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Old 08-03-2005, 03:04 PM
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Re: POST-SARS : Guangdong Sexcapades

Originally Posted by flyguy
It was certaintly an experience to Nan kun Shan - altho the bus journey up from guangzhou city took some almost 3 hrs to reach due to bus transfer. By taxis or private transport would be a faster way but the costs would be pretty high at abt RMB250 to 300 - unless there's a group of at least 4 pax.
Hotels are basically typical but at 120 to 150 one cant complain much and in winter they do not switch on the water heater till evening and depending in vacancy. Hmm girls now are less than 60 but supposedly more during the spring/summer time. Overall good experience and for the price considering.
Can you give the Chinese name of this Nan Kun Shan ??? I try to locate in the map of Hui Zhou...but still cannot find leh.... Where do you take the bus from ??? Does it indicate going to Nan Ku Shan or a hereby town ???

Many thanks...
Old 08-03-2005, 04:19 PM
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Re: POST-SARS : Guangdong Sexcapades

Originally Posted by Sinoview you dont want to go Sichuan or ChongQing liao hah.... Hee...hee..

It's confirmed i 'll be in Sland on the 31th March.... I'm leaving for Sland this weekend. What's the exact date you re flying ???

Please take note.... that the last special by Jetstarasia of S$48 one way to HK is over liao.. The new offer is S$68... and is expiring by 16 March... I suggest you firmed up yr travel dates if you want to take up their offer. They are tstill he best value for money flights right now....
Not going to Sland liao, please refer to my post to you in the CP thread. Arrive HK 22 March and leaving 10 April so have plenty of time to enjoy myself ....hehehehe

Chengdu can still go wat, why not? Everywhere also must try, try lah...
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Old 08-03-2005, 05:34 PM
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Re: POST-SARS : Guangdong Sexcapades

Originally Posted by Happykiwi
Not going to Sland liao, please refer to my post to you in the CP thread. Arrive HK 22 March and leaving 10 April so have plenty of time to enjoy myself ....hehehehe

Chengdu can still go wat, why not? Everywhere also must try, try lah...
Just dug out yr posting... Hmmm... i'll miss you again on yr early part of the trip...

I'll be in China only after the 1st April... where u think u 'll be then ??? you know I love Cloudy Bay .. of course the White preferably the Sauvignon Blanc.. Any year will do. It's one of my favourite whites. Marlborough region produces one of the world best whites....

Hope to see you soon...
Old 09-03-2005, 02:06 AM
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Re: POST-SARS : Guangdong Sexcapades

Humen Long Chuen Hotel Sauna - which girl NOT TO TRY - 132.

Venturing into the nether regions where there little or no FRs, i walked around trying to scratch my itch and went to the sauna in my hotel - Long Chuen Hotel ( translated Dragon Fountain International Hotel).

The hotels was 5 stars and at rmb 360/night it was a steal, but sadly the Sauna was not.

Went in and was offered the VIP room which i most gladly took. Supervisor handed me his card ( Title : Minister of Sauna ) and asked me whats my preference - i told him - pretty! he said no problem and came back after 5 mins with 2 roadkills ....i wasn proud but i took roadkill132 who was ok looking but definitely doesn fall under the category of pretty which i requested. apparently that place was real packed tonight.figure was also passable but not slim and hot bod.

into the shower and arms raised and i saw this thick jungle of arm pit hair ( i think more than me) - immediatley sian and just summoned all the energy and will power to do the do.

credit to her, the massage was quite nice and her legs were real smooth so it did help getting me up. the capped bj was also not bad though would have been better bbbj....

2 positions later i was done and showered and zipped - not much conversation too...

armpit hair: 10/10
rtf: hahahaha

knn 299 +400!

oh the things i go through so my fellow samsters don have to suffer my fate....hey anyone has any other leads on Humen pls share since i might be coming to this place quite often,...

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Old 09-03-2005, 11:42 AM
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Re: POST-SARS : Guangdong Sexcapades

Originally Posted by McMuff
Humen Long Chuen Hotel Sauna - which girl NOT TO TRY - 132.

Venturing into the nether regions where there little or no FRs, i walked around trying to scratch my itch and went to the sauna in my hotel - Long Chuen Hotel ( translated Dragon Fountain International Hotel).

The hotels was 5 stars and at rmb 360/night it was a steal, but sadly the Sauna was not.

Went in and was offered the VIP room which i most gladly took. Supervisor handed me his card ( Title : Minister of Sauna ) and asked me whats my preference - i told him - pretty! he said no problem and came back after 5 mins with 2 roadkills ....i wasn proud but i took roadkill132 who was ok looking but definitely doesn fall under the category of pretty which i requested. apparently that place was real packed tonight.figure was also passable but not slim and hot bod.

into the shower and arms raised and i saw this thick jungle of arm pit hair ( i think more than me) - immediatley sian and just summoned all the energy and will power to do the do.

credit to her, the massage was quite nice and her legs were real smooth so it did help getting me up. the capped bj was also not bad though would have been better bbbj....

2 positions later i was done and showered and zipped - not much conversation too...

armpit hair: 10/10
rtf: hahahaha

knn 299 +400!

oh the things i go through so my fellow samsters don have to suffer my fate....hey anyone has any other leads on Humen pls share since i might be coming to this place quite often,...

Wah lau.. Humen lehz.. make some effort to go to HJ lor.. hehehe.. Or u can come ZS and find me...
Already have Stano eating out of my hand now..kekekeke...
Old 09-03-2005, 12:09 PM
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Re: POST-SARS : Guangdong Sexcapades

Originally Posted by Sinoview
Just dug out yr posting... Hmmm... i'll miss you again on yr early part of the trip...

I'll be in China only after the 1st April... where u think u 'll be then ??? you know I love Cloudy Bay .. of course the White preferably the Sauvignon Blanc.. Any year will do. It's one of my favourite whites. Marlborough region produces one of the world best whites....

Hope to see you soon...
At the moment, according to my itinerary, from 3 April to 10 April, I will be in Chengdu, Nan Kun Shan, Zhuhai, Macau, and CP or ZMT all at the same time. Alamak, how come only seven days left to do all that ahhhh!

Got your wine. done deal!
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Old 09-03-2005, 03:48 PM
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Re: POST-SARS : Guangdong Sexcapades

Just been on my 3rd visit to Guangzhou over the past couple of mths and been staying at the Asia International Hotel, ocean Plaza and Cathay hotel - all along the main road where the famed Garden hotel is. Hence been walking up and down the stretch of road in the evenings and can see quite a bit of FLs all along the road and esp just outside Garden hotel and by the side road where Starbucks is. Their asking prices generally range from RMB300 to 500 but after some negotiations can get for 250 for ST. Some of these girls operate in twos and there are some really nice ones too. And if one venture further off some side streets, one might be asked if "wanted to play" by basically migrant girls for even RMB80 to 150 - but the catch is that u need to follow them to their place - which is not recommended unless u have a group of frens with u. There are some good gems to be found - but of course one have to be cautious - and when u take a girl back - make sure she does not call someone on her phone and tell which hotel she is going and which room number - of course its better if u just ask her to follow u and not tell her anything in advance.
Old 14-03-2005, 12:25 PM
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Re: POST-SARS : Guangdong Sexcapades

hi all - i will be likely going down to guangzhou wif my partner around 4 apr to 7 apr - for a quick biz recce and seeing a few people which will take only abt a day and a half - and after that we are kinda free to roam about and seek out new places within the city and or travel abit out of the city within a 2 to 3 hr radius. Anyone who will be in the area can join us - pm me.
Old 14-03-2005, 10:30 PM
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Re: POST-SARS : Guangdong Sexcapades

Originally Posted by Happykiwi
At the moment, according to my itinerary, from 3 April to 10 April, I will be in Chengdu, Nan Kun Shan, Zhuhai, Macau, and CP or ZMT all at the same time. Alamak, how come only seven days left to do all that ahhhh!

Got your wine. done deal!
Halo bro Kiwi,
Why you date kept shortening one. I would like to join you for sex-cape 'silk road' if I can... can I??? double fly in SZ, CP all the way to GZ...

Hope to see all of you soon enough...
Old 15-03-2005, 09:28 AM
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Re: POST-SARS : Guangdong Sexcapades

sign... just came back from GZ... due to unexpected work commitment, did not even had any "score" in GZ at all... such a disappointment for myself...

usually, if i could not find any HC worth trying, would at least try the hotel massage service, and if they do provide room massage service, likely you would be able to get something "extra"... however, i stayed at Grand Palace Hotel (Jia Yi Hao Ting).. and hotel policy was damn tight... no massage in room, only at they own small HC.. guest must be registered after 11pm and so on.. such gal unfriendly place (spoilt my plan to visit Garden Hotel walkers).. and I had to stay in the hotel for the whole trip..

one of my colleague tried the inhouse massage in the HC and only managed to get a HJ@rmb500!! I told him he was robbed! also the reason i gave up on trying the hotel HC...

others, due to work, only managed to return to hotel by 11pm to 12am.. so, my original thoughts of traveling down to CP also burst like bubble.. damn.. asked a couple of cab drivers, some said can bring me to falang.. but further away from the tianhe area where i put up.. looking at these cab drivers, do not look very trustworthy.. so, gave them a missed also..

now back in S'pore.. must destress myself from all the expected buildup.. damn.. wasted a possibly "fun" trip to GZ..

Old 15-03-2005, 10:38 AM
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Re: POST-SARS : Guangdong Sexcapades

Originally Posted by hcmanic
Halo bro Kiwi,
Why you date kept shortening one. I would like to join you for sex-cape 'silk road' if I can... can I??? double fly in SZ, CP all the way to GZ...

Hope to see all of you soon enough...
No lah, too many mei meis to satisfy- north, south, east, west also have, so appointment book filling up very quickly lor....

If you are around in Guangdong between 23 March and 10 April, then you will surely bump into me. LOL
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Old 15-03-2005, 08:12 PM
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Re: POST-SARS : Guangdong Sexcapades

Originally Posted by mustika

Thanks for your advice.
Is it possible to book the train ticket from HK - GZ in spore ? If not, what is the best way to book? thanks
I personally take this route from "HK - GZ" and it cost me HK38 + RMB75.

From HK Airport -
Take Bus Service A43 to Sha Shui(HK) Mrt Station HK28[50min bus ride]
Sha Shui(HK) Mrt Station to Luo Hu (HK) Mrt Station HK10+ [Approx 8min MRT Ride]

Walk Over to Luo Hu, Shenzhen(China) Side. Will Past by the HK & China Immigrations. [Approx 15min]

Walk to the Train Station. Buy the Next(15mins/train) Train to GZ - RMB75
[Reach Guangzhou East Railway Station in 1hr 30min, Note: Its side by side with the GZ MRT Station]

For return trip, just trace back the route. Hope it helps!

Note: I find this route faster and more reliable and of course cheaper then take airport express(bus or train) to GZ.
Old 16-03-2005, 04:34 AM
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Re: POST-SARS : Guangdong Sexcapades

Originally Posted by betweenus21
Just been on my 3rd visit to Guangzhou over the past couple of mths and been staying at the Asia International Hotel, ocean Plaza and Cathay hotel - all along the main road where the famed Garden hotel is. Hence been walking up and down the stretch of road in the evenings and can see quite a bit of FLs all along the road and esp just outside Garden hotel and by the side road where Starbucks is. ....
Bro, aside from the Garden Hotel which is too damn expensisve, which hotel that is in close proximity would you recommend? I prefer a new hotel with all the modern conveniences including a persoanl safe for each room. Thanx.
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Old 16-03-2005, 05:36 PM
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Re: POST-SARS : Guangdong Sexcapades

hi Happykiwi - other than the expensive Garden hotel which is also not girl-friendly by the way, the other good hotel to consider is the Asia International hotel (5-star) with nice appointed rooms and will cost you abt RMB500 if booked thro an agent (at the airport thro CTS etc). If u wished for a more economical one - can just walk further down the road ie Huanhshi East (the other direction instead of asia hotel) and there is the Cathay hotel - a 3-star hotel but if u take the superior room with a room safe is only abt RMB300 - and its very convenient and the main landmark is that there is a russian restaurant on the 2nd level which u can see from the road - the hotel tel number is 8620-83889108 - and bec it has a big internet cafe on the 3rd level which one can use for only rmb3 per hr to check on yr emails etc.
Another alternative is to walk up further to Ocean Plaza Apt (just after the smaller Ocean hotel) - here its apartment-style ie single apt at rmb400 or a 2-room apt at 600 - tel is 8620-87765988
Old 16-03-2005, 09:46 PM
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Re: POST-SARS : Guangdong Sexcapades

hi bro kiwi again - oh we will be in Guangzhou on 4 apr for a couple of days if ther's no changes in itinerary - so perhaps can meet up for a cuppa at starbucks and watch the girls pass by - pm me.
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