos supplier pick me up at 7.30am so told them to eat local is good but she was complaining cos the stool is low , is like squating by the roadside while we eat. Then see customer, rush , wait, rush wait, rush wait till dinner and the dinner session is bloody long, told is very inpolite not to eat the food that was ordered. Dinner lasted till 10pm , went back to hotel, and she was all shack out and I manage to sneak out to meet my GF for 1 hour then rush back to hotel. Wife ask me why so early and the truth is Joint in Hanoi close at 12midnite. So complain complain until we touch down sg the next day. Again Vow never to go with me anymore.
For malaysia, better still, I always do day trip, imagine this, wake 6am in the morning, arrive KL by 11.30 strave her till lunch with customer, drag and drag till 2pm then go for lunch, eat at a super hot coffe shop then rush back to sg, get yourself stuck in traffic jam at the causeway back to sg. So time yourself on return trip. Tell her will only stay overnight if necessary cos got work in sg to clear. But work time no play time.
Of course the client don't have to be a client, it can be your friend.
Slowly stretch from 2 day to 3 day to 4 day max. Never go beyond that but once awhile she will pop the question that she wants to tag along at the very last minute and never turn her down so never confirm with girlfriend until you are in the airport. Not a good idea to goto retreats like Bali or Phuket, better to stick to capital city. Use only cash and avoid credit card. Unless its business class hotel.
Remember to attent local exhibition to collect brochure of foreign company of the country you intent to visit, then write a brief business development report on it, leave on the writting desk at home for her to sees it also after a few trip to the same country, remember to write a feasibility report for her eyes only. But must promise her that once a while to bring her there if there is further future business development. Will not happen overnight but need time to do that. Always remember while you are having fun, try to attent local exhibition hosted there too collect business card and brochure..... at least something to show for then also discuss the business possibility with your hinting its an unofficial visit you are making but if can claim a bit of allownace is still better then nothing. Don't only work your small brain , big brain must work too la.
Can PM me your trade then maybe can give you better strategy.
bro... u have got PM... heh
waiting for your great ideas....
28-04-2007, 11:54 PM
I am always using this strategy,
wow... years of exp come out wan...
careful later the girls come to know this strategy
29-04-2007, 02:32 AM
Honesty is de best policy...juz tell ur wife tat u need some space by urself to de stress from workin in a rat race environment eg. goin overseas on short trips...remember girlfrienz/affairs can alwayz come and go but wife/family usually are de ones tat care you most :D
29-04-2007, 10:02 AM
Got ......... Go for regional job lor ......... 3/4 of your times would be outstation ......... :D
Cheers !!!
Used to travel about 50% of my time, totally safe proof method.
30-04-2007, 01:50 AM
I am always using this strategy,
Can PM me your trade then maybe can give you better strategy.
Why do u bother to get married in the first place? Why torture yourself?
30-04-2007, 06:03 AM
Y your gf can travel to these 2 countries only??? :confused:
His gf confirm these 2 place for visa extend.....:D
30-04-2007, 06:45 AM
Pls give me some good advices... Thank u!!!
"Advice" is a non countable noun, you do not add an "s" to make it plural.
"Advice" is like "Rice". You say... "Please pass me the rice." You don't say "Please pass me the rices" because "rice", like "advice", is a non countable noun.
There are many other examples. To test your knowledge of non countable nouns, go to and take the test.
30-04-2007, 07:00 AM
Can PM me your trade then maybe can give you better strategy.
I can give you a much better strategy... why don't you just remain faithful to your wife and cut out all this ridiculous hanky panky.:mad: If you enjoy mucking around with whores, I don't understand why you bothered to get married in the first place.
How would you like it if the roles were reversed and your wife was the one fooling around behind your back. :eek:
02-05-2007, 12:45 PM
"Advice" is a non countable noun, you do not add an "s" to make it plural.
"Advice" is like "Rice". You say... "Please pass me the rice." You don't say "Please pass me the rices" because "rice", like "advice", is a non countable noun.
There are many other examples. To test your knowledge of non countable nouns, go to and take the test.
always catching the same mistake from all bros....
r u gg thru every thread to check for mistake?
y dun u look out for grammer mistakes too.
03-05-2007, 03:01 PM
Nowadays reservist got letter meh? mostly notification by sms or email. anyway letters very easy to duplicate as only A4 white paper with no logo on it. can easily type yourself. Just said going to BCTC lah, short period of 2D1N.
Or take up fishing lah, especially those that travel out on sampan or motor lanuch and fish overnight type. Can invite her on your first trip, one time caofirm she dont follow again as the boats had little shelter from the elements and dont have toilet facilities. Had to pee and shit overboard. hehe...:D Just remenber to get some fishes back after your "fishing trip" :rolleyes:
03-05-2007, 03:03 PM
why not ask some of the brother here in SBF to meet up with your gf on your behalf instead and give you a fr after that? Or some brother here to take your wife out of town with FR later. Just joking.
05-05-2007, 08:15 PM
why not ask some of the brother here in SBF to meet up with your gf on your behalf instead and give you a fr after that? Or some brother here to take your wife out of town with FR later. Just joking.
not funny...
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