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Old 09-11-2011, 01:13 AM
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Re: Macau

Originally Posted by TonyCheong View Post
I go to Macau once every few months to relax. Bros interested to cheong in Macau can PM me. Cheers.
can bring xiao di go?

Old 09-11-2011, 05:42 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by Kent_do View Post
Bro, yup U r right. I went to Jin Sha and before that, the Mgr asked if I only want to go get mm or want to sing and cultivate some feel before get the mm back for bonking. I opted for sing 1st then bonk later.
But note that the mms are older than those in CP (if u had been to CP)

If I not wrong, the small room (can sit only 4 ppl max) comes up to rm268. But mind u, the room is pretty small.

I don't know about the sitting in hall table as I did not get to see the hall when I go to the K room.

Have fun.
Bro Kent, You are with Li in Jin sha one day before me.I went to Wang Fu thru Mr Li on Monday , also alone. I cam from HK thru the harbour, Bought a bottle of Aussie wine from the duty free..(Price OK and confirm not fake).
I took a room with 580 min spending, the smallest room. There is no DJ and I give only 20RMB to the service guy. NO other tips are required. So if you are obliged to take a DJ in Jin sha, at the end, it is not much cheaper than Wang Fu. I have not seen the mm in JInsha but Mr Li say they are fat and ugly..haha..

It is important to spend some times with the girl since you have paid for it. I took 2 girl from the model cat..The first was elegent, speak very well and have class or at least pretend to be. But at the end I choose the second one coz realise that we can click. Anyway, if you go around 6.40pm-7.00pm you should be done by 1000pm. You have plenty of time some the main actions.

As i am already >40...hehe but <50...I find the MM in the model cat better as they are more mature.

Anyway, thanks to brother Rayman on the contact and recommedation.
Old 09-11-2011, 05:55 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by fastspawn View Post
Yo bro, thank you all for your posts and PM. Very helpful. I actually want to try the KTV experience becoz never try before, but i understand the impracticality of it as one person.

Maybe if got other ppl going on that day can meet up? Otherwise got to stick to SN or LHL. Btw, i stay at guotai hotel, but heard charming hotel, got reopen SN, anyone heard?
Let me give yo a run down on the cost for 1 person in Wang fu. The room has a min charge of 580RMB (around there). You can use this credit to purchase food, drinks alcohol. I do not have any DJ and each service guy ( actually I just need to tick the first one that came into your room and serve, my MM told me) you need only 20RMB. No need for mummy etc....

Since you are alone, I suggest you take 2 MM. 3 of you can play dice if you have some alcohol. To keep within the budget , you can order the red wine ...very very bad wine , so you need to mix with sprite.....coz they sell beer at a bundle of 500+ RMB..The bottle of wine is for your dice should be able to get one <400RMB ( min is 268RMB). This will leave you some dollars in case your MM is hungry .. and the fruit platter as well. You can ask them yo help you to go within the budget. Or if you do not play too much .. can order cocktails like baileys in glass..

The total cost would be in the region of 600RMB for rm and tips, 300 RMB for the tips on 1 MM that you sit with ..and 1300 for a model cat MM that go back with you.That will be around 2200RMB..If you choose the sunshine group may end up around 1900RMB...

If you go through the booking from Mr Li, you can invite him to join you.

I am not very rich but for going to KTV alone, ZHuhai is good enough and within my means.

I got some call girl contact where the base is very near to your hotel. I think if you call them direct without all middle man , you can get it around 200-300RMB per shot at your room. However, I have never find a good bonk yet, just a back up n case you end u with nothing.
Old 09-11-2011, 05:57 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by eRicKz View Post
just came back from zhuhai, me also one person so no try ktv only try a few MPs and "call girls" hehe
btw, my china "tour guide" told me the top 3 ktvs now in zhuhai is 长安俱乐部,昌安国际 and 金沙。 both 长安俱乐部,昌安国际 only opened 1 year plus so he say now quite hot. i stay at the hotel above 长安俱乐部 and i must say the ktv looks quite grand and i saw a lot of cars parking outside too.. must try this joint the next time i go.. also, i was informed that the gals quality good and rates are at least 5 8 13 de.. any bro can confirmed on the latest update now on zhuhai ktv..
May I know what are the rate for call girls and how you rate their looks and service.
Old 09-11-2011, 07:33 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by davesome View Post
Bro Kent, You are with Li in Jin sha one day before me.I went to Wang Fu thru Mr Li on Monday , also alone. I cam from HK thru the harbour, Bought a bottle of Aussie wine from the duty free..(Price OK and confirm not fake).
I took a room with 580 min spending, the smallest room. There is no DJ and I give only 20RMB to the service guy. NO other tips are required. So if you are obliged to take a DJ in Jin sha, at the end, it is not much cheaper than Wang Fu. I have not seen the mm in JInsha but Mr Li say they are fat and ugly..haha..

It is important to spend some times with the girl since you have paid for it. I took 2 girl from the model cat..The first was elegent, speak very well and have class or at least pretend to be. But at the end I choose the second one coz realise that we can click. Anyway, if you go around 6.40pm-7.00pm you should be done by 1000pm. You have plenty of time some the main actions.

As i am already >40...hehe but <50...I find the MM in the model cat better as they are more mature.

Anyway, thanks to brother Rayman on the contact and recommedation.
Hey bro Davesome, thanks for the analysis/breakdown of the cost. Its vyer useful to be able and compare Jin Sha and Wang Fu. Its true I had difficulty to choose my mm from those that they brought to my room. And I did called for a DJ and had to pay another 200rmb or 300rmb (forgot).

Hahahaha, looks like after my trip on SUnday nite to Jin Sha, Mr Li is smart to bring U to Wang Fu.
Hope U had better luck than me.
Old 09-11-2011, 12:08 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Brother jeson

How much to tips Ms Li ling(manageress) for bringing us girls and cheoning with us?
Old 09-11-2011, 03:59 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by hawk88 View Post
Bro Balissa, how to get to Xia wan from ZH?
take taxi, a few min will arrive
Kuta Beach, beautiful SunSet
Old 09-11-2011, 04:06 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

i been to 长安俱乐部,昌安国际, 金沙,梦回巴黎...
Next target WAngFu.
Anyone going in dec?

Last edited by Tianl3i; 09-11-2011 at 04:16 PM.
Old 09-11-2011, 04:11 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by Kent_do View Post
Bro, yup U r right. I went to Jin Sha and before that, the Mgr asked if I only want to go get mm or want to sing and cultivate some feel before get the mm back for bonking. I opted for sing 1st then bonk later.
But note that the mms are older than those in CP (if u had been to CP)

If I not wrong, the small room (can sit only 4 ppl max) comes up to rm268. But mind u, the room is pretty small.

I don't know about the sitting in hall table as I did not get to see the hall when I go to the K room.

Have fun.
Bro rm268 is when u went? I was there and told 488 on march2011. Probably i kanna carrot
Old 09-11-2011, 04:20 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by SHalone View Post
You want to try ktv or u just want to get girls.
If u want to try then go and spend min. charge, get some beer and some green tea, soft drink, fruits or snack. Sit there talk cock with 1 or 2 MM, u can choose to take DJ or not.
If u want get girl from ktv only, u can try get a hall table. Choose the girl and leave. Pay the table min charge, 100 or ++ and tips the mummy.
I am not sure if all walk in can do that becos my contact brought me to other ktv to do it and I am sure one of them is jinsha. U can always ask before going in.
I was trying this last month when i had 3hr of free time. Asked around many ktv but could not find any from the ktv in 嘉丽万豪to jinsha wangfu changan etc. Finally found 1 in 粤海酒店, a few block from jin sha. The hall have no performance and you can sit and drinks and sing. I ask them if any mm yhey say you need to speak to the ktv manager to see if he can arrange. I think they will as long as they have left over. I did not try as i dp not have enough time. Few years ago in 度假村酒店,i remember they have performing hall where u can sit with MM.
Old 09-11-2011, 09:17 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

With regards to Senado, are there any real sauna facilities like Steam room? What is there to do during the intervals?

From waht i observed in this thread, most ppl just chill at the pool area? Kinda boring no?
Old 09-11-2011, 11:42 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by Blinky852 View Post
Heard all about Macau Saunas and decided to give Sanado a try.

Conclusion: There are top notch PRC girls in this place but its an expensive expedition. Once you step into the Saunas tell the captain what you want. Don't let them lead you. I should have asked for the BB bath first, FJ then the massage. Could have saved myself HKD 1180 in the process.
Great FR and candid comments. Your conclusion is without a doubt, what every cheongster should remember by heart, but it won't always be easy. There is always this "had I knew"

Please accept my humble points
Old 10-11-2011, 12:24 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by davesome View Post
Let me give yo a run down on the cost for 1 person in Wang fu. The room has a min charge of 580RMB (around there). You can use this credit to purchase food, drinks alcohol. I do not have any DJ and each service guy ( actually I just need to tick the first one that came into your room and serve, my MM told me) you need only 20RMB. No need for mummy etc....

Since you are alone, I suggest you take 2 MM. 3 of you can play dice if you have some alcohol. To keep within the budget , you can order the red wine ...very very bad wine , so you need to mix with sprite.....coz they sell beer at a bundle of 500+ RMB..The bottle of wine is for your dice should be able to get one <400RMB ( min is 268RMB). This will leave you some dollars in case your MM is hungry .. and the fruit platter as well. You can ask them yo help you to go within the budget. Or if you do not play too much .. can order cocktails like baileys in glass..

The total cost would be in the region of 600RMB for rm and tips, 300 RMB for the tips on 1 MM that you sit with ..and 1300 for a model cat MM that go back with you.That will be around 2200RMB..If you choose the sunshine group may end up around 1900RMB...

If you go through the booking from Mr Li, you can invite him to join you.

I am not very rich but for going to KTV alone, ZHuhai is good enough and within my means.

I got some call girl contact where the base is very near to your hotel. I think if you call them direct without all middle man , you can get it around 200-300RMB per shot at your room. However, I have never find a good bonk yet, just a back up n case you end u with nothing.
Wow thanks bro for the details.. I also have an idea that the min spending will be around 600-700RMB for the room (as what the "tour guide" told me) if I go alone. So I didn't really go to changan that time as I was alone and I reckoned I may need to spend around 2kRMB (for the room, tips and the 1-2gals + tabao).. As I have already spend quite a lot in changping before heading to zhuhai alone, thus I am already low in budget.. But I will try the few ktvs that are recommended here..

life is short, have fun while you can..
Old 10-11-2011, 12:47 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by davesome View Post
May I know what are the rate for call girls and how you rate their looks and service.
I was quoted 300RMB for ST and 800RMB for overnight by a few of those "tour guides" or rather middlemen over the 2 nights and I supposed that is their so-called standard rate for new clients. But I guess you can nego down if you are a repeated customer. Because I get to know from my gal (overnight at 800RMB) that they only get 300RMB from the deal and the other 500RMB goes to her boss and the tour guide, which means there are 2 middlemen in between. So if you like the gal, you can get her number and pay her slightly more and she will be more than willing to serve you at your hotel room. I did ask the gal why she don't go out and get clients herself but she says she is not familiar with the area and also afraid of getting caught so they have no choice but to go through these middlemen.

As for the service and looks, I think it all depends on luck. Because you can't get to chose and the middleman will get 1-2 gals to your room for you to pick. So you can't really see and pick, but rather hope for a "chio" one instead. That is why I don't really like "call-girls" because I am quite a picky guy and I like to be able to visually see and pick the gal myself. Service-wise also not very good, mostly SOP, so don't expect much or any GFE. For 300RMB (what the gal get), I guess they also don't feel motivated to really serve you. But I was quite lucky as although my gal service-wise not very good, she didn't really show any attitude. Guess maybe I treat her quite nice, as I brought her for supper before we head back to hotel room in the midnight. In the morning, she did BBBJ but refuses CIM when I requested.. I did tip her an extra 100RMB when she ask for an extra 50RMB for transport. That was the first time I got a call gal in ZH and most probably the last.. I guess I will still go for ktv gals in future. WYSIWYG still my preferred method..

life is short, have fun while you can..

Last edited by eRicKz; 10-11-2011 at 12:59 AM.
Old 10-11-2011, 01:15 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

ST is only RMB200,you can bargain it,walk in BBS is RMB150 at ZH. If ST charge RMB300 for 1 shot, i rather get better service with 90min at ZH sauna with just RMB340,add RMB40 only can allow 2 shots(BJ+F). Just my suggestion.
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