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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 12-06-2024, 04:20 PM
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Re: Anyone got experience where ML never ask GQ?

I remember i went to try 1 of the joint in bugis, 1st time i go take up the 1 hr massage whole 1 hr, ml didnt ask the GQ, so i tot oh a clean joint, her massage is good and strong also.

So few months later, i went again booked same ML. I told her my shoulder and thights a bit sore and aching. So standard SOP she did my back, shoulder then move to my legs. She asked me which part of my thights is aching. I told her inner thights cause few days back i did squats till legs cramp.
Her next move shocked me, she tear my disposable shorts as she said i wore it wrongly so hard for her to reach my inner thights.
As she did her massage she goes closer to my balls, she once awhile wil touch them. So i test water, each time she touches my balls and move closer, i will wriggle, pretend there quite sensitive, then told her a bit sensitive wait my little brother stand. Well i guess she get the hint. She went HDL stroke my rod, next you know lah what she will say and do.

Once all done, i paid 1B3R for her service, 50 entry.

Overall she is good, both massage and service. Soo after that she didnt work there any more.
Old 12-06-2024, 04:45 PM
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Re: Anyone got experience where ML never ask GQ?

i went to a GQ shop before, tried MILF slim viet gave me a great massage. and during massage positioned such that my hands will be contacting her inner thighs, calfs, bumes. She will also message quite many mins at groin area. But no GQ ! sibei sian i gave $10 tips maybe next time....

then visited her few more times same sequence still no GQ then i asked and she told me she don't do GQ have to look for her colleague lol end up visited her for message occasionally till she RTV never got GQ throughout her 2 years stint here for me.
Old 12-06-2024, 04:53 PM
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Re: Anyone got experience where ML never ask GQ?

Originally Posted by johnleee View Post
I won't initiate any touching though. Last thing I want is for them accuse me of sexual harassment or molesting. So if no GQ, I move on to another joint or ML, unless this ML is so good I don't mind returning for massage. Anything else is a plus.
Sori, you are wrong bro.

If I’m at a new joint, the fastest way to check ‘playfulness level’ of an ML is to brush the back of her calves as she stands near you during massage. If she doesn’t like it, she will tell you - MLs always kanna chekopek uncle like me, so unless your ML is super green, they will tell u to stop if they dun wan.

If you get giggles or banter, keep going.

1. Lightly stoke the back of her calves with fingertips, like HDLY

2. Cup and massage her calves and say a complement like “Wah so slender” or “nice, do you work out”.

3. Slowly run your hand up her leg to the back of her thighs, keep slowly massaging.

4. Cup her ass, then go up, under her top and massage the small of her back.

5. From here your hand can travel down pass her waistband
Old 12-06-2024, 10:35 PM
CR7toPSG CR7toPSG is offline
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Originally Posted by cutecuteboy View Post
Maybe you should do like what a lot of uncles do by taking a stack of notes, let the ML see but don’t offer her yet. See her response
No la - then u will end up like a carrot head ready to be chopped
Old 12-06-2024, 10:46 PM
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Re: Anyone got experience where ML never ask GQ?

is it all in $130 or $80?

Originally Posted by skihon View Post
I remember i went to try 1 of the joint in bugis, 1st time i go take up the 1 hr massage whole 1 hr, ml didnt ask the GQ, so i tot oh a clean joint, her massage is good and strong also.

So few months later, i went again booked same ML. I told her my shoulder and thights a bit sore and aching. So standard SOP she did my back, shoulder then move to my legs. She asked me which part of my thights is aching. I told her inner thights cause few days back i did squats till legs cramp.
Her next move shocked me, she tear my disposable shorts as she said i wore it wrongly so hard for her to reach my inner thights.
As she did her massage she goes closer to my balls, she once awhile wil touch them. So i test water, each time she touches my balls and move closer, i will wriggle, pretend there quite sensitive, then told her a bit sensitive wait my little brother stand. Well i guess she get the hint. She went HDL stroke my rod, next you know lah what she will say and do.

Once all done, i paid 1B3R for her service, 50 entry.

Overall she is good, both massage and service. Soo after that she didnt work there any more.
Old 12-06-2024, 11:01 PM
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Re: Anyone got experience where ML never ask GQ?

Originally Posted by xiaoqianqian View Post

This one from youtube ah. Pm contact pls hahahaha
Old 12-06-2024, 11:12 PM
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Re: Anyone got experience where ML never ask GQ?

Originally Posted by xiaoqianqian View Post

Hi can share the ctc and contact much thanks 🙏
Old 12-06-2024, 11:25 PM
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Talking Re: Anyone got experience where ML never ask GQ?

Originally Posted by Keima View Post
Sori, you are wrong bro.

If I’m at a new joint, the fastest way to check ‘playfulness level’ of an ML is to brush the back of her calves as she stands near you during massage. If she doesn’t like it, she will tell you - MLs always kanna chekopek uncle like me, so unless your ML is super green, they will tell u to stop if they dun wan.

If you get giggles or banter, keep going.

1. Lightly stoke the back of her calves with fingertips, like HDLY

2. Cup and massage her calves and say a complement like “Wah so slender” or “nice, do you work out”.

3. Slowly run your hand up her leg to the back of her thighs, keep slowly massaging.

4. Cup her ass, then go up, under her top and massage the small of her back.

5. From here your hand can travel down pass her waistband
Haha the expert has spoken

But you are right bro, this is the best way to 'test water'. Of course don't go ALL IN and scare off the ML lol.
But 99% of the time, they will reciprocate well and the rest will be history
Don't take life too seriously; no one gets out of it alive anyway

Last edited by altec7; 12-06-2024 at 11:25 PM. Reason: Typo
Old 13-06-2024, 04:06 AM
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Re: Anyone got experience where ML never ask GQ?

Originally Posted by Keima View Post
Sori, you are wrong bro.

If I’m at a new joint, the fastest way to check ‘playfulness level’ of an ML is to brush the back of her calves as she stands near you during massage. If she doesn’t like it, she will tell you - MLs always kanna chekopek uncle like me, so unless your ML is super green, they will tell u to stop if they dun wan.

If you get giggles or banter, keep going.

1. Lightly stoke the back of her calves with fingertips, like HDLY

2. Cup and massage her calves and say a complement like “Wah so slender” or “nice, do you work out”.

3. Slowly run your hand up her leg to the back of her thighs, keep slowly massaging.

4. Cup her ass, then go up, under her top and massage the small of her back.

5. From here your hand can travel down pass her waistband
Wah seh... this is next level for me.. must try this out lol.. but you're right, the light touches on her if she dun reject is usually a signal to continue... Had one move away from me before so I know I'm not her type haha...
Old 13-06-2024, 08:40 AM
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whao bro, this ML is hot. do you mind sharing her location and contact?

thanks in advance!!
Originally Posted by xiaoqianqian View Post

Old 13-06-2024, 09:07 AM
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Re: Anyone got experience where ML never ask GQ?

Normally flip over still never ask and i really horny i will just ask if she massage head.
Then ask her the head below can?
can then can, cannot then cannot lo.

Some ML pretend and ask "You like this so hard now later go home very hard to sleep hor, blah blah blah" pretending she never do before. just play along and say "ya lo you help me la" normally can get one.

Ofcos don't go those super clean join la so test water at your own risk ar.
Old 13-06-2024, 09:49 AM
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Re: Anyone got experience where ML never ask GQ?

If ML gives me blue balls experience & never ask GQ normally I would test water by gently touching her calf and back of her thigh to hint her. If she got no respond, would slowly touch her inner thigh, if still no respond, eventually would rub her pussy outside her pant. Most of the times, the MLS would ask GQ when she allowed me to rub her pussy.
In some senecios, she would either automatically “siam” my hand & avoid touching my sensitive area or reminded me for not touching her but continue with the blue balls massage. It happened to me some MLs allowed me to rub her pussy but still no GQ asked & continue applying the blue balls massage. All such senecios, so long as no GQ asked, I would not tip them unless there is pre negotiation fixed.
Old 13-06-2024, 11:14 AM
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Re: Anyone got experience where ML never ask GQ?

If ML lets me touch without asking GQ, i will not tip her and return to her next time.

If she stops letting me touch during my return visit then its sayonara, else i will keep pushing the envelope. Maybe give her small 1-2R tip after 5 or so visits.
Old 13-06-2024, 12:45 PM
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Re: Anyone got experience where ML never ask GQ?

Originally Posted by skihon View Post
Once all done, i paid 1B3R for her service, 50 entry.
Originally Posted by foxtro View Post
is it all in $130 or $80?
1B3R(80) for her service, 50 entry so all in 130

Got 80 all in arh? i want i want ..
Old 13-06-2024, 01:22 PM
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Originally Posted by foxtro View Post
is it all in $130 or $80?
180 with entry
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