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Old 16-11-2009, 05:55 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by naemlo View Post
Your snooker cueing is getting better, direct n accurate...
Don't you know, BM is a very good billard player. I heard from RM all the time.
Old 16-11-2009, 07:14 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by newbird9403 View Post
Don't you know, BM is a very good billard player. I heard from RM all the time.

Thanks for the compliment, but i REALLY missssssss shooting Pool and the coooooold Bintang Bir in AH
Happy Bataming
This is the same Batam Man, don't know why, I can't log in with my old account anymore...??!
Old 16-11-2009, 09:03 PM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Originally Posted by blursam View Post

CJs got timing one.....better catch happens on Wednesday and Thursday nites. Also, be patient, the better ones come in slightly later (maybe after 10:30pm) ? Yes, Sundays to Tuesdays are bad.....

By the way, the old band (1 yr ago) is back.
Was there on ladies nite but ac compared to last year in my personal opinion more dinos and aunties! Only see the the drummer and the girl singer from the old band, the rest are unknown to me!
Old 16-11-2009, 09:11 PM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Originally Posted by bluepiss View Post
Just ride with the blue bird taxi group. you'll never run into funny things with them(robbery/ripoff/etc)

Seems that this thread has only been discussing expensive bonks in Jakarta, anyone into cheap and good ones which is around 40-50sgd?
He's just joking bro. Uncle is an etct88 is an experainced and reputable cheongster. His statement was a rib joke for certain parties!
Old 16-11-2009, 10:53 PM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Originally Posted by blursam View Post
tirak comes with investment costs...........
Tirak, sayang, em yeu, qin ai, sweetheart... all need investment, in term of time, effort, money or others.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 17-11-2009, 12:54 AM
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Thumbs down Copy other peoples post again!

Originally Posted by aakumu2 View Post
Hi bro,
I would like to post a few of my KTV's etiquette that I have picked up[learned the hard way] along the way.
A few rules that I hold on to wherever I go for a KTV session.

Rule 1
Telling who's going to be taken.
Some bros may pick more than one girl. Since some bros often speak English or other languages to each other, the girls may find someone who speaks Mandarin to do translations. In any case, late in the night, they sneakily ask the one who speaks Mandarin (and looks stupid... ME), "So which MM did he say he's taking out?" Now, I never give out the answer, or I would say "I do not know maybe all of the girls." ;because if I'm sure a slip-of-the-tongue may occur and the ones who may be unpicked will try to weasel out of the room early.

Rule 2
Getting someone else's MM so drunk that she's not worth taking home anymore. Happened to me once. Was not upset about it but it did kinda ruin my mood.

Rule 3
I hate it when someone buys there girls a teddy bear and then all the girls want one too. This happen to me a few times in the past, kind of ruined it for me as my girl got pissed when i declined. I think it is more that she lost "face" with the other girls.
Having said that, I should have bought it for and got it over with it.................

These things can be headed off at the pass, when I paid attention to who or what is coming in and out of our room.
When ever I see sales girls with candy or stuffed animals I just give them a simple "No" with a wave and they leave as fast as they came in. So my bros don't have a chance to feel put on the spot and the girls don't have a chance to feel left out. It also has the added benefit of keeping the bill down too.
Also telling the DJ to not allow these people into the room will also avoid this situation to arise in the first place.

Rule 4
Bros that reject every MM from a lineup of over 150 gals can be a downer for the whole night.
I do have very strict taste of what I like, But when I am cheonging with other bros, the main idea is to enjoy your time with bros, not necessarily having the right/perfect MM.

Rules 5
Being late or leaving early. Either way, if you agree to go partake in the KTV fun, pay your share for the night.

I'm never been late at the KTV nor do I leave early, but if I've done it I will pay the full amount.
One time I told everyone I'm be there at 1730 hrs, but showed up at 1900hrs. I paid my share of the bill.

Another time I still had 20 or so minutes left, but had to leave...I paid the full hour. It'll also be cool if you leave, you "assign" your footie girl to help massage your other bros (so he gets a massage from TWO girls).

Rules 6
I can not stress this more.... the key to having a great time in the KTV's is to go with a friends that knows how to talk to the MM and party with KTV's MM so that it is easy for them to have fun and enjoy; plus I think the "verteran" Senior bros policing the party will help to have a great time and not get ripped off blind.

Please feel free to add other rules that you may have, to help bros including me here to be better cheonging buddies.

My humble two cents.
You are a true asshole, never change your shit stripes. Copy this from another forum and still dare say this are yours. The bro who write this write it for the china ktv scene. If you got any balls left or any balls at all, just give the bro his credit.
Old 17-11-2009, 01:07 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Can see and choose the cewek one in tropical or macam tikam tikam number?
Old 17-11-2009, 03:56 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by newbird9403 View Post
Don't you know, BM is a very good billard player. I heard from RM all the time.
I think BM more than just a good pool player.....he also good 19 hole golf, etc....hmmm.....come to think of it, all ball games that enter hole....he beri beri good !
Old 17-11-2009, 11:19 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by blursam View Post
I think BM more than just a good pool player.....he also good 19 hole golf, etc....hmmm.....come to think of it, all ball games that enter hole....he beri beri good !

Don't know about the 19th hole, but talking about real Golf?
Bro qibye is the real master!
Happy Bataming
This is the same Batam Man, don't know why, I can't log in with my old account anymore...??!
Old 17-11-2009, 11:31 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by blursam View Post
Yeah, thats the way bro....we also conquer CJs, BATS, 30s, etc....not lose out (no offence to any Angmo samsters here).....

Nowadays these ceweks are getting smarter and they actually dun care if its Angmo, chinese, Middle East or them end of the day who wants them and can pay....they accept.
Thanks to America and the financial crisis....hehehe..

Remember those early days in Blok M.... I was the only Asian there and no girls want to talk to me... Things change after the Bali Bomb... It was so quiet and one of the girl started talking to me and ask me to buy her a beer and then another and then her 5 friends came over and I brought them all beer....

Then they start to appreciate us more as we are more willing to buy them drinks and not like u know who.... one beer and ask them to go back.... Pay 250k and want to F all night......

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Old 17-11-2009, 11:33 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by BtmMan View Post
That's because you Asian friends are just like you, LOSER!!!
Opsss... The truth hurt.....
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Old 17-11-2009, 11:35 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by BtmMan View Post
Thanks for the compliment, but i REALLY missssssss shooting Pool and the coooooold Bintang Bir in AH
Now AH open in POINs in Selatan... 5 min from my house..... This Sat is the grand opening..... Free flow of chilled cold beer from 5-10 pm... sexy dancer etc... U can search for them in FB.......

Ai lai mai???

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Old 17-11-2009, 11:40 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by Jackal Junior View Post
Can see and choose the cewek one in tropical or macam tikam tikam number?
Sorry if my info is not updated. I have not visited Tropical Spa for quite sometime. The best I can recollect, Tropical has FL as well. The FL girls are seated at the lounge and you can see and pick them according to your liking. The cost is about 400k. In the past, bro Qibye provides free massage for 90mins if you engage the services of a FL. But I am not sure if that promotion is still available.

Well for the massage, you can request to see the girl first. But most cases, clients just based on recommendation of the male supervisors.

Old 17-11-2009, 11:48 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Then they start to appreciate us more as we are more willing to buy them drinks and not like u know who.... one beer and ask them to go back.... Pay 250k and want to F all night......


Totally agreed, the girls now look at you and they sized you up quickly. It is so much easier these days to hook them up compared to the early 2000. These days,they approach you first.
Old 17-11-2009, 12:32 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by newbird9403 View Post

Totally agreed, the girls now look at you and they sized you up quickly. It is so much easier these days to hook them up compared to the early 2000. These days,they approach you first.
Anyone going JKT can look for this newbird9403 This guy drives a ferrari in JKT.. police avoids him.... sometime even escort his car.
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