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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 19-10-2023, 06:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Long Shot View Post
Had my 1st session with Bell yesterday.

Bell treatment is on the whole body, not just near the groin area. She press hard on the various meridian points. As I am typing this my upper and lower back are still aching. The photos before and after treatment of my back show the amount of fats and toxins accumulated in my body.

Really must lead a healthier lifestyle. Overall a painful but effective session, will be back again.
High five bro - but I also salute you for your candidness in needing to improve one’s health lifestyle… last time I deny it completely - knn want to solve also cannot because problem didn’t even exist in my brain lol
Old 20-10-2023, 09:09 AM
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Re: Juagen Talks

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Old 20-10-2023, 07:26 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

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Old 20-10-2023, 07:39 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

Originally Posted by AvadaKedavra View Post
I was posted overseas for the past 6 months and am finally back in SG. The first thing I did when I came back was to… go back home and put down my luggage first, then visit Lucky (piang I wanted to reverse the order but then sibei paiseh leh if I lug everything to her place lol). I’ve been leading a very stressful life during my overseas stint and I really really miss the treatment by Lucky which allows me to feel like my body is all unblocked and reborn each time.

I went to a lot of juagen and massage place when overseas in China but cannot find a master like Lucky lol - a lot of services the normal kind lor, or else they press here and there then not much effect. Even got effect also very short-term. Lucky’s treatment effects last way longer (but also depend on how you maintain your own body lah)

Lucky’s professionalism and kungfu has never dropped since my last visit half a year back - in fact gotten better cause she always learn new techniques (even apply to her own self to test drive first then put it in her treatment).

Money no easy to earn for everyone, but I feel your hard-earned money here can buy you health so I’m definitely putting my money here (but first need clear all that junk I put in my body for half a year lmao)
I have the same feeling as you Bro. For a while didn't visit her because I think I am OK, then decided to book a 90-minute treatment session with her to visit her with my same old problems. Ready don't how to tell her that I did not maintain my eating and resting habits.
Old 20-10-2023, 08:41 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

Back for the 4th time, and I've already experienced great and empirical improvement with my 2IC (thats why im back!)

I would say I'm already back to around 70% of my pre-debauchery days, but since I've got a lady friend im exclusive with... It's important for me to maintain my health and/or to improve it closer to 100% as much as possible

What I would like to say, is that Lucky really has a heart of gold when it comes to trying to treat my condition... so I can feel it is not commercial at all.

Since i'm impatient when it comes to healing my 2IC, i offered to come 2-3 times a week, and to that, she stopped me and told me that it's pointless to come so soon because she cannot work on the same place too quickly and that time is needed for healing.

This tells me that she is not simply trying to milk my wallet, but really trying to help me get back on the right track of health

Also, when she does her qigong treatment, you can really feel the warmth emanating from her palms, and it stays in your body even after the treatment (for maybe an hour or so?)

So, at least for me, I feel a very marked difference between her JG versus some of the other JGs i've been to.

Hope people reading this will feel confident enough to give her a try!

Old 21-10-2023, 10:54 AM
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Re: Juagen Talks

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Old 21-10-2023, 12:43 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

when available pm me pls
Old 21-10-2023, 01:01 PM
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Originally Posted by bellbell View Post
Available for appointment.
Can share ctc?
Old 21-10-2023, 03:50 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

Originally Posted by bellbell View Post
I am Lucky whom have ten years of experience in Juagen therapy. I was traditional Chinese medicine trained and I will know whether you have premature ejaculation or impotence by a simple check on your body. The younger one would see improvement in just one visit and the not so young one may see the difference after 2-3 visits. During the treatment, you will see some results immediately or you will have your money back.

My location is near Clark Quay MRT.

I provide Korean-style prostate/ovarian therapy with Qigong and genuine TCM physiotherapy JG at $130/1Hr and $200/1.5Hr for man and woman.

I am sure to improve your premature ejaculation and impotence situation.
Operation hours are from 8:30am and last booking at 5pm.

When I am working, I don't reply to messages. Please message me and I will reply to your messages ASAP.
When you require my services, please make advance bookings to prevent disappointment. I do treasure every opportunity to serve you.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia/uterine prolapse can be resolved by Qigong immediately. Frequent urinating problems can be improved with only one treatment.
I also revise sexual abilities for infertility couples.

Please contact me at Wechat: healthy8080. Telegram:

No sexual services & HJ in the entire treatment.

Sorry, I only serve Chinese-speaking clients because of my poor English to prevent miscommunication and get scolding. TCM terms are not easily explained in English.
Those who have heart issues and have just after surgery, please do not book a therapy session with me.
Available for appointment.

Please contact me at Wechat: healthy8080. Telegram:
Old 22-10-2023, 10:25 AM
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Re: Juagen Talks

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Old 22-10-2023, 09:27 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

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Old 22-10-2023, 10:04 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

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Old 22-10-2023, 10:14 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

Guess I owned Lucky's review. I have been her customer for awhile.
I had issues for lasting long, and tried to famous amk juagong but it doesn't worked so I decide to try Lucky.
After few session, I can feel general improvement on performance, even though you feel pain during her session but it does help alot. She will provide advise and how to improve your lifestyle!
If you really want to improve your health you should give a try.
Old 22-10-2023, 10:18 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

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Old 22-10-2023, 10:20 PM
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