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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 21-11-2019, 09:08 AM
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Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie

This FR is base on true encounter. Your encounter may be different from me base on many factors. I hope this fr can give u a rough idea of what service is expected and can assist you to make the right choice. If you think that the FR is fake, i urges you not to read it and don’t believe it. Go and read from other. Please do not blame me if you think is not good.

Read before proceed

-Please take this FR as a pinch of salt after reading it

-Please do not let your kid to try it

-Pls read only when wife or girlfriend is not around

-This FR may have the same format and some content which is similarity to my previous

-All the rating are base on own preference, criteria and liking. It will varies from other

-FR may contain some mixture of chinese, malay or thai

-All servcies mention in my FR was being performed to me. It may varies from others

-Please correct me if spot all spelling error.


玲玲姐说有新按摩妹到,叫我试试她的手法。请拨号码 9782 3801(玲玲姐) 预约直接与她安排。

要走上二楼。很普通里面有好几个房间还有好几个按摩师。房间里有一张按摩床。墙壁不防音。房间 窗帘盖。

$100/1次按摩和抓根服务/60 分钟


名字叫小翠。她来自中国东北。样貌和照片一样。普普通通。大约30出头岁。她刚刚上班不久。有差不多两年的 按摩经验。人随和而又健谈。长发身才瘦小


按摩技术专业。沒有偷工減料。技术也曼好。按摩知识很好。力度足够。按摩时有些部位的肌肉很酸痛。把我按到 整个身体非常很轻松和漂浮的感觉。抓根抓跟久。抓根时把我那条隆得又硬又隆软。按摩蛋蛋时,感觉有点痛。按 和抓到我很放松。很舒服很好也很爽的感觉。我整个人都差点睡着了。按摩时还聊了很多。抓根完了我感觉到下面 被按到很松。很想干一炮。我期待这我下一炮的表现。

这个抓根和我在泰国抓龙筋的手法和感觉是不同的。这是个很好的体验。我一定会在回头试玲玲姐的 抓根技术。



FR copyright© of bro naka~那卡哥


"A FR is to give reader an idea of what to expect, the pics and style of writing are to spice things up, to give more space for imagination, most important thing is we share and we enjoy."

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Old 22-11-2019, 06:50 AM
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Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
This FR is base on true encounter. Your encounter may be different from me base on many factors. I hope this fr can give u a rough idea of what service is expected and can assist you to make the right choice. If you think that the FR is fake, i urges you not to read it and don’t believe it. Go and read from other. Please do not blame me if you think is not good.

Read before proceed

-Please take this FR as a pinch of salt after reading it

-Please do not let your kid to try it

-Pls read only when wife or girlfriend is not around

-This FR may have the same format and some content which is similarity to my previous

-All the rating are base on own preference, criteria and liking. It will varies from other

-FR may contain some mixture of chinese, malay or thai

-All servcies mention in my FR was being performed to me. It may varies from others

-Please correct me if spot all spelling error.


玲玲姐说有新按摩妹到,叫我试试她的手法。请拨号码 9782 3801(玲玲姐) 预约直接与她安排。

要走上二楼。很普通里面有好几个房间还有好几个按摩师。房间里有一张按摩床。墙壁不防音。房间 窗帘盖。

$100/1次按摩和抓根服务/60 分钟


名字叫小翠。她来自中国东北。样貌和照片一样。普普通通。大约30出头岁。她刚刚上班不久。有差不多两年的 按摩经验。人随和而又健谈。长发身才瘦小


按摩技术专业。沒有偷工減料。技术也曼好。按摩知识很好。力度足够。按摩时有些部位的肌肉很酸痛。把我按到 整个身体非常很轻松和漂浮的感觉。抓根抓跟久。抓根时把我那条隆得又硬又隆软。按摩蛋蛋时,感觉有点痛。按 和抓到我很放松。很舒服很好也很爽的感觉。我整个人都差点睡着了。按摩时还聊了很多。抓根完了我感觉到下面 被按到很松。很想干一炮。我期待这我下一炮的表现。

这个抓根和我在泰国抓龙筋的手法和感觉是不同的。这是个很好的体验。我一定会在回头试玲玲姐的 抓根技术。



FR copyright© of bro naka~那卡哥

Thanks for support
Old 22-11-2019, 08:55 AM
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Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie

Was feeling tired Ystr , went to try Xiao YU massage . Indeed was oso very skillful , service was excellent. head massage was good , shoulder massage was v comfortable with good strength as my shoulder was stiff . Juagen was shiok , she harden my didi , then pcc for me , really enjoy the whole session.

Rating for Xiao YU

Look- 8.8 big eyes
Skin -8 smooth fair
Massage -9
Juagen -9
Pcc - 8.8
Gfe - 8.8
Rtm - yes

Thanks for ling ling jie for the good lobang

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Old 22-11-2019, 06:27 PM
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Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie

Originally Posted by superman67 View Post
Was feeling tired Ystr , went to try Xiao YU massage . Indeed was oso very skillful , service was excellent. head massage was good , shoulder massage was v comfortable with good strength as my shoulder was stiff . Juagen was shiok , she harden my didi , then pcc for me , really enjoy the whole session.

Rating for Xiao YU

Look- 8.8 big eyes
Skin -8 smooth fair
Massage -9
Juagen -9
Pcc - 8.8
Gfe - 8.8
Rtm - yes

Thanks for ling ling jie for the good lobang
Wow superman also fly over here up you +42
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MRs For "Gem" = HDLY Princess, Must Try !!
Old 23-11-2019, 08:46 AM
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Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie

Intro to bro’s a very rare lady for massage and juagen , she is highly recommended by her RTM customer for her skillful massage . 玲玲姐 is famous while she operate in changi v massage palour a few years back , Alot of bro’s go for her superb juagen service. Juagen can help problem like early ejaculation ,prolong ejaculation and prostate theraphy, her professional massage will really relieve ur muscle tension and bodyache. Call her to engage her service now!!

Contact : 97823801

Location: Central

Age: 30+yrs
Looks: NA
Boobs: NA

Service Provided

Head/Neck/Shoulder Massage [头,颈,肩部按摩] 100% Satisfaction

Full Body Chinese Medical Oil Massage [中医经络推油法] 100% Satisfaction

Authentic Chinese Acupressure/Shiatsu Massage [正宗中式按摩和指压] 100% Satisfaction

Back Kneeling [跪背] 100% Satisfaction

Health & Body Care Therapy [肾部理疗和保健] 100% Satisfaction

Juagen[抓根] 100% Satisfaction

What She Don’t Do:

Fuck Job & Other Services Not Listed Above

Damage for Massage:

$100/One Massage Package With 1 Juagen/60 Min

$100/1次按摩和抓根服务/60 分钟

Contact Ling Ling Jie: 97823801

Originally Posted by FatPaPa View Post
Prostate Care Treatment : 前列线保养 ★★★★★

This treatment will be done and perform by Ling Ling Jie The Master.

What Are the Benefits of Prostate Massage Therapy?

Prostate massage therapy
Prostate massage therapy is the practice of massaging the male prostate either for medical or therapeutic reasons. The use of prostate massage therapy is anecdotally supported for a range of conditions. These conditions include erectile dysfunction and chronic prostatitis.

What are the benefits of prostate massage therapy?
Prostatic massage is thought to help clear the prostatic duct. This duct, or pipeline, runs between your prostate and the rest of your reproductive and urinary system. Massaging may produce a spontaneous secretion of fluid. This secretion may help clear this duct of any fluids. This could help eliminate any symptoms you’re experiencing.

Summary of the above statement.

1. This therapy may clear your prostatic duct.
2. Clearing excess fluid may reduce or relieve your symptoms.

What conditions can prostate massage therapy help?
Most studies that have looked at the use of prostate massage have been very small and not decisive. For that reason, some doctors may not support the use of prostate massage.

However, certain groups of men may benefit from prostate massage. Men with the following conditions may find symptomatic relief when they use prostate massage:

Painful ejaculation

Massage therapy may ease fluid blockages in your reproductive system. These kinks may cause you to experience discomfort or pain while ejaculating. Massage might eliminate them.

Erectile dysfunction

Before today’s more modern treatment options, men used massage therapy and prostate stimulation to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). Some men still use it today along with other ED treatments or alone. More mainstream ED treatments include medications, pumps, and implants.

Urine flow

The prostate surrounds your urethra. As swelling and inflammation in the prostate increase, the prostate may begin to interfere with or even cut off your flow of urine. If prostate massage therapy helps eliminate some of that swelling, your urine flow may improve.


Before antibiotics and more specialized treatments were available, massage therapy was the primary treatment for prostatitis. Now that doctors understand a bit more about the multitude of disorders that make up the prostatitis diagnosis, treatments have become more specialized.

What to expect during a prostate massage

During a prostate massage, the person performing the massage will insert a gloved, lubricated finger into your rectum. She’ll gently press on, or massage, the prostate for awhile. The massage might be uncomfortable for a few moments, as she is pushing in and thus you will drip out ' dirty fluid '.

More explanations will be done by Ling Ling Jie

Last edited by Arlong; 28-11-2019 at 12:46 PM.
Old 23-11-2019, 08:47 AM
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Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie

您了解正宗经络抓跟按摩吗?您爱爱时有心无力吗?生殖器周围有按压性痛感吗?爱爱不能持久吗?弟弟不够坚挺 吗?您小便时需要等待或分叉并伴有尿路疼痛吗?这都是经络损伤或是前列腺问题和尿路不畅通引起的,正宗中医 穴位抓跟疗程可以帮助您治疗这些问题。抓根是保健养生,并不是色情!因为真正的抓根是不可以射精(固本培元 )。通过按、揉、推、拉、提、捏、拨等手法按摩阴茎、睾丸、会阴穴、下腹部、大腿内侧、淋巴等部位疏通输精 管、输尿管与海绵体而且通过特殊手法按摩睾丸还可以使雄性荷尔蒙分泌更加旺盛!打通与唤醒男士生殖系统周围 的经络、穴位 和韧带,提升男士性功能 ,使生殖器周围血液循环更加畅通、打通经络穴位,是真正的治疗与保养!如果按疗程治疗可以增大 增粗 增硬!可缓解阳痿早泄、勃起无力等症状。
**抓根一个钟$100(只收现金)** *前列腺治疗 2分钟$150不好不收费不满意不收费
Old 24-11-2019, 08:06 AM
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Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie

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Old 25-11-2019, 06:44 AM
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Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie

Originally Posted by nonewsgood View Post
My first time visiting Ling Ling.

But I am not a virgin at juagen. I have posted a number of MR at juagen joints few years back.

Long time no write MR so a bit long winded.

The place is a bit inconvenient if go by public transport but not difficult to find.

When I arrived, Ling Ling asked me whether it is okay for her disciple to massage for me, she will come in later to inspect me. I was okay with that.

It was a full hour of juagen massage. The disciple started to work on my didi. I must say the massage was not painful at all.

What was interesting was listening to the other disciple in the next bed (we are separated by a curtain only) serving another bro who came in 15 minutes before me. She sounded that she was trying to hard sell the bro into getting the qian lie xian (prostrate) massage saying that many who had problem with their didi are "cured" after receiving this treatment. She even said if the problem not cured, full refund.

Ling Ling then came into my side first. She pressed my groin and the area between my balls and the anus. She said the jin (tendon?) on my left groin is a bit off and she asked whether I feel pain when she pressed my left groin. Compared to the right groin, the left groin was a bit more painful when she pressed.

Ling Ling then proceeded to press deep into the area between my balls and anus, I felt a bit of sng sng (sour ache) feeling. Then she press my left groin again and that bit of pain was gone.

I was half expecting Ling Ling or the disciple to ask me to go for the qian lie xian (prostrate) massage but no, none of them asked me. Ling Ling said my didi is healthy and there is nothing that needs to be fixed, just normal servicing (bao jian) will do. She added that among all the customers, I am that rare 1 in 20 that actually has a healthy KKJ.

Ling Ling then went to the next bed to see the other bro. The other bro seems to have some real problem. I can hear Ling Ling pressing here and there and asked him pain or not. Ling Ling diagnosed that the other bro has some serious blockage and she asked if he is experiencing some problem with his didi. She then suggested that he come back again this week to have the qian lie xian (prostrate) treatment. Pain is 2 minutes but can cure him 70%.

Ling Ling then went out and I thought she would just leave it to her disciples to service the 2 men. After a few minutes, Ling Ling came into my side. I thought she also wanted to suggest that I come back for the qian lie xian treatment but no again - she did not. Ling Ling just came in to chit chat while watching (supervising?) her disciple work.

Ling Ling stood there talking to me, telling me that many men are very hiong (violent) when they piak piak until they "damaged" their KKJ unknowingly. She also told me that youngsters nowadays have easy access to porn and they pcc so much until they also "damaged" their kkj.

Ling Ling then said that my KKJ is healthy and I don't need any "repair", just regular servicing. I could then conclude that she and the other disciple were not hard selling the qian lie xian treatment, but only seriously wanting to treat those who need it.

Name: Disciple. Did not ask.
Looks: Pleasant.
Skills: Competent (She knows what she is doing).
Damage: $100
RTM: Yes. (Regular servicing )

PS: Like many bros have written, this place is proper juagen didi treatment. No hanky panky.

Up my points if you like my MR!
Originally Posted by zeek_fon View Post
Quite a late FR for Ling Ling Jie and her disciple Yan Zi Jie.

Ling Ling Jie was good, knowledgeable and really knew what she is doing especially Juagen. We chat a lot and I enjoyed her friendly chats, teaching me a lot which I did not even know till today. Her Juagen Skills & strong hands are still top notch. Enjoyed the full Hour Juagen session With Ling Ling Jie.

I booked another session with Ling LingJie. But this time round is her disciple who took care of me. Quite different style and techniques used, but still had strong hand style which I enjoyed thoroughly. She too as Ling Ling Jie is able to break ice with me fast and she was able to do her job competently too, just as good as Ling Ling. Though is our first meeting but we can chat like old friend.

Would definitely return for another service of the Bro in the next month or so.

Both Ling Ling Jie and Yan Zi Jie is good at their job and they do not fool around with crappy service which most of us had met in many MP.

Highly recommended for those bros who wanted to try on good Juagen and advice from Ling Ling Jie. Action speaks louder than words, I might not be good at describing their service so do try and you will know what I mean by good service and advice.
Originally Posted by buzan23 View Post
Thanks bro Arlong for the contact!

I went for Juagen before in the past but since that person retired, decided to stop. Chanced upon this post and thought to give my bro a little treatment and servicing

Made an appointment this week and was asked if I needed to use the washroom or proceed straight to JG. Decided to proceed straight to JG

She proceeded to press a few parts here and there to determine the damage done. There were 2 spots she pressed (lightly) which made me want to jump. It was so damn painful! She told me that that area is blocked quite badly and I should consider the qian lian sha (?) in a follow up session to treat it

The JG followed shortly after and it was a wonderful experience. She was chatty and the conversation made time pass quickly. Also learnt from her the correct way of PCC so as not to damage / block the veins too much. Pretty interesting hearing that from a lady herself.

The effect after this JG was significant. Didi felt stiffer, stronger and more importantly, the shots were strong and forceful. Definitely recommend people to consider giving their bro a treatment and personally considering whether to go for the qian lian sha to see how much better it can be
Originally Posted by zedia View Post
Went to find ling ling yesterday but was served by another gal, opt for massage + juagen, strong massage skills and she commented lots of toxic in my body, my whole back was red, she worried that my wife will see it but i told her I'm single no worries. After that juagen quite painful on 2 spots when she pressed, after some massage not so pain, she explained to me the cause and also said my didi was injured during sex, performace declining which i agreed.
she also advise me to go for prostate milking next time but i'm still undecided, just need to endure 2mins of fingering. quite a chatty and knowledgeable lady, ling ling came in to give some advice as well, have not tested my serviced shaft yet but will RTM
Originally Posted by clanzy View Post
First and foremost I would like pay credit to TS, thanks for this wonderful recommendation.

This is my second visit, but first FR as I was diagnosed with a more serious case thereby required to perform prostate treatment.

First treatment was done by master yanzi Jie, very professional and the accurately diagnosed the problem I had been facing. Acupoint were pressed and if the guru said pain... Omg painful... But surprisingly it disappeared as time passes .

Note for the second treatment one is recommended to return within a week's for the most effective treatment result.

The day, greet by the grandmaster herself. Perform a diagnose or pee check. Next comes the heavy part, the pain is bearable but it make you feel like want to pee and clear your bowel ( for a moment I scared bowel released) . But nope, it was all over in 2 min, and the painful areas during the pregnancy treatment vanished.

For all brother who are seeking a healthy physically and sexually, please go to the master for check up. Tools which had been working hard for years might need your kind attention and servicing for the long haul.

Both master and grand master provide great service and knowledge on matters in the area. Please treat them with respect, this is a genuine treatment process.

A good pic. Is truly better than a thousand words . However in this case no good pic or a thousand words can describe what these masters can do for your health.

Visit them if healthy either physical or sexual is of importance . But trust me you will not regret this servicing. You will only regret when it cannot be service no more.

Make your appointment now, grand master and master have a pretty tight schedule.

With every penny... Rather than spending on some unrelated stuff. You are blessed by TS with these masters do not let this opportunity run.
thanks for support
Old 25-11-2019, 01:24 PM
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Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie

Xiao Yu.

Look wise, not too bad.

She is a nice and friendly lady.

Her Massage skills was good.

Good strength yet not overpowering but it was enough to relax my muscles after a hard day’s work.I almost dozed off.

Her JG was impression, slow and steady.

Make my balls very relax and light.

Had a good session yesterday.

Going to RTM soon.
Old 26-11-2019, 06:45 AM
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Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie

Originally Posted by Die_Cock_Stand View Post
Xiao Yu.

Look wise, not too bad.

She is a nice and friendly lady.

Her Massage skills was good.

Good strength yet not overpowering but it was enough to relax my muscles after a hard day’s work.I almost dozed off.

Her JG was impression, slow and steady.

Make my balls very relax and light.

Had a good session yesterday.

Going to RTM soon.
nice fr , up you +42, cheer
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MRs For "Gem" = HDLY Princess, Must Try !!
Old 26-11-2019, 06:54 AM
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kimzzz deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy
after reading numerous review, finally decided to give it a try.

was serviced by xiao yu, very friendly lady and informative about the different services as it was my first time there.

unlike another joint that i visited, they are really serious about jugen and no hanky panky involved.

will definitely return for regular maintenance.
Old 26-11-2019, 02:03 PM
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Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie

My first visit to that place after reading here.

Took Xiao Yue.

She have a cute face with long hair but Milf as what I feel.

Service was top notch.

Personality was fun, we chat and we smile and we tease.

Massage was very good with ample strength

Her JG is good. It a little uncomfortable and painful at first and feel like vein being crack but after that I feel relax.

Feels so relaxed when meet her

Bros can give her a try. Only complain is the location is a bit far if you don't drive.

Last edited by laobubu; 26-11-2019 at 02:17 PM.
Old 27-11-2019, 06:40 AM
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Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie

Originally Posted by kimzzz View Post
after reading numerous review, finally decided to give it a try.

was serviced by xiao yu, very friendly lady and informative about the different services as it was my first time there.

unlike another joint that i visited, they are really serious about jugen and no hanky panky involved.

will definitely return for regular maintenance.
Originally Posted by laobubu View Post
My first visit to that place after reading here.

Took Xiao Yue.

She have a cute face with long hair but Milf as what I feel.

Service was top notch.

Personality was fun, we chat and we smile and we tease.

Massage was very good with ample strength

Her JG is good. It a little uncomfortable and painful at first and feel like vein being crack but after that I feel relax.

Feels so relaxed when meet her

Bros can give her a try. Only complain is the location is a bit far if you don't drive.
Thanks for the support
Old 28-11-2019, 06:46 AM
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Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie

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MRs For "Gem" = HDLY Princess, Must Try !!
Old 28-11-2019, 04:17 PM
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Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie

Originally Posted by ken6890 View Post
MR for 玲玲姐

Finally managed to book famous JG master 玲玲姐 two days to service my little bro engine

玲玲姐is very friendly and chatty nice lady , her JG service and attitude is excellent , i would say she is the best JG master i ever met

After taking shower she ask me whether to take some massage first or direct to JG ? i reply please direct to concentrate to JG service my little bro as my main purpose is to that

So she start to do JG service , while she touch touch press press awhile on below she can actually told me what problem and which area will pain and what causes these pain ,told me the two side of my thigh will feel painful , when she lightly press it is really feel very painful ,after she explain that is because some of the root around the area was block

she than told me later after her JG service the pain will gone and ask me whether believe or not ? i was thinking sure or not so full of confidence , she told me if later after JG service if that area still feel pain she dont collect the service money from me 还痛不收费

After she continue the JG service and maintenance , ask me still feel painful or not , wow really magical 神奇,the pain really gone , i got to give thump up for her , and she also teach me the correct way to PCC , now than know PCC also got knowledge , really must thank her very much , a very wonderful session with her with learning knowledge too

RTM : Will sure look for her again

Overall for her service i will rate : 10/10 for her professional service

Highly recommend to those need real JG service and maintenance your little bro
Originally Posted by trademark View Post
Managed to get a slot for jg.

Really got to thanks the TS for sharing such a gem. She just massage a few time on the thigh n can diagnosed where u will feel pain due to improper pcc. The pain is all gone after the 1hr session.

Friendly lady whom came out from retired to help bros correct their veins. Location is OK if u drive but a bit of walking from nearest mrt station. Enter from carpark area.

Highly recommended.
Originally Posted by soulmanseah View Post
short FR on Ling Ling Jie
i tried her over the weekend. i had tried other JG before. All ended with HJ. However, Ling Ling Jie is different. She is the authentic type of JG. No nonsense. Not like those any how press press and HJ for you. So I’m quite impressed.
She is very frank, she tell me once she start to press my Di Di. Say I had HJ too much or could have HJ wrongly and ended “some veins are stuck” in my Di Di. I was like WOW! How the hell she knows….
She than tell me cannot anyhow anyhow PCC wan. Will spoiled your Di Di.. I grow so big first time a lady tell me the proper way of how to PCC “- _- .. I was like WT…
Than she say let me try something different. She put her hand in some cold metal cup than massage my Di Di.. than later she heat up another hand using some heating device like TCM… than cold n warm.. my Di Di ma li kita liao…. She say this is call “cold hot treatment” it is to stimulate the blood circulation in our Di Di… first time I had this “cold hot JG!”
Overall im very satisfied. She will explain this and that… so its an eye opener and educational for me.
DMG: 100/1h for normal JG. Cold hot JG treatment is 150/1h
Service: JG only. As mentioned she does pro JG no nonsense.
Ratings: 9/10, I think if she had some soft music those relaxing spa massage music will be fantastic. Than I will give 10/10!
RTS : why not ? return to service my Di Di. So that I can maintain it for optimal performance. Today I tried my newly “service weapon”… hmmm got some difference.. will try a few more times see will be more power or not ^^ that’s why than I decided to do this FR to share with more Bros since I feel some differences…
Originally Posted by Xammi View Post
MR for Ling Ling 姐, but im new to massages so i would only base this MR on my subjective experience.

Massage is 10/10. She has lots of power, with reserve to spare. Word of advice, dont challange the power! Gets me at the right places. Can really feel it when she says im crooked here and crooked there. After massage, can feel the difference. Based on the back massage alone i will definitely go back.

Environment is 8/10. Clean therapy bed. Clean towels. No weird smell.

JG is 8/10 for now. Aging man. Boh pian. Everythin also pain. She tries her best to clear all blockages. Need to return for prostate line clearing. Will update on the performance result after JG.

All in all, an eye opener for me. But the much needed back massage is spot on. Professional and non-erotic. Im definitely introducing more people to her.
Originally Posted by yalpnez View Post
Here's my humble MR.

If you are looking to get some sextisfaction from someone massaging your sensitive spots, with perhaps some treatment byproduct, then move on...

But if you are looking for actual care and treatment, then proceed...

I've experience a few other popular JG experts but I must say, this is the first one that brought no pleasure at all.

Place is easy to find and Ling Ling Jie is friendly. Going by public transport will prob require a few change of buses or 5-10 mins walk on foot. The entrance is also reasonably discreet.

I went in, took my shower and her disciple came in to attend to me. As the (painful) massage went along, we chatted freely and also talked about the various aspects of manhood care. Explaining why I was hurting in certain areas and all.

Midway, Lingling Jie came in and the disciple told her "her findings" and Lingling Jie took over too explain certain diagnosis to me as well as explain the need for prostate care. ($150 top-up here)

Having read the MRs here, I already knew what to expect.

I eventually decided to take up the top-up and it was one kind of an experience. Excruciating. I can only say that the effect of the treatment was immediate in accordance to what she said it would be. While not 100%, it was definitely a good 90%.

I do feel that they are genuine in their wanting to provide treatment. And though it was not a pleasurable experience (so to speak), this is indeed the place to go if you want to get treatment.
thanks for support the MR
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