An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
LKY and the PAP asked: "What's wrong with collecting more money?"
It's wrong to collect more money when:
1. A Singaporean has to forego his lunch to pay for pap's collection
2. A Singaporean child has to go hungry to pay for pap's collection
3. An overworked Singaporean worker has to work extra two hours to pay for pap's collection
4. Ah gong has to clean tables at hawker centre to pay for pap's collection
5. Ah ma has to sell tissue papers to pay for pap's collection
6. A Singaporean cant afford to seek health care for her sick body to pay for pap's collection
7. PAP's collection is out of Singaporeans' poverty rather from their abundance
8. PAP's collection is from the poor rather than from the rich
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