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Old 07-08-2013, 10:57 AM
drbeejay drbeejay is offline
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Re: Omnia writes FAKE FR!!!!

Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern View Post
There too many fake FR lying around! Be observant if do not want to waste your hard earned money lah brother!

Beware of samsters like Omnia, Keewee, Haizdie, etc. All their fr are questionable!!!!! Some of the clowns said Coffee are vgd in her service but came up to be fucking lousy! Even snr samster Kiko said she is below par! Kiko cannot be lying as he is a respectable snr samster here!!!

Moral of the lesson is dun trust the blardy samster just bcos he has high rep pts, power or he has been writing many fr for a long time! Just look at the moronic clown Omnia's fr, all the content of the sex actions were more or less similar!! Only the WL name, shop number and body stats are different! I think he simply cut and paste his previous FR as he is a specialist in cutting and paste past posts!!! Wahahaha!!! Isn't that a joke, brother?

All newbies, better read my posts fast as some idiotic clowns are gonna ask the sammyboyfor to erase my posts to cover up evdience as this Clown, Omnia is very guilty!!!
Can't say for others but Omnia is definitely a genuine fr writer and samster. He has helped me a lot especially when I first started out cat150 not knowing the procedures. So far I also find his descriptions to be very reasonable.
Still into PRCs afterall...
Old 07-08-2013, 04:36 PM
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Wink Coffee(1617) + Frs/Comments + The Human Nature Variables Factor

Hi there,

Sorry to hear abt yr bad session wif this Coffee bro...was she one of the mms that I previously recommended to you via yr pm requests yo me?...

Anyways u need not apologise for any fr/comment on any it good, bad or otherwise...provided it is written in good faith...

Back to Coffee...surprised by what u described becuz if u trawl back to the previous frs/comments on this Coffee...I dont think u wld find such negative stuff(I stand corrected)...moreover 1617 n 'sister' house 2047 now appear to be known as v much service oriented houses...

Then again you can never tell wif these mms...Nakamitchi has raised the possibility of her being in ROD mood...there could be other possibilities as well??...that is why I always say keep in mind my std caveat*...we are dealing wif human beings afterall, not robots...better luck next time bro...

*#Standard caveat applies.... Think it is impt for pple reading FRs/recommendations to always try n bear in mind tat based on human nature variables factor the experience each punter gets fm the mm shall prolly/possibly not be the same...heck even the same punter may not get a similar experience on rtf...the mm is human afterall, wif feelings, emotions, mood swings, prejudice/bias, health issues etc - this is the collective human nature variables factor tat i am talking abt, a fundamental std caveat whenever one reads an FR./recommendation

Originally Posted by kiko View Post
Today after work feeling horny wanted to go and try legal house gals.

1st choice , Feng Huang not in.. no choice remember a senior bro recommend me coffee.. I went to L18 H 05, OKT ask her for me..

Later on I told her I am recommended by a bro , then next i try to kiss her, she avoid.. I remember somw where in forum say she is kissable.. Then she told me her service is no good, wah nvr did i expected it to be the true..

Next she brought me to bath, no action in bath , eg: breast massage from back to front missing , then it seems to be a bit rush .. Then I wanted to hug her , also she seem not willing .. Then she told me , wanted to hj me, i say ok, later on she put on the cap , ask me go on top.. within 10 mins , all out ,, I try to kiss again her , again she avoid me, The next thing i was bath alone..

I really disappointed with todays session , really can't match other Ang Pai like Meibao , Jia Le and Jia Bao, Jia Zhen .

Those bros who are regulars to Coffee, I am really very sorry to write this, as I need to share my fustration with fellow bros here.

All Regulars of coffee .. sorry
Old 07-08-2013, 04:41 PM
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Wink The Warped Twisted World Of Alejandro88.......

Originally Posted by drbeejay View Post
Can't say for others but Omnia is definitely a genuine fr writer and samster. He has helped me a lot especially when I first started out cat150 not knowing the procedures. So far I also find his descriptions to be very reasonable.
I thank you buddy

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++

As for Alejandro88 (Hiding) aka The GreenLantern (Moderation) aka Royal_Chimp (Banned) aka King_Cobra (Moderation) aka ??? , he never fails to amuse me wif his biased warped irrational ludicrous logic & childish jealous frustrated behaviour (guess the colour green really suits him!!)...

1...He once again demonstrates deranged obsession wrt reputation points & power!

2...He once again demonstrates deranged obsession wrt my frs...btw hope at least He now knows the difference between the 'chair sex position manoeuvres' & the actual physical chair used for sex (also commonly known in GL as the dentist/dental chair)!!

3...He once again has shot himself in the foot wif contradictory statements!!...becuz on one hand he claims I am a 'specialist in cutting and paste posts' but then on the otherhand he claims I am "very guilty" and going to get Sammyboyfor to 'erase evidence'!!...

Cant hv it both ways Alejandro88!!!...Like I told him along time ago, I am totally agst any scrubbing becuz his clones' digital records in particular are or should I say were pure gold dust...I was most displeased when all 3 of his 'known' clones I.e. The GreenLantern, King_Cobra n Royal_Chimp, posts were previously scrubbed...thank goodness at least Alejandro88's digital posts remain, ironically becuz he has gone into Hiding!!

Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern View Post

Moral of the lesson is dun trust the blardy samster just bcos he has high rep pts, power or he has been writing many fr for a long time! Just look at the moronic clown Omnia's fr, all the content of the sex actions were more or less similar!! Only the WL name, shop number and body stats are different! I think he simply cut and paste his previous FR as he is a specialist in cutting and paste past posts!!! Wahahaha!!! Isn't that a joke, brother?

All newbies, better read my posts fast as some idiotic clowns are gonna ask the sammyboyfor to erase my posts to cover up evdience as this Clown, Omnia is very guilty!!!
Old 08-08-2013, 03:43 AM
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You have got to be kidding me...

Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern View Post
Clones spotted!

BronzeGOD -> Cherrychocolate -> hogaogang

Omnia -> drbeejay

Haizdie -> Bojiolah

Buay -> Besafe

Keewee -> too many clones at large!!!!
You have got to be seriously joking.

I'll have you know that:

1) I don't use clones.

2) Hogaogang is definitely not me

3) If I had clones, I would have utilised them a long long time ago. But I think everyone can clearly see by now that I'm just one small fry samster with no gang of clones or whatever behind me, unlike some others.

4) You mistakenly accused me of being Alejandroahbu or something in a previous post below. That again is obviously NOT true, and I think you realised as much.

5) your clone spotting skills are really "off". About three days ago, one of your previous "enemies" or whatever accidentally forgot to sign out of his clone account when replying his "master" in the thread for flaming. Spotted it?

6) I applaud your attempts to spot clones. I do try to spot them as well. But unfortunately, you are way way off again this time.

7) The brothers that you listed do not use clones. Your accusation that Omnia is Dr Beejay is so ridiculous. Seriously, that's a wild stab in the dark. There's simply no reason whatsoever for Omnia or the brothers that you listed to use these clones that you speak of. That's just plain silly.
Old 08-08-2013, 03:56 AM
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Re: You have got to be kidding me...

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
You have got to be seriously joking.

I'll have you know that:

1) I don't use clones.

2) Hogaogang is definitely not me

3) If I had clones, I would have utilised them a long long time ago. But I think everyone can clearly see by now that I'm just one small fry samster with no gang of clones or whatever behind me, unlike some others.

4) You mistakenly accused me of being Alejandroahbu or something in a previous post below. That again is obviously NOT true, and I think you realised as much.

5) your clone spotting skills are really "off". About three days ago, one of your previous "enemies" or whatever accidentally forgot to sign out of his clone account when replying his "master" in the thread for flaming. Spotted it?

6) I applaud your attempts to spot clones. I do try to spot them as well. But unfortunately, you are way way off again this time.

7) The brothers that you listed do not use clones. Your accusation that Omnia is Dr Beejay is so ridiculous. Seriously, that's a wild stab in the dark. There's simply no reason whatsoever for Omnia or the brothers that you listed to use these clones that you speak of. That's just plain silly.
Fuck you la BronzeDOG. You are nothing but a mother fucker. Go take a look why others make fun of you here at SBF. Aren't you even fucking ashamed of yourself. Even in cyberspace, you are a fucking loser.
If you want to screw another man's wife, take a look at the consequences!
Old 08-08-2013, 03:58 AM
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Re: You have got to be kidding me...

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
You have got to be seriously joking.

I'll have you know that:

1) I don't use clones.

2) Hogaogang is definitely not me

3) If I had clones, I would have utilised them a long long time ago. But I think everyone can clearly see by now that I'm just one small fry samster with no gang of clones or whatever behind me, unlike some others.

4) You mistakenly accused me of being Alejandroahbu or something in a previous post below. That again is obviously NOT true, and I think you realised as much.

5) your clone spotting skills are really "off". About three days ago, one of your previous "enemies" or whatever accidentally forgot to sign out of his clone account when replying his "master" in the thread for flaming. Spotted it?

6) I applaud your attempts to spot clones. I do try to spot them as well. But unfortunately, you are way way off again this time.

7) The brothers that you listed do not use clones. Your accusation that Omnia is Dr Beejay is so ridiculous. Seriously, that's a wild stab in the dark. There's simply no reason whatsoever for Omnia or the brothers that you listed to use these clones that you speak of. That's just plain silly.
You claim about spotting clones on one hand and on the other, you are a fucking idiot in insuiating fucking bullshit about point 5. Fuck you la. You don't even know why people are fucking you. You are a damn pathetic person.
If you want to screw another man's wife, take a look at the consequences!
Old 08-08-2013, 03:49 PM
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Exclamation Coffee(1617)

Thought I wld post Enigma's reply on this issue in here as well for tks to you bro...

Originally Posted by enigma View Post
Bro, yesterday she had a situation. Was struck by acute stomach ache till almost faint in the late afternoon. So almost collapse after that. Hence the poor service. Yes she should have rested. I just want you to be aware of the situation. Coffee is after all a very nice gal.
Originally Posted by kiko View Post
Today after work feeling horny wanted to go and try legal house gals.

1st choice , Feng Huang not in.. no choice remember a senior bro recommend me coffee.. I went to L18 H 05, OKT ask her for me..

Later on I told her I am recommended by a bro , then next i try to kiss her, she avoid.. I remember somw where in forum say she is kissable.. Then she told me her service is no good, wah nvr did i expected it to be the true..

Next she brought me to bath, no action in bath , eg: breast massage from back to front missing , then it seems to be a bit rush .. Then I wanted to hug her , also she seem not willing .. Then she told me , wanted to hj me, i say ok, later on she put on the cap , ask me go on top.. within 10 mins , all out ,, I try to kiss again her , again she avoid me, The next thing i was bath alone..

I really disappointed with todays session , really can't match other Ang Pai like Meibao , Jia Le and Jia Bao, Jia Zhen .

Those bros who are regulars to Coffee, I am really very sorry to write this, as I need to share my fustration with fellow bros here.

All Regulars of coffee .. sorry
Old 08-08-2013, 04:59 PM
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Thumbs up Tian Tian (1805)

Tian Tian(1805)...22 yr old mm fm demure easy on the eyes looker wif china doll hairstyle, small eyes, nice kissable lips!...160+cm ht, slim shapely sexy legs...fresh slim lean bod, lovely looking back...flat A cup boobs wif brownish inverted tits...flatish ass, pussy quite well trimmed no smell...has previous skin trade experience in Zhuhai...

Overall sex svc vgd n gfe vgd as well...friendly mm, abit quiet but willing to please!....passionate sensuous frenching...

Full pkge svcs both in shower n bed..more towards commando style...vgd bod n pussy feel...shiok thorough nice titilating lick style...bbbj vgd suction full deepthroat, damn bloody shiok!...really enjoyed bbbj me standing she kneeling on the bed, full deepthroat n suction, accentuated by side mirror effect, literally felt like i was fucking her mouth!...even though she is flat on top enjoyed getting her inverted tits erect n swollen, nice moans, hands caressed me hair n face!...tonguefu damn shiok response fm her, gd moans, squirmed abt, got wet, gripped me hands....

FJ vgd...quite tight pussy, naturally lets herself go, responsive, accommodative, nice moans, hands all over each others bods, passionate sensuous enjoyed: standing doggie wif her in her heels, leaning agst the side mirror, great back bod n ass feel, turned her head ard to french while pumping; doggie wif her lovely back arched, hand reached back to grip me hand on her ass while i pumped; foldable chair(*reminder to the Green Dummy, this is a sex position manoeuvre & NOT an actual physical chair!!) wif her ass on the edge of the bed, lovely legs wrapped ard me ass, pumped hard, her eyes rolling, chest n face flushed; asian cowgal n cowgal pump n grind she really worked it! coital- soothing massage...

Overall had an enjoyable time wif this Tian Tian...vgd sex feel...has gem potential but first needs to stop spitting loudly when doing catbath n bbbj!

#Standard caveat applies.... Think it is impt for pple reading FRs/recommendations to always try n bear in mind tat based on human nature variables factor the experience each punter gets fm the mm shall prolly/possibly not be the same...heck even the same punter may not get a similar experience on rtf...the mm is human afterall, wif feelings, emotions, mood swings, prejudice/bias, health issues etc - this is the collective human nature variables factor tat i am talking abt, a fundamental std caveat whenever one reads an FR./recommendation
Old 08-08-2013, 06:21 PM
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Re: Tian Tian (1805)

Bro, your steamy FR on this commando babe is making me Stand Up for Singapore...

Think I have to head down to have a dose of her sweetness again soon...

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
Tian Tian(1805)...22 yr old mm fm demure easy on the eyes looker wif china doll hairstyle, small eyes, nice kissable lips!...160+cm ht, slim shapely sexy legs...fresh slim lean bod, lovely looking back...flat A cup boobs wif brownish inverted tits...flatish ass, pussy quite well trimmed no smell...has previous skin trade experience in Zhuhai...

Overall sex svc vgd n gfe vgd as well...friendly mm, abit quiet but willing to please!....passionate sensuous frenching...

Full pkge svcs both in shower n bed..more towards commando style...vgd bod n pussy feel...shiok thorough nice titilating lick style...bbbj vgd suction full deepthroat, damn bloody shiok!...really enjoyed bbbj me standing she kneeling on the bed, full deepthroat n suction, accentuated by side mirror effect, literally felt like i was fucking her mouth!...even though she is flat on top enjoyed getting her inverted tits erect n swollen, nice moans, hands caressed me hair n face!...tonguefu damn shiok response fm her, gd moans, squirmed abt, got wet, gripped me hands....

FJ vgd...quite tight pussy, naturally lets herself go, responsive, accommodative, nice moans, hands all over each others bods, passionate sensuous enjoyed: standing doggie wif her in her heels, leaning agst the side mirror, great back bod n ass feel, turned her head ard to french while pumping; doggie wif her lovely back arched, hand reached back to grip me hand on her ass while i pumped; foldable chair(*reminder to the Green Dummy, this is a sex position manoeuvre & NOT an actual physical chair!!) wif her ass on the edge of the bed, lovely legs wrapped ard me ass, pumped hard, her eyes rolling, chest n face flushed; asian cowgal n cowgal pump n grind she really worked it! coital- soothing massage...

Overall had an enjoyable time wif this Tian Tian...vgd sex feel...has gem potential but first needs to stop spitting loudly when doing catbath n bbbj!

#Standard caveat applies.... Think it is impt for pple reading FRs/recommendations to always try n bear in mind tat based on human nature variables factor the experience each punter gets fm the mm shall prolly/possibly not be the same...heck even the same punter may not get a similar experience on rtf...the mm is human afterall, wif feelings, emotions, mood swings, prejudice/bias, health issues etc - this is the collective human nature variables factor tat i am talking abt, a fundamental std caveat whenever one reads an FR./recommendation
Old 09-08-2013, 11:21 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Today , wishing all bros A happy National Day ...
Next target :4000 points

Enjoy and be happy!
Old 09-08-2013, 03:08 PM
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Hi bros, I am on an overseas assignment but read SBF often so that I could be kept up-to-date and prepare for the bonking when I come back on home trips. I really like the FRs and posts.

I am saddened that there are so much wars of words in many threads. I have no idea on the rivalry. May I humbly request that we go back to basics : providing good info and feedback on wls?

Peace! Thank you very much!
Old 09-08-2013, 03:12 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern View Post
Thanks for speaking up! U are another brave one to tell the truth!! Good job brother and u have my respect!

Omnia the coward write fake FR!!!!!

All newbies, better read this post quickly b4 this moron Omnia get Sammyboyfor to erase my message in order to cover up his dirty laundry!!!!
Thank to all senior bro to write a wonderful story and share to all , sometimes we are newbies really not sure are all post are true or fake, as I know GL WL standard been drop, some WL are really good services but without nice look or the house are fucking old and some are Ang Pai but the services are really bad if compare other Cat 150. What we hope are all the senior provide more post information about WL bad services to push up the WL standard services .
Instead of let WL earning our money without provide good services.
Old 10-08-2013, 01:38 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

I can only tell the bros a few tips. Prolly more towards newcomer.

1) Do not rely on other people's FR.
2) Go fuck the wls and u will know who is writing legit stuff.
3) After u fuck them. Write FR at ur own risk.
4) If u r going after fame, go and take part in talent show instead.
5) Lastly, 戏场无真情,只可喷液晶。

If ur chinese is bad. It just means, no true love in playground, just can shoot semen.

45 min of ahhua
Old 10-08-2013, 01:57 AM
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who is the real hypocrite among the hypocrites?

Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern View Post
No need to por sian the motherfucker moronic clown lah!! He is just another hypocrite and he would not help u! Btw, u are also another hypocrite!
thanks for your "concern".

actually, I'm fully aware of the character, or lack thereof, among various samsters.

talking about hypocrites, some people are really breathing down your neck and might take the crown of number 1 hypocrite from you soon man, with their recent behaviour.

oh, and talking about "por sian", funny thing is, those "senior bros" you been "por sianing" both openly and also behind the scenes, also won't be helping you.

hope you're not silly enough to think that they'll be your "friends" if you took their side in certain things.

they'll chuck you right back where they found you once they have achieved their purpose, and have no use for you dude.

you should know that well enough by now
Old 10-08-2013, 11:20 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Originally Posted by sams11 View Post
Hi bros, I am on an overseas assignment but read SBF often so that I could be kept up-to-date and prepare for the bonking when I come back on home trips. I really like the FRs and posts.

I am saddened that there are so much wars of words in many threads. I have no idea on the rivalry. May I humbly request that we go back to basics : providing good info and feedback on wls?

Peace! Thank you very much!
Originally Posted by Jai151 View Post
Thank to all senior bro to write a wonderful story and share to all , sometimes we are newbies really not sure are all post are true or fake, as I know GL WL standard been drop, some WL are really good services but without nice look or the house are fucking old and some are Ang Pai but the services are really bad if compare other Cat 150. What we hope are all the senior provide more post information about WL bad services to push up the WL standard services .
Instead of let WL earning our money without provide good services.
Originally Posted by ahhua1983 View Post
I can only tell the bros a few tips. Prolly more towards newcomer.

1) Do not rely on other people's FR.
2) Go fuck the wls and u will know who is writing legit stuff.
3) After u fuck them. Write FR at ur own risk.
4) If u r going after fame, go and take part in talent show instead.
5) Lastly, 戏场无真情,只可喷液晶。

If ur chinese is bad. It just means, no true love in playground, just can shoot semen.

Bros...if u r regular enough, even if its once a month, try stick to 1 house with a okt u can depend on to give u reccomendations
FR is only a chance, not a guarantee
The more FRs the better to get a more accurate picture
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