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Old 25-05-2006, 01:19 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by CockTalker
Yo bro... good to hear u r back safe n sound. Sorry that I cant join you on the last day... too tired after coming back from work. Perhaps we can hook up when you come to ZH .... my trip was extended again
Yo CockTalker, your trip got extended...nice. Will call you when in ZH again.
my bros are arranging a trip to CP 3rd week of June...
Old 25-05-2006, 02:41 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

I'm planning to visit Darling 1 & 2 saunas in my Macau trip in Oct. Some bro mentioned that Darling 1 cost around 1400 dollars whereas Darling 2 cost 980 dollars. Are these prices walk-in price or package price?

I've read that we can buy packages in HK that consist of the sauna girl service and the ferry ticket (round trip?). How much is the difference between the walk-in price and the package price?

I plan to fly direct to Macau. So would it be better cost saving for me if I fly to HK, purchase some packages from there, and then take a ferry to Macau? Or just to fly direct to Macau to go straight to the saunas?

Please advise me. Thanks!!!
Old 25-05-2006, 02:58 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by hotdevil
I'm planning to visit Darling 1 & 2 saunas in my Macau trip in Oct. Some bro mentioned that Darling 1 cost around 1400 dollars whereas Darling 2 cost 980 dollars. Are these prices walk-in price or package price?..Please advise me. Thanks!!!
About half a year ago, I when from HK to Macau, I bought the sauna/ferry package for Darling 1 for HK$1000 at the Shun Tak Building. Darling 1 is only 5mins walk from the ferry pier. Darling 1 has nice girlswith great service. Enjoy!
Old 25-05-2006, 03:54 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Yo brother Jinger.. i dropped in to Zhuhai on 23rd Morning... my battery was dead with no charger.. kenot access ur number so couldnt call u..

but with so much info i gathered from the forum.. it was really easy getting aorund...

back in just this morning.. it was a good experience ..
Old 25-05-2006, 05:04 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

with 14days.. then maybe a good way to tour is fly into GuangZhou. Stay one night just to chill out.. next day proceed to CP by taking train form East Station.. just one hour.. stay in CP for 2 days...

In CP can try amazon ktv..hehe.. can try sauna.. falangs.. n FLs in shop hses..

then go to ZHuhai... i think prolly about 4hrs journey.. stay in LHL for 2 days.. head off to Xia Chuan Dao for 4 dyas.. back to LHL for 2 days.. then off to macao.. option to go to HK and try the 141..

Originally Posted by scwy
Hi bros,

I intend to go over to ZH for 2 weeks to take a break from work somewhere in june.. It seems like a nice place to be in and tons of young babes to hang around with. (By the way, is ZH or CP better?)

Would like your advises on which hotel would be better to stay in? As i am staying for 2 weeks, dont wish to spend too much on hotel but also want something comfortable since i am on a holiday.

How much would the hotel be ? for 14 days, what would you recommend.

How much would it cost me to PLAY? I am thinking of booking a girl for the whole straight 14 days. Age group i like would be 17 to 20 ?

Thanks alot bro for your help.

Best Regards
Old 25-05-2006, 05:33 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by rokket
About half a year ago, I when from HK to Macau, I bought the sauna/ferry package for Darling 1 for HK$1000 at the Shun Tak Building. Darling 1 is only 5mins walk from the ferry pier. Darling 1 has nice girlswith great service. Enjoy!
Thanks, but I would like to know how much Darling 1 & 2 (& other Macau saunas) would cost without packages. Just the walk-in price alone.

And also, how much is the difference between the walk-in price and the package price?

Lastly, would it be better cost saving for me if I fly to HK, purchase some packages from there, and then take a ferry to Macau? Or just to fly direct to Macau to go straight to the saunas?

Sorry for repeating myself here.. Hope some bro can help with my questions
Old 25-05-2006, 05:45 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Yo bro sexcuore, sorrie did not help you much.... u pop in on the 23rd and I pop back home . anyway, lot of sexy meimei on LHL and 1 particular meimei damn dao one... hope I'm able to teach her a lesson soon .

Old 25-05-2006, 06:26 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

a lot of info are contained here... but as +++en of appreciation.. i will also post my version of Zhuhai.. according to a budget traveller .. travelling alone.

Lian Hua Lu.. when u come out of the underground mall.. just head straight where the exit points to.. cross the rd.. and u end up in front of the Gong Bei bus terminal.

Just beside the terminal.. there u can see a road paved with yellowish / orinage stone.. rather than tar... that my friends .. is the infamous LHL... i call it the yellow brick road... shops, hotels, sauna, ktv, mini shopping malls... cabana styled drinking stalls line both sides of LHL...

LHL actually can be cut into two section by a tar rd... the first section on the left.. loads of hair saloons.. cake shop .. eateries etc ...

there is a sauna along this strecth.. here.. 2 hrs is rmb50.. u can get complimentatry use of steam n sauna room.. i came here for body scrub.. additional rmb 20 but extra tip the guy rmb 10.. .. 1hr spent on foot massage.. another body massage... there is also hanky panky here.. but not sure.. as didnt ask whats the rates...

the ML r not that nice looking.. and the same person does both foot n body massage.. bcareful...

on the left are cabana stalls.. but more leaning towards food.. and u see more locals haging out here.. behind the cabana stall is a mall.. inside the mall.. there is a huge KTV.. not too sure about the action...

if u turn left at the tar rd.. u will head towards the seaside area.. along the sea side strecth.. loads of high end hotel n even a huge ktv...

on the second section of LHL.. just about 10meteres.. there is an wider open space.. he is Min An hotel.. (Kapok is here too.. but u have to look carefully.. cause its hiding at the back.. the only giveaway is the bright neon sign.. but facade is a reatil shop.. u have to walk thru a openeing .. anothre give away will be the PR standing in front..

i stayed at Min An.. they give almost 50% from publish rate even for walk in.. i got a double room.. and was charge rmb 184++ room was clean n new.. but size is comparatively smaller.. but well equiped.. fridge, toiletries.. and the shower is great.. very hot water.

they also have twin, triple, double with living area n vip room which is doudle with living area n sauna room.. wonder who wants to do that.. but the most exp...after discount also less than rmb 500.. and they can gip u sme rate during weekend.. just call..0756 8131168

further up after this.. will be the first row of cabana style drinking stalls.. here.. there is lively music thanks to a cd shop inside the mall.. the stalls here.. more orientated towards alchohol n liqour.. i saw a few matsalleh hang aorund this area.. the PRs can converse in english...

the second row towards the end of LHL.. more concerntrate towards coffee bars.. these attract loads of taiwanese n local..

hang around drink latte at rmb15 n juice at rmb 10.. here.. gals will chat u up and they are so pesistent.. just play cool.. and scope out the whole lot b4 agreeing.. here.. i guess no need to talk price one.. u can do it at hotel.. after all.. standard is rmb200 for ST.. once in room.. just let her talk.. tehn agree short term price.. they when u proceed.. they will try theior level best to get u to take the for LT.. that when u nego... but i fell RMB 600 is ok...
they will stay until next morning...

after LHL.. go staright on is u will find a few hotel n sauna.. the hao shi jie descibed by gold dragon is here... if u turn right at the end of LHL.. u will see some xhops selling sex prodcuts.. and loads of taiwanese eateries.. further up u are hotel etc.. i believe popoko n yindo is up this area...

mixed up with all the glam of the fanmous LHL.. there r loads of back lanes where local go for hawker food.. they r quiet nice.. but price wise.. its not so much different from the normal shops.. but loads of varieties n prolly bigger portions..

in these small lanes are loads of falangs.. n they older ladies here.. offer masage at RMB 20 an hour.. dun dare try..hehehe

anyway.. too much about geography...

i had a drink at the cabana drink stall near the end of LHL.. first gal that approach me.. actually walked nearly the whole strech of LHL tempting me to take her...

i just told her.. i wanted to have coffe.. but she stuck her ground.. having around n tease n tempt u.. this gal.. xiao fang ( 13104709974).. tall.. about 1.6m.. nice face... about 20yo.. long long straight hair.. boobs.. i think a+.. but solid body.. since i was having a drink.. she kept on with her pitch...

bought her adrink n say i will take her back later...

this gal.. has actually quite perky boobs capped with light brown with a hint of pinkish nipple.. very little hair on her.. but she knoes what she was doing.. gave a commendable BBBJ.. all the time very GFE.. wet.. and enjoyed herslef..

took her for LT .. paid rmb 600.. she left when i went for breakfast.. the dimsum at 2nd floor of hotel is great.. just knoe what to choose n the meal can be so affordale.. u can get a rmb10 discount voucher from the recep.

a plate of char xiu cheong fun is rmb 3.5.. but har gao is pricey at rmb 8.. a pot of regular tea for one is aboput rmb 5..

i had booked the hotel until 6.. for additional half day price.. so went to explore LHL again.. for lacking of a above average gal.. stuck back with her for the GFE n action... took her agin for ST b4 checking out n head back to macao...

overall.. very nice place LHL.. its so convenient ... so much to do .. so much to try.. loads of food too.. just hanging out at the cabana drinking stall in the evening is a great way to have a good time..
Old 25-05-2006, 06:42 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by sexcuore
a lot of info are contained here... but as +++en of appreciation.. i will also post my version of Zhuhai.. according to a budget traveller .. travelling alone.

overall.. very nice place LHL.. its so convenient ... so much to do .. so much to try.. loads of food too.. just hanging out at the cabana drinking stall in the evening is a great way to have a good time..

Good Info....make me gian will go there again on 29th June
Old 25-05-2006, 06:54 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Yo Bro Jinger...

ur advise n info has proven invaluable... knoe the SOPs and acted like ive been there numerous times.. thanks again..

Originally Posted by jinger
Yo bro sexcuore, sorrie did not help you much.... u pop in on the 23rd and I pop back home . anyway, lot of sexy meimei on LHL and 1 particular meimei damn dao one... hope I'm able to teach her a lesson soon .

Old 25-05-2006, 09:17 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Bro sexcuore,
You described LHL like your own backyard.Kudos to you.After reading your post, i also gian liao.Indeed, the experience of LHL angels pastering you is fun.However, i never kept their card.Later OC found out my passport will kena stamp dead.


7 pointers and above
Old 25-05-2006, 09:26 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by CockTalker
Just got off the phone with my friend. The area is called 唐家 (Tang Jia). There are 4 uni in that area. So the area are packed with uni chicks.
found a local map as mentioned about 唐家
Old 26-05-2006, 12:25 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Wah bro so fast found map. Good work.

Bro Jinger ... didnt see that chick with character tonite. Perhaps she oredi managed to get hooked.

Anyway had a bad night in LHL. Too many police around. Just came back with lots of phone numbers of gals that I found boring. But manage to get the number of a gal working in the cabana. Boring night indeed. Hope my gal will come over for a visit.
Exploring main land China with both heads
Thanks to brother mbz777, break78, sebast97 for points
Old 26-05-2006, 12:26 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by sexcuore
overall.. very nice place LHL.. its so convenient ... so much to do .. so much to try.. loads of food too.. just hanging out at the cabana drinking stall in the evening is a great way to have a good time..
Ha..ha..Very good and descriptive FR...looks like you are having a good time in Zhuhai..Make me feel like going off to Zhuhai now for a week...if only I am there now,we could go and check out together the ktv both in Zhuhai and Chang Ping...maybe next time...

For good dim sum, you can also check out the chinese restaurant in Fu-hai-jiu-dian which is on the left hand side of Gong-bei. Very popular place..have to queue to get a table...try their special "Zhuhai number one bun".

By the way , we will be off to Sweetbox ktv this weekend..if you can make it back on time for this outing just sms to me...Mummy Sonia said got new batch of Guangzhou PRC #101 has returned to China this week.. hence I can now try out the new batch of PRC...Yippee!
Old 26-05-2006, 11:37 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by CockTalker
Wah bro so fast found map. Good work.

Bro Jinger ... didnt see that chick with character tonite. Perhaps she oredi managed to get hooked.

Anyway had a bad night in LHL. Too many police around. Just came back with lots of phone numbers of gals that I found boring. But manage to get the number of a gal working in the cabana. Boring night indeed. Hope my gal will come over for a visit.
yo yo yo bro CockTalker, thanks for getting her number next time when you are there ... I wanna her number. My last night there she walk pass me showing off she is book

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