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Old 27-09-2009, 04:50 PM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Originally Posted by SingViet View Post
No matter what, no use thinking so much. Some gals will change after some time while majoirty will not. It depends on your luck and how you try to change your viet spouse and let her understand you more.
You've summed it up pretty well. You're made it pretty obvious that most Singapore men are dimwitted eunuchs who allow their foreign wives to call all the shots.

How some foreign peasant girls can outsmart educated SG men is beyond me. It boggles the mind.
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Old 27-09-2009, 05:41 PM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
how some foreign peasant girls can outsmart educated sg men is beyond me. It boggles the mind.

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Old 28-09-2009, 07:12 PM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Wow the topic was full of spices and certainly hot...scary to hear so many negatives about vn gals... All that being said...I seen both side of the coins...yes, heard and seen vn gals being victims to foreigner these cases the vn gals were duped of sex, money and all the my point is when you love any vn gal then you must do your due diligence...dun be too trusting and never let them run your finances...just give her a sum monthly just enough for the household two cents worth...
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Old 28-09-2009, 08:37 PM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
Wow the topic was full of spices and certainly hot...scary to hear so many negatives about vn gals...
IMHO it is more scary to hear about negatives of SG gals....
Anh Ten Tran Chan.
Old 28-09-2009, 10:33 PM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
Wow the topic was full of spices and certainly hot...scary to hear so many negatives about vn gals... All that being said...I seen both side of the coins...yes, heard and seen vn gals being victims to foreigner these cases the vn gals were duped of sex, money and all the my point is when you love any vn gal then you must do your due diligence...dun be too trusting and never let them run your finances...just give her a sum monthly just enough for the household two cents worth...

Yeah, what bro KL has said was certainly news to me since i do not reside in HCMC and does not know that there are so many stunt-women there!

I certainly agree that there are always both sides of the coins to all views and arguments.. But what is mentioned by bro KL is something I think that i have never heard b4!! Well, of course you have the usual boyfriend in VN and boyfriend in SG but what bro KL has related is something that is on another level altogether!!

At the end of the day, what matters most is the one gal that is beside you and, she, you must be in control and be alert at all times. It may take time but with persistence, you will be in control!!
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Old 28-09-2009, 10:38 PM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Originally Posted by casannova03 View Post
Yeah, what bro KL has said was certainly news to me since i do not reside in HCMC and does not know that there are so many stunt-women there!

I certainly agree that there are always both sides of the coins to all views and arguments.. But what is mentioned by bro KL is something I think that i have never heard b4!! Well, of course you have the usual boyfriend in VN and boyfriend in SG but what bro KL has related is something that is on another level altogether!!

At the end of the day, what matters most is the one gal that is beside you and, she, you must be in control and be alert at all times. It may take time but with persistence, you will be in control!!
all i can say is that the freaking PAP rule make singapore man damn weak and dumb.....
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Old 28-09-2009, 11:30 PM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

By saying Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner,is being easier to mention than really look at those ladies and understand them with normal mindset.

1, all kinds of stories, real tales about them have made them being sterotype in the way they sure betray their foreign partner as long they r being left alone in vietland. ?

2. in viet, once they control ur monies, u r 'game over'? singland, they have minimum chances to do anything hurting their partner here?becos being watched by jealous hubby closely daily.

Can we say those cuties married with some uncompatible partners who the latter might capable of using fists on foreigner wife here, one of these cuties betray their hubby, all the other are the same?becos they r vietnamese gals ma?

Other tales liked Viet gals get sold to brothel,kanna sandbag by malaysia hubby,being cheated n use body to earn livings to support young gigolo both in singland n malayland becos they r vietgal...they deserve it?

All these happened to thai partners, china partners or even others...not only viet gals capable of those 'crime mentioned'

1970s malaysia gals rushed in singland to work in health centre are all 'good gals' becos they r not thai, PRC, viet?

Agree? earliest in 1990 times,we do heard even more terrible things done by PRC wife.

By saying understanding them is to understand them well and live happily till both aging...not by having negative views then say understanding ur partner.

Sorry if my views are offensive to some bros.All human r to be understand equally n not based on where they r from with negative stories to sterotype them.
Old 29-09-2009, 06:12 AM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

No matter if they are viet, thais, PRC or any other nationality, there will be good and bad ones. This thread serves as an information hub for bros with vietnamese spouse to share their views and experiences with other bros. In no way are we discriminating against the viets. By listing down some of the negative examples seen, it serves as a warning to bros to be careful but at the same time, it will make bros to love and treasure their viet spouses more if they are good.
Old 29-09-2009, 01:02 PM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Chao anh! U are always early to post. Yeah, good points of viet gal we already know. Here serves a warning to ppl as what pattern they can come out with and u can "counteract" them, or at least have knowledge of their doings... WE have no means of degrading them, thats for sure. Chung Toi thich gai viet nam!!!
Originally Posted by SingViet View Post
it serves as a warning to bros to be careful but at the same time, it will make bros to love and treasure their viet spouses more if they are good.
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Old 29-09-2009, 02:27 PM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Originally Posted by serioussillyguy View Post

Sorry if my views are offensive to some bros.All human r to be understand equally n not based on where they r from with negative stories to stereotype them.
Yes, this is the keyword...stereotype...Vn gals had been stereotyped in this topic...

I met a young gal in one of my trip...she told me she is a doctor...visiting her sister's family in Sin...her brother in-law is Indian...this gal looks good and speaks English pretty our short conversation she told me quite alot of Vn ger culture which is totally extinct in Sin gal culture...I was impressed by her views and outspoken with aura of confidence...

I asked her how much she earns as a doctor working in government hospital and she sheepishly told me that not alot but enough to year she will open her own clinic and life will be better...

Moral of your eyes...dun just try to find easy targets...there are many good ones...of course it takes time and you need to travel to meet her...but if she turned out to be a virtuous spouse then I think it's worth it...
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Old 29-09-2009, 11:45 PM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
I met a young gal in one of my trip...this gal looks good and speaks English pretty well...I was impressed by her views and outspoken with aura of confidence
Hi Bro, is she still available?
Master Jack, mai tu liao
Old 30-09-2009, 12:50 AM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

U also mai tu liao, so free at home to chak me ha??? How's your learning progress?
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Master Jack, mai tu liao
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Old 30-09-2009, 09:36 AM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Originally Posted by vagrant View Post
Hi Bro, is she still available?
Master Jack, mai tu liao
hahaha...I dun know if the doc who specialise in Neurology and Head Trauma is still available...I shall try to jio her for coffee and find thing is she dun mind to make frens with Sin man and the mention of finding a sin man as bf put a big smile on her face...
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Old 30-09-2009, 09:54 AM
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Old 30-09-2009, 11:53 AM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Originally Posted by jackbl View Post
Chao anh! U are always early to post. Yeah, good points of viet gal we already know. Here serves a warning to ppl as what pattern they can come out with and u can "counteract" them, or at least have knowledge of their doings... WE have no means of degrading them, thats for sure. Chung Toi thich gai viet nam!!!

I would take it you mean "Chung ta thich gai vietnam" than "Chung toi thich gai vietnam". hehhe..learnt from tu dien toc dai. no offence

chung ta = we including the speaker

chung toi = we excluding speaker
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