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Old 04-03-2014, 01:31 AM
CaptainDragon CaptainDragon is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Advise all careful at china as Yunan train station has few terrorist attack public with parang, over hundred injured and 30 died, god bless!
Old 04-03-2014, 08:40 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Tks for the info, up 10 points

Originally Posted by PuTonRen View Post
I went to Changping for a day-tour last Friday. Zhong Yen Jia was really quiet. The road near the cross junction caved in causing traffic jams. The driver told us that most joints are not or partly functional, but availability of girls can be arranged.

Went to Virgin Hotel for dim sum, the usual crowd was gone, but there were many old ah pehs, (like me), with kids running around (not my kids). It was very easy to find seats.

Lazed around in the DVD shops near Man Lian, there weren't many clients. For the two hours there, I saw not more than five customers. We took a train from Shenzhen to CP, the train station was also not crowded.

In brief, CP would take a long time to come back to what it was (if it ever recovers).

Let us hope for the best.
Daily pick to give 13 points away for exchange.

For those keen to exchange points, minimum Power +7

Need u to post something that i can return u the points.
Old 04-03-2014, 09:20 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by PuTonRen View Post
I went to Changping for a day-tour last Friday. Zhong Yen Jia was really quiet. The road near the cross junction caved in causing traffic jams. The driver told us that most joints are not or partly functional, but availability of girls can be arranged.

Went to Virgin Hotel for dim sum, the usual crowd was gone, but there were many old ah pehs, (like me), with kids running around (not my kids). It was very easy to find seats.

Lazed around in the DVD shops near Man Lian, there weren't many clients. For the two hours there, I saw not more than five customers. We took a train from Shenzhen to CP, the train station was also not crowded.

In brief, CP would take a long time to come back to what it was (if it ever recovers).

Let us hope for the best.
Uncle! go CP Bo jio...

So sad...
CP is gone... ZH, here I come
Old 04-03-2014, 11:41 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by prcsytlover View Post
Uncle! go CP Bo jio...

So sad...
Haha! Brother,

I did not stay in CP, but was in Shenzhen for work. Just went there one late morning to look see look see lah.

When normality returns to CP, we can go together. Haha....
Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
Old 04-03-2014, 02:37 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Hi Bro moon,

Care to share the contact. Going this week.

Originally Posted by moon View Post
To be continue .....

The next day we check out our hotels n meet Anne at the cafe. I was surprised she is so young & chio. How I wish she is one of the tour escort. Was told by her that day, they r left with 8 gals. I let my friends chose their gals first n my friend actually chose my first choice. Both of us paid 2200 each for our gals for two nights except for Brother T who paid for the model cat for 1400 for a night as he is leaving for his flight in SZ in the late afternoon. So we had our lunch with Anne while the three gals pack their luggage before joining us. After lunch the six of us get on the MPV & went to our serviced apartments which Tiger had arranged at luohu area.

After going to our bedrooms, we had our first round n rest till dinner time. We went to a nearby family KTV to have a couple of drinks before ending our first night in SZ.

Spent the whole day there till evening where there was mass performance before having dinner. Before Brother G requested that he wanted my gal tonight as he had been fantasizing on my gal's assets. I told him I'm fine as his gal was my first choice but not sure whether the gals would agree. Well surprised they were quite sporting on this though & we swapped gals that night. The next day we check out our apartment & took the train together with them n dropped them off in CP while we fly back home from Baiyun airport.

Last before I end this report. Pics of my two conquests.

Daily pick to give 13 points away for exchange.

For those keen to exchange points, minimum Power +7

Need u to post something that i can return u the points.
Old 04-03-2014, 03:53 PM
goldpoker goldpoker is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Omg... Just heard from my masseuse who works in good luck, footie close for good!

Sold all their equipment.... Now she just waiting for pay (wonder if they will get it too)
Old 04-03-2014, 05:25 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Day 1, March 1 2014

Arrived in cp at around 3pm. Decided to go to the only Footsie joint open at Hui Hua hotel. The main Footsie entrance at B2 is locked and lobby lights are off. But customers can go in via the workshop entrance. There were no masseuse available so we made a booking for 5pm. We then went for a late lunch at manlian. The 2 hour of Footsie was nothing special. Proceeded to meet some friends for dinner at a Jap BBQ place. Since nothing was opened, we proceeded to go back to yihao and called Vivian to arrange some FLs. Short time was 400 and LT was 1.2k. She brought 3 choices and we selected all 3. Quality was not exactly very good but beggars can't be choosy. Kept my girl for short time and then slept alone.

Yihao was a lot quieter then usual but we still saw many guys going back to their rooms with girls. No uniformed gong an in sight.

Day 2

Woke up for yihao breakfast, then went back to sleep. Initially wanted to go to the Chinese restaurant but it was packed at 9am. When more Bros woke up, we went to the Chinese restaurant for dim sum at noon. After lunch, we rested a bit before getting a hair wash and facial for 138rmb. After hair was, we proceeded for another 2 hours of Footsie in Hui Hua. Arranged with an old regular to meet her and some of her friends for dinner at the BBQ Street. We managed to get a 2nd floor "private" room where we had a yummy dinner followed by some dice games till midnight. Some of the Bros brought back the girls and proceeded to have a good time in yihao.

Day 3
Woke up for yihao breakfast then went back to sleep. A little later, we went to bu xing Jie for some shopping. Not many people around at all. Had the usual afternoon Hui Hua Footsie followed by Xiao Fei Yang dinner.

音乐龙 was opened at night and we managed to book a room. We also contacted a Mummy to bring some girls for us. This is where it got interesting. At around 10pm, staff came in to turn up our room lights and told girls to stop hugging and sitting close to the girls. Some gong an peeked in but didn't do anything else.
At around 10.30pm, more gong an peeked in but this time also proceeded to enter our room. They told us to cut the music and asked us to show our IDs. We took out our Singaporean passports and ICs and showed it to them. They then asked all our girls to step out of the room. Some girls didn't bring their IDs with them. They asked the girls where we were from and how do we know them. The girls said we are from Singapore and said we are friends. The gong an then let the girls reenter the room and we continued with our singing. Although nothing happened, This incident did spook some of the girls and they asked to leave.

This is a disappointing trip. I definitely won't be coming back if it remains in this state.
Old 04-03-2014, 06:25 PM
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Re: Events In CP

thanks for the report. I think that now it is best not to come here for entertainment. checks will be at least 3 months. in the completion of the report will be how many people were arrested during this time.
Old 04-03-2014, 08:25 PM
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Re: Events In CP

PZL is officially opening.
Old 04-03-2014, 08:34 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by goldpoker View Post
Omg... Just heard from my masseuse who works in good luck, footie close for good!

Sold all their equipment.... Now she just waiting for pay (wonder if they will get it too)
From a business point of view they did the right thing by cutting losses.
Hope the employees get paid promptly.

The KTVs owned by Hotels will be the last to recover.
The very last will be Saunas if never go into extinction that is.

Some of those in the KTV line have already moved out of Dongguan for greener pastures.
At least there's some income.
Stay in Dongguan is waiting to decompose only.
Old 04-03-2014, 08:48 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by TonyCheong View Post
From a business point of view they did the right thing by cutting losses.
Hope the employees get paid promptly.

The KTVs owned by Hotels will be the last to recover.
The very last will be Saunas if never go into extinction that is.

Some of those in the KTV line have already moved out of Dongguan for greener pastures.
At least there's some income.
Stay in Dongguan is waiting to decompose only.
We shall slowly see what cp becomes....

There goes our men heaven.... Hopes it is left with something...
Old 04-03-2014, 09:11 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by d0td0td0t View Post
PZL is officially opening.
Did you hear from someone or you went onsite to witness it

Old 05-03-2014, 01:23 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by sexrookie View Post
Did you hear from someone or you went onsite to witness it.
Another rumour?
Old 05-03-2014, 01:35 AM
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Re: Events In CP

that's what ppl say on wechat ... some say silver holiday will open Wednesday ...

I dun have high hope that hotel ktv will reopen soon ... like some bros said, even reopen will have no gals to sit ... then go there for what?

time to explore playgrounds elsewhere, one mummy post a posh ktv in Xiamen open soon ....
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯.
Old 05-03-2014, 03:07 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by TonyCheong View Post
Another rumour?
Ya lah... There's another agent that posted that pzl is open mah... I totally concur with bro FGG... This is best time to see which agents are really taking care of us and who are those that only cares abt money and risk our safety.... I for one condemn these that put their monetary interest ahead of our safety...

next trip: CA/CP trip: erm... i'll nv know....
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