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Old 20-05-2013, 11:24 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Hi bro, i went to UK's base at 1649 directly. Cheers!
Old 20-05-2013, 01:13 PM
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Thumbs up Bai He(1615) - China Doll SYT Solid Gem!

Bai He(1615)...21-22yr old mm fm Shanghai!...quite fair cute china doll syt looker, no make up, looks young cld pass off as a jc/poly gal...small petite 157cm ht, slim lean proportionate bod wif smooth skin...sumptuous perky firm yet soft C cup boobs wif lightish brown inverted tits, on her small slim frame looks even bigger like a D cup, a truly awesome sight n feel!!...small pert ass, small wisp of fine erotic pubescent looking pussy hairs, lovely pinkish oyster no smell...

Overall sex svc is excellent for a newbie n gfe is vgd...super solid full pkge sex svcs in both shower n bed...this Bai He aims to pls n does a truly awesome catbath, bbbj, hj, ar combo...not forgetting making full use of her beautiful boobs to provide pleasure is also damn bloody shiok in any n all positions...n she also enjoys being tonguefued...!!

only downside is that she is a reluctant frencher as she is not use it, but her overall sex pkge n charming attitude was so damn bloody gd n shiok that it overwhelmed me into not minding no frenching on this rare occasion!!...hopefully can psycho her into frenching on rtf n then the sex wld perfect!!...

Had a fantastic session wif this newbie Bai He notwithstanding no frenching...youthful sweet fun bubbly natural mm who satisfied all my sexual desires n a whole lot more...somehow reminds me of the retired KeXin(16W19) even though face n boobs size not similar?!... definite gem material n a keeper in me book!!...many tks to Unfit n ArmyouM for the recommendation

PS....i got frenching on rtf!!

#Standard caveat applies.... Think it is impt for pple reading FRs/recommendations to always try n bear in mind tat based on human nature variables factor the experience each punter gets fm the mm shall prolly/possibly not be the same...heck even the same punter may not get a similar experience on rtf...the mm is human afterall, wif feelings, emotions, mood swings, prejudice/bias, health issues etc - this is the collective human nature variables factor tat i am talking abt, a fundamental std caveat whenever one reads an FR./recommendation
Old 20-05-2013, 02:02 PM
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Thumbs up Re: UK of 1649

Originally Posted by SSOU View Post
58 kg for a 165 cm is quite fat leh
She is big bone or big frame type...
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Old 20-05-2013, 09:50 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Originally Posted by comm View Post
turns out to be Dan Dan

looks on first impression - 8.5 / 10

after 1 hour with her...

looks - 7/10
body - A cup boobs, slim towards skinny, small but "not bony" butt. I think her butt got the potential to be those curvy type, but her body not enough fats to fill up

Cat bath - i skip
AR - i skip

Whatever dan dan lacks in the BODY department, she makes up for it in the SKILL section

BBBJ - very good
FJ - her meimei can grip ur didi good, everything else is average. Low Key session.

after FJ she tired and 'sleep' for rest of the session, but got play play with me abit oso

My session with her is quite laid back and relaxed. her skill with bbbj is wonderful and i liked to doggy her

next time will walk about the other houses and see see look look
wow this 2 weeks i really jin free and nothing to do, keep going geylang

today went to 1651 again and picked dandan

3rd time with her, everything about the same, her blowjob and fj skills are solid good.

Oh ya, her butt definately has more fats now and feels better while doggie
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Old 20-05-2013, 09:57 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Hi bros whr can I find them? Any number to call?
Old 21-05-2013, 12:07 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Originally Posted by nsmen05 View Post
Hi bros whr can I find them? Any number to call?
No needs 2 call any numbers.. Juz go geylang any house and say you have $150 to throw... Someone will arrange 4 u from there...
Old 21-05-2013, 12:33 PM
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Re: UK of 1649

Originally Posted by modnocslol View Post
do you all bk uk in her homebase or call her frm elsewhre? r e rms in 1649 ok?
I suggest u go direct to her house is always easier to get fm mm's own hse...but wrt to 1649 mms i think it is even more necessary to go direct...becuz the bossman okt n that aunty are a bitchy dynamic duo, so quite difficult to get their mms at some other hses even if they do not hv any customers at homebase...
Old 21-05-2013, 02:15 PM
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Thumbs up Yan Yan(16W19) - Shyness+ Passion + Sensuality all in 1 Package!

Yan Yan (16W19) ...23 yr old mm fm Hunan...fair, quite chio, demure, pixie face syt wif nice eyes n kissable lips...166+cm gd ht, slim sexy long legs...slim bod, no fats, wif smooth skin, has a lovely..back wif a small faded tattoo on her upper left side...also has nicely shaped womanly hips, gives off a feminine vibe!..B+ boobs wif lightish brown tits, modified but quite well done, looks nice, not that hard, has abit of softness n perky(she likes it kneaded, squeezed n sucked!), has a mole abv her left boob...pert juicy ass, pussy abit bushy but no smell...has previous sauna experience in Dongguan...liked her matching black n white lacy lingerie, woof!...

Overall sex svc vgd for newbie n gfe is vgd..has a thrilling mix of shyness + passion + sensuality...damn shiok frenching n biting of her lower lip!! moans...bbbj slurpy wet gd not bad lick style...shy yet sensual eyecontact...she enjoyed me tonguefu n got wet...

fj damn shiok in any n all positions...lets herself go naturally wif high passion, exciting facial features grimacing in pleasure, hands gripping, nice moans, super shiok enjoyed doggie standing in her killer heels machiam model figure n ht accentuated by mirror effect; foldable chair wif her ass on the edge of the bed, lovely sexy slim long legs wrapped ard me waist at times, other times on me chest n neck n yet other times spread wif her hands holding them wide as i built up the piak piak piak momentum!

Overall had an enjoyable time wif this newbie Yan Yan...shy innocent, sweet yet horny n wanton when she is sexually stimulated!!...also strikes me as a genuine mm...definite gem material potential...

#Standard caveat applies.... Think it is impt for pple reading FRs/recommendations to always try n bear in mind tat based on human nature variables factor the experience each punter gets fm the mm shall prolly/possibly not be the same...heck even the same punter may not get a similar experience on rtf...the mm is human afterall, wif feelings, emotions, mood swings, prejudice/bias, health issues etc - this is the collective human nature variables factor tat i am talking abt, a fundamental std caveat whenever one reads an FR./recommendation
Old 21-05-2013, 02:57 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Does Yan Yan of L16W19 provide AR?
Old 21-05-2013, 05:03 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
Yan Yan (16W19) ...23 yr old mm fm Hunan...fair, quite chio, demure, pixie face syt wif nice eyes n kissable lips...166+cm gd ht, slim sexy long legs...slim bod, no fats, wif smooth skin, has a lovely..back wif a small faded tattoo on her upper left side...also has nicely shaped womanly hips, gives off a feminine vibe!..B+ boobs wif lightish brown tits, modified but quite well done, looks nice, not that hard, has abit of softness n perky(she likes it kneaded, squeezed n sucked!), has a mole abv her left boob...pert juicy ass, pussy abit bushy but no smell...has previous sauna experience in Dongguan...liked her matching black n white lacy lingerie, woof!...

Overall sex svc vgd for newbie n gfe is vgd..has a thrilling mix of shyness + passion + sensuality...damn shiok frenching n biting of her lower lip!! moans...bbbj slurpy wet gd not bad lick style...shy yet sensual eyecontact...she enjoyed me tonguefu n got wet...

fj damn shiok in any n all positions...lets herself go naturally wif high passion, exciting facial features grimacing in pleasure, hands gripping, nice moans, super shiok enjoyed doggie standing in her killer heels machiam model figure n ht accentuated by mirror effect; foldable chair wif her ass on the edge of the bed, lovely sexy slim long legs wrapped ard me waist at times, other times on me chest n neck n yet other times spread wif her hands holding them wide as i built up the piak piak piak momentum!

Overall had an enjoyable time wif this newbie Yan Yan...shy innocent, sweet yet horny n wanton when she is sexually stimulated!!...also strikes me as a genuine mm...definite gem material potential...

#Standard caveat applies.... Think it is impt for pple reading FRs/recommendations to always try n bear in mind tat based on human nature variables factor the experience each punter gets fm the mm shall prolly/possibly not be the same...heck even the same punter may not get a similar experience on rtf...the mm is human afterall, wif feelings, emotions, mood swings, prejudice/bias, health issues etc - this is the collective human nature variables factor tat i am talking abt, a fundamental std caveat whenever one reads an FR./recommendation
Originally Posted by ThaiSunn View Post
Does Yan Yan of L16W19 provide AR?

Yes, bro Omnia did say ar...
Old 21-05-2013, 08:41 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

hi .anyone know any girl same like yuki of 2060 which has closedown. small size n cute. if got can share with me. tks alot. hope bro out there can help.
Old 21-05-2013, 08:53 PM
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Wawa (1612)

Wawa, 21 yr old from Hunan
House: 1612

I spotted this girl when I rtf Evon. I like girls with short hair, so Wawa's bob hairstyle appeals to me. For some strange reason, I remembered her as Sammi. Lucky I've seen her before and I didn't call her based on FR.

She looks very young and cute, looks tall even tough only about 160 cm without high heels. Skin tanned and smooth, boobs A cup with brownish areolae and small raisin nipples. Body slightly bah bah, but definitely not fat. She was wearing a piece of cloth wrapped around her hips like girls on the beach.

Chit chat a bit before going into the shower. She massaged my shoulder in the shower and gave brief BBBJ. I tried frenching her, and she responded by frenching me back

In bed, she told me to lay on my tummy, and started with catbath on my back. Since I didn't want AR, she licked my balls and perineum. Turned over, she did front catbath, and BBBJ. BBBJ not the best, but very good. My turn to service her... kissed and licked her boobs and nips, then going down on her. Down under is a little bushy, but no weird smell. She enjoyed a good paint job... moaning and moving her hips, squeezing by head between her thighs.
FJ, only did various missionary since I like looking at her face while getting high. I think doggie would be fabulous since she has curvy hips.

After the deed, she gave me a back massage and we chit chat again before shower time.

She's bubbly and playful, with plenty of GFE feeling as well as good attitude.

rtf: yes

I've tried 2 newbies from this house, Evon and Wawa. Both hard working, provide good service, and rtf-worthy to me.
Old 21-05-2013, 11:30 PM
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Re: Wawa (1612)

Sharing a good experience. Will follow Bro Doomas format (but I doubt I can get anywhere near the level of quality description!)

Name - Piao Piao
Age – Didn't ask, looks like early to mid-twenties (23-24?)
Height - Average (Not short, not very tall. About 165cm-ish?)
Home Base - L16WH17
Misc info - Debuted late April 2012

I won't score the items because it is really so subjective. Will try for a good description instead.

Long straight hair with a side/center parting and brown highlights. Oval shaped face with fairly distinct features. Overall impression is the good girl-next-door who grew up to become a sales executive type. A really nice smile - straight upper row of pearly whites. Pretty in my book (and I'm quite particular about this).

I really have no eye for figure. She's slim, looks healthy. What more can I ask for? Her boobs should be around a B (I think). All natural and proportional to her figure. Nice legs (especially in those short short short dresses they wear! Awoooooooo!!!).

I'm not into the service thing, so can't tell if its good by everyone's standards (sorry!). What I can say is her attitude was good. Tried her best to follow the flow of things and it came out a very comforting and satisfying experience; kind of like making love to your girlfriend when we were 20-something? :P I'm kind of boring when it comes to positions, but what I can say is the rhythm was good.

Special Remarks:
Oh, and I don't really know where to fit this (but it really turns me on) - Piao Piao has a really husky-sultry voice. Thing is she combines it with a playful tone which makes for an interesting mix of womanly and girlish. Overall, an hour well spent.
Old 22-05-2013, 02:25 PM
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Thumbs up Xiao Yao Jing(2045) - A Very Young Oriental Juliette Lewis!

Xiao Yao Jing(2045)...21 yr old mm fm Guangxi...syt looker wif small eyes, wears no make up, looks like a nottie schoolgal wif a tinge of sultry sluttiness!!...kinda of resembles a v young Oriental Juliette Lewis in the 90's, especially in the movie "Cape Fear"(agree wif Geylangfc on this one)...petite small 158cm?ht, slim sexy legs proportionate to her body slim lean tight body wif no fats, smooth skin, nice looking back...perky A+/B- boobs small palmful wif brownish tits...small juicy ass, hairy pussy needs a trim...has previous skin trade experience in ChangAn Dongguan...wore sexy purple fingernail polish, i like!...

Overall sex svc vgd for newbie n gfe vgd...passionate kissing wif light frenching as she is still not use to it(although i gather her frenching has improved since i tried her awhile ago) bubbly nottie mm...

Enjoyable prelude as we peeled each others clothes off, raba, light frenching n nice bod n pussy feel...liked her sexy black lingerie as well, woof!...

Full pkge svc in both shower n bed...her bbbj is damn bloody solid wif full deepthroat n vgd mix of slurpy lick n suck plus hj nottie schoolgal was done wif a rubber but kinda interesting style as she did it 69 wif her on top so i got to play wif her pussy n arse at the same time!...she declined me tonguefu as i think not use to it(not sure whether she allows tonguefu now though?)...

FJ vgd as she has stamina, accommodative n moans n gd arms n bod enjoyed: me standing carrying her as she light n petite, gripping her bum wif her arms ard me neck, legs wrapped ard me waist she still in her killer heels, pumping wif accentuated mirror effect, felt like a porn star, shiok!; flip; doggie becuz of small juicy ass n lovely looking arched back; asian cowgal n cowgal pump n grind as she really worked it wif great eyecontact n moans, both of us gripping each others hands, finally shot me load when i gripped her bum pulling her close to me n frenched...

Overall had an enjoyable bonk wif this newbie Xiao Yao Jing...felt like i was fucking a sweet yet slutty petite horny schoolgal...definitely has gem potential...tks to Geylangfc for the recommendation

#Standard caveat applies.... Think it is impt for pple reading FRs/recommendations to always try n bear in mind tat based on human nature variables factor the experience each punter gets fm the mm shall prolly/possibly not be the same...heck even the same punter may not get a similar experience on rtf...the mm is human afterall, wif feelings, emotions, mood swings, prejudice/bias, health issues etc - this is the collective human nature variables factor tat i am talking abt, a fundamental std caveat whenever one reads an FR./recommendation
Old 22-05-2013, 05:22 PM
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Re: Xiao Yao Jing(2045) - A Very Young Oriental Juliette Lewis!

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
Xiao Yao Jing(2045)...21 yr old mm fm Guangxi...syt looker wif small eyes, wears no make up, looks like a nottie schoolgal wif a tinge of sultry sluttiness!!...kinda of resembles a v young Oriental Juliette Lewis in the 90's, especially in the movie "Cape Fear"(agree wif Geylangfc on this one)...petite small 158cm?ht, slim sexy legs proportionate to her body slim lean tight body wif no fats, smooth skin, nice looking back...perky A+/B- boobs small palmful wif brownish tits...small juicy ass, hairy pussy needs a trim...has previous skin trade experience in ChangAn Dongguan...wore sexy purple fingernail polish, i like!...

Overall sex svc vgd for newbie n gfe vgd...passionate kissing wif light frenching as she is still not use to it(although i gather her frenching has improved since i tried her awhile ago) bubbly nottie mm...

Enjoyable prelude as we peeled each others clothes off, raba, light frenching n nice bod n pussy feel...liked her sexy black lingerie as well, woof!...

Full pkge svc in both shower n bed...her bbbj is damn bloody solid wif full deepthroat n vgd mix of slurpy lick n suck plus hj nottie schoolgal was done wif a rubber but kinda interesting style as she did it 69 wif her on top so i got to play wif her pussy n arse at the same time!...she declined me tonguefu as i think not use to it(not sure whether she allows tonguefu now though?)...

FJ vgd as she has stamina, accommodative n moans n gd arms n bod enjoyed: me standing carrying her as she light n petite, gripping her bum wif her arms ard me neck, legs wrapped ard me waist she still in her killer heels, pumping wif accentuated mirror effect, felt like a porn star, shiok!; flip; doggie becuz of small juicy ass n lovely looking arched back; asian cowgal n cowgal pump n grind as she really worked it wif great eyecontact n moans, both of us gripping each others hands, finally shot me load when i gripped her bum pulling her close to me n frenched...

Overall had an enjoyable bonk wif this newbie Xiao Yao Jing...felt like i was fucking a sweet yet slutty petite horny schoolgal...definitely has gem potential...tks to Geylangfc for the recommendation

#Standard caveat applies.... Think it is impt for pple reading FRs/recommendations to always try n bear in mind tat based on human nature variables factor the experience each punter gets fm the mm shall prolly/possibly not be the same...heck even the same punter may not get a similar experience on rtf...the mm is human afterall, wif feelings, emotions, mood swings, prejudice/bias, health issues etc - this is the collective human nature variables factor tat i am talking abt, a fundamental std caveat whenever one reads an FR./recommendation
good stuff. thanks bro. any idea if han bing from this house is still around?
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