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Re: Jakarta Info
A friend asked me to book 4 for him tonite.... Still wondering if I should assist after what u told me... Anyway... Lost the number of this old man from Kota... Anybody have it?? In fact, I have a contact for a pimp whom supply Indoneisan Indian and Arab for 500k /ST but must pay deposit first. Friend try and was okay except that sometime, the girl might come very very late..... Cheers
Everything in life is in Contexure. When there is a problem, there will always be a solution. So why let the problem bother you ... |
Re: Jakarta Info
![]() The cabbie stops outside Mybar (along Palatehan) and the place dun really look safe (kindof dark) to me athough there are security guards at the enterance of the road. Lucky nvr take up the room else it will be a total waste of $$.... I did not ask for the price... she ask how much I'm going to pay her.... I start with 300,000rp.... look like I'm still new in these scene.... BATS was pack with alot of expat last nite.... when we are leaving (ard 1am), we notice that the quality of the gal improved as the nite getting later.... saw a few chio bus entering the club.... maybe nxt time should go there late ![]() |
Re: Jakarta Info
My bar and Da Place are great place to hang out as it's cheap... hehe... Anyway, next time stop over at Melawai Hotel and go to the 6th flr... Have fun.... cheers
Everything in life is in Contexure. When there is a problem, there will always be a solution. So why let the problem bother you ... |
Re: Jakarta Info
Gile kalo kayak gini sih bisa tiarap semua yg import cungkuo, liat aja nih berita dari Kompas Online pagi ini:
Amoy Dipasok Nasi Bungkus Kuningan, Warta Kota Sedikitnya 69 wanita wanita penghibur berstatus warga negara asing (WNA) termasuk puluhan amoy yang terjaring razia bakal dideportasi. Selain dari RRC, mereka berasal dari Uzbekistan dan Rusia yang dikenal dengan sebutan "kuda putih". Mereka terjaring razia pada Selasa (23/8) di diskotek dan tempat karaoke. Menurut Kasubdit Rumah Deteksi dan Deportasi Divisi Imigrasi, Direktorat Imigrasi, Dephuk dan HAM, Lukmiardi, mereka semua menyalahgunakan visa turis dengan bekerja sebagai wanita penghibur. Mereka masuk ke Indonesia dibawa oleh 13 sponsor. "Mereka ini semuanya mencari uang di tempat hiburan, bukan sebagai pengunjung," ujar Lukmiardi, Rabu (24/8). Penjaringan 69 wanita penghibur ini tergolong kecil. Mereka dijaring dari tempat hiburan di Jakarta Pusat dan Jakarta Utara. Sementara, razia di pusat-pusat hiburan di kawasan Jakarta Barat yang paling dicurigai justru tanpa hasil karena para amoy keburu diumpetin. Sebab, rencana razia bocor duluan. Sebanyak 69 wanita penghibur yang terjaring, 28 berasal dari empat lokasi yakni Raja Mas, Olympic, Sauna Beverly Hills, dan Salon Top Link. Sebanyak 22 berasal dari Jakarta Utara seperti Hailai, Sumo, Thematic, dan Sand. Dari Jakarta Pusat terjaring 10 wanita, yakni dari Emporium dan Hotel Golden. Tim Polda Metro Jaya mengamankan 9 wanita dari Golden Flower dan Clasic. Hingga kemarin, para amoy dan "kuda putih" ini ditempatkan di ruang isolasi lantai 3 gedung Dephuk-HAM di Jalan HR Rasuna Said. Mereka tidak terlihat panik. Di ruang penempatan ini, sebagian besar menggunakan pakaian seksi dan tetap asyik menelepon lewat ponsel. Sebagian selalu menghisap rokok. Segala urusan tetek bengek ditangani orang-orang dari perusahaan yang mensponsori mereka. Merekalah yang memasok nasi bungkus dan minuman untuk makan siang. Human trafficking Didampingi Kepala Humas Imigrasi, Cecep Soepriyatna dan Kepala Divisi Imigrasi Kanwil Departemen Hukum dan HAM DKI Jakarta, Arwin Aditya Warman, Lukmiardi menuturkun bahwa pihaknya akan menindak tegas WNA yang menyalahgunakan visa. Mereka melanggar pasal 55 UU No 9 Tahun 1992 tentang Keimigrasian sehingga harus dideportasi pada kesempatan pertama. "Tidak ada kata lain, kecuali memulangkan mreka ke negeri asalnya," tambahnya. Lukmiardi memperkirakan sebagian dari WNA ini merupakan korban dari perdagangan manusia (human trafficking). Sebagian meminta perlindungan ke Kedutaan RRC karena merasa dirinya jadi korban penipuan. "Unsur eksploitasinya lebih besar. Di antara mereka juga ada yang terjebak oleh hidung belang, sehingga terjerumus ke dalam dunia pemuas seks," kata Lukmiardi. Secara terpisah Kabid Humas Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Tjiptono mengatakan, operasi atau razia dengan sandi Kencana Pura memang sengaja digelar dengan sasaran wanita WNA yang jadi pekerja seks komersial. Polisi tidak sebatas menindak para pekerja seks tapi juga menindak mucikarinya. "Bahkan bila perlu pemilik tempat hiburan juga bisa kita mintai keterangan karena mempekerjakan warga asing yang tidak sesuai dengan visanya," tegasnya. Polda Metro Jaya saat ini tengah menyelidiki keterlibatan sejumlah perusahaan yang menjadi sponsor para amoy. "Sponsor itu ikut andil mendatangkan para PSK itu ke Jakarta. Makanya kita juga akan tindak sesuai hukum yang berlaku," ujar mantan Kapolres Metro Jakarta Timur ini. (Nir/Wid)
Everything in life is in Contexure. When there is a problem, there will always be a solution. So why let the problem bother you ... |
Re: Jakarta Info
67 foreign prostitutes arrested
Abdul Khalik, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta Sixty-eight foreign sex workers were apprehended in raids on a number of nightclubs, saunas and beauty salons here on Tuesday evening, police said on Wednesday. City police spokesman Sr. Comr. Tjiptono said that all of the foreigners had misused their visas by working as sex workers in the country. Some of them were holding expired visas. "They pretended to be employees of nightclubs, saunas or salons to fool authorities," Tjiptono said. He said the women would be deported as soon as possible. "They are under our jurisdiction and we will hand them over to the Immigration Office for immigration offenses," he told The Jakarta Post. The raids, conducted under the Kencana Pura operation, are the first against foreign sex workers in the capital. Tjiptono said the Immigration Office would likely send them back to their respective countries. He said five of the 68 women's visas had expired, while the rest were on tourist visas. "Five women are from Uzbekistan and Russia, while the others come from China. We suspect many other illegal workers operate in Indonesia," he said. Nine Chinese women were arrested at the Golden Flower and Classic discotheques in Central Jakarta and another five Chinese sex workers at the Emporium. The Central Jakarta Police nabbed five Russian and Uzbek women in the Golden hotel on Jl. Gunung Sahari, Central Jakarta. North Jakarta Police arrested 23 Chinese women in Hai-Lai, Sumo, Sands and Thematic discotheques, while the West Jakarta police apprehended 26 Chinese women in Rajamas and Olympic discotheques, Top Link Salon and Baverly Hills Sauna. "We will continue to launch operations to rid Jakarta of illegal workers and prostitutes over the next month. If we still receive reports about the existence of such foreigners, we will conduct similar operations," Tjiptono said. Even though it has been an open secret for many years that foreign sex workers were available in the capital, little has been done by the Immigration Office and the police to eliminate them.
Everything in life is in Contexure. When there is a problem, there will always be a solution. So why let the problem bother you ... |
Re: Jakarta Info
Huh... Only Small to mid size KTV were raid and I guess they did it in the afternoon.... sigh...
Why not Golden Crown, Daimond, STadium, Sydney etc etc... hahaha So those that know of any PRC would have lots of free fuck since they are ranning away from where they hide... Last time with such operation. 2 PRC when to stay at my friend's house for a week of just farking..... FREE u know.... hahah
Everything in life is in Contexure. When there is a problem, there will always be a solution. So why let the problem bother you ... |
Re: Jakarta Info
![]() http://sammyboyforum.shop/showpos...postcount=4201 p.s. Thanks for the points!! ![]() |
Re: Jakarta Info
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Re: Jakarta Info
Wahhhhhh, next time must ask RM bring me there liao. KNNzzzz si lang RM, so goot kang tao also bo kai sio me to go... ![]()
Happy Bataming |
Re: Jakarta Info
but then again one's man's meat maybe another man's poision ba... ![]() |
Re: Jakarta Info
I have a FR here about 5 man and 4 girls gangbang here u know....wahhahaha
Everything in life is in Contexure. When there is a problem, there will always be a solution. So why let the problem bother you ... |
Re: Jakarta Info
I read your FR and realized that it's sort of a fuck shop where you go for ST wan rite? Cos I tot it's a pub with FLs to pick up. Anyway fuck shop I dun go wan, I prefer FL hunting in pubs, clubs and disco... ![]()
Happy Bataming |
Re: Jakarta Info
Below I took from Ah Boy posting, cut and paste here for you ![]() U own this forum? i cannot come in post???.... Pay the 850 yearly fees.. and BAN my IP out of xxxxxx.com.. and this fucker won't give a shit for this bloody freaking old piece of camel shit.
Happy Bataming |
Re: Jakarta Info
![]() But then u r rite, the place looks more like a fuck shop then a pub. I'm still very new in the FL scene so dun know there's sure package at that place.... but at the moment (after the massage), $$ and sperm all spent liao, so LL go back lor... ![]() |
Re: Jakarta Info
Hahaha... Ah Boy beri popurlar here u know.... Maybe he got share here......wahaha
Everything in life is in Contexure. When there is a problem, there will always be a solution. So why let the problem bother you ... |
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