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Old 29-03-2008, 12:36 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by l3est View Post
that why i say you own me a dinner when u going to pay for my dinner i want ah yi 鲍鱼
okay lar .. if i can find ah yi 鲍鱼 in ZH ...
u going to ZH in may ???
Old 29-03-2008, 01:09 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
okay lar .. if i can find ah yi ?? in ZH ...
u going to ZH in may ???
U jialat liao... I going to help him find.... kekeke
Old 29-03-2008, 01:37 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by break78 View Post
U jialat liao... I going to help him find.... kekeke
neber mind lar ... if we can find ah yi 鲍鱼 in ZH ...
we still have to make sure bro l3est can make it to ZH ...
Old 29-03-2008, 01:53 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by Profi View Post
Hi bros,

I'm a newbie here and need some help. Anyone can recommend a good spa to hang out in Zhuhai? Something that is similar to Rio Spa or 18 in Macau?
Also, is it possible to find the "leg vein" massage in Zhuhai or is it only available in Macau? Kum sia in advance
Looks like there are no bros with info to help...
Anyway here is my first FR as a newbie.

28th March

After spending 18 hours at Rio Spa chalking up a horrendous amount of 4600 HKD)!!! on my credit card, it was time to head over to ZH. We boarded a taxi at 1330 hrs and paid 40 HK dollars for the fare to the customs border. It took more than 45 mins to clear the Macau exit customs, thankfully there were lesser people at the China entry customs as they had many lanes and not many were queueing in the lane for foreigners.

After clearing the customs, we were greeted by a sea of people at the exit door. As i was travelling with some "gwailo", we stood out like aliens and everyone was trying to offer us "taxi" services. My gwailo friend felt extremely intimidated and I suggest that we walk to the main road to catch a taxi to the hotel. Upon reaching the main road, we could not find any official taxi on the road. My friend was getting edgy and I had to choice but to succumb to an illegal taxi tout. I chose a guy with a nicer looking car (the official taxis all look like tin cans by the way!) and he offered to send us to our hotel for 30 RMB. I knew i was being hustled but agreed nevertheless.

After only a 5 min drive (i felt really cheated at it was such a short ride), we arrived at the Xin Hai Li hotel. I decided to stay there as it was just next to Dream BackTo Paris KTV. We got ourselves each one big room where the bed was large enough to sleep at least 10 people for 498RMB per night. Upon checking in, we immediately headed to the Spa of the hotel on the 4th floor. The price was very friendly at 298RMB for hotel guests.

At this point, I felt really cheated that I paid 1988 for some model massage at Rio Spa. Filled with regret, I vowed to bong more gals in ZH so that there will be cost averaging for the money spent in Macau.

The captain brought about 30 girls for us to check and most of them were very young, oldest being 20. Many of them had just completed training from the trainer there and I decided on one SYT who had just strated work and I happen to be her first customer. She was very very shy and kept quiet most of the time. When i try to chat with her, she ofter shrugged and stuck out her tongue at me, just like a real SYT. Her service was SOP and she did everything according to the manual. As her face was so sweet, I had no problem finishing her up after 10 minutes of continous thrusting.
Felt really tired after the bonging and decided to have a foot massge at the sauna for 50 RMB for one hour. Went back to the hotel room to rest for while and to wait for another friend who was stuck at the Macau customs. Two hours later, he called and said the human traffic was so bad at the customs and he told me to head to the Paris KTV first as it was already 8.30pm. I decided to wait for him as he knew the mms there. It was about 9ish by the time we arrived at Paris. To our dismay, the MMS had given up our room as we were supposed to reach by 7pm and the MMS had to let go of the room as it was full house..

Part 2 To be continued....
Old 29-03-2008, 02:27 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

good read....thanks for sharing and pls continue bro....
Old 29-03-2008, 08:07 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Hi bros,
Finally find time to write a report after ZH trip with bro adidas.
21 march, met up with adidas at T1 BK. Reached Macau can bro adidas show me the way to avoid the Macau immigration to go straight to ZH. This time due to baggage problem we will not able to do so.
Reach the hotel and meet at bro adidas room and go straight to gangdong KTV.
Like the place but the gals not so up to standard.
22 did not joint brother adidas and the rest to Paris ktv. Cos gangdong mammy know I not happy. So she promises to bring a chio gal to my hotel room. Honestly very chio but the service is very standard and the attitude is very very poor, so finished her and ask her to leave the room at 11.00.
23 march is the best day cos I try massage at the 5th floor and try the model cat no 182, she provide excellence service, her look is 7, service 9.5 and attitude is 9. Please look for her if u are there. I will say her service is so much better than GL 150 cat, solid 2 hours service. The damage is only 168 for room and 500 for the gal.
24 go home not much to say.

now in BKK, going home tomorrow. will be back to bkk on 5 april, any brother here can bring me to cheong. honestly never cheong in bkk. only go to proper spa.
Old 29-03-2008, 08:09 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
neber mind lar ... if we can find ah yi 鲍鱼 in ZH ...
we still have to make sure bro l3est can make it to ZH ...
if don't have ah yi 鲍鱼 neber mind lar as long as we have jinsha 鲍鱼 paris 鲍鱼 can liao
Old 29-03-2008, 08:34 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by tarma View Post
Hi bros,
now in BKK, going home tomorrow. will be back to bkk on 5 april, any brother here can bring me to cheong. honestly never cheong in bkk. only go to proper spa.
bro...when will u be in bkk till?
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Old 29-03-2008, 10:10 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by break78 View Post
Actually it doesn't neccesary mean that way. The flights direct to macau only reach at ard 5.30, both Tiger and JetstarAsia. So it means you only get to reach ZH about 6.30 or so. BUT, for HK flights, you can reach damn early, which means you can reach ZH ard 1 even if you take the long way. So it all depends on how you want to go about it.
Ok, so sorry for read wrong info, if like what you said can be at ZH ard 1pm, can consisder about it, but what the total cost for the road like what to said ? pls advise thank bro....need to do same budgeting 1st....
Old 29-03-2008, 10:13 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
bro bonk88 ... that information is from SZ to ZH ...
if u flying from SIN to ZH ... than i suggest either u fly budget to macau then cross over to ZH or fly to HK and take the ferry to ZH at the HKIA ..

i am confirm leaving for ZH on 16th may ...
only i have not decide whether to fly to macua or HK yet ...
ok, i will follow you guy which ever flight,ferry or any road to ZH, aren't we are going to cheong ZH together? i need to know what thwe total cost of this road if you guy can advise to me.. thank you
Old 30-03-2008, 02:04 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Just got back from trip Zuhai tonite. Main purpose is to play golf and cheonging was secondary. 25th March, on arrival from Macau I was too shacked out on Tuesday night as the human traffic was terrible going thru Gongbei Port.

But met up with fellow bro Frey in the crowd with my fellow golfers. Bro Frey kept asking abt LHL, clue as to his actual status. Did not know abt this until much later when i called him to meet up with XY.

26th March After finishing golf game still have energy to cheong, so called up XY and introduce myself as bro 789950's friend from Singapore. He immediately fixed appt at 6.30pm and to pick bro Frey later.

So XY bought the 2 of us cheong Gan Dong KTV. Wow so many choices and too little time. In the 3rd line up I picked a tall Hubei gal Yeh Yeh with an air of elegance abt her. Bro Frey was taking a long time but XY was very patient. Finally he settled on a bubbly and pretty Yunnan gal. We settled ourselves on the common couch near the bar as we were late in booking.

We drink, played dice and talk cock with our gals. I rubba my gal and discovered she really got big tits. I still got golf tee off at 1217pm at Alpine on next day. So have to some quick decisions. Only drink less than 2 bottles and ask the gals to change clothes. The bill was reasonable after passing XY inspection

We called for the bill and paid. We quickly hailed taxis and went back with ouur respective picks. The moment seh took off her clothes I know i would have a hard time on the golf course tmr. She was absolutely gorgeous with firm pear drop C cup tits with small pinkish nipples and still have fine pusssy hairs.

She took a shower and waited for me under the covers, I took my time in the shower and when I climbed into the bed her hands was on my dick, she commented 'hen tar?, I kissed her lightly but she was not keen. I then ran my tongue all over her neck and give her nipples a good workout. She was moaning and when I gently finger her she was flowing like a river. I went south and and with my thumbs I pried open her oyster, still vey pinkish and fresh. Very low mileage.

I really enjoy painting her and she came twice and did 69 for a long time. We did all the positions except the one I carried fuck her as she was afraid i will drop her, we fell alseep in each other arms at 2am. I worked her up at 7am with a hard on. I slowly played with her tits and in no time we bonked again. The alarm rang again at 915 am, told her I have to leave at 1030am for my golf game. She was dissapointed as she still want to sleep and perhaps hv another romp but I am no superman. Paid her and give her 50RMB for taxi fare and breakfast. Needlesss to say I played the worst round of golf....

Bro Frey sms me and said the gal's service was so-so, but sometimes when you cheong , you have good days and bad days.

28th March. Went with XY and bro Frey to Golden Sands. This time we have a big room for the 2 of us. Now it is my turn to have problems picking someone I really like. My previous gal had set a high std and after 20 minuted I decided on a Shantung gal. She was more playful and sing really well. XY told me this gal have good attitude. I agree . She was good but not fair of me to compare but sometimes can't be help. I drank a lot more as I did not have a golf game the next day and we went to have supper around the corner. We left a bottle of red wine with XY as we could not finish. Told XY to leave to Bro 789550 when he goes again to Zuhai in May.

Needless to say, I cannot do a trip cheonging all day long but to mix it with golf and some shopping, I came away having a good time with good memories of Zuhai.

To bro Frey, hope you have a better time with yr gal frm Golden Sands, if you have not picked her, I would have chosen her myself. Call me after you are back to Singapore....

Last edited by john99; 30-03-2008 at 02:05 AM. Reason: wrong spelling
Old 30-03-2008, 02:22 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by bonk88 View Post
Ok, so sorry for read wrong info, if like what you said can be at ZH ard 1pm, can consisder about it, but what the total cost for the road like what to said ? pls advise thank bro....need to do same budgeting 1st....
Ferry is at 11.15am and 5pm. Ticket for the ferry is about 250 if i remember correctly. You can claim back 120 after u get off the ferry. Journey will take you around 80min to reach ZH. No nid to go tru HK customs..
Old 30-03-2008, 03:44 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by 789550 View Post
Bro, you got the wrong person. Mistaken identity. Tat same clanman u refered to was in CP but I was in ZH at tat time. The person we are talking do not have same surname as me, his surname is Tan. Will msn you to clarify. Cheers.
Oh really!!! Then I am interested to find out who he is??? Also what is his SB nick???
Old 30-03-2008, 11:50 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
bro ... that's the price one have to pay for "personal service" ..
so next time when u r in ZH .. only call ur personal gal on the last 2 nites ..
u wouldn't want to end up like bro 789550 ... her personal gal stick to him like elephant glue for his whole trip in ZH except for the first 2 days before he met an "accident" ...
Even you make fun of me.........

Originally Posted by l3est View Post
if don't have ah yi 鲍鱼 neber mind lar as long as we have jinsha 鲍鱼 paris 鲍鱼 can liao
Yummy jinsha 鲍鱼 paris 鲍鱼, may I join you all?

Originally Posted by john99 View Post
Just got back from trip Zuhai tonite. Main purpose is to play golf and cheonging was secondary. 25th March, on arrival from Macau...........left a bottle of red wine with XY as we could not finish. Told XY to leave to Bro 789550 when he goes again to Zuhai in May.....
Hope you and friends had a good time in ZH playing with "holes" (pardon the pun). Anyways thks for the bottle, will share with all bros in May.

Originally Posted by Taurus68 View Post
Oh really!!! Then I am interested to find out who he is??? Also what is his SB nick???
Yes, really. Will clarify further with u thru msn but will not disclose any identity. All my bros' contacts are safe with me. Cheers.
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Old 30-03-2008, 12:48 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by break78 View Post
Ok, thanks alot... now that bro is going to think i backstab him here. To what i know that bro which bro taurus mention is really a good fren. He has been aboveboard in his relation with me. That nite when he was looking for a similar girl to mine, i offered him the option since i'm not taking the girl back. And i respected him when he actually ask me straight. He wasn't sneaky with me. Good cheong buddy he is. Going to sms him to say sorry for the misunderstanding liao.
Mistaken identity lah, u sure u going to sms him?

Originally Posted by break78 View Post
Since you are ok with the idea, I'm going to help you take revenge on the 2 girls frm Paris and Gandong, which you say you don't want to complain abt their service. Me getting sick of Gandong girls playing us out. So i'm going to get them to come out, let them play punk, then whack up all the way to the highest.... Dun worry bro, i'll also let them know they played you out that's why i'm complaining......
Take revenge? Wat happened?

Originally Posted by break78 View Post
Actually its a common fact amongst those who frequent there. Gandong girls are one of the most KL ard. But maybe we know the mummy well, thus its easier for us to manage the girls. That is probably why i still go there often... So far no problem for me...
Next time I go with u, u make sure I have no problem with Gan Dong gals too.
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