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Re: Tantric Massage
Thanks bro, you are indeed a stand-up fellow!
Just a suggestion. Try and reserve your cum for 2 sessions, and see how explosive your cum will be in the following session. As for the expense, I think any commercial option worth its weight is going to cost. Maya costs $150 for 90 minutes, which comes up to what Apple is charging for 2 hours all-in. I decided to try a young Apple allegedly offering very sensual services and I paid $155 ($75 to the Spa for 90 minutes and $80 for the sensual services). It is still way cheaper than Red Tantra at $320 for 90 minutes, not including the hotel; though I can't vouch for its services. I hope I can add you to the list of regular broes, when Apple eventually closes the invitations to the general SBF community. I think Apple's desire is that she only serves those who really need her and their confidence is well preserved. Quote:
Re: Tantric Massage
Thanks bro rokhard for intro. Tried Apple and got to conclude that bro rokhard indeed trained Apple well. A very sensual experience. just relax, close your eyes and enjoy.
Also tried red tantra with special recommendation from another bro, Apple uses just her hands and fingers to do the job, red tantra uses other parts. which is better? must say Apple is more better with her soothing sensual touches that keep you in ecstacy for almost the entire session. what other bros say about her appearnace and do's/don'ts are accurate. from my experience, best erotic pair of hands. if come with pretty looks the price will be worth 3-5x! |
Re: Tantric Massage
Bro clean&neat has kindly shared with us his experience of Cici in Beijing, as well as another masseur whom I am not familiar with: http://sammyboyforum.shop/showthread.php?t=245485
For any broes looking for authentic tantric experiences, check out the following: Singapore: Christina at http://www.tantrapath.com/pages/about_christina.html Bali: http://www.jwalaji.com/?About_Jwala Malaysia: http://www.tantra-ifc-the-art-of-con..._malaysia.html Thailand: http://goddess-o.com/schedules.html http://www.shivashaktiyoga.net/index.php?page=8 http://www.tantraworld.com/clanek.php?p=256 Goa: http://www.ashiyana-yoga-goa.com/tantra-workshop.shtml Mumbai: http://www.tantrananda.com/index.php...mid=93&lang=en Bangalore: http://www.alegraluz.com/india_workshop.php |
Re: Tantric Massage
I booked Apple today and would like to thank Bro Rockhard for the ctc.
She start with back rub and slowly switch to giving attention to the inner thigh, the occasional brush on the underside of the organ just make you want more. After she ask me to flip over, she continue the flanking strategy while I am full of anticipation. She then switch to a rod/head/balls/thigh routine that is just building up the feel. Towards the end she ask me if I want to release, I was on two minds and opt to save the ammo this time round. She continue with the rod/head combo, and I was like can not hold it but she seem to always let go at the right time. Please note that Apple remains fully clothed throughout the session. Strictly a sensual massage. For those brothers who would like to try her service please contact Bro. Rockhard. Thanks Bro. Rockhard for all the effort. |
Re: Tantric Massage
I'm not sure if this is a problem with us, the mid-40s, but I'm actually starting to think that I might be suffering from erectile dysfunction. Over the past several months, I have on several occasions entertained the thought of going to see a medical doctor to get some prescription. Somehow, I did not do it. After reading your posts and posts of other bros, I'm hoping the Apple will be able to help me re-gain my energy. Could you be kind enough to share Apple's contact via pm? Thanks in advance. |
Re: Tantric Massage
I am new to the forum and this topic sounds very interesting to me. Can bro rokhard pm me the details of Apple? Thanks.
Re: Tantric Massage
I am new to this forum and this topic captures my attention. Can bro rokhard pm me the contact details of Apple? Thanks.
Re: Tantric Massage
Can I get a PM of Apple's details as well? Will be down in SG in 2 months
Re: Tantric Massage
you people are buying pussy and companionship by the hour like its a commodity like oil. have you considered developing some social skills with women and enjoying a normal non paid sex life?
Ask not what SG society can do for you but what you can do for SG society. |
Re: Tantric Massage
Ko si jit ey LAN jiao Lang gong LAN jiao whey, ei ey chuay tat sai si Bo?
what i know about tantra
Greetings, gentlemen, rokhard, johnsm, and others. I'm fairly new to Singapore and recently discovered this forum. I have some experience with tantric massage from time lived in the US and thought I'd chime in on this discussion. First, let me say that I'm on this forum in search of various modalities of healing massage. I'm primarily interested in juagen, urit batin, manhood massage, tuina-style abdominal massage, traditional massage, as well as tantric massage. So if anyone has recommendations please PM me or post them here.
There seems to be some confusion about what is authentic tantric massage. It is my strong (and educated) opinion that all tantric massage is psuedo-tantra, aka california-style tantra (the history and dissemination of which is far too long to go into here). That's not to say that there is no value, benefit, or pleasure to be had from it. Real tantra is an esoteric school of spiritual practice which requires initiation from a genuine master and of which sexual practices play only a minor part. It takes years of preparation and deals with deep, powerful energies. You probably wouldn't want any part of it if you truly understood what it is. That said, many of the california-style tantra providers do offer authentic knowledge of practices from genuine tantric traditions. These are basic techniques involving breathing, ejaculation control, sensory awareness, and the cultivation and circulation of sexual energy. It can be very valuable information to have, especially as one ages and sexual vitality begins to wane. I've had tantric massage in the US that was genuinely therapeutic and educational. To me, california-style tantra's value is as a therapeutic modality. You will confuse yourself greatly if you think of it as a spiritual path or even practice. It's sex therapy, and very good therapy at that. It can help you feel your sexual energy in new ways, can clear psychic and emotional blockages, and can be of great assistance in learning to control ejaculation. I've found that the techniques used and taught by most tantric providers are pretty basic, with only minor variations. They are essentially the same techniques found in books on taoist sexuality -- by mantak chia and stephen chang, for example. What separates the good providers from the mediocre is their comfort level with male sexuality, their sensitivity and refinement of touch, their intuition and desire to heal. Any good masseuse with these qualities can become a good tantric provider with a minimal amount of training. So if you are in search of good tantric massage, my advice is not to worry about how "authentic" it is. Find someone with an adequate amount of training who possesses the aforementioned qualities, and have at it. Enjoy! There is nothing quite like a sensual massage from a kind woman who knows how to touch you just right and guide you in prolonging your pleasure. A word of advice to rokahard, after reading some of your posts: if you are regularly having extended massage sessions without ejaculation you should be doing exercises to maintain the proper elasticity of your prostate gland. I recommend the deer exercise as taught by stephen chang in the tao of sexuality. It's a very simple yet powerful exercise that anyone can learn to do. Here is a link to a website that gives a basic explanation with instructions: http://www.healsa.co.za/deerexermen.htm I hope this post helps to shed light on the subject of tantra. Like I said, if you have recommendations for juagen, urit batin, manhood massage, tuina-style abdominal massage, or tantric massage, please share. |
Re: what i know about tantra
This was a good post. Speaking only for myself, I think I am quite happy for the time being with pseudo-tantric options because I am only interested in the extended bliss and the indirect therapeutic benefits.
There is another thread for juagen, urit batin, manhood massage: check out my post at #80 in http://sammyboyforum.shop/showthr...=184206&page=6 This forum is a bit sticky about incorrect postings; I supposed we have too many thread/post nazis and vigilantes who spend their time patrolling this forum. Quote:
Re: what i know about tantra
Two questions for you: 1) Can you comment on your experience with redtantra? The reviews I've read of them are mixed. I'd be interested in your opinion. 2) Who do you think does the best authentic juagen in Singapore? |
Re: what i know about tantra
I have not yet tried Redtantra (read Bird13's tiny FR: http://sammyboyforum.shop/showthr...hlight=tantric). Its on my to-do list, but I have too much on my plate at the moment. If you are going to try it, do share your experiences.
And don't forget Candice (aka Snowbunny: she might be currently unavailable) http://sammyboyforum.shop/showthr...light=database and Ella (read post #66) http://sammyboyforum.shop/showthr...ht=ella&page=5 I probably will not try these, as they offer full sex and body massage options. As for JG, the funny thing is that Ping Ping seems to offer discernible benefits, yet she doesn't appear to have any methodology in her 'therapy'. Her methods can best be described as amateurish, but discernible. This view does not include Dr Irene and Dr SanSan, both of whom are on my to-do list. Quote:
Re: what i know about tantra
I tried the red tantra service once - for me it was a big waste of money. |
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