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Old 12-05-2018, 12:12 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

I like to share one interesting mental technique for emotional bonding, according to the October Man Method, which I read a few days ago.

"...So back to regression. At our core there are no walls and no defenses. If we’ve bonded with another person like infants do normally then we know what it’s like to feel connected at a deep level. In fact, in this state of connection there is no sense of self...

There is only the sense of connectedness. Ego gives way to something deeper and more meaningful.

I’m going to term this the Bonding period.

Some would say that the experience of love itself is motivated by the instinct to bond again at a deep level.

So how do we choose who to bond with?

Read this carefully and reread this next statement.

We bond with the person that causes us to regress back to the bonding period - to that earlier state in our lives when we had no sense of self, no walls, no defenses - just connectedness.

So how do you use this information?

One of the most effective ways is first to presuppose that the other person is a child. Talk to them in a caring way as if they were a child. Have fun with them and be just act like kids together. Nurture them and when they open up and tell you about their hopes and fears, reward them by nurturing them both emotionally any physically.

Also give them a self image to live up to.

Have them tell you about their childhood.

Your goal is to know the child within them..."

I'm putting it into practice. Yesterday, GG told me that, after having long conversations w/ me or 谈心,she feels just like a little sister n I'm the big caring brother, hehehe. Yes, I need to know n understand the 6 yo little gal within her...


Bro WB
Bro WB

Interesting that you shared the above post.

I am not sure I understood what you are trying to say.

If bonded since child then the bond may not be lover r/s but bro-sis r/s. Moreover she so much younger than you. Can also bond like uncle-niece r/s.

The whole problem was all these PRC gals dun have much time here. They are here either short few months or at most 2 to 4 years. All depends on whether they can get their student pass or whatever visa renewed.

I cautioned all the sob stories todl by the PRC gals and can we trust their stories at all. I can even tell their stories on behalf. One thing, I believe many of these gals were abused since young and don't have good childhood life.

Many left their family to live elsewhere or to work in the city. These I think many of these gals will never dare to tell the truth especially been abuse.

Well hope my comment is not abusive and hope to hear feedback too.

Have a great weekend to you.
Old 13-05-2018, 10:25 AM
EmperorQ EmperorQ is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
BTW, my spiritual guru recently advises me that living in the eternal present moment is the ONLY way to live. And, ironically, letting go of what I want is the only way to really get it.


Bro WB
Bro WB

I learned this and proven very useful indeed.

"When you try to control too much, you enjoy too little. Sometimes you just need to let go, relax, take a deep breath and love what is."

You free your mind from needless worries.
Old 13-05-2018, 03:43 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by BANGkok View Post
Support great thread here.
Have a nice weekend.
Fully agreed, indeed a great thread by bro WB.
Old 14-05-2018, 10:26 AM
maoshanwang maoshanwang is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Bro, tks!

That was over 8 years ago!! I didn't pay her anything when I was overseas for about 1 /1/2 months. So technically We were not together and she was free to work and get another man to keep her. She couldn't pay her school fee. Found a rich fellow student to keep her.

I saw her in 2013 and she was fat and ugly.

Bro WB
Bro WB, tks for the reply.

PRC gal working in nightlife aged faster and drained out quickly.

Old 14-05-2018, 01:52 PM
Rat2020 Rat2020 is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB

Thanks for the post below.

I think your guru explain similar to this article I found online.

Reading her body language: Is she interested

Her lips:

Big smiles with upper and lower teeth showing with a relaxed face.
Biting of the lips or showing of the tongue, licking her lips or touching of her front teeth.
She wets her lips, some women use only a single-lip lick, wetting the upper or lower lip, while others run the tongue around the entire lip area.
She puts her fingernail between her teeth.
She protrudes her lips and thrust her breasts forward.

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Good morning!

A guru has written that to be a real MAN, one must be completely fearless of death n be completely fearless of the pain n sufferings leading to death. This is the prerequisite.

He is absolutely right. The most famous samurai Miyamoto Musashi, who was undefeated in over 60 duels, attributed his success n survival to the resolute acceptance of death. He would hv been dead long ago if he had habored the slightest fear or doubts abt his ability to defeat his opponents.

In all human endeavors, we ensure our best chances n greatest probabilities of success n survival if we r completely detached to the outcome.

Most of us think n behave in the context of life n living n therefore death n pain leading to death become fearsome n terrifying. But life is ephemeral n we should think n behave in the context of death which is ineluctable. Every minute of living thus becomes a blessing, a gift, a joy...


Bro WB

.................................................. .................................................. .......

(Continued from previous post)

Watch Her Lower Lip

The next body language cue I want you to pay attention to is her lower lip. When a woman wants to kiss you or be kissed by you her lower lip will start to protrude more so than usual. Now once again you need to calibrate this at the beginning of the date and compare it to the end of the date. I’m very well trained in “kinesic interview and interrogation techniques” which is basically the art and science of observing and decoding body language and one of the very first things they teach you is…

Establish a Baseline

Establish a baseline means that in order for you to interpret body language properly you must first have something to compare it to. The beginning of your date or meeting is the absolute best time to establish your baseline so that you can determine when and how her non verbal cues change… what’s the first step to establishing a baseline? You probably already guessed it didn’t you…


By the way another side effect of all this paying attention is that the woman really feels that you are interested in her… and you are. In a very real sense you are getting to know her far better than most men ever do or will and you’re doing it very quickly.

Self Touching

When She Strokes Her Neck

Another really great cue that she wants to get physical with you is when she starts caressing and touching her neck. Especially right around the side of the Adams apple, along the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle and up behind the ear. If she consistently strokes or massages any of those areas as she is talking or looking at you it’s generally a sign that she very interested in getting closer.

Old 14-05-2018, 01:54 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by maoshanwang View Post
Bro WB, tks for the reply.

PRC gal working in nightlife aged faster and drained out quickly.

Viet gal working in nightlife also age faster and drain out quickly.
Old 14-05-2018, 03:29 PM
iamnotstupid iamnotstupid is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Hi bro besafe,

Yeah, I'm funny bcos life is full of fun, hehehe.

By emphasizing DIP or Didi In Pussy, I'm not neglecting the vital importance of foreplay n using ur fingers n tongue to give gals intense, multiple orgasms or even COS for 30 min or longer, just as a starter. In fact, oftentimes a gal may beg u to fxk her bcos she can't tahan the intense sensations u hv generated w/ ur fingers, 捅我, 捅我...快放进去...but dun do it, torture her...你好坏哦, she complains...delay for as long as u can, hehehe. You must be in absolute control. However, all this is only a prelude to the main course or DIP.

Once a gal is in genuine COS n u hv ur didi inside her, she will not want u to stop fxking her. So do it for 30-60min or even longer if u can. Get her on top to save u some energy...

Any reasonably healthy man or any woman (including lesbians) can use fingers n tongue to please a gal for how do u stand out from the crowd? By rocking her w/ ur didi for longer than any other men. Yes, long long DIP.

A guru once said that there r only 3 reasons why a gal leaves a man voluntarily:

1) She has power over the man

2) She loses respect for the man

3) The man can't satisfy her sexually

He is spot-on!

BTW, you're having lots of action, doing ST in addition to ur BYs. We hv so much in common! I still do occasional ST w/ several of my former BAO-ees.

There was one gal u really missed: CS (?) who was a legal cat 150 gal. I hv to agree w/ my fren that she is the prettiest legal PRC gal thus far. A very chio SYT w/ good height n very proportionate body. I heard she is happily married in PRC! Her OKT is a hated figure at SBF n there was no FRs on her. She gave me great service including AJ!

I know a young, rich n handsome bro who is keeping 4 women at the same time. I'm going to emulate him. I'll try to keep 3-4 as well, hahaha. Wat the heck, an ah pek like me better fxk more while I still can. Of course GG n my niece BB want to come. My new 19 yo will return from China by the end of this month. I also met an attractive MILF last wk. She is 28-29, but is still very chio n sexy to ME. Most beautiful lips! Wonder if her pussy is as beautiful. I'm still not sure if I want her as she smokes.

Additionally, I hv another new tall gal in PRC who will know by today if her visitor pass to SIN has been approved. If not, I hv to get her a singer pass or work permit, the type that she doesn't hv to report to work. She is 170, 53 kg n has very long n very slender upper n forearms.


Bro WB
Bro WB

While I was reading this special amazing thread, I was also laughing and cheering all the guys on.

Funny that I never expect to have so much fun reading in SBF and fantastic that I got so much joy here. Also the knowledge was mind-blowing.

Thank you for all the contributions from all the experts. You guys make my day.

"A guru once said that there r only 3 reasons why a gal leaves a man voluntarily:

1) She has power over the man

2) She loses respect for the man

3) The man can't satisfy her sexually

He is spot-on!"

The above quote makes helluva sense because if guy cannot satisfy the gal the gal will leave to search for happiness.

Please guys, keep this great thread going for long time.

Have fun!!
Old 14-05-2018, 03:53 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by iamnotstupid View Post
Bro WB

While I was reading this special amazing thread, I was also laughing and cheering all the guys on.

Funny that I never expect to have so much fun reading in SBF and fantastic that I got so much joy here. Also the knowledge was mind-blowing.

Thank you for all the contributions from all the experts. You guys make my day.

"A guru once said that there r only 3 reasons why a gal leaves a man voluntarily:

1) She has power over the man

2) She loses respect for the man

3) The man can't satisfy her sexually

He is spot-on!"

The above quote makes helluva sense because if guy cannot satisfy the gal the gal will leave to search for happiness.

Please guys, keep this great thread going for long time.

Have fun!!
This is indeed an amazing thread.
Have a nice week ahead.
Old 14-05-2018, 04:14 PM
erkianpeng erkianpeng is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Fantastic thread which I have always followed.

Sorry if I digress a bit but I remember Sifu Warbird mentioning that we must continue to use our penis regularly and have orgasms. If not we will get prostrate problems. Why is that so?

How often do you guys shoot? Once a day? Once a week?

So how often should we shoot in order not to have prostrate problems.

Thanks for any advice!
Old 14-05-2018, 06:23 PM
warbird warbird is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by EmperorQ View Post
Bro WB

Many thanks for starting such a fabulous thread.

I always advocate the fact that we need to go to the source. If want Russian gals then go to Russia, similarly if want PRC then go to Southern China.

The whole of PRC full of pretty gals and is up to us to pick.

Even though CP no longer the hotspot but they playground had shifted to other parts. Just need to take a few hours of flight time and there we will be enjoying and partying.

The raid locally will never ceased. It will continue because all these agencies are just doing their jobs. Police will just maintain law and order.

Looking ta the bigger picture, what ME posted was reality. Spending so much money just to fcuk a gal is no-no. Downright foolishness.

Anyway to each his own.

Just ensure you enjoy is the paramount importance.

Have a nice weekend tomorrow.

Opps enjoy your outing tonight.
Bro, tks for your post.

We should go to the source for the prettiest and highest quality gals of our type.

Originally Posted by Rat2020 View Post
Bro WB

Interesting that you shared the above post.

I am not sure I understood what you are trying to say.

If bonded since child then the bond may not be lover r/s but bro-sis r/s. Moreover she so much younger than you. Can also bond like uncle-niece r/s.

The whole problem was all these PRC gals dun have much time here. They are here either short few months or at most 2 to 4 years. All depends on whether they can get their student pass or whatever visa renewed.

I cautioned all the sob stories todl by the PRC gals and can we trust their stories at all. I can even tell their stories on behalf. One thing, I believe many of these gals were abused since young and don't have good childhood life.

Many left their family to live elsewhere or to work in the city. These I think many of these gals will never dare to tell the truth especially been abuse.

Well hope my comment is not abusive and hope to hear feedback too.

Have a great weekend to you.
Bro, tks.

Google October Man Sequence or Method. The RS is a very sexual one.

"Self discovery is about finding our Identity by both searching within
ourselves and by interacting with others. It is the result of the
interplay between these two things. At an early age we discover
that boys and girls are very different. And we form relationships
with the opposite sex.

All relationships at this early stage of life are formative – they form
our sexual identity. For example, Freud may have pointed out that
a man who has trouble bonding with women, most likely had a
weak bond with his mother as an infant and child. A woman who is
afraid of men may have had a father that was mean and abusive –
and these are the men she continually finds herself with. A woman
who didn’t have a father figure may find herself looking for that
father figure in her relationships."

Originally Posted by EmperorQ View Post
Bro WB

I learned this and proven very useful indeed.

"When you try to control too much, you enjoy too little. Sometimes you just need to let go, relax, take a deep breath and love what is."

You free your mind from needless worries.
Bro, tks.

Things that you want lightly come easily.

Originally Posted by maoshanwang View Post
Bro WB, tks for the reply.

PRC gal working in nightlife aged faster and drained out quickly.


Late nights, second hand smoke and alcohol are terrible for health.

Originally Posted by Rat2020 View Post
Bro WB

Thanks for the post below.

I think your guru explain similar to this article I found online.

Reading her body language: Is she interested

Her lips:

Big smiles with upper and lower teeth showing with a relaxed face.
Biting of the lips or showing of the tongue, licking her lips or touching of her front teeth.
She wets her lips, some women use only a single-lip lick, wetting the upper or lower lip, while others run the tongue around the entire lip area.
She puts her fingernail between her teeth.
She protrudes her lips and thrust her breasts forward.

Tks for sharing.

Originally Posted by iamnotstupid View Post
Bro WB

While I was reading this special amazing thread, I was also laughing and cheering all the guys on.

Funny that I never expect to have so much fun reading in SBF and fantastic that I got so much joy here. Also the knowledge was mind-blowing.

Thank you for all the contributions from all the experts. You guys make my day.

"A guru once said that there r only 3 reasons why a gal leaves a man voluntarily:

1) She has power over the man

2) She loses respect for the man

3) The man can't satisfy her sexually

He is spot-on!"

The above quote makes helluva sense because if guy cannot satisfy the gal the gal will leave to search for happiness.

Please guys, keep this great thread going for long time.

Have fun!!

Tks for your post. Life is fun...

Originally Posted by erkianpeng View Post
Fantastic thread which I have always followed.

Sorry if I digress a bit but I remember Sifu Warbird mentioning that we must continue to use our penis regularly and have orgasms. If not we will get prostrate problems. Why is that so?

How often do you guys shoot? Once a day? Once a week?

So how often should we shoot in order not to have prostrate problems.

Thanks for any advice!
Bro, tks.

I'm not a sifu.

At least 21 times a month. The more the better.



Bro WB
Old 15-05-2018, 12:08 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
I recently realized tat trying to be Alpha is not Alpha at all.

Yes, ur perceived dominant male status is the sole determinant of ur attractiveness to women/gals.

I hv dug deeper n found tat it's not ur actual high social-economic status or financial power per se but ur dominant self mastery/self control which is perceived by the subconscious minds tat is the "secret active ingredient" of ur attractiveness.

A wealthy n successful man or a man of power usually, though by no means always, has greater self mastery/self control compared w/ less successful men. It's a chicken or egg question as to which came first. I would say self mastery must come first (inherited money or position is an exception).

Bro AP, u hv more or less answered your own question.

IMHO, the word "dominant" in "dominant self mastery and self control" is very close to "supreme" n "absolute." The rare man who has this character trait is fatally attractive to the most beautiful women. He will be equally invincible in his other pursuits in life...

The problem is that knowing n doing r completely different. Doing n being r again completely different...


Bro WB
Bro WB,

I don't need to borrow your thread but definitely want to support here.

BTW, thanks for the nice thread.

To me, dominant self-mastery is just 2 words.

Dominant - having power and influence over others.

Self-mastery - self-control

Fully agreed that self-mastery do not need to have plenty of money. Is just an individual who can have more self-control.

Old 15-05-2018, 12:45 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Great thread here, support bro WB.
Have a nice day, cheers.
Old 15-05-2018, 01:49 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by sing11235813 View Post
Dear Bro Warbird,

I hope you don't mind me borrowing your thread for a little while. I hope to elicit some response from yourself, and bro DYBJ (since the 2 of you since the most experienced in what I'm about to ask). But of course, all other bros are most welcomed to pen their thoughts.

Quick background: I'm in my early 50's, with the usual trappings of OC, post-adolescent kids, etc. Started to eat out only recently (escort, some higher-end fl) but find it quite unsatisfying and unenjoyable, mainly because it feels a little cheap, unreal, and like I'm using a public toilet. So, am on the lookout for something more....

Constraint: Time. On most days, I need to be home after office hours, as my job doesn't require me to work post-office hours; would look real suspicious if I pull funny stunts especially after not doing it for 20+ years (big mistake!). Fortunately, during office hours, my timing is really flexible. My big boss is not even based in SG, so I pretty much run the trading desk like a local warlord!

Budget: Am willing to go up to 50K per month. More if it is really necessary and worth it.

Appeal: Need some ideas to get some really feel-good moments. I'm talking GFE, looks, body, yet with class and must be non-wl/fl/ktv. Wonder if it is at all possible. Off the top of my head, I'm thinking undergrads? OL? But, since all transactions must take place during office hours, it's kinda hard for me to go chasing after them in clubs/bars (besides those that go to these places to be picked up are probably not what I'm looking for anyway). Any and all ideas welcomed!

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Hi bro sing11235813,

I sense that you're dissatisfied doing ST w/ FLs/escorts/models n want to experience more GFE n companionship...I suggest u BY a gal on a longer term basis, say from 1 to several months. With ur generous budget, u will be spoilt for choice. The difficulty is finding the right gal n the danger is KC trap. You hv to KC her w/o getting KC-ed!

To be honest, I hv had very limited experience in "eating out" as I BAO-ed my 1st gal just over a yr ago. Hv encountered many problems n failures, as detailed in this thread.

Time constraint is a severe handicap in BY-ing. I hv faced the same problem.
It's difficult to KC a gal if ur time is limited. If I dun spend enough time w/ a BAO-ee, such as eating meals together several times a wk, taking her to outings n staying at her place n eating her home cook dinner at least occasionally, etc., n only meeting her n fxking her in a hotel rm, she will complain that it's an outright transaction.

BTW, u must convince ur OC why u hv to go out at nite. Take up nighttime hobbies or join clubs such as Toastmasters...

My previous BYs hv lasted from 1 wk to 2 months, due partly to time constraint n partly to various unforeseen circumstances. Nowadays if I like a gal after 1 wk, I'll definitely move her to a flat close to my residence so that I can stay w/ her n get her to cook, etc. It's like a 2nd home, ya?

I suggest that u PM bro DUBJ n seek his advice. You will benefit greatly from his wisdom n vast experience in BY-ing. BTW, he is successful in many areas of life n nurturing multiple RS w/ high quality women is only his minor interest...


Bro WB
Bro WB,

I quoted bro sing1123581 post above because I found his post more like fictions.

He claimed he needs to go home after work and lame excuse that he cannot hang out but needs to get home. Yet, he has 50k budget per month to look for a GFE gal to fark. This type of scenario sounded very dubious and who in the hell of company paid a guy >50k per month salary doing nothing much.

Firstly he sounded wussy.
Secondly he sounded as though his wife or in-laws are the owner.
Thirdly he sounded he is good for nothing.
Fourthly he has the moolah to burn.

Pardon me for been honest and not here to defame anyone since this is open forum.

You had commented rightfully that if he cannot convince his OC that he needs to sneak out at night then forget about finding GFE Bao-ee.

Wonder such person does existed in this land?

After reading so many pages, i wanted to comment almost every posts but I refrained from doing so.

Please keep this going strong.

Old 15-05-2018, 01:57 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Wah so detailed analysis, can be Mr. Sherlock liao
Old 16-05-2018, 01:25 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB

I cannot believe what I was reading about this thread. Excellent in terms of contents, fun, laughter, economics, sex, libido, stock markets, etc.

After reading what bro campaign had to say about the lunatic sing11235813, I was really interested to continue all his past posts. I wonder really there existed such a jerk who cannot afford time but yet want to bonk a GFE gal who are not in FL. I did agreed all sounded very unreal.

Anyway I was reading your post below and now I practising trying this exercise to draw air all the way down past your ribs, and allow it to expand your diaphragm andyour belly.

"The final aim is to KC them n give them COS". - this quote does makes plenty of cow sense. No point to keep holding our breathe.

Getting to know the gals and build good rapport is important for kc.

Hope to complete reading this thread soon.

In the meantime, please continue all the great exchange of forums.

Thank you.

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Good morning!

According to many gurus, ur success w/ women is a function of ur rapport w/ them. Approaching, meeting, dating n seducing them...depends largely on deepening ur rapport. The deeper the rapport, the better n stronger the RS. The final aim is to KC them n give them COS. Deepening rapport will greatly facilitate these goals.

A few days ago, I received an email from a guru on a quick tip to deepen rapport/attraction:

Bro WB,

I used to have a hard time finding women who wanted to be more
than friends with me. I had female "friends" coming out my ears -
and I was sick of it.

I HATED getting LJBF'd (Let's Just Be Friends)...

It drove me CRAZY.

Having attraction with women is no longer a struggle for me, and
there's one thing in particular I learned that made a real difference.
I'm gonna lay it on you now...

First of all, remember that women are like tuning forks and they
instantly pick up on what you are "resonating." Therefore, one
of the most powerful ways to deepen your resonance (presence)
is to:

Retrain Your Breathing.

I used to be what I call a "chest-breather." By that, I mean that
my inhalations went no lower than my chest - my ribcage.

A lot of guys who struggle with creating sexual attraction with
women are also "chest-breathers."

How about you?

As you're sitting here now, reading this, how deep is your breathing?
How far down into your body does your breath expand?

Try This Exercise:

RIGHT NOW, put a hand on your lower stomach, and draw air all the
way down past your ribs, and allow it to expand your diaphragm and
your belly. Your breath should literally PUSH THE HAND on your belly
UP with each inhale. Actually try this, and see what you notice.

Once you have that down (and for some guys, it takes a while to figure
out which muscles control this ability), practice breathing even lower,
into your genitals, as if you could breath right into your BALLS.

This may be a challenge for you, because you're not accustomed to
that particular awareness.

You may even experience emotions, or sometimes feelings of shame,
as you start feeling into these areas of your body.

That's a good thing-it means you're going outside of comfort zone
and accessing stuck emotions.

Women Can Feel the Difference

In our XX Intensive weekend courses, we bring in super-aware,
brilliantly articulate women who offer moment-to-moment feedback
about what they're feeling in their bodies as the men in the course
interact with them.

And when chest-breathers start belly-breathing, women who weren't
attracted to them at all suddenly feel excited by the man's new
sense of power.

And when guys breathe all the way into their balls, the women's
responses are even more distinct - they often report getting turned
on, simply by being around guys as they breathe more deeply.

Practice It To Make It a Habit

I had to retrain myself from being a chest-breather to being a balls &
belly-breather... and it made a huge difference in feeling grounded,
centered and powerful with women (especially the ones that I'm
attracted to).

Practice this even when you're NOT around women, until it becomes
second nature to you when you ARE with a woman - in the car,
walking down the street, while eating, in bed at night and in the

After a couple of weeks, you should find that you're breathing into
your belly without thinking about it.

Now, you may find that when you're with a woman you're seriously
attracted to, your breathing reverts back to the old way.

Even though I typically breathe into my lower body, when I'm with
women I'm attracted to, I suddenly find that my breathing becomes
shallow. If this is the case for you as well, just notice this, and
practice breathing fully and deeply, into your belly and your balls.

We have all KINDS of practical, effective body exercises that will
make a REAL difference in your ability to create primal sexual
attraction and deep connection with women...

Your Guru
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