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Old 04-01-2013, 06:12 PM
omnia omnia is offline
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Wink The Warped Twisted World Of The GreenLantern.....II


2) Act like a coward who hides behind clones

- Ditto 1) abv...

- U appear to hv deliberately stopped posting under yr nick Alejandro88 becuz u r so scared n frightened of being zapped to moderation under this is so obvious tat u r using yr nick The Green Lantern to create havoc in the same manner as yr banned nick Royal.Chimp becuz TGL is already in moderation...n even if TGL is banned, gg by yr juvenile sbf modus operandi, u shall prolly create another nick to continue to cause havoc(u prolly already hv other clones lurking ard!)..hence u r indeed the true coward in here...

3) Act like an immature kiddo who tried in vain to court a GL150mm...

- so sorry that u kena pluck by the retired Fei Er(1654A) dont need to dish out yr 'advice' to others ok...

4) Loves to boast about his GL150 knowledge

- u never fail to boast abt yr so called GL150 knowledge...however u forget self praise is no praise at all...strangely i hv rarely seen u post(if ever) a full detailed fr on any Gl150 mm apart fm the one tat u did on the retired m'sian mm Small Yoko...

- u also luv to boast that what u say abt the mms is true n accurate n viciously attack others who hv experienced otherwise wifout any proper foundation r basis...totally unjustified on yr part n shows yr lack of experience n understanding of human nature...or to quote a true blue WL player, Warbird, "The Roshomon Effect" which clearly u hv no clue wat it is all about...

5) Lumbar No. 1 kiddo

- Ditto 1) abv...

- u appear to luv to play the self appointed sbf in-house 'psychiatrist', however it appears tat u r a quack, as u fail to diagnose yr own psychopath/sociopath tendencies which r clearly evident fm yr own collective posts... egs. 'shouting' n spewing obscenities, spamming at times; "challenging " others to meet for a fight etc...

- u go into a tantrum every now n then, whenever u cant get yr own way, then vow never to contribute to sbf again, only to do a u-turn becuz u get all itchy n cannot stay away fm posting afterall...

- u like to potray yr clones as individual samsters when it is as clear as daylight tat all 3 nicks r controlled by you, the same person...even more boh liao u hv the cheek to tk yr own clone...

- u like to assert tat others hv "lost"(??) agst u...

- u appear to envy others wealth n status, highlighting sports cars, luxury cars etc...

6) Samster who has no life outside SBF

- Ditto 1) abv...

- u appear to enjoy revealing the apparent true identity of other samsters in sbf...this trait of yrs is particularly sinister n despicable...

7) Vengeful Samster

- Ditto 1) abv...

- u appear to like to talks abt "gunning" n inflicting defeat" n "injury" on others...if this is not a "vengeful" tendency, i dont know wat is...