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Keong Saik/Desker /X-Dresser central It's like Geylang on a budget!

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Old 02-08-2013, 08:54 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by donchew View Post
I also agreed for craglist or vicesister ladyboy price should be around max $150. Yes they do provide the room but u r not the only customer for that day. If they r lucky they can have up to 6 or 7 customers a day. Moreover most of them r sharing room n how often u guys stay in the room with them for an hour. Mostly once deed done we will leave. Some bad attitude one will finish u off within 20mins n ask u to leave. I'm not against them we r just having a fair trade. They wanna earn money n we wanna enjoy within our budget. If we can have a std rate of $100 for bros that often pay $200 can enjoy 2 ladyboy right. So it all narrows down to individual budget n frequency of enjoyment needed. Hope my comments won't offend anyone just sharing
I'm pretty sure you won't offend anyone although some are easily offended on here, however you will probably be invited to the new 'Cheap Charlie' thread where discussions centre around who got the cheapest lay recently!!

As for individual budget you can get a girl to suit all pockets at the aforementioned locations of Geylang, Changi and Desker Road!!
Old 02-08-2013, 11:01 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Doesn't sound logical too.
Check out the foreign gals the OKT is marketing in SBF. Thai gals are 70 - 130 (2shots)

With hotel provided too. The OKT takes a cut and paid the hotel too.

You get to step privately as you called to a hotel.

Needtheless, it's expensive to market at 200 - 300 for fake boobs and annal bonk.

I'm also confused why pussyboy and sing007 are so protective of the gals rate?

Are you ladyboys yourself?

I do salute the Singaporean LB for pricing at the right price.

Never beyond 150.

And agree that quite a number of fillippn LB was quick and furious with their service.

I could get a hot chick at Romeo OP at 150 max too.

My conclusion, paying what is beyond what is the market rate based on their asking is considered high class? Paying what the market rate is cheap Charlie?

What stupid logic is that?

As mentioned, my personal view on the rates should be 60 - 150.

(60 due to the really can't make it ones but using studio pics and fake pics to con customers)

By the way, paying 200 or beyond is not cheap Charlie? That means a lot of OKT in this forum has made a lot of us cheap Charlie by pricing their Viet/china/indo/Philippines gals 100 or below.


Originally Posted by PussyBoy View Post
For online girls i can go directly to their hotel rooms thats not public place dude,
Imagine yourself at geylang for example,talking to girls on the street talking about services and rates..u think ur ok with it,with lots of people around you?
The thing here is my privacy is at stake,and for the record i'm a family man.
If your single then go!and i'm picky with hotels too.
Old 02-08-2013, 11:52 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

I agree with bro lawry. Upz u for that.

Unless being tech savvy and able to post adverts online can command a higher price, $150 is the max i will ever give.

It's getting a tad obvious that some of the ladyboys are trying to boost their pricing over here yeah?

Originally Posted by lawry View Post
Doesn't sound logical too.
Check out the foreign gals the OKT is marketing in SBF. Thai gals are 70 - 130 (2shots)

With hotel provided too. The OKT takes a cut and paid the hotel too.

You get to step privately as you called to a hotel.

Needtheless, it's expensive to market at 200 - 300 for fake boobs and annal bonk.

I'm also confused why pussyboy and sing007 are so protective of the gals rate?

Are you ladyboys yourself?

I do salute the Singaporean LB for pricing at the right price.

Never beyond 150.

And agree that quite a number of fillippn LB was quick and furious with their service.

I could get a hot chick at Romeo OP at 150 max too.

My conclusion, paying what is beyond what is the market rate based on their asking is considered high class? Paying what the market rate is cheap Charlie?

What stupid logic is that?

As mentioned, my personal view on the rates should be 60 - 150.

(60 due to the really can't make it ones but using studio pics and fake pics to con customers)

By the way, paying 200 or beyond is not cheap Charlie? That means a lot of OKT in this forum has made a lot of us cheap Charlie by pricing their Viet/china/indo/Philippines gals 100 or below.

Old 02-08-2013, 11:54 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Spot on bro, up you tmr lol

Originally Posted by donchew View Post
I also agreed for craglist or vicesister ladyboy price should be around max $150. Yes they do provide the room but u r not the only customer for that day. If they r lucky they can have up to 6 or 7 customers a day. Moreover most of them r sharing room n how often u guys stay in the room with them for an hour. Mostly once deed done we will leave. Some bad attitude one will finish u off within 20mins n ask u to leave. I'm not against them we r just having a fair trade. They wanna earn money n we wanna enjoy within our budget. If we can have a std rate of $100 for bros that often pay $200 can enjoy 2 ladyboy right. So it all narrows down to individual budget n frequency of enjoyment needed. Hope my comments won't offend anyone just sharing
Old 03-08-2013, 12:08 AM
PussyBoy PussyBoy is offline
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by lawry View Post
Doesn't sound logical too.
Check out the foreign gals the OKT is marketing in SBF. Thai gals are 70 - 130 (2shots)

With hotel provided too. The OKT takes a cut and paid the hotel too.

You get to step privately as you called to a hotel.

Needtheless, it's expensive to market at 200 - 300 for fake boobs and annal bonk.

I'm also confused why pussyboy and sing007 are so protective of the gals rate?

Are you ladyboys yourself?

I do salute the Singaporean LB for pricing at the right price.

Never beyond 150.

And agree that quite a number of fillippn LB was quick and furious with their service.

I could get a hot chick at Romeo OP at 150 max too.

My conclusion, paying what is beyond what is the market rate based on their asking is considered high class? Paying what the market rate is cheap Charlie?

What stupid logic is that?

As mentioned, my personal view on the rates should be 60 - 150.

(60 due to the really can't make it ones but using studio pics and fake pics to con customers)

By the way, paying 200 or beyond is not cheap Charlie? That means a lot of OKT in this forum has made a lot of us cheap Charlie by pricing their Viet/china/indo/Philippines gals 100 or below.

Why i'm protective?it's because i consider them as gems,they deserve i guess nothing wrong if i defend them,right?
Old 03-08-2013, 12:21 AM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by alexngsg View Post
Tried Akira couple of days back. Really pretty and young girl.small built but long cock not too thick. One of the most perfect cocks and balls I have seen. I love straight cocks and balls hanging not too low. Her asshole was clean shaved and tight. Can get hard and fuck. Only thing which makes me rate her not too high is that she is not a good kisser, otherwise she would be a gem. Sucks with caps on but she licked and sucked my balls good.
Old 03-08-2013, 04:43 AM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

just try Amanda look nicer in person tits around C cup weapon 6 to 7 inch.when arrival at hotel i go by back door climb up all the way to her room. lol cannot take it tired go in room rest abit than take a bath. star show by cat bath for sometime than i ask for 69 never try b4 after sometime i ask her to do me. i also 1st time kanna drill caped and the 1st drill waaaaa pain but still push on wa than really cannot ask her to put more lube than not so bad lor till a point i feel good she ram slow than more n more faster and i ask her to cum in my mouth. after that my time to ram her but my weapon don't know why cannot hard keep trying in the end hand job cum. oh and really not a time watcher as loverboy69 say b4

pay her $150
Old 03-08-2013, 11:25 AM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

This pricing debate has really gotten ridiculous. At first, I read with interest but really, after reading Lawry's post, I have to say something. The cheap girls come with cheap hotels, really shitty conditions, compared to usually minimum 3-star lodgings of CL/VS LBs. Also, I'm sure many of us here have our own faves among the CL/VS LBs, and I know from talking to them and other bros that SG isn't the only oyster in the world. These prices we're paying now, many ppl in other places r more than willing to match, or even higher. I mean seriously, u expect someone like Prim to be here in SG, at a nice hotel, and u get her for $100? Get real man!!! U find someone equal or better standard than her in yr GL/CV/Desker/somewhere else at that kind of price? Well good for u! Keep it a secret, dun share is ok with me, wanna share with bros, upz to u also. But to "statutorily" declare that all transactions are $150 max? Sorry, too Nazi for me, I cannot accept.

In essence: do u want to price the CL/VS LBs into a "SG market rate", or price them out of e SG market?
Old 03-08-2013, 12:15 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Seems to me that the economics are simple.

If a lady sets her price at $200 and enough people are willing to pay that price, that is the price the market will bear.

If a lady sets her price at $200 and not enough people are willing to pay that price, she will have to lower her price or not make enough to pay her expenses.

Simply put, if you can't afford $200 find someone who will take your $100. Clearly there are plenty of ladies that will meet your pricing needs. They may not be as fine as a $200 lady, but so it goes.

Just do everyone a favour... buy what you can afford and don't gripe about it. It's like buying from Tiffany's and complaining that they don't have the same prices as some jeweller in Lucky Plaza.
Old 03-08-2013, 12:51 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by lawry View Post
Doesn't sound logical too.
Check out the foreign gals the OKT is marketing in SBF. Thai gals are 70 - 130 (2shots)

With hotel provided too. The OKT takes a cut and paid the hotel too.

You get to step privately as you called to a hotel.

Needtheless, it's expensive to market at 200 - 300 for fake boobs and annal bonk.

I'm also confused why pussyboy and sing007 are so protective of the gals rate?

Are you ladyboys yourself?

I do salute the Singaporean LB for pricing at the right price.

Never beyond 150.

And agree that quite a number of fillippn LB was quick and furious with their service.

I could get a hot chick at Romeo OP at 150 max too.

My conclusion, paying what is beyond what is the market rate based on their asking is considered high class? Paying what the market rate is cheap Charlie?

What stupid logic is that?

As mentioned, my personal view on the rates should be 60 - 150.

(60 due to the really can't make it ones but using studio pics and fake pics to con customers)

By the way, paying 200 or beyond is not cheap Charlie? That means a lot of OKT in this forum has made a lot of us cheap Charlie by pricing their Viet/china/indo/Philippines gals 100 or below.


First off, don't be a dick! It's clear neither of us are ladyboys! I am someone who works hard and plays hard. For myself I defend the girls because without a little support some of the morons on here will ruin the market for the rest of us that are willing to pay a fair and reasonable price.

I think you think that by writing long messages it gives your argument an edge. News flash!! It doesn't? It just makes you sound like what you are.....a cheap Charlie. Nobody suggested $200 was cheap by the way. Read things first.

However you have actually solved your own argument! You know where to go to get cheap girls so just go and do that. Everyone's happy!!

Then post your FR on the new cheap Charlie thread being started by numerous other cheap guys on here. Maybe it can be called 'Bargain Basement'

It's about time the guys that respect the girls say something.

I await your next illogical ill thought out retort.
Old 03-08-2013, 12:52 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by eddylee View Post
This pricing debate has really gotten ridiculous. At first, I read with interest but really, after reading Lawry's post, I have to say something. The cheap girls come with cheap hotels, really shitty conditions, compared to usually minimum 3-star lodgings of CL/VS LBs. Also, I'm sure many of us here have our own faves among the CL/VS LBs, and I know from talking to them and other bros that SG isn't the only oyster in the world. These prices we're paying now, many ppl in other places r more than willing to match, or even higher. I mean seriously, u expect someone like Prim to be here in SG, at a nice hotel, and u get her for $100? Get real man!!! U find someone equal or better standard than her in yr GL/CV/Desker/somewhere else at that kind of price? Well good for u! Keep it a secret, dun share is ok with me, wanna share with bros, upz to u also. But to "statutorily" declare that all transactions are $150 max? Sorry, too Nazi for me, I cannot accept.

In essence: do u want to price the CL/VS LBs into a "SG market rate", or price them out of e SG market?
Well said Eddy.
Old 03-08-2013, 01:14 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by Bataille View Post
Seems to me that the economics are simple.

If a lady sets her price at $200 and enough people are willing to pay that price, that is the price the market will bear.

If a lady sets her price at $200 and not enough people are willing to pay that price, she will have to lower her price or not make enough to pay her expenses.

Simply put, if you can't afford $200 find someone who will take your $100. Clearly there are plenty of ladies that will meet your pricing needs. They may not be as fine as a $200 lady, but so it goes.

Just do everyone a favour... buy what you can afford and don't gripe about it. It's like buying from Tiffany's and complaining that they don't have the same prices as some jeweller in Lucky Plaza.
Exactly! You are the people who is willing to pay 200.
Dude, I can't pay 200???? Lol
I'm debating on how much these vicesisters or Craig girls should worth..
I'm happy to pay for gems that's worth it price. I can't agree that vicesisters or Craig should worth that much
And I don't think they are Tiffany..more like lee hua the best.
Old 03-08-2013, 01:58 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by lawry View Post
Exactly! You are the people who is willing to pay 200.
Dude, I can't pay 200???? Lol
I'm debating on how much these vicesisters or Craig girls should worth..
I'm happy to pay for gems that's worth it price. I can't agree that vicesisters or Craig should worth that much
And I don't think they are Tiffany..more like lee hua the best.
Thats it!pay of what u think u can afford..!but keeo it with in yourself!
My 2cents
Old 03-08-2013, 08:18 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by lawry View Post
Exactly! You are the people who is willing to pay 200.
Dude, I can't pay 200???? Lol
I'm debating on how much these vicesisters or Craig girls should worth..
I'm happy to pay for gems that's worth it price. I can't agree that vicesisters or Craig should worth that much
And I don't think they are Tiffany..more like lee hua the best.
Same too i cant afford $200. Max is $150. $200 unless she's real good and hardly come sg.
Old 03-08-2013, 11:10 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

I met Yari today.!D.html

One of the best LBs around. A very sweet girl. She was dressed in black. Her tits are soft and amazing. Damage was 100 plus the extra tip I gave her. I took some pics and two videos of her blowing me. Here are the pics:

She is leaving on 6th, so better hurry. Let me know if you bros want to take a peek at the video.
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