Re: Events In CP
there are also 少数民族 at your favorite ktv what.
like the one i picked in the previous trip when you met xiao xuan, and she claimed that she is good at flute player! too bad that until today still don't have time to try her, still in my queue list... Quote:
yes, we are talking about the girl who sat with me during my birrday. on previous trip to oy, i was late and by the time i entered into the ktv room, surprisingly i saw her inside the room, she was picked by taikor 3m. she was the one who fell from staircase last weekend during the raid, you want so sponsor for her medical fee or not?
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ---- The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. |
Re: Events In CP
Of coz I know she was sitting with u during ur March BD party....well ....until she took cover in the other room.....
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯. |
Re: Events In CP
don't believe this kind of info too much, unless you personally hear from china top authority.
there are tons of this kind of news and rumors, recent ones are like HH girl beaten till dead by chicken head, girl jump down from SP hotel, YH dj died at the park, customer died in NC because of fighting, and etc... except the footie girl incident, the rest are unproven, in short, all just “rumors”. and there are always this kind of news every month since i was in cp in year 2004. if the crackdown is because of this small piece of news, cp has gone years ago.
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ---- The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. |
Re: Events In CP
CP Crackdown
The girl should work on temporary tags (although maintenance fee is higher) in a few KTVs first before deciding on which KTV is more suitable for her to work full time. Quote:
Just cooperate with Gong An and make a phone call for help! |
Re: CP Crackdown
Call who ? You ?
当年的老爷 现在 快乐的自己 |
Re: Events In CP
This gals can 3P ?
当年的老爷 现在 快乐的自己 |
Re: Events In CP
dun knoe leh.....maybe 3dee can 3P with her.....
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯. |
Re: Events In CP
dee, all arranged liao hor.... |
Re: Events In CP
This is quite a forum! Kudos!
Actually, I had signed on here quite a while back but had found it quite a slog to participate, as I just couldn’t understand what all is actually being said…. I just don’t understand Singlish! Of late I’ve learned that not only is this forum a lively and informative source of the latest news, but that such info/news do not only cover Singapore/have a great coverage of other parts of the world. . This being so, I’m wondering if a glossary of the more popular Singlish in use on here would not only be useful to non-Singlish speakers, but that it may very well be what could attract more participation from us overseas. Perhaps even have a separate thread just for Singlish definitions? Like that thread of abbreviations? Bro FeiGohGoh has been very gracious and provided a few translations whilst pointing me out to a couple web sites which fully explains Singlish terms http://www.singlishdictionary.com/ http://www.angelfire.com/planet/lemo..._influence.htm But for the sake of others who are also not conversant with Singlish – and for me to refer back to quickly - I hope that nobody minds if I provide a few definitions I’ve figured out from using FeiGohGoh’s dictionary (or at least TRY!). I see these words being used uniquely and quite often on SBF; I would of course also appreciate it if you would correct wrong definitions I had written out (for sure I’ve translated a few wrongly!) as well as fill in the blanks!! (bolded) Thanks before hand! First FeiGohGoh’s list cheong : to play ( sexually ) haolian : arrogant, cocky kena : happened to, affected by siam : 閃, to disappear, avoid liao : 了, exclamation..no real meaning makan : to eat, food meh : 咩 (Baa Baa sound of sheep – of little consequence) wah lao : OMG, wow, damn ////////////////// Other words I see being used here: Ah-lain - a woman perceived to be loutish and uncouth, and who follows fashion trends but is often viewed as lacking taste Ang moh – Westerner/white foreigner ang kong kia - Beh tahan – will not stand it/endure Beli - buy Beri – very Bodoh – stupid, silly, fool Bo jio – Chee bye - The female (external?) genitalia: vulva, cunt, pussy. Jialat/chialat - Difficult, troublesome, Severe, to a great extent; very bad, terrible. Jou Gou - Jual - sell Kaki – Leg – but actually means friend or companion in an enterprise Kao kao – to quarrell Kekeke – sound of laughter Kia - afraid Kowpeh - Kum sia - thanks Lah, Lor,leh,liao, mah, ma, meh – just various exclamations/extraneous sounds after a sentence. Lan - penis Lau - a meaningless word that is a euphemism for lan penis Lao sai - boss Meimei – young girl, usually to refer to a WG Naber Jio me de - Naber, neber - never Nasi Lemak/NL - Native Malaysian Phua Chu Kang - Por lam par - Por lan pa kia - Prata – Indian/muslim Shiok - filling with desire, attractive; attractive, pleasing; Sian - Bored, fed-up, tired. Siat - exclamation used as a suffix for emphasis Siat suay – VERY unlucky/jinxed Sibei - Si-pek - Si pek tulan - Suan - Berate, criticize, insult, mock. Suay - Unlucky, unfortunate, jinxed. Ta pau – take-out order, like in food AND taking out a WG Tahan - Endure, hold out, stand it Taikor – big brother, addressing someone with respect Talk cock – bull shit Tekan - press, push hard; force, control, Pressure put on someone, Bullying, ill-treatment Tio lagi – Win again – but actually a sardonic expression as it means winning an unpleasant task again. Tio lu tio lor – unlucky all over Tiongkok – People’s Republic of China Tolong - help Tong Zhi – comrade, friend Towkay – Chief, Big boss Tuang - pour out, empty out a liquid; Play truant Tudi - Unkat – raise up, pick up Walau - oneself, own, my, me; self Wayang – Malay Puppet, to pretend Yanda – Strike hard/yellow cleansing campaign in the PRC Zhu geliang - Thanks y'all!! SEAN Last edited by SEAJ; 17-07-2012 at 04:23 PM. |
Re: Events In CP
RGDS WKK ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The enemy of my enemy is my friend |
Re: Events In CP
1) If you see any mm on FS , in ktv = They are always for public 2) If you have her ctc nos = They are also for public 3) If you once ON with her = They are once for public Meaning ...... no such things as whose is whose ... read my signature !
当年的老爷 现在 快乐的自己 |
Re: Events In CP
You caught me out! Yup for sure at least 30% wrong... trying to get the "real" meaning from a strait-laced/proper dictionary!! Stoooopid me! Howzabout doing a bit of a patch-up/correction on my list? And BTW - what's KNN? Sigh.....! SEAN |
Re: Events In CP
Hahaha...I like the way you put it........
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯. |
Re: Events In CP
taikor, you don't know meh??
here is the the post... http://news.qq.com/a/20120628/000615.htm 东莞女足技师裸死桑拿房 入职仅十余天 南方日报讯 (记者/方镇彬 实习生/刘毅)昨日,常平金逸酒店门口,近十人身上挂着写有“黑酒店,挣色钱,天理不容”等字样的牌子,聚集在酒店 门口讨说法,多名警察手持警棍在现场维持秩序,事件引发路人驻足围观。记者了解到,一个星期前,该酒店一名 沐足技师被发现裸死在桑拿房,目前,常平警方正全力侦破案件。 入职十余天命丧酒店 昨日上午10时许,记者来到位于常平镇金美村的金逸酒店时,多名死者家属正聚集在酒店门外讨说法。死者 聂某辉的弟弟聂某智介绍,聂某辉今年29岁,湖北咸宁人,生前系金逸酒店的沐足技师,出事前十几天才入职该 酒店。目前,家中还有聂某辉一个7岁的孩子。 聂某智说,本月19日,他接到家乡派出所通知,说姐姐在常平出事了,要家属过去。“我们来后,看到警察 把出事房间加锁了,在殡仪馆见到姐姐时,尸体已经被冰冻多时了。” “我们不明白酒店为什么说是她男朋友将其杀害的,我姐姐家里有个小孩,今年都7岁了,怎么还会在外面交 男朋友?”聂某辉说,“法医鉴定是6月17日凌晨5时死的,但到下午4时同事叫其上班时才被发现,而且我们 知道这件事情都过了两天。” 聂某智说:“姐姐身上有明显的伤痕;死亡时身上衣服被脱光。”至于聂某辉是否死于“客人”之手?对此, 常平警方昨日未明确表态,只称“已有犯罪嫌疑人的线索”,而金逸酒店已被勒令停业整顿。 酒店方拒绝对此事负责 死者家属称,从19号开始,他们就找酒店协商解决的办法,但至今未果,酒店方面表示聂某辉非因工伤死亡 ,酒店没有责任。而金美派出所也一直在调查,但至今还没有抓到犯罪嫌疑人。 记者来到酒店二楼办公室,当事人以不是负责人为由拒绝接受采访。随后记者又来到一楼前台,服务员称,该 酒店被两位老板分包,“6到9楼是客房,2至5楼就不知道了。” 随后,记者拨通金逸酒店一位欧姓总监手机时,该总监称,事发前不久,金逸酒店就对人员进行了大换血,包 括他在内的许多管理人员都已不在酒店做事,至于案件的情况,不得而知。 酒店留存大量淫秽信息 在采访中,记者在酒店二楼的技师休息室看到,一排排椅子整齐摆放着,可以容纳近百人。休息室的角落里摆 放着一个大的储物柜,柜子有数十个小柜子,各配一把独立的锁,柜子旁边还有几双高跟鞋。记者随手翻开几个小 柜子,一张印有“推拿简易服务流程”的黄色卡片映入眼帘,更发现了避孕药及其它情趣用品。 记者了解到,早在6月15日,东莞市公安局在互联网上发现常平镇唐乐宫酒店刊登招嫖广告的线索后,于6 月16日晚,组织4个行动小组,对常平镇唐乐宫酒店康乐部进行突击检查。当场抓获该酒店管理人员11人,以 及及卖淫嫖娼人员26人。
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ---- The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. |
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