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Old 18-09-2006, 12:01 AM
Clonie Clonie is offline
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Re: How long did you not have sex with your wife or gf?

you guys are painting such a bleak picture of sex life after marriage..veri demoralising..
Old 18-09-2006, 12:28 AM
lrrrp888 lrrrp888 is offline
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Re: How long did you not have sex with your wife or gf?

To all the frustrated married man

I must say that I am one of the frustrated man as well but I have grown to accept the fact that sex is not everything as we get older (btw, I am in my mid to late 30s) and the kids will take centrestage. Btw, my case is once every 2 to 3 months nowsdays compared to twice a week before we have any kids.

I will usually diy and look outside once everyfew months to stay "refresh". Just stay focus on other matters like kids and family issues and slowly, you will not feel so frustrated.

It did works for me this way and so hang on bros.
Old 18-09-2006, 12:59 AM
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Red face Re: How long did you not have sex with your wife or gf?

Originally Posted by mscucky
btw i m not a man.. i m a woman.... so dun call me brudder coz it's funny... anyway i understand wat u mean....

stime slove is not that bad.. maybe u r just unlucky to get somebody who is disinterested in sex....
so sorry sis, i din know u r a woman..thousand apologies, pai seh!!

yes u r rite sometime love is not bad but ask urself..wat u know is true love..
why after married all the love r gone..??? Up to now i really dun understand why after married most of the families facing tis major problem beside money n kids. Is it both party take for granted after married..???
Be frank with or lover is better than wife..she show caring,concern and how to love u..tat how she move my heart's. B4 tat i telling myself i dun wan to have any illict affair outside but no choice ,force the buddha jump over the wall. Been endure for so many yrs n give her alot of chance to change since til turn to deaf ear. Anyway as long she is good mother to my kids i dun mind, no sex nvm. To love the person is so difficult and pay high price.At the end gain nothing just a big problems to shoulder for rest of the life......
Old 18-09-2006, 01:13 AM
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Re: How long did you not have sex with your wife or gf?

Originally Posted by Bronco
yes u r rite sometime love is not bad but ask urself..wat u know is true love..
why after married all the love r gone..??? Up to now i really dun understand why after married most of the families facing tis major problem beside money n kids. Is it both party take for granted after married..???
Be frank with or lover is better than wife..she show caring,concern and how to love u..tat how she move my heart's. B4 tat i telling myself i dun wan to have any illict affair outside but no choice ,force the buddha jump over the wall. Been endure for so many yrs n give her alot of chance to change since til turn to deaf ear. Anyway as long she is good mother to my kids i dun mind, no sex nvm. To love the person is so difficult and pay high price.At the end gain nothing just a big problems to shoulder for rest of the life......
same here bro. at least you got still got chance to "jump over the wall". me only can pcc, go HC or find FL. sigh~~ every family got their our bible to read...
Old 18-09-2006, 03:44 AM
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Re: How long did you not have sex with your wife or gf?

After reading through most of the interesting posts, I noticed that parents do make a lot of sacrifices for the sake of their kids; be it financially or intimidately. I do understand that blood is thicker than water and the bonding is so strong that the parents chose to stay on with their unhappy marriage for the sake of their kids.

I, for once, chose to differ. Life is short, and are we going to suffer in the broken marriage? Why? If your spouse does not appreciate you (be it sex or money), why bother to stay on? If you think your kids will grow up and contribute to our society (with a good career, money, etc...), think twice. Look at those rebellious kids at CineLeisure or Zouk (mambo nights) and you will start praying that your kids wont end up there just like them.

If you cant get your deservedly intimacy time with your spouse, what's wrong with filling up your sexual desire with FLs? If you found your new love, feel free to move on with a divorce. What about the kids? Well, they will grow up with or without you. It's not so much about responsibility, it's your life, for goodness sake.

Old 18-09-2006, 04:21 AM
SA23 SA23 is offline
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Re: How long did you not have sex with your wife or gf?

Originally Posted by jng1103

After reading through most of the interesting posts, I noticed that parents do make a lot of sacrifices for the sake of their kids; be it financially or intimidately. I do understand that blood is thicker than water and the bonding is so strong that the parents chose to stay on with their unhappy marriage for the sake of their kids.

I, for once, chose to differ. Life is short, and are we going to suffer in the broken marriage? Why? If your spouse does not appreciate you (be it sex or money), why bother to stay on? If you think your kids will grow up and contribute to our society (with a good career, money, etc...), think twice. Look at those rebellious kids at CineLeisure or Zouk (mambo nights) and you will start praying that your kids wont end up there just like them.

If you cant get your deservedly intimacy time with your spouse, what's wrong with filling up your sexual desire with FLs? If you found your new love, feel free to move on with a divorce. What about the kids? Well, they will grow up with or without you. It's not so much about responsibility, it's your life, for goodness sake.

Bro Jng1103, what u said i agree but we are still human which parents dun care or want the best for their kids. So i can really understand y alot o bro's out there are still holding to their married even thou no love or sex is involved anymore
Old 18-09-2006, 04:30 AM
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Re: How long did you not have sex with your wife or gf?

Sad to admit i'm also 1 kind before this gal came into my life it was all abt FL or my CO but after she came into the pic i dun wish to have sex with anyone else expect her. But sad to say to cover myself up i still have to make love with my CO but in my mind i was thinking of her and the great love making session i had with her. Divorce did came into my mind since i dun love my CO anymore but for my child i just had to endure now and c hw it goes
Old 18-09-2006, 09:18 AM
yankim3 yankim3 is offline
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Re: How long did you not have sex with your wife or gf?

Originally Posted by SA23
Sad to admit i'm also 1 kind before this gal came into my life it was all abt FL or my CO but after she came into the pic i dun wish to have sex with anyone else expect her. But sad to say to cover myself up i still have to make love with my CO but in my mind i was thinking of her and the great love making session i had with her. Divorce did came into my mind since i dun love my CO anymore but for my child i just had to endure now and c hw it goes

hmm, sometime things like that happen.
Old 18-09-2006, 12:15 PM
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Re: How long did you not have sex with your wife or gf?

Originally Posted by jng1103

I, for once, chose to differ. Life is short, and are we going to suffer in the broken marriage? Why? If your spouse does not appreciate you (be it sex or money), why bother to stay on? If you think your kids will grow up and contribute to our society (with a good career, money, etc...), think twice. Look at those rebellious kids at CineLeisure or Zouk (mambo nights) and you will start praying that your kids wont end up there just like them.


you dun pray for yr kids not to end up like them... you educate them.
if you as parents had already given up hope on your kids, then no one will ever want to help them.... you think gov. and schools bother about your kids...???
so if you are a parent or want to be a parent, think again... if you have no responsibility to raise your kids... then dun give birth.

Yes we all need sex, we all like sex.. but have sex also must be responsible for yr actions.. shoot liao very shiok... be it shoot inside hole or inside condom... so before you shoot inside into the hole, use you BIG head and think~
Old 18-09-2006, 12:32 PM
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Re: How long did you not have sex with your wife or gf?

Originally Posted by surfer888
Coming to 5 years (For wife)... Sad but true.

Others still active.
omg... bro how you tahan...
Old 18-09-2006, 02:20 PM
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Re: How long did you not have sex with your wife or gf?

hee hee , i am not alone.. if wife dont give, then venture outside loh... No big deal. she ask for it.

Either FL,ONS or you can choose to find an office affair. fling amongs the secretaries or sales personnel. Dont forget to wear condoms!
New Year, New Sextifaction!!!!
Old 18-09-2006, 03:08 PM
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Re: How long did you not have sex with your wife or gf?

Bro, thanks... very well said...good advise...real touch me with your words....i m in some difficult situation now and your advise comes in time. Thanks again!
xiao liao

Originally Posted by jng1103

After reading through most of the interesting posts, I noticed that parents do make a lot of sacrifices for the sake of their kids; be it financially or intimidately. I do understand that blood is thicker than water and the bonding is so strong that the parents chose to stay on with their unhappy marriage for the sake of their kids.

I, for once, chose to differ. Life is short, and are we going to suffer in the broken marriage? Why? If your spouse does not appreciate you (be it sex or money), why bother to stay on? If you think your kids will grow up and contribute to our society (with a good career, money, etc...), think twice. Look at those rebellious kids at CineLeisure or Zouk (mambo nights) and you will start praying that your kids wont end up there just like them.

If you cant get your deservedly intimacy time with your spouse, what's wrong with filling up your sexual desire with FLs? If you found your new love, feel free to move on with a divorce. What about the kids? Well, they will grow up with or without you. It's not so much about responsibility, it's your life, for goodness sake.

Old 18-09-2006, 03:26 PM
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Re: How long did you not have sex with your wife or gf?

Originally Posted by jemz
we married less than a month only.
Wah piang ko lian tai, married less then a month and already he losing interest in sex...

Originally Posted by jemz
i want, but he like ai mai ai mai like that. or during the day i tease him, build up the anticipation until at night, den he will go and watch dvd. i like.. sit there and just . maybe i marry the wrong guy. before we got married he not like that one. i think also only a matter of time before i go out and find a partner or work as FL to earn income and to satisfy my own needs also if he continue like that. haix....
Haiz how come all these low sex drive sama sama one...everytime want to do they say tire but yet can stay up whole night watching dvd..
Old 18-09-2006, 03:48 PM
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Re: How long did you not have sex with your wife or gf?

Before married - never
Just married - 1-2 times a week
After having kids - 1 time a month
Now after 11 years married - 1 time in 3-4months

Read this thread and i think I am having the same problem with others here. Wife is low sex drive type, always tired, headache, no mood....etc
But at times, I am the one who avoid having sex. Somehow, during sex, I always have the picture of her nagging/scholding the kids, nagging at the maid....etc. These put me off and I don't enjoy the session at all.

Don't know how to solve the problem. I am beginning to watch DVDs already....
Old 18-09-2006, 04:04 PM
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Re: How long did you not have sex with your wife or gf?

Originally Posted by jemz
he work from home so is his flexi timing. but me leh?

btw, dont think im like drop dead gorgeous la. so dont try to hit on me. im only faithful to my man. haix... gimme advice how to get back our fairytale sexlife previously can?
since he works at home, maybe you try to establish if he wanks himself regularly during the day time while you're away. do a search for any playboy or penthouse mags hidden in the toilets (hanging outside the toilet window etc). he cant be a sbf bro becos sbf bros will never say no to sex.
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