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Old 22-01-2012, 10:30 AM
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Re: Issue with ICA

Btw arm with MP letter is nothing,if MP letter can create wonder,then there will not be much posting from bro here.

Unless really special case,then they will at least have a 'look'
Old 22-01-2012, 11:19 AM
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Re: Issue with ICA

Originally Posted by hotstuffm8 View Post
Long story short, my colleague eventually went to his MP for assistance. The MP called immigration up, they did some investigation and found out that his wife had... absolutely NO real problems with immigration. No past cases of overstaying, no illegal activities, no sleazy sordid FL history or whatever.
hard to believe that MP called immigration and called who in ICA???

i knew that MP can call the Minister of State (MOS) if they know each other well...and MOS will in term call the Chief of Immigration Officer who then check with his own officer to check....then revert back and revert revert back...if the MP dun know the MOS well then he can only write letter to seek MOS to help stating the case as urgent and many repetitive if MP dun help the voter/resident to succeed knowing that MP can expect the voter/resident to return many times asking help on this issue and thus also losing his whole family votes in the next election...

of course unless the voter's MP is the MOS himself...or the Senior Parliamentary Secretary (SPS)...then sure they knew who is the Head of ICA...

hope the above is clear...

I used voter = residents becuz this had to be a Singaporean in order for MP to help whole heartedly...
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Old 22-01-2012, 11:22 AM
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Re: Issue with ICA

Originally Posted by Golden question View Post
Btw arm with MP letter is nothing,if MP letter can create wonder,then there will not be much posting from bro here.

Unless really special case,then they will at least have a 'look'
haha...MP will not give the resident a letter rather he will file the letter within their MPS premise...of course you can ask for a copy and they will try to will never get the letter same day becuz...each MPS at least 60 to 100 residents wanted to seek MP help...noramlly about 3 to 5 days later...will ask you to drop by to collect...
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Old 23-01-2012, 08:34 PM
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Re: Issue with ICA


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Old 24-01-2012, 09:33 AM
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Re: Issue with ICA

Originally Posted by hotstuffm8 View Post
@ posters wondering about why the MP was so accommodating to my colleague

i was also wondering the same thing cos like what you guys are saying, i've also heard stories that MPs dont have time to provide personalized service. usually, they'll just write generic letters from previous templates for the constituents.

so actually, i asked my colleague about this when he first shared his story. apparently, he was an active helper with grassroot activities, which explains why the MP went the extra mile in helping him. i guess its abit like doing community service for primary schools to earn your child a slot.

moral of the story? if you think its worth your time, maybe you can volunteer your assistance to gain similar perks too. there's no free lunch in the world - we need to help people first before we can expect them to help us.
yes...if any person partipated in grassroots organisation then the MP had to help personally otherwise the grassroot will quit and join other constituency GROs thus making the MP lose face...or the info will pass from grassrooot to grassroot and then it will also make the MP looked very bad that MP cannot helped with such matter...this will definitely be higher priority if the grassroot holds certain executive position such as Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Asst Secreatry, Treasurer, etc of CCC, CCMC, RC...or person is a big donor and being honoured with PBM, BBM and BBM(L)...
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Old 25-01-2012, 11:40 AM
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Re: Issue with ICA

To simplify it.

We are in their mercy.

After 6mths of constant implication with them. I've gave up on ICA...... and now, an option for me...

downgrade myself to be a Vietnamese!
Old 26-01-2012, 12:17 AM
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Re: Issue with ICA


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Old 28-01-2012, 01:22 PM
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Re: Issue with ICA

i agree, look for your MP. they earn 10 over k a month to serve the people. Since you are going to marry her, it would not be so hard to get a long term pass or even PR for her. All the best bro!
Old 30-01-2012, 01:56 PM
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Re: Issue with ICA

Originally Posted by Greatking View Post
To simplify it.

We are in their mercy.

After 6mths of constant implication with them. I've gave up on ICA...... and now, an option for me...

downgrade myself to be a Vietnamese!
Dont be suprise that now more and more vietnamese is richer than normal sg ppl.Even going to a 3rd world country is not a downgrade cos is not which country u come from,is whether u have money or not.

If u go there without money,the ppl over there will look down on u and u downgrade yourself and not due to u downgrade yourself to become a vietnamese
Old 30-01-2012, 02:13 PM
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Re: Issue with ICA

Originally Posted by hotstuffm8 View Post
Yar bro, the authorities have absolute power over us when it comes to such things. But like what I mentioned in my earlier posts, you just gotta find the right channel to get through to them. It has worked out for my colleague at least.

The main thing is NEVER lose your cool when talking to them. Fight sure lose one. Try talking nicely with your MP? Maybe he/she can help. Don't give up so fast and migrate to Vietnam lol >.< not easy to leave your parents, family and friends behind to start a new life elsewhere.

Good luck with everything man!
I agree with u that is not easy to migrate to vietnam and leave your love one in sg.I just want to add is right channel will only help if to their ica eye u have:

1)Good job with stable and high pay
2)Clean criminal record
3)High qualification

If not,even MP letter is no use but maybe if u are a grassroot volunter or something like that,they will consider if they have leftover slot
Old 30-01-2012, 11:35 PM
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Re: Issue with ICA

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
this will definitely be higher priority if the grassroot holds certain executive position such as Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Asst Secreatry, Treasurer, etc of CCC, CCMC, RC...or person is a big donor and being honoured with PBM, BBM and BBM(L)...
Originally Posted by Golden question View Post
If not,even MP letter is no use but maybe if u are a grassroot volunter or something like that,they will consider if they have leftover slot
i was an active member once (for 1.5years)... now inactive roi...
dunno next tme I apply LTSVP for my bx will be smooth or not....
Old 31-01-2012, 04:17 AM
风花雪夜 风花雪夜 is offline
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Re: Issue with ICA

This is going to be a huge wall of text, as i got a lot of questions to clarify with bros here.

I tried looking through this whole thread, and found nothing very similar to my case and also reading too much i had a misleading misconception that i should not even try as it is too hard.

My PRC girlfriend supposed to come in as a WP holder 4 years ago. She was conned or whatever and eventually she did not get her work permit. The supposed company got problem or something etc etc. I seen her pre-employment work permit (that document that allowed her to come into singapore, differ from social visit)

She eventually overstayed and got arrested at her home Feb 2011. (she offended someone and someone provided the lead (verified). She was jailed for 28 days (1st 7 days in police station, 14 days @ changi, 7 days at ICA after her release)

When i know her, she already on a white card (last year). She got deported last year Aug and was told that she cannot come into Singapore within 1 year. Passport was also chopped blackmarked.

I visited her 4 times since she got deported already. I planned to marry her, but have to consider some questions 1st.

Background of myself, 33 years old, divorced with 2 kids, but not under my care and control. Income around 3k a month, self employed.

Some Questions:

1) Can i apply her back to SG NOW to get marry? Even though ICA informed her that she is banned minimum for a year? Or should i wait for 1 year 1st before i even try?

2) If question 1 answer is to wait for 1 year, ICA also said additionally to her that even after 1 year... she need to write in 1st... or maybe in her case, i need to write for her?

3) She did not actually even gotten her WP and became a overstayer ie immigration offender, if we try to get marry, do we still need to go through MOManpower?

4) What are the odds of us getting the ROM cert in SG? Very low?

5) If everything fails even i tried my best, from ICA to lawyer to MP to everything bros had mentioned, is getting the marry cert in China in only other option?

6) I remembered reading somewhere from this thread or this sub-forum, getting PRC marry cert is not adviceable? And why?

7) If die die no choice have to take PRC marry cert, can i try to apply her to come into SG using that cert?

8) If also fail, does that mean our future children can only take on PRC citizenship? No hope already?

I am very depressed... can experienced bro answer my questions? Thanks in advance!
Old 31-01-2012, 07:32 PM
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Re: Issue with ICA

Originally Posted by KangTuo View Post
i was an active member once (for 1.5years)... now inactive roi...
dunno next tme I apply LTSVP for my bx will be smooth or not....
aiyo...make use of your MP la...go to MPS and seek help...make MP work for you...tell the MP if not successful...whole family including extended family also dun bote for him...let his scared and wet his pants...hahaha...

haha...I help to draft your love letter to ICA...
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Old 31-01-2012, 11:18 PM
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Re: Issue with ICA

Originally Posted by 风花雪夜 View Post
This is going to be a huge wall of text, as i got a lot of questions to clarify with bros here.

I tried looking through this whole thread, and found nothing very similar to my case and also reading too much i had a misleading misconception that i should not even try as it is too hard.

My PRC girlfriend supposed to come in as a WP holder 4 years ago. She was conned or whatever and eventually she did not get her work permit. The supposed company got problem or something etc etc. I seen her pre-employment work permit (that document that allowed her to come into singapore, differ from social visit)

She eventually overstayed and got arrested at her home Feb 2011. (she offended someone and someone provided the lead (verified). She was jailed for 28 days (1st 7 days in police station, 14 days @ changi, 7 days at ICA after her release)

When i know her, she already on a white card (last year). She got deported last year Aug and was told that she cannot come into Singapore within 1 year. Passport was also chopped blackmarked.

I visited her 4 times since she got deported already. I planned to marry her, but have to consider some questions 1st.

Background of myself, 33 years old, divorced with 2 kids, but not under my care and control. Income around 3k a month, self employed.

Some Questions:

1) Can i apply her back to SG NOW to get marry? Even though ICA informed her that she is banned minimum for a year? Or should i wait for 1 year 1st before i even try?

2) If question 1 answer is to wait for 1 year, ICA also said additionally to her that even after 1 year... she need to write in 1st... or maybe in her case, i need to write for her?

3) She did not actually even gotten her WP and became a overstayer ie immigration offender, if we try to get marry, do we still need to go through MOManpower?

4) What are the odds of us getting the ROM cert in SG? Very low?

5) If everything fails even i tried my best, from ICA to lawyer to MP to everything bros had mentioned, is getting the marry cert in China in only other option?

6) I remembered reading somewhere from this thread or this sub-forum, getting PRC marry cert is not adviceable? And why?

7) If die die no choice have to take PRC marry cert, can i try to apply her to come into SG using that cert?

8) If also fail, does that mean our future children can only take on PRC citizenship? No hope already?

I am very depressed... can experienced bro answer my questions? Thanks in advance!
The only thing i can say is good luck to u.First is she have commit a crime,jail here before and have been deported so get blackmark already.Secondly is your income of 3k does to mean a lot in ICA eye especially now,thirdly is if u still have to give maintenance fees to your wife then the chances of her getting a PR next time is slim cos your salary is not high in ICA eye
Old 01-02-2012, 09:55 AM
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Re: Issue with ICA

Originally Posted by KangTuo View Post
i was an active member once (for 1.5years)... now inactive roi...
dunno next tme I apply LTSVP for my bx will be smooth or not....
Bro, yr job stable, pay not bad and you also degree holder . PR shouldn't be a problem for yr future wife, unless the 1 yr ban she had before affects the application.
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