An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
Singaporeans woke up to a post-GE 2015 feeling somewhat bewildered and shocked at the landslide victory of the incumbent.
Many have messaged or emailed me expressing their astonishment and unbelief and I don’t blame them.
Many cited fraud as one of the main reason for the landslide defeat and under the dismayed circumstances its understandable that they will find any plausible reason to pin the blame to unwarranted forces than trying to find logical ones.
Moreover, most of the signs for the past few years were pointing to alot of dissatisfaction and unhappiness at the failure of our emigration, transport and CPF policies – so what went wrong?
Are Singaporeans that daft to vote otherwise and I am sure critics and analysts will have a field day trying to come up with their own thoughts and analysis of a most-unexpected election result in modern history.
Even the transport minister has to bow away in a first-ever step-down of a minister before any general election for fear that he may bring down the whole team if he ever stand for election – in any constituency.
This shows that the ruling party is also apprehensive of a electorate backlash as the past few years were one of the toughest Singaporeans ever experienced since we turned independent.
Even the Prime Minister looks worried and concerned at his last campaign rally at the CBD area three days before polling day pointing his gun at the growing WP – calling on voters to deny the resurgent opposition giant the right to governance in a bid to frighten risk-adverse voters to vote back the ruling party.
Many pinned down fear factor for the huge swing factor as the main stream media kept focusing on the comparison of WP/SDP and PAP rallies – a psychological tactic used by the incumbent election after election to coax voters to vote back the incumbent as Singapore won’t survive without the PAP.
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My thoughts on PAP’s landslide victory
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