An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
India is about the easiest target to bring down completely and to the extent of Iraq Syria Libya Afghanistan, actually much more spectacular due to highlight population level.
Much alike USA, India is vulnerable particularly in its own ethic complexity, religious disharmony, CAST, Languages, inequality and Snake Characteristics of Ah Neh. More complicated than Black-White disharmony in USA, the centuries of feuds and pains is huge time bomb. Their breaking points reflected in their gang rapes.
Once knocked out like Baghdad, destroyed it's governance and security forces, it will be suddenly GREAT FREEDOM for Billion Snakes! Not only in gang rapes and lawlessness. You destroyed transportation communication and energy supplies, that food can not get into cities. World's largest scale LOOTING and Violence and Arson will be there.
What ever had happened like hell in other war zones in history, it would be 10X or 100X in India. Can bet Snake eat snake cannibalism will be massive.
Refugees will hit globally, SG52 will SINK with millions of Fled Snakes.
All China need to do is 4000 Missiles in a week, destroying Ah Neh Missiles, radar, power plants, communication networks, then aerial bombing for 50 days. KO road bridges, water dams, rail road, airports, sea ports, fuel depots, food wearhouses, yes hospitals too.
It will NEVER be restored just like Iraq Libya Afghanistan. No stable governance can be installed forever.
Population level will down more than 50%.
The way to deal with USA is similar.
Take out it's nukes, and all overseas capabilities, including bases like SG52, until it can only sit at homeland deeply deprived. It will start it's own civil wars, ethic cleansing, genocide, and wars between all sorts of divisions. There are much more arms in civilians hands than US government. It will be Wild Wild Wild Wild Wild Wild West!
China can do it together w Russians using nukes. Unstoppable.
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