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Old 10-09-2006, 08:32 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by hplanet
really sorry banana bro, i have no time to go Zhuhai...

Really sorry been busy lately
is ok for me, but tat day i and other bro waiting for u, i LL, dont know wat to say to them for ur no show.

anyway, have a good time and happy chionging.

catch ya with u next time!
Old 10-09-2006, 10:26 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

i plan that i want to go macau and passby zh but end up no time for me timetable ar
Old 10-09-2006, 01:22 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by hcmanic
<??> shd be the place for you. But I suggest that if you go from HK, then go to ferry terminal for the best package you can find. If not, go ZH for the night stay since it's so much cheaper

<??> is the name? I was thinking of staying over 2 nights in macau before i go over to Zhuhai... so thinking of 1st night in Spa first to save some $$$. keke. Does Darling 2 or any other safe spa allows a good overnight stay?
Old 11-09-2006, 04:29 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by hplanet
i plan that i want to go macau and passby zh but end up no time for me timetable ar

sori is my fault. i shld plan ur timetable for u. [joking lah]
Old 11-09-2006, 03:13 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Hey Banana,

Looks like you have a ton of experience in Zhuhai. Care to meet up and get some factory gals??

Old 12-09-2006, 01:22 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Been in Zhuhai for a few months now and I wanted to start contributing to
this board with some reports and experiences.

I've sampled several dozen LHL gals by now and about a dozen saunas. I feel
that Zhuhai offers the best combination of quality, quanitity, and price in
China for young, pretty Chinese gals but CP would be better for sheer number
of gals and crazy fun on a short trip than ZH. Long term, I think Zhuhai is a
more laid back and refined place to live than the Dongguan area.

Recently, I had the chance to go the the 香江酒店 sauna. It's located on the
5th floor and the building is to the left of the Overseas Chinese Hotel. The
room is somewhat nice, maybe a two-three star hotel quality. Same as other
saunas where you can sleep there for free if you book a room after midnight.

Got the normal room which was 290 RMB and I think the VIP room is 350 RMB.
Service is 90 minutes.

Lineup of gals are about 6 at a time and they are somewhat taller than average
but looks aren't any much better than other saunas, maybe a 6-7/10 for
face and 7-8/10 for body.

I chose one, #90 I think but not sure, and she was a petite cutie from Hunan.
About 5'4, large 34 C breasts, and kind of fucked up smile with some crooked
front teeth but it was kind of cute. They are pretty well-trained at this sauna
and go through a similar routine you would get at Chang An Good World Sauna.
Breast-to-body rub, sucking and licking all over body, blowjobs with different
liquids, and then fucking. The difference in this place is that they have "red
rope" service. It's not as good as in Shanghai where the girl hangs from the
ceiling and give you a BJ while spinning around, but it's something to try if you
haven't done it before. You will basically fuck the girl while she's suspended in
mid-air by the ropes. I fucked the girl once in the red ropes and then rest and
then once more in the bed. I preferred the bed overall.

I paid the 290 RMB and left with a smile. Unfortunately, when I was walking
out of the room, there were a bunch of new gals I didn't see in my lineups...
some were pretty damn hot. I need to go back and try for sure. So, it's a good
sauna with good service at a good price. Definately a recommended place.

Old 12-09-2006, 07:09 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Got the normal room which was 290 RMB and I think the VIP room is 350 RMB.
Service is 90 minutes.

I paid the 290 RMB and left with a smile. Unfortunately, when I was walking
out of the room, there were a bunch of new gals I didn't see in my lineups...
some were pretty damn hot. I need to go back and try for sure. So, it's a good
sauna with good service at a good price. Definately a recommended place.


Sorry . Wish to confirm the 290rmb is the total damage of room+tips ?
In CP , suana charges room + tips (300rmb) = ard 400 -500++rmb.
Old 13-09-2006, 01:19 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

any bro in macau on 11/10.will be there on that day...maybe can cheong at night together........if the caabo.. permits..haha
Old 13-09-2006, 08:18 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Hello brothers,

I will be in Zhuhai later this month, but will be staying in the Ocean Spring Resort, is it far from all the action places??
If it is, then what are my choices? Kindly help to advise, thanks!
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Old 13-09-2006, 09:33 AM
johnny-k johnny-k is offline
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by vfv_slr
Hello brothers,

I will be in Zhuhai later this month, but will be staying in the Ocean Spring Resort, is it far from all the action places??
If it is, then what are my choices? Kindly help to advise, thanks!

Sorry man, but Ocean Spring is not even in the city of Zhuhai anymore, you'll be way outside the city, about 1 hour away by car and Ocean Spring is in it's own "city" type of compound, which means no random SWs walking around for sure.

The resort facilities are great and I've enjoyed myself greatly when I went there the past couple of times. Most of the regular women enjoying the hot springs are a combination of fat/ugly/old/disgusting/married/boyfriend. There are many resort workers that actually look pretty hot, but they you'll have to try your pickup skills on this part of the game...

My recommendation is to find some pro/freebie gal in Zhuhai or elsewhere and bring her with you to the Ocean Spring. I had two fuckingly great weekends in this style. The area restaurants are great, hotels are good quality, KTV/bars suck. Since there is no competition in the area, you'll be paying higher prices, about 500 RMB-800 RMB per night for the good rooms, although there is a "budget" hotel next to the amusement park. It's really plain and unromantic, but I guess, whatever gets the job done...

Hope this helps.

Old 13-09-2006, 10:04 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by johnny-k

Recently, I had the chance to go the the 香江酒店 sauna. It's located on the
5th floor and the building is to the left of the Overseas Chinese Hotel. The
room is somewhat nice, maybe a two-three star hotel quality. Same as other
saunas where you can sleep there for free if you book a room after midnight.

Got the normal room which was 290 RMB and I think the VIP room is 350 RMB.
Service is 90 minutes.....


I wanted to add another report about the 香江酒店. I had such a great time there a few weeks
ago that I went there again yesterday. And I realized I got some of the details incorrect. I
confused the floor/price with another sauna (which is great, too) that is closer to the
Gongbei boarder. I'll save that place for another future report.

So, go to the 香江酒店 hotel, which is about 50-60 meters to the left of the Overseas Chinese
Hotel (Hua Qiao Bin Guan/华侨宾馆). All taxi drivers know this place. The sauna is on the
7th floor. Walk into the smallish, cramped reception and about 5 million people greet you
with a loud "welcome" in Chinese which I think is retarded, ha ha...

You are shown a room immediately and it's about 2-3 star quality as I mentioned before,
with a clear glass wall separating the bathroom which features a plastic-covered massage
bed. Waiter gives you a drink then the captain comes in and asks what kind of gal you want.
I had 5 lineups of 3-5 gals each before I could tell the captain was getting kind of
pissed...ha ha...Overall quality of gals wasn't as good as before, maybe 5-7/10, but it
was kind of raining, it was about 11:30pm, and a Tuesday night.

Chose a Sichuan gal, #15 one of the tallest in their lineups, because I usually have had good
experiences with Sichuan gals. She seemed happy and went to get her shit for the service.
Typical sauna service, but very complete and very well-done. Breast-body-wash, milk wash,
BBBJ with liquids, a tingly ass disinfecting followed by nice ass licking, red rope BBBJ,
red rope fucking, and then rest. I could have fucked her again but I was too preoccupied with
touching and kissing her body, which she seemed to enjoy. She has the perfect type of body
for me, tall-ish, naturally thin, smallish 32B or C breasts, and nice skin and little makeup. I
had just gotten hard again and she was giving me another BBBJ when the phone rang to inform us
time was up. I didn't extend the time so we showered and then she walked me to the front desk.

She doesn't like her pussy being licked and you can only touch it if you are gentle and careful.
Her BBBJ is great and she does it with enthusiasm and no hesitation, she's focused on service
and can deep throat with no problem, too. Basically, you'll be satisfied if you choose her. There
are a couple of other cuties I'll go back for, but pickings were slim.


Face - 7
Body - 8.5
Service - 8.5

When paying, I found out that prices are 368 RMB with automatic discount to 328 RMB. Asked if
I wanted a VIP card and I did, so with VIP card, price would be 268 RMB for the gal and 90 minutes
of service. These are complete prices and no need to tip gal. Yes, Zhuhai is fucking great...
or should I say great for fucking.

Old 13-09-2006, 11:25 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

For all the bros out there, how can I make my posts appear faster and
how do I get my reputation points higher? Thanks

Old 13-09-2006, 09:07 PM
Loner70 Loner70 is offline
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by johnny-k
When paying, I found out that prices are 368 RMB with automatic discount to 328 RMB. Asked if
I wanted a VIP card and I did, so with VIP card, price would be 268 RMB for the gal and 90 minutes
of service. These are complete prices and no need to tip gal. Yes, Zhuhai is fucking great...
or should I say great for fucking.

Funny I tot CP shld be cheaper than ZH , for suana in CP ,the damage caused is Room 268rmb + gal 300rmb. ( Is this correct or i kena cheated?)
Old 13-09-2006, 09:32 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by Loner70
Funny I tot CP shld be cheaper than ZH , for suana in CP ,the damage caused is Room 268rmb + gal 300rmb. ( Is this correct or i kena cheated?)

You didn't get cheated, Loner. That is normal CP my opinion, CP is more
known as a place where you get great quality for the money you pay, not really the
lowest prices, but the prices are lower than Shanghai/Shenzhen for upper class girls
and the girls are used to giving better service to pragmatic HK/Taiwan customers who
usually reward good service with fat tips.

Well, I guess you now realize the quiet secret...Zhuhai has the cheapest saunas!!
*Ssshhhhh*, don't say it so loud!

Old 13-09-2006, 09:40 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

To all the sammyboys out there,

I was wondering if I could post pics with my posts? Or I must
post in the photo section only? I have a couple pics of the
sauna gals I wanted to add to the photos.


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