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Old 04-11-2012, 12:17 AM
anotherlife anotherlife is offline
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by Tho66 View Post
Just want to add on to Bro Jackal Junior's list of sauna.

Stated below is my compiled list of Zhuhai Sauna places that you can go to while you are over there.

Please help to up my points. Thanks.
Thanks bro!
Old 04-11-2012, 12:47 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by anotherlife View Post
Thanks bro!

All to take note::::

All brothers cming back from ZH (Gongbei), usually the q will be very long and it takes about 1-2 hours to clear during a normal period (not peak period hor).

My frd told me his encounter during his way back from ZH (Gongbei) to Macau. He is taking a flight back to sg on the same day when he is crossing the border.

There is a bunch of operators or maybe a syndicate tat target foreigner/tourist like us. Usually they will tell u they got car/passenger van ready to send u across the custom with a minimal fee of about 25rmb (around there, can't remember how much my frd told me).

So my frds (4 of them), after negotiating agreed to the price (should be ard 100rmb or 150rmb, cant remember) cos lazy to q. So they took up the offer. So this China man, age about 50 brought them to the main road near Gongbei and told to wait for his car/van.

After a while, he give excuse that they need to take a taxi to the pick up point and that will cost my frd to pay another 10 rmb for the taxi. My frds agreed and try to board a taxi. But that fellow say not this taxi, he had already call a taxi and he explained until Gongbei got 3 custom (or only 2?) that can go to Macau which is true and the other custom is lesser people. My frds patiently wait for his taxi and true enough an empty taxi arrived and the 4 of them try to board. But that con man say now his car/van/coach (include coach now) bal 2 vacancy, so can only feeder 2 first. The bal will go in less than 15mins.

One of them told him off that how come they cant travel together and let 2 board 1st and the other 2 wait for the other coach. That con man start to tell story until they believe and so 2 boarded together with the taxi. The taxi then brought the 2 to a nearby ulu ulu bus stop and asked them to wait. One of them notice something fishy and immediately boarded another taxi and left towards the nearby custom and escape this ordeal.

The other 2 later, boarded a taxi together with the con man. Same thing, he brought my frd to a secluded bus stop. Taxi left and con man say he go nearby toilet. Then one man came to the bus stop and waited for bus. Seconds later, he try to strike a conversation with my frds. Telling them how well he know Macau and boast his status and how well he know KL (My frd bluff him he is from Msia). After sensing something wrong, my frd straight away try to board a taxi. Suddenly the con man came (My frd saw some hand signal between them) and both of my frds turn aggressive against them. See nearby got those metal rod and hold in their hands and try to whack those 2. (Which is a dangerous thg to do). The 2 of them run away and my frds all returned home safely.

Lesson learnt: Do not take those so call touting service even tho u are or not in a hurry to cross the border.

Luckily no damage to all my frds.
Old 04-11-2012, 06:07 PM
sonicwinter sonicwinter is offline
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by Tho66 View Post
Just want to add on to Bro Jackal Junior's list of sauna.

Stated below is my compiled list of Zhuhai Sauna places that you can go to while you are over there.




Please help to up my points. Thanks.
Useful list. Thanks, bro.

Was in ZH last Tue. Went to Jin Ye Sauna and it was shut. The guy there told me they have been closed for around a month already cos of raids and he said most places are also close during this period.

Left high and dry :-(

Went back to Macau and left my WeChat on while in hotel room. Got a message from WL but not my taste so rejected. So if any bro wants, turn on your WeChat app and some girls might text you.
Old 04-11-2012, 09:01 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by Tho66 View Post
Just want to add on to Bro Jackal Junior's list of sauna.

Stated below is my compiled list of Zhuhai Sauna places that you can go to while you are over there.




Please help to up my points. Thanks.
A lot of theses sauna are closed down Liao...

Some only entertain regular...
Old 04-11-2012, 10:26 PM
Jackal Junior Jackal Junior is offline
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by prcsytlover View Post
A lot of theses sauna are closed down Liao...

Some only entertain regular...
Correct. Thats why I only post what I know based from my personal experiece.
Old 06-11-2012, 12:25 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Hi bro, how are you all?
Plan to head up to HK and macau for seminar purposes. Go a small time slot that I ca sneak up to East Spa. My timing slot is around 3 pm in the afternoon.
Just want to check with u guys, Does east spa have that kind of services at the main hall where all guys sited at the sofa and all the girls do the 5 diferrent sexy act on you. That's before you choose the girl and head up to the room.
Yes I have tried many times at this east spa. but mostly I visited on 7 pm, 9pm or even 1 am. And all the times, they do have that kind of activities bofore you choosee the girls.
Now I am afraid that at 3 pm, dont know if they have that kind of activities or not. Or may be just go in, bath, then straight away choose the girl....
Pls help up bro for those who have tried East spa at 3 pm or earlier.
I thank you very much in advance
Old 06-11-2012, 11:41 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by toldo View Post
Now I am afraid that at 3 pm, dont know if they have that kind of activities or not. Or may be just go in, bath, then straight away choose the girl....
Pls help up bro for those who have tried East spa at 3 pm or earlier.
I thank you very much in advance
Bro, if u are referring to those shows where the girls parade and make small action on you. i think you are unlikely to get it at 3pm. usually they start when the crowd is good during peak hours so evening is possible. At 3pm i think quite unlikely.

Btw I will be in Macau / ZH tomorrow afternoon
Old 07-11-2012, 12:47 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Hi bro anotherlife. thks for the reply. Yes thats the one u mean. its the shows where the girls parade and make small action on you. To me that is the special moment (i just dont know how to descripte it. its just special)
See, I dont want to throw HKD 2k just for bath, pick girl and straight go up to do the deed. I need that special service where I can get to sample 5 different girls direct contact.......
I want to just go in pick the girl and do the deed, I prefer darling2. Yep I get to have Shuang Fei (2 gals) for abt HKD1.5K only.......
Ok bro since u are going to Macau tommorow, care anough to ask the east spa if they have that kind of grils parade and perforimgn those small action at around 5pm instead? I know I am asking too much. But only if u r convinient if then its alright. Anyway, I envy u and last of all, bro, enjoy yoourself there and take care.
Old 07-11-2012, 01:30 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Hi brothers, i will be heading to ZHUHAI on coming friday.. Can any kind bro can intro a few must try KTVS? Damage? Or can share mami contacts.
Thanks in advance!
Old 07-11-2012, 01:43 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Hi brothers... I will be heading to ZHUHAI for leisure on friday.
Can any brothers intro me some must try KTVS with ladies ofcause? damage? etcs.... Intend to stay 1 or 2 nights there. Thanks in advance!
Old 07-11-2012, 10:13 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by toldo View Post
Hi bro anotherlife. thks for the reply. Yes thats the one u mean. its the shows where the girls parade and make small action on you. To me that is the special moment (i just dont know how to descripte it. its just special)
See, I dont want to throw HKD 2k just for bath, pick girl and straight go up to do the deed. I need that special service where I can get to sample 5 different girls direct contact.......
Wah brahhder, you really want the most value for money... touch touch 5 girl for HKD 2k...

I got better deal for u for the same $$$.

FOr HKD 2k equal, you get to touch touch direct contact not 5, but 6! (SIX, 六, enam, ஆறு) different girls. And not just each time 1 girl touch u on your neh, 1 girl u touch her neh, 1 more touch your cock... each girl u can touch everywhere! There's more, you can touch her for waay more than 30 seconds which is what u will get in macau sauna show! Not only that, after that, u can get to FUCK each girl! And if u lagi want, u can do it all with all 6 girls AT THE SAME TIME!

Interested? But you have to cross border to ZH first
Old 07-11-2012, 10:23 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

bro Jackal Junior, ehm, i am an accountant mannnn. very calculative one leh. AND u r darm right... will get the most value for money.
EHM EHM, I am really interested in your recomendation in ZH. care to introduce or explain more in detail? is it in sauna?
Old 08-11-2012, 04:59 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

going in dec~~~ i miss having dinner at lisbo while watching "modeling walk"~~~ anyway any other fun spa that is like 18??? but cheaper abit ??? =D
Old 08-11-2012, 11:16 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by Jackal Junior View Post
Wah brahhder, you really want the most value for money... touch touch 5 girl for HKD 2k...

I got better deal for u for the same $$$.

FOr HKD 2k equal, you get to touch touch direct contact not 5, but 6! (SIX, 六, enam, ஆறு) different girls. And not just each time 1 girl touch u on your neh, 1 girl u touch her neh, 1 more touch your cock... each girl u can touch everywhere! There's more, you can touch her for waay more than 30 seconds which is what u will get in macau sauna show! Not only that, after that, u can get to FUCK each girl! And if u lagi want, u can do it all with all 6 girls AT THE SAME TIME!

Interested? But you have to cross border to ZH first
Hi Jackal, I intend to cross the border.
Can u advise some of the KTVS which MUST TRY in zhuhai??? Damage?
Thanks in advance!
Old 09-11-2012, 01:26 AM
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Anyone can recomnend any good KTV to chong when in Zhuhai? If not safe then is it better to chong in Macau where everything is legal?

Please up my points if you are happy.
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