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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
no you were young and foolish, now you are old and wise....
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Brudder....well said and put together. how i wish that i have seen your comments much earlier..
i am just picking the pieces after my PRC left me.....thought i was harden to accept it but at the end.....realized that how much she meant to me....sad story. money spend and lost can easily be earn back...but the emotional aspect was really hard to take..... To all fellow samster brudder out there....just like the old Wrestling disclaimer...that we use to see ...please do not try those stunts yourself...as they are all trained professionals to do it. To the same tune..the PRC singers....are the really well trained and subtle...that i got lost in the midst of it and got hurt in the end.... |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
http://sammyboyforum.shop/showpos...postcount=9823 In the world of HFJ, or nitescene, nothing is real. You spend to try to get the CUNT or for some idiots, LOVE! If you are sour after a failed investment, move on but learn from your mistakes and DO NOT DO IT THE SAME WAY NEXT TIME. This person is not worth so much effort. So wat if she gave birth for ferrari, mercedes or lamborghini? It's over dude, move on. So many singers to choose from, why cut the whole forest for 1 tree, that is still obviously not yours![/QUOTE]
The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!! The 4 Golden Rules in life: 1) 不要欺骗自己 2) 不要出卖自己 3) 不要背叛自己 4) 不要对不起自己 是你的,就是你的。 不是你的,不要抢! 人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多、而是因为计较的少 Officially Retired From The Nite Scene |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
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Words of wisdom to live by... Not really, I hv yet to meet a more experienced man in cheonging singers. Quote:
Well said again. What little "success" I hv had in BY-ing, I owe at least half to ur teachings. Now I treat all my GFs aka BAO-ees as bot cunts or warm meat, hehehe. Absolutely. .................................................. .................................................. ............................... Good morning! I was trying to get some recommendations for finding pretty SYTs in Beijing, but I got conflicting FRs on escort services there. I'll go to KTVs instead. I'm very picky as I only want to up gals of my particular type. I often need to see many, many to find one I like. Seeing one gal at a time is not going to work unless there r truthful n detailed descriptions n real life photos of many gals for me to review. Since finding SYTs of my type to BY in China is too time consuming, I hv recruited the help of a few trusted frens including my former mistress KK. My msg to her: 我要你介绍一个年青貌美的女朋友给我。 最好是18-22岁, 164-172 公分,体态均匀, 有大专水平。 她在新加坡或中国都没问题。她要求什么条件都可以, 只要我喜欢她...She replied: 。好的,没有问题...she will try to find someone I like very much, she is my personal n dedicated OKT hehe. She is one gal I had KC in the past. The other is my 1st BAO-ee XW who is my "woman" now. For me, life is too short to settle for gals who r not exactly my type. Have u ever settled for a gal whom u dun like that much? Unfortunately, I hv in the past. Dun ever do that again, advised an Ang Moh guru. THE "SETTLE TEST" A couple of weeks ago when we talked about blind dates I covered the idea of "settling" some. It's an idea worth elaborating upon further. So recently I was on the phone with a friend talking about--what else?--dating and relationships. During the course of the conversation, we began discussing how amazing it is that so many people settle for the first option that comes along than doing what it takes to become a man or a woman who can CHOOSE from MANY OPTIONS. Ultimately, so many of us feel completely powerless when it comes to actually being able to attract who we truly want, that when the first person comes along who shows any level of attraction we jump right into a long-term relationship. Sometimes we do so and never look back. If you perform a Google search on "number of lifetime sex partners", you'll quickly find that darn near 25% of adults (at least in North America) report having had exactly one partner in their life. Sure, there are always those who have the "high school sweetheart" story going on. But not withstanding that, you and I both know that there are a whole lot of people out there who are flat-out, straight-up SETTLING. Worse, even though they KNOW they've settled, they stay in the relationship anyway. And all too often, they even end up getting MARRIED. Why? Well, there's a whole litany of potential excuses. "It was just time to get married, and this was who I was dating at the time." Or, "Well, nobody's perfect...and I don't want to be too picky." Or, "Hey...some people out there have NOBODY. I should count myself as LUCKY." And, of course, the one that truly makes me cringe: "She was willing to put up with me." But here's the thing. Sometimes, you really can be fairly excited about having met a certain woman early on. You can even be genuinely HOT for her. Particularly if you haven't been experiencing a dating life full of rich options lately, you could actually meet a woman who exceeds your expectations and be on Cloud 9 together for a while there. Only after time has passed and you wake up one morning feeling dissatisfied will the reality set in that you had in fact SETTLED. Scary stuff, isn't it? There's no wonder so many women think guys are "commitment phobes". The truth is sometimes we SHOULD BE. So how do we solve this problem? How can you know up front that you may wake up feeling like you settled someday? I mean, how can you really get some 20/20 foresight here, for a change? I'm glad you asked. Here, before your very eyes, I'm about to roll out--for the first time ever--a lucky seven ways you can test a new relationship for "Settlement Potential": 1) When considering a brand new woman to date, teleport yourself into the future and HONESTLY consider how you'll feel having been exclusive with her for a few months. You may think she's pretty sharp, but if you honestly evaluate the situation do you already know she's lacking in a few places that you are going to seriously wish she wasn't after the novelty of the relationship wears off? Every day you may see women you find somewhat attractive, and each will endear herself to you in a distinct way--and to a varying degree. With that sea of women around you, understand that building long-term plans with a woman who doesn't bring your vision of the "complete package" to the table is going to mean inevitable comparison to other women down the road. And that's not going to be a positive for either of you. 2) How do you feel about introducing her to your friends? She may be attractive to you, but are you sort of embarrassed to take her out in public? Do you fear your friends are going to think you could "do better"? Is there a chance she'll publicly humiliate you in a social setting? If you're feeling any of this stuff, it makes no logical sense to form a "partnership" with her. 3) Imagine you have already seen her naked 100 times and had sex with her about as often. Are you going to have long since been bored? Do you already look at her and realize she isn't everything you want in the attraction department? Even if you are obsessed over her extreme hotness, have you considered that if the entire relationship has been built around sex that you WILL burn out sooner than later...perhaps based on sheer familiarity? 4) Do you actually enjoy her company? This might sound like a goofball question. But based on what I've seen out there, I had to ask. She may be the "best thing" who has come along in years, or so you think. But are you basing that premise purely on physical attraction? If she gets on your nerves now--or vice-versa--that isn't going to get any better later, I can assure you. 5) Is life more fulfilling with her in it? Are you looking forward to taking her with you on the next adventure you have planned, or would you much rather leave her at home to watch Lifetime Channel while you spend time with your friends instead? Do you foresee your future plans and lifelong dreams coming to fruition with her in your life, or being postponed--if not scuttled completely? 6) Are you trying to overlook serious character issues? Are you sticking your head in the sand when it's clear she has addictions, jealousy issues or a demonstrated history of disrespecting you? Are you fully confident she wouldn't cheat on you or betray you in some other way? Do you get this strange feeling that there's something about her you're not being told? 7) Do you envy guys who appear to have higher-quality women with them? Do you get that nauseous feeling in the pit of your stomach when you go out and see other guys with women you perceive to be higher quality than your girlfriend? Have you actually gone so far as to COUNT how many guys in a particular public place you'd gladly trade places with? Do you come home from social events feeling angry or even resentful toward your woman even though she didn't do anything in particular to cause it? Did some of those concepts hit home for you? It really doesn't matter whether you have a woman in your life right now or not. The stuff we're talking about here must become part of your mindset as you evaluate the potential of various women who step into your life. Usually when you take a test like this, you end up with a "sliding scale" to score yourself with. Not this time, man. This is like horseshoes and hand grenades. It's "all or nothing". If you've compromised ANYWHERE, you're settling. I know that the simple fact you are here reading this newsletter alone represents that you are one of those who refuse to accept mediocrity. Deserving what you want is the only way to fly, and you know that already. Don't ever settle, gentlemen. And I remain convinced that you really don't ever have to. Life is too short. Be Good, Mr.SSS |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs: Q&A
Trying out Bro WB's survey - kinda late, being in heavy action at work and at play
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Thanks Brudder.....for the advice....life still have to go on......but i have to admit....she really makes me feel that i am the only one for her.....which is why i fell for it...the ancient route one method and yet i still fall for it..guess i am still human... well....at the very least it is over...thank goodness..i did not do anything stupid as in to leave my family.......(though..it did cross my mind) ![]() |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Thanks Brudder.....for the advice....life still have to go on......but i have to admit....she really makes me feel that i am the only one for her.....which is why i fell for it...the ancient route one method and yet i still fall for it..guess i am still human...
well....at the very least it is over...thank goodness..i did not do anything stupid as in to leave my family.......(though..it did cross my mind) ![]()
The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!! The 4 Golden Rules in life: 1) 不要欺骗自己 2) 不要出卖自己 3) 不要背叛自己 4) 不要对不起自己 是你的,就是你的。 不是你的,不要抢! 人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多、而是因为计较的少 Officially Retired From The Nite Scene |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Why HFJs? Go back to your wife, your kids and those who truely love you for who you are and without conditions. HFJ is a 利益 place, 有金就有情 没金你等于零. Why allow singers to label, tag or brand you as Mr $100, Mr $200, Mr $500, Mr $1000, Mr Big Hanger, Mr Nobody, Mr Nasty, Mr Bad-Temper, Mr Stingy, Mr Sex-starved Fucker. This is not the entire laundry list I got. Ask yourself this question; after you were spent and in defeat, who are the folks that will walk with you in darkness? That is your reality! LDH ![]() .
天下没有不散的宴席,在此退出花花世界的江湖。退休啦! If bros want to exchange upz, please let me know. Min = +5 ![]() All upz will be returned. Priority given to +9 & above. Queue: 4 bros in queue. Next Upz: Cupid - Please update Post. |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Up my pts and pm me if you want to exchange pts My personal XXX videos thread in sbf: https://sbfsg.agency/showthread.php?t=1007350 |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
kudos to you, you speak like a Guru. peifu peifu. xiaodi have much to learn from all esteem brudders here. ![]() Quote:
欢喜就好, Where there is Beer and MMs, there is ME. ![]() 做善事,口袋要先有钱。 求人,不如求己。 求人,如吞三寸剑。 Dailyz 6 green apple for upz. Just Upz - To Upz List - |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!! The 4 Golden Rules in life: 1) 不要欺骗自己 2) 不要出卖自己 3) 不要背叛自己 4) 不要对不起自己 是你的,就是你的。 不是你的,不要抢! 人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多、而是因为计较的少 Officially Retired From The Nite Scene |
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Ths for ur valuable feedback n insights. You're a very experienced BAO-ee, hehe. Thanks Brudder.....for the advice....life still have to go on......but i have to admit....she really makes me feel that i am the only one for her..... well....at the very least it is over...thank goodness..i did not do anything stupid as in to leave my family.......(though..it did cross my mind)[/QUOTE] Good for u, brudder. You're bruised a bit, but a lot wiser. There will always be younger n prettier pussies out there... Quote:
I understand. But you will be available when I need ur advice, right? Cheers! .................................................. ................................ Good morning! Hugh Hefner, the iconic founder of Playboy who is 85, is going to marry a 24 yo playmate. His net worth is a surprisingly modest 43M. But he has fame, charisma n gravitas... “You’re as young as the girl you feel,” Hef laughs. http://www.radaronline.com/exclusive...-girl-you-feel Lately, I'm feeling young, very young, like a teenage boy, haha. I hv been scouring many Chinese Websites for SYTs. I want to connect w/ them n then up them and/or BY them. A wk ago, I came across the photos of a very pretty CL, who has just turned 17, n I made ctc w/ her. She is a student, a non-WL. A few days ago she invited me to do 视频 n I accepted. She is my type of SYT, 169, 52 kg, very fair skin w/ deep cleavage even though only the upper 3 cm was revealed, at least a D. Vital statistics 93 60 93 (she has measured them). Very cute n innocent gal! Very young like a pretty high school gal, but the figure of a sexy woman, w/ perky big round ass n very proportionate figure n long, slim straight legs. Quite slim arms too. She is in Dalian. Her first impression of me: 像那个 什么杰来...我想想哈...李连杰· Me look like the famous kungfu actor?? I wasted no time in asking her to come to Beijin n I promised to make love to her everyday, hahaha. She looked shocked, smiled n was amused, but didn't terminate the video calling. She was speechless, didn't say yes or no. She sent me more photos including full body shots, haha. She is the only child. Her dad died due to an industrial accident when she was a toddler. Her mom remarried but is now separated from her step father. Last yr she enrolled in a commercial school hoping to become a flight attendant one day. The school is now defunct n she is staying home...Her mom is 41 n owns a beauty salon. She lives w/ her mom, mom's BF n her maternal grandparents. We converse in Mandarin, but in texting, I hv used mostly English which is easier for me. And she could comprehend over 90% of my text msg. Even though I can't wait to fxk her n is actively in the process of KC-ing her, I'm trying avoid her as she won't leave me alone! I hv time constraint n she has been trying to chat w/ me n do video calling on QQ almost constantly! I hv already spent many hrs! She is stalking me! Telling her how old I'm n that I'm a lao chi ko pek has not deterred her. She sent me overtures while I'm writing this. I 'm the one to terminate our dialogue every time. Yesterday she woke up at 2: 35 AM her time n wanted to chat (11: 35 AM in Gotham City). I called her n she was in the bathrm as she didn't want to wake up her family. After 23 min, I said goodbye. She sent me more pics...but not revealing enuff. I hv used push-pull n playing hard to get...CL has requested video calling 咱俩视频吧 whenever she is awake n at home. When she is outside she wants to chat using her HP. She just sent me msg inviting me to chat (3:57Am her time). I ignored her most of time now n she said 我想死你了 , when I replied her text, she would be thrilled: 我们恋爱吧 . As I expected, she has accepted my offer to spend 2-3 days w/ me in BJ. She is my lover n I'll pay for her travel expenses. I may buy a nice gift for her, hahaha. BTW, she told me yesterday that her breasts r D or E n 100% natural. I told her I would love to kiss her n suck her nipples...she is not my usual type for only one reason: Her boobs r a bit too large! Last night, she forwarded an explicit pic showing her large breasts w/ quite large pink nipples. Looks like D or perhaps E to me. Also shows her slim waist, large hips n slim thighs/legs...she was wearing a G-string. My reply in English: Very pretty n sexy. I love to kiss n suck them everyday. Any more photos for your arms, abdomen, buttocks, pussy n thighs/legs...I like to kiss n suck them too, hahahaThanks, CL. Love u! If we r compatible n like each other, I'll invite her to do schooling in SG. I'll treat her like a lover n pay for travel, living expenses n school tuition. I may buy her gifts from time to time. I hope it's legal. If she does come, I'll "retire" from BY-ing n cheonging for 2 yrs. I hv made ctc w/ other pretty SYTs who r non-WLs in China, but CL is among the prettiest. She is the youngest n has the sexiest body. Nevertheless, I'll extend my stay in BJ for up to a wk for another pretty non-WL SYT n also to explore KTV gals. Cheers! Bro WB |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
I really doubt you will need my advice... ![]() By the way, which websites do you usually go to find your gals? ![]()
Up my pts and pm me if you want to exchange pts My personal XXX videos thread in sbf: https://sbfsg.agency/showthread.php?t=1007350 |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
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Kakis Invited for KTV Outings to Find " Very Attractive Gals" | warbird | Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos | 990 | 20-01-2024 11:44 AM |
At wht age r gals most sexually attractive to u? | kurupa | Polls | 24 | 18-06-2006 04:54 PM |