Re: Events In CP
I'm going this Sat till Wed bro... can intro MM too? In case I can't activate mine.. haha can catch up at 18 for drinks if you want. My side 3 pax.
Re: Events In CP
Re: Events In CP
Feeling might end up like SG MP scenario where it all operates via contacts. Or it might end up creating freelancers and the prices of KTV so ex that normal folks cannot go in (hope this will not be the case). |
Re: Events In CP
checked with one girl that we exchanged contacts during last visit. was one of those maybe once a year I am able to spot kind of girl for me.
safe and left the scene recently. going to get married soon. congratulated and think end of story. abit disappointed that was unable to "enjoy her service" more. time to move on and find new "attractions"! |
Re: Events In CP
Alamak, is it worth taking a risk at KTV ? I can live with SN for awhile, I have not been contributing but I have been a regular at CP. Looks like I have to divert since I am arriving this Friday.
Re: Events In CP
By the way YH is opening on Thursday. That's according to my regular mummy info... |
Re: Events In CP
alright bro... will pm you. I know another bro in CP around that period too. Maybe all of us can chill together. Cheers!
Re: Events In CP
I'm now sourcing 2nd batch for them...first night should be done. |
Re: Events In CP
Ethics should reflect commitment, respect and dignity towards each other. My contribution to bros visiting SZ, CP, CA (With Updates and Pics) *Updated 13th August 2013 (Thread 474) WJ Summer Swim Suit http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthr...55#post9504955 |
Re: Events In CP
Ethics should reflect commitment, respect and dignity towards each other. My contribution to bros visiting SZ, CP, CA (With Updates and Pics) *Updated 13th August 2013 (Thread 474) WJ Summer Swim Suit http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthr...55#post9504955 |
Re: Events In CP
Ethics should reflect commitment, respect and dignity towards each other. My contribution to bros visiting SZ, CP, CA (With Updates and Pics) *Updated 13th August 2013 (Thread 474) WJ Summer Swim Suit http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthr...55#post9504955 |
Re: Events In CP
Sure, just PM me your contacts
Ethics should reflect commitment, respect and dignity towards each other. My contribution to bros visiting SZ, CP, CA (With Updates and Pics) *Updated 13th August 2013 (Thread 474) WJ Summer Swim Suit http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthr...55#post9504955 |
Re: Events In CP
【本報訊】「性都」東莞被央視報道後當局大舉掃黃,行動中被揭發有香港警察涉嫌北上嫖妓被捕。消息指,被公 安帶走的162涉案人士中,有10多名港人最後被當局處以行政拘留,其中至少一人是現役香港警察,據報與他 北上消遣而遭公安拘查的友人中,不止一名港警,但最終只有他當場「斷正」被拘,目前押於深圳的 龍崗看守所。 央視周日(9日)播出該台記者「放蛇」暗訪東莞四、五星級酒店桑拿中心提供色情服務,甚至明目張膽舉行「裸 舞選秀」、實為「買春揀女」活動,並指記者兩度致電當地公安舉報,但無人跟進。貴為中共喉舌的央視如此高調 踢爆,矛頭直指東莞及廣東當局,引發廣東省委書記胡春華緊張與震怒,即日下令廣東省公安廳大舉掃黃,東莞當 局更是重鎚出擊,當日出動逾6,000名公安掃蕩全巿桑拿、沐足及娛樂場所,事件中帶走162名嫖客及妓女 。 據來自東莞公安的消息指,涉嫌嫖娼被當局處行政拘留的人士中,有10多名港人,其中至少一人是現役港警。消 息指他休班後與數名同袍往東莞一間娛樂場所消遣,在內地公安上房拉人時,他當場被「斷正」拘捕,最終處以行 政拘留處罰,現正扣留龍崗看守所,其餘被扣查的港警經盤問調查後已獲釋返港。 事件昨在警隊內部瘋傳,有警察WhatsApp群組不斷傳出相關消息,下午更一度傳出「疑人名單」,指共有 四名警員被拘留,四人均是港島區的重案組探員。 警方暫未接獲內地通報 本報曾致電一名被傳「斷正」的駐守港島的探員,他否認傳聞,並稱:「遭人整蠱,我都查緊邊個傳。」昨晚再有 傳出四人應與案無關。警方發言人回應稱,至今未接獲內地相關報告指有香港警員北上嫖妓被捕。 今次已非首次爆出警員北上嫖妓醜聞,2004年8月,一名駐守牛頭角警署的姓廖警員在深圳沙嘴村嫖妓被捕, 他出示香港警察委任證求情,但最終被判行政拘留12天後獲釋,事後須接受警務處紀律聆訊,被聆訊委員會裁定 接受嚴重申斥或以下懲罰,毋須革職。按照內地《治安管理處罰條例》規定,嫖妓行為觸犯賣淫嫖娼罪,警方有權 對賣淫及嫖娼者處以10日以上、15日以下行政拘留並處於最高5,000元人民幣的罰款,若情節嚴重或已非 首犯可處刑事扣留。 至昨日為止,東莞至少有八名公安因失職被當局即時免職,但都是一些「蝦兵蟹將」,最高級為東莞市中堂鎮公安 分局長何成,正科級,其他都是被央視點名涉黃酒店轄區派出所的所長或片警。當地消息指,何成落馬真正原因其 實並非央視報道,而是近年他已多次被實名舉報,指涉嫌包庇轄區內「黃、毒、賭」,並涉嫌收受巨額賄賂,擁有 多套別墅住宅,懷疑當局是藉機先拿下他做「擋箭牌」。 |
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