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Old 26-06-2011, 11:39 PM
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Re: Tantric Massage

Thanks Bro Rokhard for the contact.
I thoroughly enjoy the session. The sweet torture was really sweet.
The climax was explosive !
Has been a while since I experienced such sensation.
Definitely going to be a regular feature for me.
Thanks once again.
Old 27-06-2011, 12:16 AM
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Re: Tantric Massage

Originally Posted by coffeebean View Post
Hi Bro, how long do we have to Q? The waiting is killing me lolz
bro still not my turn yet?
Old 01-07-2011, 06:07 PM
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Re: Tantric Massage

Today I experienced sensual bliss and perhaps, love.

These words tend to be bandied about so often, I am concerned they might not convey what I experienced. And I don’t want to escalate the use of superlatives such as nirvana or ecstasy; there is no need for more adjectives. So I am going to relate a recent experience to draw a hopeful parallel to my experience with Apple today.

I also wear another hat in my pursuit of hedonism: I am a shameless gourmand. For some time now, I have given up on the local purveyors of Bak Kut Teh: they serve insipid soups and the pork that passes for Bak Kut are so dry and stringy that I tend to feel shanghaied. Inspired by Jason, I travelled 360 kilometers to sample Klang’s renowned offerings; only Seng Huat and Mo Sang Kor stood the tallest. But I will just describe the Seng Huat experience. The soup was porky, just the right dash of pepper and scrumptiously delicious, but the proof of the chef’s gastronomic heroism was in the unctuous meat: when I cradled the meat in my mouth, on my tongue, I just knew. I realized. I elated. This was fresh meat, as it should be. This was flavorful meat, as it must be. This was succulence, as only a real master would know how to deliver. I experienced bliss.

Before my session began, I reminded Apple to try the massage of my perineum, as discussed last week. She cheekily teased me that my expectations were getting loftier. I urged to do this for me and for the sake of the broes, who are lining up to relish her rare talents. I urged her to take the bliss to new heights.

After the gentle massage of my back, Apple began the sensual awakening of my erogenous zones. She tried the massage moves I taught her, to move between the buttock cheeks, to touch the perineum and caress the groin. But she was not connecting with me at all. Her touch was too light; she was not getting it. With some disappointment, I turned around with my didi completely flaccid. I didn’t want to articulate this disconnect, as verbal directions (especially the negatives) were likely to send the session further south. But this was when the magic began. Apple realized she had to do something because her No.1 fan was flaccid. And now she touched my perineum and was earnestly pushing the blood into my didi and engorged all its channels. By then I was groaning my approval. At the first pass, she let the sensual wave slide and my breathing returned to normal, and I was silently hoping she ‘got it’ and that was no fluke. And then Apple dived in again, deeper into the perineum, the sensual energy more urgent, my breathing picked up pace, faster and faster, and then she applied her orgasmic move, and I felt it – it’s a feeling not unlike love; like that time in Beijing when I experienced the cum-less multiple climax under Cici’s magic hands. This was not the Cici cum-less multiple climax, but it was quite close. Apple was getting it and I told her in no uncertain terms that she was in the zone; I had to encourage her and lift her onto the Olympic podium where she clearly belonged.

Then a funny thing happened. A senior bro text her to ask if she was free and she was; I wanted to share this pleasure so I encouraged her (mid-session mind you) to go ahead and confirm this appointment. It got funnier with her hand cupping my didi and she texted this bro, who was not identifying himself. It got hilarious (for me) when I helped her to type “******* Hotel, ******** St 2pm” while she was stroking me.

With the deed done, Apple was intent to deliver another high for me in the last half hour. You can imagine the stress she was experiencing wondering aloud if she could make it to the next appointment and I, too, felt her stress. Needless to say, I was struggling to stand erect for another high. I was just about to ask her to stop (as I was already content with the high and the breakthrough in communication and understanding I had achieved earlier) and then her gears gripped and she spun her magic. She stroked my perineum, as if she was brushing thick, velvety honey, knowing this would fire up my sensual synapses. And it did. I found my breathing turning into rapid, shorter pants. I was panting harder and quicker. Then it happened. The cum-less climax. The first one came and I wanted to weep; I could not believe she did it. Then she did not relent and pushed, and I came again. I stopped breathing and had to stop her. I don’t know if there were more than 2 cum-less multiple climax. But it was enough bliss and love for today, for the whole week. Like my Klang escapade, I knew. I realized. I elated. Veni, Vidi, Vici.

I told Apple she had to remember this day. I affirmed her by telling her that she has surpassed even Cici’s magic hands because Cici’s technique was a rapid, simple massage of the perineum. Apple’s technique, on the other hand, was complex (like a well-aged whiskey) and penetrated the deep, erogenous zones, delivering the body-shaking, cum-less climax; Apple did not just rely on blind speed. I lifted her onto the Olympic podium and urged her to remember this day.

Apple had something interesting to share with me. She will be responsive as she was today and go deeper, if I (or the other broes) participated in the orgasmic event. She complained that if I was not visibly or vocally enraptured, how was she expected to go deeper into the experience: how does one pump a wooden body? Ok, I got it. I will be more sonorous in my participation and my body will also speak to her by writhing and shaking.

I am so happy to have been served by a Pseudo-Tantric Artiste who, to my mind, is presently unrivalled.

Last edited by rokhard; 01-07-2011 at 06:20 PM.
Old 01-07-2011, 09:27 PM
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Re: Tantric Massage

My point is less that 20pts, looks like no chance to experience Apple's Pseudo-Tantric.
Old 03-07-2011, 03:04 PM
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Re: Tantric Massage

Hi bro rokhard i have replied to your question. Hope it helps. Thanks
Old 05-07-2011, 01:06 AM
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Re: Tantric Massage

Originally Posted by rokhard View Post
I got my appointment fixed with Apple. I feel like a school boy, who has nailed his done deal date with the experienced cheerleader. I hope she can deliver the same orgasmic roller-coaster ride, with the sensual high and low waves. I am going to ask her to guide me for a minimum 1 hour ride in tomorrow's session; its been two months and I need to assess my current stamina.
Bro ROKHARD can I have Apple's contact. Tank you
Old 05-07-2011, 12:50 PM
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Re: Tantric Massage

Originally Posted by rokhard View Post

Then a funny thing happened. A senior bro text her to ask if she was free and she was; I wanted to share this pleasure so I encouraged her (mid-session mind you) to go ahead and confirm this appointment. It got funnier with her hand cupping my didi and she texted this bro, who was not identifying himself. It got hilarious (for me) when I helped her to type “******* Hotel, ******** St 2pm” while she was stroking me.
LOL Sorry to disturb you when you are enjoying your time with her. My level of Mandarin is pretty low that why I didn't know that she wants my SBF nick. Now I know why the msg to confirm the meeting place was in English and in CAPS You must had been too high and text me in CAPS.

I must be lucky to try her after your session as she did her magic on me too. To be frank my session with her was really good and enjoyable. In my view she is the closest to Tantric Massage which you can find in Singapore.

Thanks Bro Rokhard for such a good recommendation. And for any Bros who do not mind about looks or not looking for a SYT but wanna try a sensual massage then she would be the Apple of your eye.
Old 05-07-2011, 02:42 PM
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Re: Tantric Massage

Bro ROKHARD can I have Apple's contact. Tank you
Old 06-07-2011, 11:17 AM
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Re: Tantric Massage

Hey bro, it is I who should apologize. I made the independent decision to have Apple respond to your request and because she was struggling to communicate, I helped her to text you. On hindsight, it looked quite funny though. But I want to express my regrets because I now know that you had some trouble getting to the appointment; my genuine concern was that it might be too stressful to enjoy the session. I am glad you did.

Just a point to clarify for all broes: I had mentioned in post#76 on pg 6 ( that Apple is not offering true tantric massage.

But I too share bro LevusJovi's opinion that Apple is the closest thing, which is why I (speaking for myself only) described her service as "Pseudo-tantric massage". Apple's sensual touch and techniques deliver an extended sensual bliss that one encounters in an authentic tantric massage, even though she does not practice the spiritual aspects of red tantra or performs any of the rituals that are characteristic of red tantra. By red tantra, I am not referring to RedTantraMassage, which offers tantric massage in Singapore. For some background information on red tantra, please read

Back to my continuing experience of Apple's pseudo-trantric massage. Broes will recall I experienced the multiple cum-less climax last Friday for the first time under Apple's magic hands. I tried again on Monday and couldn't come close to the Friday experience. After the initial high, similar to the initial high on Friday that did not amount to a cum-less climax, I lost steam completely and it was pretty bad that I could not even erect for the remainder of the session. After consulting with Apple, we came to the conclusion that I had somehow expended my energy, even though I did not ejaculate. I would give the benefit of the doubt because my one other experience in Beijing (with Cici) was a one-time event that was not repeat again (unlike this instance where I was trying to repeat the cum-less event just 3 days after Friday). I also realized that I might also have been trying to do too much because I had altogether 5 hours of strenuous workout in the weekend.

I am going to try Apple's cum-less 'workout' on Friday to determine if this new sensual high needs to be experienced sparingly. I have always viewed her as a therapist because at the very least, she provides a sensual workout that enables my bro to stand erect for at least an hour, engorging my didi with blood, without rushing me to ejaculate. By not ejaculating, I find that the retention of my sexual energy helps improves PE, ED and even cum production. I am still discovering what my limits are.

Originally Posted by LevusJovi View Post
LOL Sorry to disturb you when you are enjoying your time with her. My level of Mandarin is pretty low that why I didn't know that she wants my SBF nick. Now I know why the msg to confirm the meeting place was in English and in CAPS You must had been too high and text me in CAPS.

I must be lucky to try her after your session as she did her magic on me too. To be frank my session with her was really good and enjoyable. In my view she is the closest to Tantric Massage which you can find in Singapore.

Thanks Bro Rokhard for such a good recommendation. And for any Bros who do not mind about looks or not looking for a SYT but wanna try a sensual massage then she would be the Apple of your eye.
Old 06-07-2011, 12:26 PM
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Re: Tantric Massage

Originally Posted by rokhard View Post
I am going to try Apple's cum-less 'workout' on Friday to determine if this new sensual high needs to be experienced sparingly. I have always viewed her as a therapist because at the very least, she provides a sensual workout that enables my bro to stand erect for at least an hour, engorging my didi with blood, without rushing me to ejaculate. By not ejaculating, I find that the retention of my sexual energy helps improves PE, ED and even cum production. I am still discovering what my limits are.
Bro take it easy. Do not keep testing where your limits are. I think the key thing here is to fully enjoy the session then you can see the benefits. Y not take a break this week and rest your body before trying it out again next week. No point trying and end up wasting your time and your hard earned $$$. If you rush and have expectations then the likelihood of you getting disappointed would be greater. Hope you dont mind me being KPO here
Old 07-07-2011, 09:53 AM
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Re: Tantric Massage

Originally Posted by LevusJovi View Post
Bro take it easy. Do not keep testing where your limits are. I think the key thing here is to fully enjoy the session then you can see the benefits. Y not take a break this week and rest your body before trying it out again next week. No point trying and end up wasting your time and your hard earned $$$. If you rush and have expectations then the likelihood of you getting disappointed would be greater. Hope you dont mind me being KPO here
Thanks bro for your advice. For me, testing my limits help me to know the state of my health and strength. As in a 2.4km run, I would like to know from my usual run if I am maintaining my current strength and can raise the bar.

As Apple has helped me touch the cum-less high bar last Friday (which I have not achieved since 2009), I need to know if I can achieve it again and also Friday will help me know if this new sensation is actually capable of draining my sexual energy; my standing premise is that the sexual energy should be preserved and not drained if there is no ejaculation in the climax. I woke up with a nice erection this morning so I think didi says we all onboard to proceed.

I guess I am unique in this way too: I am always learning more about myself.
Old 12-07-2011, 01:38 PM
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Re: Tantric Massage

I tried Apple yesterday in the hope of determining if the cum-less experience could be repeated. I experienced very good highs but could not achieve the cum-less high; it was nearly there.

I started by sharing with Apple my desire to reach the cum-less high; there was a look of concern in Apple's eyes. In the first pass, I was groaning very hard and whispering my affirmations that she was hitting the sweet spot. But I couldn't reach the cum-less climax, even though it was a real sweet high. After this, there were a couple of continued highs, yet without touching the cum-less climax each run. Interestingly, I also hit a low with my bro going limp. Then Apple pushed hard again and my raging hard-on was yearning for the cum-less climax. For some reason, I still couldn't reach it, even though I experienced some 'trembling' when Apple stroked and caressed the perineal sweet spot.

Apple explained that my body was not ready in this session for the cum-less climax. She also shared with me that each bro has a different sweet spot and each body has a different ability to reach the cum-less climax; in fact only 1-2 broes have been able to experience the cum-less climax as I have and a somewhat larger number (though not many) are able to reach very good highs like the ones I experienced yesterday.

I am going to monitor and see how long it takes between sessions for my body to experience the cum-less climax. I love the feeling of deep sensuality and even 'love' I get from a good session. Then again, I have a lurking feeling that I might be getting addicted to Apple, which I should be careful with.

Originally Posted by rokhard View Post
Thanks bro for your advice. For me, testing my limits help me to know the state of my health and strength. As in a 2.4km run, I would like to know from my usual run if I am maintaining my current strength and can raise the bar.

As Apple has helped me touch the cum-less high bar last Friday (which I have not achieved since 2009), I need to know if I can achieve it again and also Friday will help me know if this new sensation is actually capable of draining my sexual energy; my standing premise is that the sexual energy should be preserved and not drained if there is no ejaculation in the climax. I woke up with a nice erection this morning so I think didi says we all onboard to proceed.

I guess I am unique in this way too: I am always learning more about myself.
Old 12-07-2011, 02:14 PM
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Re: Tantric Massage

Promised rokhard I would post an FR, so here goes:

Had a great session this afternoon, but I won't get into any gory details, will keep it short and simple:

Couple of key points:
1) She is a very nice lady, with an emphasis on lady, strictly no hanky panky guys but feel free to simply lay back and enjoy getting pampered.
2) The cost is not cheap. $160 for massage plus room fee puts it at a shade shy of $200. I don't know about you guys, but that's on the rich side for a massage, but I can't tell you its not value, you absolutely get what you pay for, its simply that this can get expensive quickly.

The event:
1) Very punctual, plus point for that.
2) Appearance, very "homely" but presentable, she's not really a MILF per se, but she isn't a hag either.
3) The massage started lying facing down then up and to the side, which was a great twist.
4) Started with slow deliberate strokes leading to attention to the groin area.
5) This is where she shines -- the build up to the climax was amazing with great pacing and pressure here and there.
6) The "cum-less" experience that rokhard was referring to, I think i might have experienced that prior to actually cumming -- it was wonderful.
7) My explosion wasn't forced like some HJ where the ending is some lady pumping furiously at your poor di-di hoping to choke sperm out of it -- it was a fitting ending to an inevitable building crescendo that concluded with a tsunami-like release of pent up stress and sperm. Bravo.

At any rate, RTM? Def. but not until I build up back my strength, have more time (2 hours is a long time to get away from the office for me), and also Vit M.

Thanks again rokhard, somehow, I wanted to keep this FR to myself due to my own selfish reasons, but then again, I never would have learned about this had it not been for the sharing is caring policy here on this great website.

Enjoy this gem bros, but treat her kindly.
thanks to those who up my points, pls leave ur nick and i will return the favor.
Old 12-07-2011, 02:21 PM
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Re: Tantric Massage

Promised rokhard I would post an FR, so here goes:

Had a great session this afternoon, but I won't get into any gory details, will keep it short and simple:

Couple of key points:
1) She is a very nice lady, with an emphasis on lady, strictly no hanky panky guys but feel free to simply lay back and enjoy getting pampered.
2) The cost is not cheap. $160 for massage plus room fee puts it at a shade shy of $200. I don't know about you guys, but that's on the rich side for a massage, but I can't tell you its not value, you absolutely get what you pay for, its simply that this can get expensive quickly.

The event:
1) Very punctual, plus point for that.
2) Appearance, very "homely" but presentable, she's not really a MILF per se, but she isn't a hag either.
3) The massage started lying facing down then up and to the side, which was a great twist.
4) Started with slow deliberate strokes leading to attention to the groin area.
5) This is where she shines -- the build up to the climax was amazing with great pacing and pressure here and there.
6) The "cum-less" experience that rokhard was referring to, I think i might have experienced that prior to actually cumming -- it was wonderful.
7) My explosion wasn't forced like some HJ where the ending is some lady pumping furiously at your poor di-di hoping to choke sperm out of it -- it was a fitting ending to an inevitable building crescendo that concluded with a tsunami-like release of pent up stress and sperm. Bravo.

At any rate, RTM? Def. but not until I build up back my strength, have more time (2 hours is a long time to get away from the office for me), and also Vit M.

Thanks again rokhard, somehow, I wanted to keep this FR to myself due to my own selfish reasons, but then again, I never would have learned about this had it not been for the sharing is caring policy here on this great website.

Enjoy this gem bros, but treat her kindly.
thanks to those who up my points, pls leave ur nick and i will return the favor.
Old 12-07-2011, 03:47 PM
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Re: Tantric Massage

Thanks to Bro rokhard, had a session with Apple yesterday.

She started by laying her own towel on the bed. Asked me to lay face down.
She used a smooth cloth to cover my back and slowly pulled the cloth downwards, new to me but shiok. Did a couple of times.

Massaging my back and attacking my balls and dick. Hard on immediately and have to lift-up my butt a little for her easy access.

After a while turned over, but my dick already soft.
I did not expect to cum for this session.
Will skip the 'torturing' part as have been described by those who have tried.

Finally she asked me whether I want to shoot-out.
I told her to do whatever she can as my dick already soft.

She apply her 'kung-fu' and after a short while I shot everything out.
It was an intense shoot-out! IMHO, better than shooting into a pussy!

Will RTM when time permits.
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