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Old 22-01-2022, 08:17 AM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Originally Posted by neotix View Post
Haha, bro ur company need any other staffs? Am interested to join
Hahahahahaha. Hiring a HR/Ops exec. But, the role has been filled. Candidate starting after CNY.
Old 22-01-2022, 08:19 AM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Originally Posted by entering View Post
Bro Shrouded, can tell me again which industry are you in? I think I'm considering changing jobs.
I can't disclose too much, but the company as a whole provides management and consultancy services for a certain industry. I'm at the "HQ" of the company.
Old 22-01-2022, 08:20 AM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Originally Posted by Neoguri View Post
I think your company is not the norm right?
Maybe I am away for too long?
Pretty sure it's not the norm. I've been in the army too long, this is new to me. Maybe should ask other ex-regulars who transited into an office job.
Old 22-01-2022, 08:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Shrouded View Post
Pretty sure it's not the norm. I've been in the army too long, this is new to me. Maybe should ask other ex-regulars who transited into an office job.
If your story is true, the comforting thing is now I know SG girls got hope.

Just they are not so good at expressing their desires. Unlike foreign girls.
Old 22-01-2022, 09:14 AM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Originally Posted by entering View Post
If your story is true, the comforting thing is now I know SG girls got hope.

Just they are not so good at expressing their desires. Unlike foreign girls.
Couldn't agree more. Some guys also find it hard to express their desires.
Old 22-01-2022, 09:54 AM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Originally Posted by Shrouded View Post
Pretty sure it's not the norm. I've been in the army too long, this is new to me. Maybe should ask other ex-regulars who transited into an office job.
I left in 2015. 6 years plus out of service and in the workforce, I have never encountered what you did. Definitely not normal.
My Story - - ENDED

Love-Hate-Betrayal-Regret -
Old 22-01-2022, 01:13 PM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Thursday was a normal day, despite being alone in the office with Joan and Cheryl. I think they were surprised that I turned them down the night before.

Rebecca texted me to tell me that she would be dropping by on Friday to have our first session together, with Shirlyn observing. I totally wasn't looking forward to it.

When Shirlyn was doing it, she was rather professional, just talking about my work performance, any issues I was having, if I needed any help etc., with Rebecca, I highly suspect that she would just be more keen in finding out about my private life. A big part of me wished to continue doing it with Shirlyn, but I guess we all have to move on sometimes, since she was going to be the AGM anyway, and Rebecca somehow was going to be HR manager.

I had lunch alone, Joan and Cheryl had already gone for lunch. But I bumped into Joan at the smoking point.

J: You're really weird you know.

Me: Why?

J: Free sex and yet you don't want. You pay for sex is it?

Me: Haha. No I don't.

J: You shy?

Me: Very.

J: What's there to be shy about?

Me: We're colleagues.

J: But you're close to Jasmine.

Me: We worked together a lot due to some projects. I'm sure you're aware of that.

J: You also smoked together a lot.

Me: Well, didn't know you smoked.

J: Ya. I don't like to take my smoke break with her. Very hard to make small talk with her. I don't know how you did it.

Me: It's not hard?

J: She's so unfriendly in the office. I mean to others la. We're ok.

Me: Well you're same department, if you're not ok how are you going to get work done?

J: You know she called me to ask if she should come back?

Me: Nope. I didn't even know she's coming back until recently.

J: She called me in November. Asked me how everything was.

Me: And?

J: Told her I was dying. Can she faster settle her shit and come back.

Me: Were you really dying? I was helping with the work too.

J: Of course not la! But at least if she's around work gets done faster.

Me: So what did she say?

J: She said it's complicated and she needs some time.

Me: Uh huh.

J: She also asked if I knew anything about you.

Me: Huh? Why?

J: She said you were helping her out with some stuff then her husband got mad. Then caused some problems. She wanted to know if you were ok and if it affected you.

Me: That's hilarious. You and I aren't even close, what could you tell her? Besides, she could have texted me if she wanted to know how I was doing.

J: Precisely, but she asked me to keep an eye on you. Maybe cos I don't know you very well so I won't get the wrong idea or something.

Me: And yet you still got the wrong idea.

J: You seriously expect me to believe that someone whose husband was away for so long, suddenly comes back to his wife then suddenly wants to divorce? Must be some third party involved.

Me: Well, nobody knows the whole story. So better not to speculate.

J: I still think something fishy is going on. Lonely, abandoned woman being so close to a single guy. Confirm something happened.

Me: What makes you think I'm single?

J: Oh? You're not single?

Me: I am.

J: Then? Waste my time. I thought there's some juicy story.

We finished our sticks and stubbed them out. Joan suddenly grabbed my hand.

J: Eh. Don't hurt Cheryl ah.

Me: Huh? There's nothing going on.

J: You know I didn't even know she was seeing Ken secretly and we're housemates. I know she changed after what happened with that guy. But Ken is married. He's clearly taking advantage of her.

Me: They're too consenting adults.

J: Whatever. So I told her you might be a better choice. Since you're single and not bad looking.

Me: I'll take that as a compliment.

J: So you better don't hurt her ah.

Me: We're not even seeing each other.

J: Yesterday we were testing you.

Me: I realised.

J: You passed and failed.

Me: I see.

J: If you went with us, you would have passed and failed also.

Me: I don't get it.

J: We just wanted to see what kind of guy you are la. Look at all the guys in this company, past and present. All they want is sex.

Me: And the girls?

J: We're all human beings. And consenting adults.

Me: Right.

J: If you do get together with her, don't hurt her. She's all alone in Singapore.

Me: Aren't you too?

J: I'm different. I've been here since Poly. My aunt's family is here.

Me: I see.

J: Remember what I said.

Me: Don't worry. Not going to happen.

The day passed and nothing else happened.

Friday afternoon, Rebecca strolled into the office in a denim shorts and tank top.

S: This is official working hours.

R: I'm WFH, just came back to do this thing with Mark.

S: You could have dressed appropriately.

R: Fine.

She went to her desk and put on her blazer, now she just looked like she was wearing a blazer only. Shirlyn rolled her eyes. Rebecca pointed at me.

R: Office. Now.

S: Hello. It's still my office.

R: You want us to do it here in the open?

S: I'm just reminding you it's still my office.

R: And I'm telling you we are using it.

Me: You two need to chill.

We entered the office and Rebecca shut the door, locking it.

S: Why are you locking it?

R: So no one will disturb us?

Shirlyn sighed.

S: Fine.

We sat around the table and Rebecca got started.

To her credit, she was actually pretty professional, not straying from the topics that Shirlyn usually discussed with me.

It was really going well until the very end.

R: Jasmine is coming back to work, are you going to sleep with her?

S: Rebecca!

R: Shhh! I'm the one asking the questions.

Me: I already said there's nothing going on between us. And my performance hasn't been affected.

R: I'm making an official note that I do not believe you on that point.

S: What are you doing?

R: Honesty and integrity is important in this company. I cannot have subordinates who are not truthful.

S: Look, even if anything happened, it's a private affair. And his work really hasn't been affected.

R: Are you going to let me run this or not?

S: You're crossing the line.

Me: It's fine.

R: See! He's ok with it.

Me: I'll repeat myself, nothing happened between us, I have no issues with her coming back to work, or working closely with her again.

R: And how about working closely with other colleagues? I noticed you don't really interact with anyone else. But somehow you're really close to Shirlyn.

I sensed a trap.

Me: Err… Shirlyn is my manager?

R: And Helen?

Me: She's hardly in the office.

R: Are you having inappropriate relations with Shirlyn?

S: What the fuck???

R: Haha. Just kidding. I'm not putting that on record.

S: Urgh. You need to be more professional. You're going to be a manager.

R: As long as I get the job done, I think I'm fine.

S: Suit yourself.

R: We're done for today. I'll see you next week. Alone.

I nodded and she left.

S: Argh. That girl keeps getting on my nerves.

I placed my hand on her shoulder.

Me: Hey, relax. You know she's like this.

S: Erm why are you touching me?

I withdrew my hand.

Me: Sorry.

S: It's fine. I'm just a little stressed out by this.

Me: Go and unwind? Destress?

S: I don't think what I want to do to destress is appropriate.

Me: I think I can guess what you want.

S: Yeah. I want you to fuck me in that position.

Me: I think we probably shouldn't. But if that's what you really want and it makes you happy…

S: Yeah yeah. I know. You'll do it. I'll think about it. Now carry on with your work.

Me: Yes boss!
Old 22-01-2022, 03:11 PM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Rebecca surely cannot qualify as a HR assistant, let alone HR manager....
Don't Save-up Sex for Old Age!!! (Warren Buffet)
Old 22-01-2022, 06:02 PM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Originally Posted by Neoguri View Post
Rebecca surely cannot qualify as a HR assistant, let alone HR manager....
Actually, Rebecca has a Degree in HR from SUSS.

Paper-wise she's qualified.

But character-wise still unsure.
Old 22-01-2022, 07:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Shrouded View Post
Actually, Rebecca has a Degree in HR from SUSS.

Paper-wise she's qualified.

But character-wise still unsure.
Should have taken the offer to teach at SUSS more seriously.
Old 23-01-2022, 01:12 PM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Shirlyn's better judgement prevailed and we merely had dinner together before I sent her home. She didn't kiss me either, which I guess was a good sign. Perhaps she really didn't need me after all.

I went home and took a shower. When I was done, there was a text from Jasmine inviting me over for dinner the next day. She would be cooking. I replied sure I'll be there.

I didn't do anything at all on Saturday morning, other than turn on my new desktop PC that was already gathering dust. I downloaded a few games to play but didn't really know what I was doing. I ended up turning to some adult entertainment instead, and of course, leeching off my friend's Netflix account.

I prepared to leave the house around 4pm. Jasmine didn't really say what time to head over but I figured even if I was early, I could help her out or something.

I let myself in, she had given me the access card and door pin when I was last over. She was in the kitchen when I entered, Alicia wasn't home.

I went over to the kitchen that was already fogged up and opened the door.

Me: Hi.

Jasmine jumped, as if she wasn't expecting me. But what caught my attention was her attire. She was wearing shorts and an apron only.

J: Hi baby. Why didn't you call?

I went over to the stove.

Me: Smells good. Curry?

A dark brown liquid was bubbling with what appeared to be meat, potatoes and onions. It looked like those japanese curries, but smelt more indian to me.

J: Yeah. Wanted to try cooking something other than western food or instant noodles.

Me: Why are you cooking naked?

J: Have you felt how hot it is in here? But obviously I can't cook fully naked right, what if the oil splashes?

Me: Ok. At least I got a free show.

She turned at glared at me, her chest bouncing in my direction.

J: You eat indian food right?

Me: Errr… Prata?

J: Ya. I found this on YouTube, supposed to be chicken masala or something, but I added potatoes.

Me: I haven't really eaten proper indian food other than prata.

J: Good. Means if it sucks you won't know.

Me: It really does smell good.

J: Help me stir it?

Me: Ok.

She passed me the ladle.

J: There's frozen prata in the freezer, do you think you can handle that?

Me: Cooking prata?

J: Just heat up the non-stick pan then put it on, flip it after awhile.

Me: Don't need oil?

J: No. You can or not?

Me: I can try.

J: Ok I'm going to smoke.

Me: While wearing that? Lucky neighbours.

J: Obviously not! I'm going to shower too! My hair smells like curry.

Me: I think I'll need a shower too once I'm done.

J: I'm not waiting for you to be done. Just help me watch the curry and don't burn the prata.

Me: Ok.

I opened the freezer and found multiple unopened packets of frozen prata and even chapati. I took out a single pack. There were 6. I suppose we could eat all 6.

I heated up the pan as instructed and waited for it to get hot. I couldn't really tell so I stupidly went to touch the pan. Yup. It was hot. I peeled off the plastic and dropped the frozen prata in with a clank.

I didn't know how long it was supposed to be cooked so I just let it sizzle until it smelt somewhat like prata.

I looked around for tongs or something to flip the damn thing but couldn't find any. I thought I smelt it burning so I decided to do the logical thing. I grabbed the pan and tried to flip it like I'd seen people flip eggs on YouTube.

It was a massive failure. I flipped it so hard that I caught it on the same side that was burning. I heard a giggle. Jasmine was done showering and watching me from the doorway.

J: Use chopsticks.

Me: Right.

Other than one slightly blackened prata, the other five were fine.

Jasmine was already settled in front of the television. She had cleared space on the coffee table for the food.

I put the curry into a large bowl and got out two plates for the prata while she sat there flipping through the channels. I guess this was a test for me. Probably to see how much a house husband I could be.

Me: I can see your nipples.

They were hard and poking through the thin fabric of her tank top.

J: It's just us. It's fine.

We sat down to eat. She decided to watch some show on Netflix called Singles Inferno. Other than hot guys and girls, I didn't really get what the show was about.

The curry was good. Tasted pretty Indian, assuming I knew what real authentic Indian curry tasted like, but the taste was pretty similar to the chicken curry that you'd get from a prata stall, but much thicker, with a more pronounced aftertaste. But I think she got the recipe slightly wrong. It was super spicy. Like almost suicide wings level spicy. My tongue was burning after the second prata. It was burning and numb after the third. Jasmine seemed unaffected, and was laughing at whatever she was watching.

I think she could sense my discomfort.

J: There's Yakult in the fridge. But that's for the Soju.

Me: I'm fine.

Then I rushed to the kitchen and filled a glass of cold water from her dispenser.

J: Too spicy?

Me: If I lick you now, you'd feel it.

J: Lick here?

She looked at me, spread her legs as if daring me to do so.

J: Go for it.

Me: Right.

J: Pussy.

I cleared the dishes and washed them after dinner. There was leftover curry so I put it in another bowl and put it aside to cool down further.

Me: Hey, you mind if I shower?

J: Go ahead. You know where everything is.

I went to shower in the master bedroom toilet and wore only my boxers out.

As I entered the living room, she started laughing.

J: Wah lau! Why is your belly so big now?

Me: We just ate.

She lifted up her tank top to show me her still rather flat tummy and her underboobs.

J: You look like you're pregnant.

Me: Thanks ah.

J: Have you named it yet?

Me: You're very lame today.

J: Yes I know.

I sat down on the opposite side of the sofa.

J: You don't want to sit next to me?

Me: I do.

J: Then come over.

I slid over and she snuggled onto my chest, then started rubbing my tummy.

Me: Oi!

J: Don't like it?

Me: I'm full.

J: Oh well.

Jasmine slid her hand down my boxers.

J: I see you shaved.

Me: I usually do.

J: You're intending to have sex with me?

Me: No.

Her fingers cupped my balls, then encircled the base of my shaft. I didn't get hard.

J: Eh. Spoilt already?

She grabbed my entire dick in the palm of her hand.

J: Overused is it?

I slid my hand down the back of her shorts.

J: Oi! What are you doing?

Me: You're touching me so I'm touching you. Must be fair.

She laughed.

J: You want to touch, go from the front.

I slid my hand to the front.

Me: I see you shaved too. Were you intending to have sex with me?

J: No… I usually shave too.

She pulled down my boxers, exposing my flaccid penis, before grabbing it again.

J: Hello! Long time no see!
Old 23-01-2022, 04:33 PM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Me: Woah… what are you doing?

J: Saying hello to the little guy?

Me: Why?

J: Haven't seen him in a long time.

Me: Right.

J: Hey, at least you've been having sex ok?

Me: Are you pissed?

J: No. It's your life, you choose what you want to do.

Me: Really?

J: I can't expect you to be waiting for me right? Even though I want you to.

Me: I see.

J: Anyway at least you've been sleeping with people I know about rather than some random person.

Me: How is that better?

J: I don't know. Just my feeling.

She started stroking me, playing with the foreskin around the dickhead.

J: Eh, you really overused it? It's not getting hard.

I felt around her labia. She squirmed a little. I rubbed against her clit and she moaned. I tested the hole with a finger and it was wet.

Me: You're wet.

J: You're touching me there, what did you expect? But you're not getting hard. Don't I turn you on anymore?

Me: I don't know what's wrong.

J: You need me to call Shirlyn over? Or Felicia?

Me: What? No!

J: Kidding…

She gave the head a tentative lick, before putting it in her mouth. I was so soft that she could literally swallow my entire cock, and tease my balls with her tongue. I expected it to start growing, but it didn't.

J: Eh… why… what's wrong?

I sighed.

Me: I don't know. Maybe it's too fast. Maybe I'm hurting from when you ghosted me.

J: Wow. You're such a girl.

She climbed onto me, straddling me, and started kissing me.

J: I've missed you a lot ok? And I really thought that was the best way to work out my issues.

I kissed her back.

J: I hope we can be together someday. When there's no complications.

Me: And in the meantime what do you want?

J: What does it look like I want?

Me: It looks like you want sex.

J: Yes. But you can't get hard.

I kissed her again.

Me: I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong.

J: Probably you're too emotional and it's affecting your performance. Do you need Viagra?

Me: Right.

J: Do you want to continue?

She kissed me.

Me: I think I want to lick you with my spicy tongue.

J: It's still numb??? Weakling. You probably eat Mala at the no-la level.

Me: I don't even eat Mala.

We kissed.

J: Look, we don't have to do it now you know. I really enjoy your company. And the teasing, the making out.

Me: I do too.

J: Let's just watch Netflix ok? If you're up for it, maybe we can add the chill later.

Me: Sure.

She got off me and I pulled up my boxers. It was a little embarrassing that I couldn't perform when she wanted me to. Yet I had no such issues with Shirlyn that weekend, although I probably developed an issue later on when she tried to blow me but I wasn't aroused.

Jasmine went to the freezer and brought out a tub of Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Therapy.

J: Nah. For your mouth.

I took it from her.

J: Make sure you feed me too ok! It's not all for you.

She curled up against me again, lying on my tummy while we ate ice cream and watched Singles Inferno on Netflix.

After two hours I guess she was getting bored or tired.

J: Hey, can you stay over tonight?

Me: Sure.

J: You're not sleeping on the couch.

Me: Ok.

J: I want to hug you to sleep.

Me: Alright.

We headed to the room and washed up before getting into bed.

At first she was facing me but switched positions into the small spoon later on.

Smelling her hair, holding her against me, I felt a stirring down below. She felt it too.

J: Wow. What just happened?

Me: I think it woke up.

J: I'm not wet, just rub it on the outside?

She turned her head to kiss me and I caressed her boobs, brushing against her nipples. She moaned softly.

I went south and felt around her lips as my dickhead rubbed around the exterior.

J: I'm getting wet.

Me: I can feel it.

J: Please put it in.

I positioned from behind and slid it in slowly. Her moan upon entry turned me on so much that I twitched and she felt it.

I cupped both her breasts as I thrust into her from behind, nibbling on her earlobe and kissing her neck. She started rubbing her clit.

J: It feels so good.

A couple minutes of thrusting she stopped me.

J: I want to ride you.

I pulled out and lay down, she got on top, lowering herself onto my pole. I held on to her hips as she ground her clit against me. I felt her tremble as she came and collapsed onto me, my dick still deep inside her.

She kissed me.

J: I really missed having sex with you. Now fuck me.

I didn't need a second invitation and started thrusting upwards as I grabbed her ass.

J: Harder!

I wondered how much harder I could go, considering each stroke caused my thighs to slap loudly against her butt.

I pulled out and lay her face down flat, entering from behind. I could go deep this way.

J: Haha. Your tummy is like a pillow on my butt.

I spread her cheeks and went as deep as I could.

J: Ahhhh… I haven't felt that in a long time.

I felt her tighten around me, but I didn't want to cum so fast.

I flipped her over and went in, leaning forward to kiss her. She wrapped her legs around my back.

Me: Don't. I might cum inside.

J: I started the pill again.

Me: What? Were you expecting to have sex?

J: You have no idea how much I wanted this to happen.

We kissed.

Me: I think I do.

I resumed thrusting, going deep, feeling her insides contract. It was either her kegels, or she was cumming again. I composed myself.

J: Don't hold it in.

Me: I'm not.

A few more minutes of thrusting and I felt the familiar feeling. She probably sensed it and wrapped her legs tighter around my back while pull me towards her. She kissed my neck as I released my load into her. She kissed me, our tongues intertwined as I shot my sperm deep into her.

J: Shit. I thought you were having sex with others. Why does it feel like you shot a gallon into me.

Me: I didn't sleep with anyone else after we reconnected.

She ruffled my hair.

J: Silly boy.

We hugged for awhile as my deflated penis slowly slipped out of her.

J: Shit! Tissue!

I grabbed the box as she cupped her pussy to prevent staining the bed. I passed her the tissues as she blotted up my escaping semen.

J: Let's go shower.

We wasted a lot of water as we made out under the shower for what seemed like the longest time, before drying off and going back to bed. We cuddled with her facing me again.

J: Thank you for coming back to me. I know it's been hard.

Me: I'm not going to leave unless you ask me to.

J: I know.
Old 24-01-2022, 01:24 AM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Thanks bro shrouded for sharing your story. Your story is one of my favourites here in this forum, since many years back.
Old 24-01-2022, 08:15 AM
ouzo18 ouzo18 is offline
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Bro Shrouded, filet O fish is your forgotten? Lol
Old 24-01-2022, 09:23 AM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Originally Posted by ouzo18 View Post
Bro Shrouded, filet O fish is your forgotten? Lol
And the duck rice. Lol.
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