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Old 11-11-2014, 11:52 PM
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Heard some rumours will have new PRC shop at lorong 10. Anyone knows if got new PRC shops coming up?
Old 12-11-2014, 05:32 AM
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Originally Posted by slyer View Post
If ye ye 2062A works under okt garrick/willie, this kind of incident will not happen. Garrick/Willie will protect their own WLs.
I am not sure if Garrick and Willie are able to do anything..
Old 12-11-2014, 03:21 PM
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Originally Posted by nakamitchi View Post
when people slap yr left dont turn yr right face let people slap.
That is exactly what the bible teaches. Maybe the okt is a Christian and he is following the teachings of the bible. Lol
Min 8 points for Exchange. Thank you!
Old 12-11-2014, 05:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Nato17 View Post
What can they do? Our "gangsters" in SG lack bite. Wack the prc bastard? Unlikely. Anyway, the laws of the land are sometimes screwy so what to do.
Throw face for Singapore. Let the prc come create problem here and he's alone somemore.
Old 12-11-2014, 05:56 PM
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I think you saying yourself a born loser

Originally Posted by nakamitchi View Post
Since when all these loser come out talk rubbish,even in my ignore list no need see these loser sure talk rubbish many yrs liao ah gua.....once a ah gua forever a ah gua in many words u write in yr master form cant change the fact people laught at yr failure in disguise.....u will be remember as a laughing stock forever.....
Old 12-11-2014, 09:43 PM
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1612 Serena ROD

1612 Serena will be handing in her yellow card next Wed. Last working day is next week Tuesday. Serena fans pls take note for your farewell bonk with her.
I have been fucking for decades. Indeed I fuck too much
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Old 13-11-2014, 10:54 PM
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Originally Posted by nakamitchi View Post
Ex girl reveal yeye whereabout.....before yeye can explain to AV....officer there straight away ask yeye cut card and get out of singapore,scold her very harsh until she cried at AV for long time ,AV never even listern to her why AV officer so worked up ?? Simply come back to how okt report this incident in the first place dat piss the officer......picture clearer this incident was reported dat link her to get cut card......she get sentense even before she can explain.....reason obvious rite.......too bad....
Old 14-11-2014, 02:16 AM
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I've known for a while that the OKT of 2062A didn't treat his girls well. So it seems that this still hasn't changed. Feel quite sorry for the girls in this house.
Old 14-11-2014, 03:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Konnichiwawa View Post
GFY. You are seriously a demented soul.
If you want to screw another man's wife, take a look at the consequences!
Old 14-11-2014, 07:28 AM
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Ye Ye was good riddance please move on for fuck sake.
Old 14-11-2014, 10:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Nato17 View Post
GFY. You are seriously a demented soul.
Bro i though u already ignore list this loser last time......this 3rd class sammyboy citizen kanna zap n kanna ignore list sure talk nonsenses......must be born from a pathetic family n raise up as a failure everywhere.......
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Old 14-11-2014, 10:37 AM
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Originally Posted by cassano10 View Post
That is exactly what the bible teaches. Maybe the okt is a Christian and he is following the teachings of the bible. Lol
I think he should impose pay 1 session and free 1 session rite.....since he alaways like to do things double time.....kanna slap left face give right face people go up his girl one time he let his girl up customer back one time too la.....
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Old 14-11-2014, 01:40 PM
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Not so easy to deal with difficult MMs problems + AV

Originally Posted by thorium View Post
I've known for a while that the OKT of 2062A didn't treat his girls well. So it seems that this still hasn't changed. Feel quite sorry for the girls in this house.
Yeah this Richard appears to hv a bad track record wif most of his mms...a lot just upped n left, Yifei transferred to 1805 etc...surprised retired tally Fei Fei stayed on wif him for such a long time though...

But cumming bk to YeYe's case...again I wonder if any other okt cld hv handled matters more successfully I.e. ensure YeYe remained on in GL?...unfortunately, YeYe's case appears messy...

kinda like an old case fm 1654A where retired ang pai Chu Chu got beaten up by her regular local customer n Ah Hua/Garrick cld not protect her...AV said too messy n also cut her card...
Old 14-11-2014, 04:39 PM
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Re: Not so easy to deal with difficult MMs problems + AV

If you are the OKT, would you be risking your business for a WL.?I wouldn't
With one gone, there will be another to replace.

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
Yeah this Richard appears to hv a bad track record wif most of his mms...a lot just upped n left, Yifei transferred to 1805 etc...surprised retired tally Fei Fei stayed on wif him for such a long time though...

But cumming bk to YeYe's case...again I wonder if any other okt cld hv handled matters more successfully I.e. ensure YeYe remained on in GL?...unfortunately, YeYe's case appears messy...

kinda like an old case fm 1654A where retired ang pai Chu Chu got beaten up by her regular local customer n Ah Hua/Garrick cld not protect her...AV said too messy n also cut her card...
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Old 14-11-2014, 08:39 PM
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Re: Not so easy to deal with difficult MMs problems + AV

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
Yeah this Richard appears to hv a bad track record wif most of his mms...a lot just upped n left, Yifei transferred to 1805 etc...surprised retired tally Fei Fei stayed on wif him for such a long time though...

But cumming bk to YeYe's case...again I wonder if any other okt cld hv handled matters more successfully I.e. ensure YeYe remained on in GL?...unfortunately, YeYe's case appears messy...

kinda like an old case fm 1654A where retired ang pai Chu Chu got beaten up by her regular local customer n Ah Hua/Garrick cld not protect her...AV said too messy n also cut her card...
I think Chu Chu is wayang regular something rite cant remember liao.....there was one okt did approach yeye when the first incident ard 11 mth back n told her to transfer to his house if she want n will protect her....even the day before yeye kanna cut card still told yeye he is still welcoming her if she want to transfer but she kanna cut card next day....this okt is from lor 1XXX.I think is the attitude of okt towards the Wls dat matter most for the ladies when they have problems....will the okt bravely face the trouble maker n stop their nonsence in the shop or follow the flow of the trouble maker n ask their girls to compromise even the girls did no wrong......

Actually yeye case very straight forward,ex pimp /okt just not happy she left him suddenly in china as she is his A.P n requesting her to pay him 2k sin dollar per mth,yeye left him becos he alaways delay girls money n own her one mth salary,this clown is a heavy drug player n gambler......typical common china clown........he knew singapore very strict n safe dats why he can come n disturb girl,he file a police report say yeye own him money before going 62a find trouble ,he also scare people beat him but he heard singapore rules from 台风 ex. geylang girl.....becos 台风is the one recommand yeye to singapore n took agent money from yeye.....台风 play 2 head snake becos she is ex.pimp mistress......Dats how yeye kanna ex. pimp come singapore disturb her......2062a okt still stay contact with 台风 till now.....they r all so hyprocrite.......the next day yeye reach china 台风 call her n ask how is she back year no contact suddenly call yeye n care for her???......who is the one leaking this....
2062a okt if not who else.......the attitude of 62a okt is just hopeless........scare trouble n big mouth......dats why all hyprocrite gather one room.....
Life is like a box of condoms,you will never know what you will feel before you use them !!!!!
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