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Old 27-10-2005, 10:26 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Hi Brothers,
I think the place is called ??? at the corner of changshou road and wuningnan road.
It is about 6, 7 months old. environment is good. However, girls quality can varies. I have seen better ones in other place. if you dun mind the price, well it is worth a visit.

Old 28-10-2005, 04:51 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Hi Brothers in Shanghai

Visited a new HC yesterday, along yu4 ping2 lu4, the HC is located at yu4 ping2 Hotel itself. Not sure if any of the brothers here have given that place a try, but guess its time for some contribution on my part.

Anyway, the faculities are so-so, decorations slightly above average. The common rest area was rather comfortable but not very big. They also had personal rooms but it was all filled yesterday. I went over there at about 9pm after dinner and it was already packed , so i guess it better to go eariler next time or make the neccessary reservations.

Was brought up to the room, there was 3 girls for me to pick. 2 of them totally cannot make it. Looks probably 3/10. Settled for the 3rd, a SYT from dong bei. She is the girl next door kind, looks like a girl which you would see on the streets. TCSS for awhile, told me that she just came to shanghai for less than a week (haha...almost a SOP answer..i never believe!) She is just 18yrs old and certainly looks that age!

Started off with a NORMAL massage, not fanatastic but i guess if you are looking for a good massage you should never go to these type of HC. After a feeble 10mins attempt to massage me, she promptly proceeded to the main service! Used her tongue to lick and kiss my ears and proceed down my back. Feeling very shiok cos she can tell she is not very experienced. Personally i get abit turned off if the MM is like very lao jiao, makes verything like so SOP. Then came the "suction" massage which was only so-so. Again, she was not very experienced cos water kept leaking and folowing out of the mouth. This was followed by a good bbbj with hot-cold water. To cut the long story short (sorry have to rush for lunch!), she capped me and riding me. Switched to several positions and finally came! it was overall a satisfying experience.

Downside though, the rest area was really very packed after 1030, so i strongly advice all to either make bookings or go early.

Name: geez forgot
Looks: 7.5/10 (girl next door)
Body: 6.5/10
AR: 7/10
Frenching: NA (Nver try, dun like)
BBBJ: 8/10
FJ: 7.5/10
Damage: RMB700 Phone: 62332398

Hope all the brothers in shanghai can share more FRs on good spots to go cos alone we are weak but together we are strong!!
Old 29-10-2005, 04:59 PM
morinfen morinfen is offline
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Talking Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Hi all,

I will be staying at regal international in dec for 2 weeks. Do any bros have any recommendations?
My virgin trip to SHA so I appreciate any advice. I've read in this thread that some 5 star will make noise if you bring any gals back, so am wondering is this true for regal? Any bro stayed there before? Also any HC in the hotel itself?
Will post an fr if i manage to do anything. Colleagues around laa....
Old 30-10-2005, 10:32 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by morinfen
I will be staying at regal international in dec for 2 weeks. Do any bros have any recommendations?
Hi there,
Welcome to Shanghai. Well I don have any recommendations but would like to give you some info.
Regal International (富豪国际)is located at Heng Shan Road (衡山路), within walking distance to the well-known Heng Shan Pubs and Dicso street.
Regal East Asia (富豪东亚)is located also located at Xuhui District as Regal International but at lingling Road (零凌路), so don end up at wrong hotel. Both belong to the same hotel group.
By the way, there used to be a lot of FL in these pubs. Mosf of these FL will ask you to buy a drink for her, but they end up keeping the money and get a drink from some others or somewhere... They will hop around through out the night and look for other carrot.

It would be better if you can be more specific on what recommendations, then it is better for others bros to make recommendation. For the HC, if you follow the past few posts, some bros have post FR on these places. For those that they have mentioned are all located at Puxi and not too far from your hotel.

Hope it helps!


Old 30-10-2005, 11:12 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by shengge
Hi there,
Welcome to Shanghai. Well I don have any recommendations but would like to give you some info.
Regal International (富豪国际)is located at Heng Shan Road (衡山路), ....

It would be better if you can be more specific on what recommendations, then it is better for others bros to make recommendation. For the HC, if you follow the past few posts, some bros have post FR on these places. For those that they have mentioned are all located at Puxi and not too far from your hotel.

Hope it helps!

Thanks Bro Shengge,

I think I'll be at the one on Hengshan rd. As for recommendations, I prefer the FLs and of coz the ONS (being not a hansem guy, that's not easy for me). Althrough some of the posts here, it seems easy to do a pickup if I'm from overseas (i'm chinese btw). Do Regal int have a inbuilt HC?
Since it's winter over there, anything I've to look out for in terms of FLs?
Thanks for any advice again.
Old 31-10-2005, 02:21 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Are there any sauna clubs open to couple (for men & women)? If yes, can kindly name a few?

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Old 31-10-2005, 10:03 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by morinfen
Thanks Bro Shengge,
1) I prefer the FLs and of coz the ONS (being not a hansem guy, that's not easy for me). Althrough some of the posts here, it seems easy to do a pickup if I'm from overseas (i'm chinese btw).
2) Do Regal int have a inbuilt HC?
3) Since it's winter over there, anything I've to look out for in terms of FLs?

1) Good luck then.
2) Why don you check on their official website?
3) Sorry, never tried.

Old 01-11-2005, 10:39 AM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation - HC Scenes Info

Originally Posted by Ascott
Bro. SGP,
Firstly, thanks for the Service Apt info. My guy is staying there now but will be leaving soon.
Then, maybe we should try the new joint together. I'll be in SHA again very soon.

Big Bro Ascott,
U r most welcome on the info, no worries, small task that's all.
As for trying this new HC joint, well I must say it's out of my reach as a whopping RMB980 (or eq SGD$200) is too much to pay for lah!
Maybe will ask for more info & guide u there but going there to try big bro, it's your league not mine man!
Do call me or sms me when u r here again, we'll meet up for makan instead maybe.
See ya big bro,
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 01-11-2005, 10:44 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation - Saunas

Originally Posted by diesel
Are there any sauna clubs open to couple (for men & women)? If yes, can kindly name a few?
Most clean, no nonsense saunas open to both sexes. Only thingy no pool or shower together for both sexes facilities here in China.
tried one private Spa here though with my Empress, 2 in 1 private room with 2separate jacuzzi tub. Pretty EX but somethingy diff.
Have fun bro!
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 01-11-2005, 10:51 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation - HC Scenes Info

Originally Posted by oliver_empire
Hi Bros,

I am planning to visit Shanghai for the first time in end November and will be staying at the New World Mayfair Hotel at 1555 Ding Xi Road, Chang Ning District. Would appreciate it if anyone can provide me with some information on how to get laid around that area.

I know theres tons of information in this thread but I really dont know Shanghai at all so would not dare venture to far away places. Please advise and dont flame me... Please....

Where u r staying, Mayfair Hotel is very nearby to the 2 following HC as mentioned b4 here many atimes with all info & locality directions given:

- Tong Ren Yuan (TRY HC), on Dong Zhu An Bang Road,
- Su Jia Bao (SJB HC), on Yan Ping Road.
Have fun...
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 01-11-2005, 10:54 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation - HC Scenes Info

Originally Posted by ShadowBro
haha... ain't you the local intel (上海地头蛇)??

anyway. thanks for the info.

Thanks for the compliments Snr Big Big Bro Shengge,
I'm no one as compared with many bros & most of all u. Merely sharing info on what I hear say not from my own experiences like most bros here.
Used to be from own experiences but not now.
Local 'snake head' as u called it? U r the one that suits this title more with all the recent postings, guidances & all from u to so many bros here...U R THE MAN!

My time now spent merely at work & at home, playing PS2....have not been out for a long long long time......
Cheers. Wish u well big big bro.
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 01-11-2005, 10:57 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by blackieboy
Hi Brothers in Shanghai

Visited a new HC yesterday, along yu4 ping2 lu4, the HC is located at yu4 ping2 Hotel itself. Not sure if any of the brothers here have given that place a try, but guess its time for some contribution on my part.

Downside though, the rest area was really very packed after 1030, so i strongly advice all to either make bookings or go early.

Hope all the brothers in shanghai can share more FRs on good spots to go cos alone we are weak but together we are strong!!

A good FR here bro! Keep it up & keep it coming with these FRS...up your points!
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 01-11-2005, 04:13 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by blackieboy
Hi Brothers in Shanghai

Visited a new HC yesterday, along yu4 ping2 lu4, the HC is located at yu4 ping2 Hotel itself. Not sure if any of the brothers here have given that place a try, but guess its time for some contribution on my part.
Was in SH last week for a holiday and upon the recommendation from a very senior samster who is very active in this thread here, I head off to the HC located at 玉屏宾馆, located at Zhun Yi Road.

Took a cab from my hotel and realised its very near, abt 5min ride. Look for the manager as recommended by the bro and soon, I was brought to a room with 3 gers insider ready for me to select. Was assured by the manager that if none caught my eyes, he will arrange another 3 again.

However, no chance to view the 2nd batch as quite happy with 1 SYT from Dalian. Helped me to undress and asked me is it oki to start with special then massage. No problem for me and so off she went to bring her stuff while I lie down to rest.

When she came in, I was rather tired so I didn turn my head to look at her, must be all the walking/shopping for the past 3 days. From my side view, saw she took off her clothes and soon, she was using her boob, especially her nipples to give my back a full massage, from neck all the way to toes.

This was followed by a full catbath of the whole body using hotwater, and also spent some considerable time on both ears, licking and making those arousing moans. Shiok!!! AR was also very enjoyable.

Turn me around, started on upper body and then she tied the red ropes on the bar above and started to hang herself there to perform another round of catbath. Came down and give a good BBBJ, not the hard suction type but still quite pleasurable.

Come to FJ, she position herself on the rope and asked me to enter her with her sitting on the rope....1st time, quite kinky and soon, she position herself such that I was doing her doggie while she still hanging there....

Honestly, not really shiok, just the kinky feeling as never try before. So get her down and we started doggie...guess she really like the position as her moans was getting louder, spent abt 10min in this position till she buay tahan. Turn around, I started to bang her furiously and best part is she was moaning loud and at the same time, there was also very loud moaning comeing from next room, so it was sort of like a competition.

Finally came after another 15 min and can see that she was very exhausted. Told me that If I had come at 2pm (where the HC just open), she might not be able to work for the rest of the day. Told her I been a goot boy for the last 5 she just suffer from my 5 days of frustration.

Clean me up and massage, but who care...was very pleased with the session, no complaint.

Name : Wang Qian from Dalian, no. can't remember, think 836
Age : ard 23
ht : abt 1.65
Wt : Dunno....but pretty goot shape.
Boob: B cup but she is goot at using her nipple to massage/arouse
BBBJ : 7.5/10
FJ : 8/10
damage : 700RMB

Went down the next night, thinking of getting the same ger or go for new one and decided to try other gers.

Not much gers aailable as was told there was a few customer doing threesome. Also feel like trying but think still prefer 1 to 1. Again, 3 gers and I chose 1 which was also show to me the night before.

This ger from Liaoning, boob smaller but more gf feeling. she started with a sgort massage, not too bad. After last night experience, told her to skip those long full body catbath but just concentrate on my sensitive parts.

She did a long, and really long BBBJ, those deep throat, fast motion type and i nearly cum. She sense that and asked me how I wana cum. I told her I will only chose to cum via BBBJ is she swallow. She got no problem with that and so another round of BBBJ started.....took me almost 20min, and no complaint from her.....and yes, she swallow everything, and continue to blow till i go limp.....shiok. After that, she tried to arouse me again, and I warn her of the consequences as I have the ability to cum again, so she said that her mouth very tired and probably can't do it anymore.

Froget her name and No.
Age : early 20s
Ht : abt 1.68, small boob, abt A- to B
BBBJ : 9/10
FJ : never tried.

On my way out, saw the 1st night ger and thinking of resting for a while and do a rtn on her but then realised its almost 1am...and CO will not be happy if I rtn to hotel too late so abort the idea.

Overall, thanks for the recommendation...
等时间过去 等现在的一切变成回忆
在某个夜里 我将站在海边大声喊你
曾有的悲喜 将会温暖也会刺痛我的心
就快看不到你的背影 分手就要成定局 我快要不能呼吸
能够相爱并不容易 无法想象没有你
那些洒满阳光日子里 那些眼泪和笑语 你真的已不在意
my love 轻轻的喊着你 曾经爱你 永远爱你
你已含着泪水转身而去 我还抱着盼望停留在原地
一段并不长的距离 爱却跨不过去 天空无语海无情
喔……对着你的背影轻声说 我爱你
Old 01-11-2005, 04:29 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by Spursgetz
On my way out, saw the 1st night ger and thinking of resting for a while and do a rtn on her but then realised its almost 1am...and CO will not be happy if I rtn to hotel too late so abort the idea.

Overall, thanks for the recommendation...
wow... nice FRs... man, you powerful!

both my friend and myself always go TRY when we are in SH.. now time for a change!

Old 02-11-2005, 12:46 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation - HC Scenes Info

Originally Posted by SGPshanghai69
Thanks for the compliments Snr Big Big Bro Shengge,
Local 'snake head' as u called it?
Originally Posted by ShadowBro
haha... ain't you the local intel (上海地头蛇)??
anyway. thanks for the info.
If you read properly, I did not say it.
You see, many new bros know that you are the man. I guess they may have follow this thread closely.
I am merely try to get new comers to familair with Shanghai, certainly cannot give any info on where to cheong.
Well, glad to see you are doing well.
Have fun.


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