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Old 12-01-2011, 11:32 AM
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Smile Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by TigerB View Post
Well said!
However a word of caution.
They are on home ground.
Never let your guard down.
Bonk Bonk !!
Hi bro,

Ths for ur word of caution.

Personal safety is my main concern in PRC.

Originally Posted by fun_n_pleasure View Post
Dear bro Warbird, thank you for your input. They're always hitting the nail on the head. I wish I now have that level of self-mastery you talked about, so far, I only have a slight gleams of what it's like. Nevertheless its a good goal to work myself towards.
Dear bro fun_n_pleasure,

I'm a serious student of self mastery.

My obsession n passion is to achieve absolute self mastery, hehehe. it's power is truly beyond imagination...


Bro WB

.................................................. .................................................. .......

Another auspicious day!

I hv read many ebooks on seduction, RS n sexual techniques written mostly by Ang Moh gurus. I only hv had little practical experience but I can confirm that their principles r mostly correct.

What I write below is controversial n may be offensive to some bros. It's just my 2 cents...

A former mistress KX has been in SG for over a month n I hv refused to BY her. I was obsessed w/ her when I 1st met her, didn't sleep well bcos I wanted to bonk her very badly...managed to keep her for a month before I left for Gotham City.

Fast forward to the presence. She is no longer my type as she has lost abt 3kg. The other negative is that it's difficult to make her come. Only bonked her once n booked her once to KTV in the past month. Ironically she is now obsessed w/ me. She said she missed our happy time together, even cried a few times. She asked if I hv a new GF, etc. The other day she told me I could pay what I used to give her by 30% less n she would stop working completely, just want to be w/ me. Even for 1 wk is OK.

Her behaviour is very common n predictable. All females including WLs want something they can't get. They all need validation to soothe their fragile ego, hehehe.

Earlier KX couldn't get the visa to return to SG n had to go to Golden Sands in Jakarta. Then when she got a singer pass (non-singing type) to come here, I refused to foot the bill. She was very angry n called me names. 你答应的事情,没有做到,真是缺德啊. 你要知道你只是在新加坡养我,回国了,你生活费都不给我,你也没有把我当是你老婆,是只身体需 要的一个人. She left her luggage here in a rented rm n asked me to keep it for her which I initially refused. 你是不是人啊,说好帮我去拿行李又不是. 我告诉你,我之前和你说过,要你帮我去拿行李的,多出来的钱,我不会理你的,没见过你那么说话不算数的人, 又不是不还你钱,难怪没有女人和你一起.(I told her abt my former mistress KK falling in love w/ a fellow student.)

My reaction? I was unfazed, unmoved n unflappable, hehehe. Now she wont leave me alone!

When a gal gets upset n angry w/ u for whatever reason, what do most men do, if she is someone they like?

The nice guys will try to apologize, suck up to her n pacify her. The jerks or bad boys will get angry n may become verbally n even physically abusive. Others will get upset n fight back or at least try to explain...

They r all immature little boys w/ a mature, even aging bodies.

A real MAN must remain unmoved, unfazed n unflappable. Listen actively n reflectively n say I see or I hear u, I understand u...if u r clearly wrong, admit it once n move on as if nothing has happened. If she is clearly wrong, just tell her calmly n leave.

Your reaction will make u stand out among all the "little boys." It's very, very attractive to her n she can't help it. Every gal is always looking for a reliable n trustworthy provider n protector, at her subconscious mind. If a man is emotionally unstable n can't even master himself, he can NEVER be a reliable provider. What protector? He is just a "little boy" who needs protection himself!!

My favourite mistress TC was very upset w/me the other day bcos...I was wrong, hehehe...U know my she knows I'm radically different from ALL the men she has ever met.

Not long ago I asked TC why she wanted an ah pek like me to take care of her. Right timing she said. When She first came, quite a few men wanted to BY her. There was a man in his 30s who made a generous offer. But at that time she cherished her freedom n besides she could make the same money working w/o going out. She started losing some hair a few months ago n attributed it to late nights n liquor consumption. She was looking for a way to quit n I showed up at the RIGHT TIME. The other reason she accepted my offer was that I appeared trustworthy...

She NEVER thought she would ever become my mistress at first. I met her on the 2nd day I arrived here on a Fri. I tipped her only $150 for HH n she thought I was a miser. The following Mon I met a grp of agents at PC who were trying to get a student visa for my other mistress. They invited me to go to DC HH. I didn't find any gals of my type there n called TC at 7PM when she just arrived at LV. She said she wont come, it was too far, etc. No, No. I offered to pay her $200 n ordered her to get her butt to DC n she came, haha.

Good day!

Bro WB
Old 12-01-2011, 05:26 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Hi bro,
Ths for ur word of caution.
Personal safety is my main concern in PRC.
Bro WB
Hi Bro,
If you are going to China, may I suggest you hire a trustworthy driver cum bodyguard. Choose one who recently "retires" from the PRC army or police force.

When I was in China on business trip, my Boss there assigns me his driver. He was right behind me watching and guarding me when I hit the walking street.

Old 12-01-2011, 08:36 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Hi bro,

Ths for ur word of caution.

Personal safety is my main concern in PRC.
Then cities like Shanghai and Beijing will be better for you. Guangzhou, Shenzhen, etc can be very "messy".
Old 12-01-2011, 09:35 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

In singapore you can pick those gals at any disco n not to be worry. but if you are in overseas, better think twice as the gals would be dangerous especially in china.They just planning to rob or extort money from you as they know that you are not local.I just came back from Guanzhou, there is a bit dangerous.
Old 13-01-2011, 02:34 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Dear bro Warbird,

Thank you for taking the effort to share with us your real life examples. Many times we know the principles what we should do intellectually, but emotionally we don’t know what to do and how to do. While the only way to really grow and improve is to experience it in the real world, your life experiences with specific examples are particularly useful in shedding light to this subject… especially in the Asian context.

It is my privilege to have this chance to learn from you. Thank you sincerely.


An update to the development with the uni girl…

I’m really quite fond of this girl and was very hesitate initially, but I told her my age and she was a little surprised. Taking bro WB advice, I steadied myself emotionally and prepared for the worst. But, all was not lost because she later told me that a number of her school mates in smu are also dating guys above the age of 35. That came as a pleasant surprise and she told me they actually have a slight preference for men 35 and above... something about us being more mature and less BS. Was she simply trying to make me feel better, or was this phenomenon pertaining only to smu, I don’t know… but it was sure good to know.

Tonight we did not do anything crazy. I send her home after our drinks and we took a taxi because I don't drive. Upon reaching her home, I gave her a light pat on the cheek before she go. She gave me a hug and kissed me back on the cheek.

So much for worrying… everything went well after all
Old 13-01-2011, 09:35 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro F&P, pls do allow me to share my very newbie noob comments for you to digest below.
Again, it's all based on my 2 cents worth and if at anytime anything seems offensive to you, i apologise and want to clarify that there was no intention to be offensive at any point.

Originally Posted by fun_n_pleasure View Post
I’m really quite fond of this girl and was very hesitate initially
This is a very important that you penned down here.
It is essential that everything is penned down so no one is swayed from the truth thus advises can be sent out spot on with extreme effect and guidance.

Yes, fondness is the very beginning for the WANT to pursuit but have you quantified how fond she is of you in the 1st place?
The very basis of this thread is to ascertain that their wants for you is greater than your want for her.

Originally Posted by fun_n_pleasure View Post
but I told her my age and she was a little surprised.
Taking bro WB advice, I steadied myself emotionally and prepared for the worst. But, all was not lost because she later told me that a number of her school mates in smu are also dating guys above the age of 35. That came as a pleasant surprise and she told me they actually have a slight preference for men 35 and above... something about us being more mature and less BS. Was she simply trying to make me feel better, or was this phenomenon pertaining only to smu, I don’t know… but it was sure good to know.
Very good indicator.
Preference of matured men can only be broken down to the several factors below:
1) Mental Stability
2) Wisdom
3) Ability to take care of woman's needs
4) Emotionally secure
5) Financial Stability
6) More patient
7) Married
8) Understanding the NEEDS & WANTS of women

Every item above tells a story!
The story tells you what the woman really wants outta this and its very important to reflect.
Know which one, and the game is a no brainer liao
The younger generation of today is in hot pursuit of brands.
Many will not hesitate to have a sugar daddy to help them achieve their WANTS!

Originally Posted by fun_n_pleasure View Post

Tonight we did not do anything crazy. I send her home after our drinks and we took a taxi because I don't drive. Upon reaching her home, I gave her a light pat on the cheek before she go. She gave me a hug and kissed me back on the cheek.

So much for worrying… everything went well after all
Always anticipate their next move, never be relaxed mentally though physically, we may appear to be very happy, at peace or calm.
I sense there will be more to be revealed in the near future bro.
Time to bring her to some extravagant places for meals and drinks and expose her to the high end side of life.
Soon, the truth will reveal itself before your very eyes and ears!
女人都是一样的, 只是张得不一样!

I await in anticipation for the revelation of this one!
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Old 13-01-2011, 12:26 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Dear bro DO_YOU_BJ,

No offense taken at all.. I don’t see why it should be taken that way. I appreciate that you’re saying I should be careful not to be KC by this girl, if I read you correctly.

Before I decide to come out to play, I’m prepared that someone’s gonna get hurt… including myself. However, there cannot be no growth if I’m afraid of being hurt and shut myself up. So the best is to learn from you senior bros, thread carefully and minimizes any damage to all parties in the process.

I’m clear in my head that I’m not looking for any long-term relationship in this. What I would like to achieve is a certain level of self-mastery, in this game and more so in life. Spending lots of money on the girl to get sex is not what I had in mind. If she walks away, so be it… Hence, I’ll avoid bringing her to extravagant meals and drinks unless its for some special occasions only.

I admit my approach towards this thing has been rather immature thus far. I knew, not that I don’t… that I’m like a baby swimming with the big sharks here. Your topic of discussions are interesting while mine is noob and boring. But I have to be thick-skinned and jump in there cause how else can I learn?

I hope bros here will bear with me. I always appreciate your feedback as long as it’s well-intended, and not necessary what I want to hear. I’m serious about learning, not here to get validation.

Hence no offend at all, keep them coming.

Last edited by fun_n_pleasure; 13-01-2011 at 12:51 PM.
Old 13-01-2011, 12:57 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by fun_n_pleasure View Post
Hi bro DO_YOU_BJ,

No offense taken at all.. I don’t see why it should be taken that way. I appreciate that you’re saying I should be careful not to be KC by this girl, if I read you correctly.

Before I decide to come out to play, I’m prepared that someone’s gonna get hurt… including myself. However, there cannot be no growth if I’m afraid of being hurt and shut myself up. So the best is to learn from you senior bros, thread carefully and minimizes any damage to all parties in the process.

I’m clear in my head that I’m not looking for any long-term relationship in this. What I would like to achieve is a certain level of self-mastery, in this game and more so in life. Spending lots of money on the girl to get sex is not what I had in mind. If she walks away, so be it… Hence, I’ll avoid bringing her to extravagant meals and drinks unless its for some special occasions only.

I admit my approach towards this thing has been rather immature thus far. I knew, not that I don’t… that I’m like a baby swimming with the big sharks here. Your topic of discussions are interesting while mine is noob and boring. But I have to be thick-skinned and jump in there cause how else can I learn?

I hope bros here will bear with me. I always appreciate your feedback as long as it’s well-intended, and not necessary what I want to hear. I’m serious about learning, not here to get validation.

Hence no offend at all, keep them coming.
Kudos to your open mindedness bro, as such, respect respects.
WL or not, women are all the same.
They only belong to 3 categories.
One in search for luxury or one who has not been exposed so she doesnt know what she's missing.
The last & most noble, no matter how much exposure, wont be swayed by materials...this i call wife material!

Now before you embark on self mastery, you must understand what it takes to be a master at this game.
Money of course but then again, whatever char bor we sian, we need some form of investments la lol
To be a master of this arena, one must know what is he after.
Sex slave?
Service Provider?

Most importantly, one remembers that, as long as he's not looking for a wife, even if FB, its just for fucks, so, in this light your term
Originally Posted by fun_n_pleasure View Post
Before I decide to come out to play, I’m prepared that someone’s gonna get hurt… including myself. However, there cannot be no growth if I’m afraid of being hurt and shut myself up.
I wud conclude is wrong in terms of approach.
In this game, you r Alpha and a predator & they all are nothing more than meat, prey or lambs for your pickings.
Yes, you may like her in some way, but that's it.
No one says you are to hide in a shell but you have to be always EXTRA cautious and anticipate her every gesture, move and words she speaks.
They all tell a story and if you can master it, you'll know their game plan already.
Be it noble or purely to gain something.

Learning here is a start, but sadly, all theoretical, thus without walking the baptism of fire, one will not be able to master this art without polishing their sword ya

We are all the same, but what makes a master of this game different from the rest is actually simple.
It's all MindSet!
The chase or pursuit is the most exciting part, and once the bedroom part has begun, the master also knows it's already the beginning of the end.

Go knock yourself out bro
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Old 13-01-2011, 06:33 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs


You’re too kind with your words already. And thank you once again for your generous sharing.

I’m not too sure which of the 3 type of women this girl belongs to yet. But I’m almost certain she’s not those “innocent” type. She is intelligent and beautiful, and I believe she probably have guys hitting on her all the time. From our interactions, I might even suspect she’s quite a player herself, hence I’ll try to be careful.

But whether or not she’s a player, my aim is still to enjoy each other company and have fun together... while trying not to be KC by her. Although I agree with you that we are the alpha and they the prey for our pickings, I just don’t like to a hurt another person’s feeling unnecessarily (sad for a few days is fine). So just fuck and forget is not really my style and I preferred to leave fond memories behind… not hatred or resentment. Although that would mean allowing myself to be emotionally vulnerable too, I’ll just take the risk. I guess this is part of self-mastery, else I would have taken the easy way out and just use lies and trickeries to get my goals.

As you rightfully said, one need to go thorough the baptism of fire before he can progress to the next level. I’m very lucky to have found you guys to support me along somewhat.

Thank you all, and I wish you guys best of luck too .
Old 13-01-2011, 06:47 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by fun_n_pleasure View Post

You’re too kind with your words already. And thank you once again for your generous sharing.

I’m not too sure which of the 3 type of women this girl belongs to yet. But I’m almost certain she’s not those “innocent” type. She is intelligent and beautiful, and I believe she probably have guys hitting on her all the time. From our interactions, I might even suspect she’s quite a player herself, hence I’ll try to be careful.

But whether or not she’s a player, my aim is still to enjoy each other company and have fun together... while trying not to be KC by her. Although I agree with you that we are the alpha and they the prey for our pickings, I just don’t like to a hurt another person’s feeling unnecessarily (sad for a few days is fine). So just fuck and forget is not really my style and I preferred to leave fond memories behind… not hatred or resentment. Although that would mean allowing myself to be emotionally vulnerable too, I’ll just take the risk. I guess this is part of self-mastery, else I would have taken the easy way out and just use lies and trickeries to get my goals.

As you rightfully said, one need to go thorough the baptism of fire before he can progress to the next level. I’m very lucky to have found you guys to support me along somewhat.

Thank you all, and I wish you guys best of luck too .
Just remember, if you dun wanna hurt someone, though noble, have you ever tot the same went thru the other person's mind at all????
You're in good hands here, I'll leave you to the guidance of our very own Guru, Master WarBird.
Do keep updating and no censorship please hahaha
The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!!
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Old 14-01-2011, 12:05 PM
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Smile Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by TigerB View Post
Hi Bro,
If you are going to China, may I suggest you hire a trustworthy driver cum bodyguard...................
Good advice, bro. I'm going to HK/SZ soon n will be accompanied by a Hongkie fren n his driver.

If I settle in Xiamen, my ancestral hometown, not sure if getting a chauffeur cum bodyguard is a good idea as I may draw unwanted attention. The best is to try to blend in n become invisible...difficult to do if I keep 2-3 SYTs under one roof.

Originally Posted by chenzong View Post
Then cities like Shanghai and Beijing will be better for you. Guangzhou, Shenzhen, etc can be very "messy".
Ths for ur info.

SZ at this time of the yr is dangerous even for my Hongkie fren who is well connected. He told me there r 4 million plus migrant workers in the city n many will do almost anything just to get some money to go home for the CNY.

Originally Posted by toobig2handle View Post
In singapore you can pick those gals at any disco n not to be worry. but if you are in overseas, better think twice as the gals would be dangerous especially in china....
Ths for ur advice.

Originally Posted by fun_n_pleasure View Post
Dear bro Warbird,

Thank you for taking the effort to share with us your real life examples. Many times we know the principles what we should do intellectually, but emotionally we don’t know what to do and how to do.....

It is my privilege to have this chance to learn from you. Thank you sincerely.

An update to the development with the uni girl…

I’m really quite fond of this girl and was very hesitate initially, but I told her my age and she was a little surprised...........

........ She gave me a hug and kissed me back on the cheek....
Dear bro fun_n_pleasure,

I dun deserve ur effusive praise. I'm merely quoting a few paragraphs from some Ang Moh gurus n narrating some of my very limited BY-ing experiences.

Knowing n doing r totally different...

Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ View Post
Bro F&P......................
Again, it's all based on my 2 cents worth and if at anytime anything seems offensive to you, i apologise and want to clarify that there was no intention to be offensive at any point.

Yes, fondness is the very beginning for the WANT to pursuit but have you quantified how fond she is of you in the 1st place?
The very basis of this thread is to ascertain that their wants for you is greater than your want for her.

Very good indicator.
Preference of matured men can only be broken down to the several factors below:...........................

Every item above tells a story!.............................

The younger generation of today is in hot pursuit of brands.
Many will not hesitate to have a sugar daddy to help them achieve their WANTS!

女人都是一样的, 只是张得不一样!
My dear Mr. Chairman,

I'm in awe of ur keen insights n analytical prowess in man-woman RS...

You're a Dr. House of pussies just like the famed doctor in the popular TV serials in Gotham country, hehehe.

Thank you!

Originally Posted by fun_n_pleasure View Post
Dear bro DO_YOU_BJ,

No offense taken at all.. I don’t see why it should be taken that way. I appreciate that you’re saying I should be careful not to be KC by this girl, if I read you correctly......................................... ...........

I’m clear in my head that I’m not looking for any long-term relationship in this. What I would like to achieve is a certain level of self-mastery, in this game and more so in life. Spending lots of money on the girl to get sex is not what I had in mind. If she walks away, so be it......................

I hope bros here will bear with me. I always appreciate your feedback as long as it’s well-intended, and not necessary what I want to hear. I’m serious about learning, not here to get validation.

Hence no offend at all, keep them coming.
The key here is self mastery.

Knowing what type of gal she is would be helpful. Pls take no offense as I know many pretty local students r FLs n/or hv sugar daddies. I know of a law student who is a FL...

Originally Posted by fun_n_pleasure View Post

You’re too kind with your words already. And thank you once again for your generous sharing.

I’m not too sure which of the 3 type of women this girl belongs to yet. But I’m almost certain she’s not those “innocent” type. She is intelligent and beautiful.........................

But whether or not she’s a player, my aim is still to enjoy each other company and have fun together... while trying not to be KC by her.....I just don’t like to a hurt another person’s feeling unnecessarily (sad for a few days is fine). So just fuck and forget is not really my style and I preferred to leave fond memories behind…...............
You hv the right mindset, bro.

Ironically, the fact that u hv no intention to KC her may actually make her fall for u. She cant help herself, hehehe.

Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ View Post
Just remember, if you dun wanna hurt someone, though noble, have you ever tot the same went thru the other person's mind at all????
You're in good hands here, I'll leave you to the guidance of our very own Guru, Master WarBird.
Do keep updating and no censorship please hahaha
Mr. Chairman,

Bro fun_n_pleasure is quite an experienced cheongster.

I'll be happy to share my musings w/ him, but calling it guidance would be quite far-fetched.

We wish him the best n would like to learn of his progress.

I'll also appreciate ur further comments n opinions on this or any other case studies.


.................................................. .................................................. .......

Good day!

A gal of my type may not remain so for long. A few wks or few months could make a big difference. If she loses her youthful looks or loses or gains weight...or her skin is darker, etc.

Therefore, one man's meat today is often his poison tomorrow.

I wonder if there r many bros who share the same problem as I.

I hope TC will not be my poison when I see her again.

I'm completing my 2nd month w/ TC. I'm still very fond of her. She is certainly one of the best fxks I ever had. I hv overpaid her a bit n I hv bought expensive gifts, something I hv never done before. She is also my lucky charm...

She has given me many constructive criticisms. You're over cautious, she says. Yes, for one thing I hv been too cautious n conservative in my investments n, as a result, hv made a lot less profit.

She just recovered from a bout of flu w/ bad coughing. I hv continued to spend lots of time w/ her n I hv not been infected thus far.

Brought her to DC HH yesterday n met a dear fren, an old towkay J. Mr. J was surrounded by 2 young gals as usual. Luckily, TC is not his type as he prefers short n petite gals. Despite that he commented that I had good taste n that TC was "classy." I told him that I was still "chasing" her, hehe.

Mr. J is much older than I. He is quite successful n well-heeled bcos of his self mastery. He is unflappable n always smiling. I praised him for his "round n smooth/slick" personality, for his diplomatic approach to life, haha. He has worked hard to bring a project to fruition n I thanked him for his effort. I wish I could be more "round n smooth/slick" like him. Seriously, he is my role model!


Bro WB
Old 14-01-2011, 12:37 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
My dear Mr. Chairman,

I'm in awe of ur keen insights n analytical prowess in man-woman RS...

You're a Dr. House of pussies just like the famed doctor in the popular TV serials in Gotham country, hehehe.

Thank you!
My dear Guru WB, you flatter shy shy
Just came in to do my part.
You've been busy hehehehehe
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Dear master WB,
The girl girl in your avatar must be TC ?
Nice and chio woh.

Bonk Bonk
Old 15-01-2011, 01:20 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by fun_n_pleasure View Post

Bro Dragonkeep, do you know how many people wish to have that kind of "super power" like yours. Ability to f*ck for hours and giving the girls orgasm after orgasm... i can't believe you're actually complaining .

Much to learn from all you masters
Thx bro - but getting down to earth n to dispel any myth - the bonkathons with my mainland baoee work probably becoz (a) I have the marathon with her once a month (b) we dun have a CD barrier (c) I kinda found the shooting trigger so I just avoid it (barring the first shot on reunion which is usually buay tah han) (d) sex with her is still pretty kinky.

At my age, I have had some times when the bloody WL had been too ngiao like refusing to kiss, making some off the wall comment about sweat etc etc or worse, if I have to change CDs mid-job, - the dickie gets quite disinterested quick ... if I accidentally start mentally comparing the sex with my mainland baoee - sheesh, that even saboed one HJ session with my favourite masseuse at CXY Jalan Sultan (since shut down) once: though she pumped the ol dickie sore, I could not shoot!!

Anyway, following Sifu WB's comments in this thread, the supply of SYT targets is quite tight here I gather (have been quite unable to snare a good one for some time), so have been complaining about finding enough willing and able SYTs.
Old 15-01-2011, 01:34 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by MoralEpitome View Post
Bro WB...I am finding it increasingly difficult to be excited by sex...and find it harder and harder to cum as I am just so bored by most women....women who excites me are forbidden fruits whom I can't touch....any ideas? hehe
Wha lou kawan, sounds like my age 40 phenomenon that I shared above. It's like the dickhead becomes less sensitive - plus and minus points to that: we can last longer (read about women commenting on this as a reason why they prefer older men or even married men for that matter who have "tamed" their dicks versus younger tricky happy bros) - but the downside is having long "bonks to nowhere" - i.e. being unable to cum at the end.

I read somewhere too that porn stars say that one of their main qualities sought after is the ability to "fire" on cue. Dunno if there is any science to this, but one solution I shared above was to locate a release position that can break down the didi's resistance.

Just had a couple of ST sessions this wk with CD with two gals from CI (3rd lf TAM complex) 2 days apart - did not cum during the first one though we dicked for quite a while, as I was eyeballing an ST with the other soon after (and knowing that I needed to keep didi in good firing condition). Hooked up with the other one 2 days later and the shooting posn seemed to work even with the CD on - largely because of the "freshness" factor of the bonk and her sexiness (frenching was great).

Dunno what "forbidden" fruit ya referring to - mebbe the lacklustre feel to sex is that mental factor: - might wanna try plucking it or something close to it? The brain might just send all the right signals to the firing department downstairs.
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