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Old 23-05-2011, 05:38 PM
warbird warbird is offline
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Smile Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by jf66312 View Post
well said again...

thanks for sharing bro...
Originally Posted by mama88 View Post
Thanks for sharing bro Warbird. I should have paid more attention to your lessons earlier. Just blew $5k for one lousy f*** with this KTV gal.
Hi bros jf66312 n mama88,

Just trying to share what little info I hv...

Blew $5K for one lousy fxk? It has happened to me before, hehe.

Pls describe ur experience n what u could hv done differently.

Never become obsessed w/ one particular pussy, no matter how chio she is. I hv more to say on this subject.

Originally Posted by YoungAhPek View Post
baoyang gal only for the rich, i almost baoyang one 22 student from Dy classic last time, she wanted me to baoyang her but i told her that i only earn 3K how to support her, after cpf only left $2400 not even enough to feed myself (
Hi bro YoungAhPek,

Yes, BY is expensive n may not be worth it...

The key is to be unconditionally happy.

Originally Posted by MillerV View Post
Good stuff as usual from bro WB.
Gonna start practicing.

I see you changed your profile pict!
Hi bro MillerV,

Long time no see.

Many bros r going to LV sh tomorrow. Want to join us?

Originally Posted by fallen.angel View Post
You paid $5K for a f*** with a KTV gal? That's way off the market rates? Why were you wiling to pay so much?
I like to know too.

Originally Posted by mama88 View Post
Just to clarify, it included a couple of dates and movies, makan etc etc. She just played hard to get and I was just too kind to her. In the end finally got it but took so much effort and overpaid I think. Not worth it and not gonna happen again.
Next time just pay per screw. All this KC is super tiring.
Hi bro mama88,

For $5K, her pussy should hv been exclusively yours for at least a wk, during which time u could hv fxked her 10-15 times.

I hv learned the hard way that the best cure for my obsession w/ any one "special" pussy is to go after many pussies simultaneously...

Originally Posted by fallen.angel View Post
Still, $5K is a lot of money to blow......

But that’s how it works, generally, I guess – you invest a little time and money in the beginning in the hope that eventually it can become a longer term, more frequent thing, but at a much lower cost of maintaining that f***ing relationship, or for BY-ing.

Bad sex happens. Just move on to the next target.

Recently, I bonked a celebrity for $2.5K a pop. I also wrote about it in the FL3 section.
Hi bro FA,

Good observation.

.................................................. .................................................. .......

Good afternoon,

Asian stock markets r sinking, hehehe. Tomorrow could be a good time to pick up some bargains.

BTW, CL is pulling out all stops to KC me. I spoke w/ her 41 yo mom who would be very happy if I could keep CL indefinitely! I'm now very resistant to KC bcos I'm in multiple RS n am still looking for younger n better ones.

I'm not suffering from ONEITIS, but MANYITIS, haha.

At this time I would like to share a recent email from another Ang Moh guru on...what else,

How to Stop Obsessing Over a Girl

Friday, 20 May, 2011 6:21 AM
From: Bro SSP

To: Bro Warbird

I've been there myself...

Sometimes you can't STOP thinking about a girl.

You *know* it's not going to work.

Yet you can't seem to get her out of your mind.

Don't worry. This is a common thing. It happens to
a lot of guys.

In fact, there's a term for it --> "ONE-ITIS."

One-itis is a horrible feeling.

It's an obsessive thought pattern you can't eliminate.

Now, you probably already know this. ANY obsession isn't
a healthy attitude to have.

Thinking about a girl as "The One" is REALLY bad...

...Especially when she doesn't feel the same way.

This makes you miss out on a number of opportunities with
women who COULD great to date.

I'm going to be honest.

We've all experienced one-itis.

It could a girl from a past relationship

It might be a a woman who is "just friends",

It could that girl Jill who works in the corner office.

My point is we guys always have one or two girls who we
can't stop thinking about.

What's the answer?


Start dating OTHER women. Even if you think you're
*destined* to be with this single girl.


Because dating gives clarity. It provides OPTIONS.

It's easy to put a girl on a pedestal when you don't
have anyone else in your life.

Bottom line. Start meeting other women.

They could be female friends, "hook-up" partners, or
someone in between.

The important thing is to fill your life with different

You don't have to sleep with every one.

Instead you're keeping your options open.

Here's why:

1) You won't get hung up on one particular woman

2) You'll be happier because you have a busy life filled
with interesting people

3) You'll be more attractive to women because they see you
as an important guy who is "pre-selected" by females

With a lot of women, you won't have time to think about
The One.

Plus it's like doing a Jedi-Mind Trick on this girl.

Once she realizes she's replaceable, she'll STOP acting
like a drama queen and/or stringing you along.

.................................................. ....

Yeah, yeah.

Blah, blah.

You like this girl and don't want to *mess things up*

Let me tell you something...

If you're not with her NOW, I guarantee "waiting" for her
is NOT going to improve your chances.

Furthermore, dating different women will provide complete
perspective ONCE you meet another *perfect girl*

You'll know what it's like to date different women.

So you'll be able to correctly identify if she really IS
the one.

What's the next step?

My advice is to get out there and meet the KIND of women
you like.

In other words, don't surround yourself with crazy, party
girls if you're not into that scene.

That's why I like to focus ONLY the girls who are my

You can do this by asking a few basic questions within
the first minute of a conversation.

.................................................. .............

I know it's hard to stop thinking about a girl.

I've been there myself.

In 2009, I was in a relationship with a girl who made me
COMPLETELY miserable.

The ironic thing was I couldn't stop thinking about her
after we broke up.

What finally 'clicked' was going back to my roots.

I started dating lots of different girls.

I even went to Europe for a few months and met a LOT
of cool people.

Now...I'm completely over this girl. In fact, I barely
remember what she looks like.

Trust me, dating lots of girls, is the surefire way to
stop thinking of "whats-her-name."

Talk Soon,


Old 24-05-2011, 12:26 AM
mama88 mama88 is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Hi bro mama88,

For $5K, her pussy should hv been exclusively yours for at least a wk, during which time u could hv fxked her 10-15 times.

I hv learned the hard way that the best cure for my obsession w/ any one "special" pussy is to go after many pussies simultaneously...
Bro Warbird

Yes, $5k should have got me a lot more. The funny thing was that I wasn't even that keen on this girl, but became more like a friend over the few weeks we were together. That bf-gf feeling can lull one into danger ie being less conscious about spending money - be it rental, utilities, parents sick, brother in debt etc. In fact it was she who was always calling me up, and before I knew it... already $5k out-of-pocket. Only when I realised what was happening that I insisted on my f**k. She knew she had to give in, as I was kind of seeing the light here. After that night, she tried to pull one last stunt, and that's when I dumped her.

On chasing many pussies at once, that's not my style, mainly because of lack of time and energy. I prefer to develop one and stick with her. But this last one is the worst. All my previous ones were not as calculative and conniving, and I always had a good time with them without being fleeced.

Oh well, live and learn.
Old 26-05-2011, 12:46 PM
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Smile Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by mama88 View Post
Bro Warbird

Yes, $5k should have got me a lot more. The funny thing was that I wasn't even that keen on this girl, but became more like a friend over the few weeks we were together. That bf-gf feeling can lull one into danger ie being less conscious about spending money - be it rental, utilities, parents sick, brother in debt etc. In fact it was she who was always calling me up, and before I knew it... already $5k out-of-pocket. Only when I realised what was happening that I insisted on my f**k. She knew she had to give in, as I was kind of seeing the light here. After that night, she tried to pull one last stunt, and that's when I dumped her.

On chasing many pussies at once, that's not my style, mainly because of lack of time and energy. .....
Oh well, live and learn.
Hi bro mama88,

You're too soft-hearted. These gals r very cunning .

Some of them r outright whores who work in brothel s, KTVs or saunas back in China. When they r here,  they play hard to get...

Always hv more options so that u can tell he r to take it or leave it.


Bro WB

.................................................. ........

Good afternoon!

My recent visits to LV n elsewhere hv been diappoi nting.An honest mummy told me 2 days ago that ther r r very few gals of my type for either ST or BY.S he will continue to do her best...

Wat to do? I will hv to import SYTs of my type directly from China. But the process is complicated...n many really great ones wont come. They only want to be kept in China.

Another useful email from an Ang Moh guru:

Is the tone of voice you're using with women
KILLING your chances of attracting them? If so, the good news is
that you can reverse your fortune RIGHT NOW...


They say that some ridiculously high percentage of communication is

That percentage varies based on which study you read, but one
thing's for sure: It's not just the words you use themselves that

By now you've heard enough about "body language" and such, but
today I want to address one VERY KEY specific piece of the puzzle
in terms of the INFLECTION of your voice when you're talking to

"Inflection", of course, refers to HOW you deliver your words. And
the tone and cadence of what you say is a big part of "non verbal"
communication, no doubt.

Now, I'm not altogether convinced that it's a coincidence that
"inflection" is just one letter off from "infection". After all,
the inflection many of us use when talking to women is pretty sick
indeed...and not in the good way.

In fact, I don't think it's too strong a statement to say that HOW
you speak to women could be the SINGLE BIGGEST reason why you're
getting NOWHERE with so many of them, if that's the case.

This could especially be true if you're often left in the dust
wondering what on Earth went wrong with a woman. You feel like you
SAID the right words, made the right moves, etc.

"Infected inflection" might very well be the culprit.

I've known for ages how powerful this factor is, but it wasn't
until a recent coaching call with a Ten-Plus guy that I was left to
ponder the full-on gravitas of it all.

My friend on the telephone and I had just about everything going
for him in life, except he couldn't quite get women to return his
calls as consistently as he would have liked.

A few days prior to one of our calls he'd gathered up the nerve to
approach a very confident hottie who had just gotten off of her
1000cc sportbike.

You can pretty much picture the scene. A firebreathing superbike
pulls to a halt outside, off comes the helmet...and she brushes back
her long, flowing blonde hair.

Very nice. But also NOT the least intimidating chick in the world
to approach. A woman like that typically has ZERO TOLERANCE for
wimpy dudes.

Sure enough, our hero approaches her, makes conversation with her,
and gets her number. Outstanding. So far, so good.

So he calls her a couple of days later and leaves her a voicemail.

No response...even after 48 hours.

She had seemed interested when he met her, so he was wondering what
he could have possibly said in a simple voicemail to crater his

I asked him to tell me what his message to her sounded like.

When I heard the words, a few too many of them were "just"
doubt. And as you've read from me recently, that doesn't generally
work in one's favor with regard to talking to women.

But what hit me between the eyes was the INFLECTION of his voice as
he recounted his message to "Moto Chick".

Suddenly, I knew why she hadn't returned his call.

I recommended that he wait about another day and then leave her a
SECOND voice mail (figuring she'd likely not answer the phone since
that first message had disinterested her).

I also suggested some very concrete changes in HOW he talked as he
left the message.

Two days later, "Moto Chick" returned his second call and they
happily went out together.

What made the difference?

Now ask yourself, who was in CONTROL during each of those
respective conversations? was whoever had MORE OPTIONS.

So let's consider for a minute the last time someone tried to sell
you something that was in LOW demand. You know, something you may
in fact had not really wanted all that much anyway.

What was the INFLECTION of the salesguy's voice?

My guess that he talked fast, possibly in a higher pitch than he
might during "normal" conversation, and that each sentence ended
with an upturn in the tone of his voice.

And you quite probably detected that he was attempting to be
particularly "nice" if he was "walking on eggshells" to keep
from scaring you away (and therefore losing a potential sale).

What you were hearing was the voice of a DESPERATE, NEEDY man whose
family needed food on the table.

Okay, so now consider the last time you went somewhere to happily
buy the newest, latest and greatest iPhone, video game or AMG

What was the inflection of THAT salesguy's voice like?

My guess is that it was more calm and reserved. Or maybe he even
gave you bold, direct answers to questions you "walking on
eggshells" necessary.

No matter what, there was no "fear of loss" to be detected
anywhere. In fact, you may have even forgotten that he was even
paid on commission there for a second.

Indeed...he wasn't really "selling". His job was simply to help YOU
buy...if you were actually fortunate enough to get there on time
before his supply ran out.

Now let's get back to my friend and "Moto Chick".

What was the difference between our hero's first (unsuccessful)
voicemail and the second (successful) one?

The difference in his voice inflection was EXACTLY the difference
between the first salesguy's voice and the second one's voice.

That's all it took. The words were actually very similar in
meaning...but the INFLECTION was cured of its infection.

Be Good,

Mr. Guru
Old 26-05-2011, 01:36 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Hi bros jf66312 n mama88,

Just trying to share what little info I hv...

Blew $5K for one lousy fxk? It has happened to me before, hehe.

Pls describe ur experience n what u could hv done differently.

Never become obsessed w/ one particular pussy, no matter how chio she is. I hv more to say on this subject.

Hi bro YoungAhPek,

Yes, BY is expensive n may not be worth it...

The key is to be unconditionally happy.

Hi bro MillerV,

Long time no see.

Many bros r going to LV sh tomorrow. Want to join us?

I like to know too.

Hi bro mama88,

For $5K, her pussy should hv been exclusively yours for at least a wk, during which time u could hv fxked her 10-15 times.

I hv learned the hard way that the best cure for my obsession w/ any one "special" pussy is to go after many pussies simultaneously...

Hi bro FA,

Good observation.

.................................................. .................................................. .......

Good afternoon,

Asian stock markets r sinking, hehehe. Tomorrow could be a good time to pick up some bargains.

BTW, CL is pulling out all stops to KC me. I spoke w/ her 41 yo mom who would be very happy if I could keep CL indefinitely! I'm now very resistant to KC bcos I'm in multiple RS n am still looking for younger n better ones.

I'm not suffering from ONEITIS, but MANYITIS, haha.

At this time I would like to share a recent email from another Ang Moh guru on...what else,

How to Stop Obsessing Over a Girl

Friday, 20 May, 2011 6:21 AM
From: Bro SSP

To: Bro Warbird

I've been there myself...

Sometimes you can't STOP thinking about a girl.

You *know* it's not going to work.

Yet you can't seem to get her out of your mind.

Don't worry. This is a common thing. It happens to
a lot of guys.

In fact, there's a term for it --> "ONE-ITIS."

One-itis is a horrible feeling.

It's an obsessive thought pattern you can't eliminate.

Now, you probably already know this. ANY obsession isn't
a healthy attitude to have.

Thinking about a girl as "The One" is REALLY bad...

...Especially when she doesn't feel the same way.

This makes you miss out on a number of opportunities with
women who COULD great to date.

I'm going to be honest.

We've all experienced one-itis.

It could a girl from a past relationship

It might be a a woman who is "just friends",

It could that girl Jill who works in the corner office.

My point is we guys always have one or two girls who we
can't stop thinking about.

What's the answer?


Start dating OTHER women. Even if you think you're
*destined* to be with this single girl.


Because dating gives clarity. It provides OPTIONS.

It's easy to put a girl on a pedestal when you don't
have anyone else in your life.

Bottom line. Start meeting other women.

They could be female friends, "hook-up" partners, or
someone in between.

The important thing is to fill your life with different

You don't have to sleep with every one.

Instead you're keeping your options open.

Here's why:

1) You won't get hung up on one particular woman

2) You'll be happier because you have a busy life filled
with interesting people

3) You'll be more attractive to women because they see you
as an important guy who is "pre-selected" by females

With a lot of women, you won't have time to think about
The One.

Plus it's like doing a Jedi-Mind Trick on this girl.

Once she realizes she's replaceable, she'll STOP acting
like a drama queen and/or stringing you along.

.................................................. ....

Yeah, yeah.

Blah, blah.

You like this girl and don't want to *mess things up*

Let me tell you something...

If you're not with her NOW, I guarantee "waiting" for her
is NOT going to improve your chances.

Furthermore, dating different women will provide complete
perspective ONCE you meet another *perfect girl*

You'll know what it's like to date different women.

So you'll be able to correctly identify if she really IS
the one.

What's the next step?

My advice is to get out there and meet the KIND of women
you like.

In other words, don't surround yourself with crazy, party
girls if you're not into that scene.

That's why I like to focus ONLY the girls who are my

You can do this by asking a few basic questions within
the first minute of a conversation.

.................................................. .............

I know it's hard to stop thinking about a girl.

I've been there myself.

In 2009, I was in a relationship with a girl who made me
COMPLETELY miserable.

The ironic thing was I couldn't stop thinking about her
after we broke up.

What finally 'clicked' was going back to my roots.

I started dating lots of different girls.

I even went to Europe for a few months and met a LOT
of cool people.

Now...I'm completely over this girl. In fact, I barely
remember what she looks like.

Trust me, dating lots of girls, is the surefire way to
stop thinking of "whats-her-name."

Talk Soon,


thanks bro again for sharing...recently was suffering from the one-itis...
in the end i switch my focus to her fren...end up bonking the fren...

guess having multiple targets helps...but am afraid will suffer the same syndrome on the fren so haha...guess its a never-ending cycle...
Old 27-05-2011, 12:15 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB,

I see that you are back sharing your nuggets of wisdom...

I just got news that a 17 yr old PRC gal is coming to Singapore to get her cherry popped...
Up my pts and pm me if you want to exchange pts

My personal XXX videos thread in sbf:

Old 29-05-2011, 12:24 PM
warbird warbird is offline
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Smile Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by jf66312 View Post
thanks bro again for sharing...recently was suffering from the one-itis...
in the end i switch my focus to her fren...end up bonking the fren...

guess having multiple targets helps...but am afraid will suffer the same syndrome on the fren so haha...guess its a never-ending cycle...
Hi bro,

Oneitis is a very common disease.

I hv Manyitis which has its downside. I'm spending too much time n money on these pussies...

Originally Posted by teebs_darklord View Post
Bro WB,

I see that you are back sharing your nuggets of wisdom...

I just got news that a 17 yr old PRC gal is coming to Singapore to get her cherry popped...
Hi Bro TD,

Nuggets of wisdom? I'm merely quoting some Ang Moh gurus.

I know several high school students in PRC who want to be BY-ed. I ask them not to come here until their 18th birthday.


.................................................. .................................................. .

Good morning!

I previously mentioned that really chio, educated non-WL PRC pussies don't want to come here...

Couple of wks ago, I adopted a new tactic which has worked very well n most of these SYTs now say yes! I love searching for n proposing to every SYT of my type in PRC!! Online of course.

Recently I made ctc w/ a very chio n cute 18 yo YW (born Nov 1992)1st yr uni student. She has the face of a child but body of a voluptuous woman. 176, 60 kg, very fair n proportionate figure w/ natural C n shapely perky butt. Her hip measurement should be over 36.5 but she is not sure. I asked her to get a tape n measure it. hehe. I know she is a bit too tall for me. Why not? Height doesn't matter when we make love lying down.

My new strategy is to establish rapport w/ them before revealing that I'm in SG n that I'm a lao chi ko pek. I asked how much to BY her in China n she said 5W一月 配车which is well above average. I replied OK. Then I reveal my age n height, weight, etc. She was quite surprised n shocked...I requested video calling to show that I'm very healthy, not bald n not grotesque looking...also to reveal my voice n confident inflection...

One thing I learn from interacting w/ these 17-19 yo gals is that one must be assertive n dominant. They like it! The other insight is that almost all these young gals, even the prettiest ones, r a bit insecure abt their looks. At first YW was hesitant w/ 视频...不过我现在没化妆 没梳头发...I said 没事的 我还穿睡衣...she is very young n very attractive w/o makeup n her voice very sweet n youthful. And she has very sexy body, very fair w/ long nice didi is swollen...I need to meet her asap. She sent me more photos w/ body shots, etc. I compliment her: 很漂亮!我喜欢高挑又白的女孩子。

Then I told her I'm in SG n want her here. She said no at 1st, no passport, parents wont let her, etc. I told her how safe SG is n that she must come...she wants me to go China n bring her here. I said no as it's very safe journey. Then she wants her mom to accompany her. I asked what if she knows our RS, she replied it would be OK. I guess PRC parents r very understanding n liberal...I'll try to convince her to come along.

I just told her to apply for a passport tomorrow. BTW, she is demanding 7w RMB a month, I said 6W, all expenses paid. I love to negotiate even though she is worth much more., hehehe. She is 18, very chio, tall, fair n very sexy...n a non-WL n a current uni student. At this time, I don't want to ask for her closeup pussy shots as she may think I'm a pervert.

YW just sent me more photos showing her deep cleavage n sexy body as I'm typing this post. There is even one in her high school uniform, taken last yr. Wow!

No, I hv not forgotten CL n I suffers from MANYITIS.

Recently, I hv been to some joints including the famed LV. I'm most disappointed w/ the quality of gals. Where got chio n sexy SYTs? I hv to resort to inviting my type of gals to come here.


Bro WB
Old 29-05-2011, 03:11 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro Warbird
Your strategy is impressive, import your own. 60,000 RMB plus car plus all expenses? That means including rental, utility, telephone etc? About 20k SGD a month? Probably worth it for someone you really like. But considering you have a few of these, I salute you for your affordability power. Enjoy.
Old 29-05-2011, 06:11 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

I hv been searching for mistresses on Chinese websites

Now I hv a 老婆(XW ), 情妇(TC ), 女朋友 ( BB ) n 干女儿 ( CL )...

I hv had more soul-searching dialogue w/ CL than w/ anyone else in my life. She is so much fun. Could she be my soul mate? She also has the smallest n tightest cunt, haha. She wants to be my lover for the next 10 yrs!

That's why experienced guys swear by a basic principle when it
comes to attracting women: don't kiss her ass.

It can get even worse for some who "reward" these clueless guys
with crumbs of attention and then ditching them afterwards.

That's why high-value guys hold back on the attention and
validation by reversing the traditional script.

And you really shouldn't care.

Women absolutely LOVE it when a man can take her crap and give it
right back. That sense of cockiness keeps your dignity intact by
not having to use it as a bargaining chip in the game.

So that's where the Master has been ... sounds like quite an ECA budget for this financial year!

Am taking good care of my mainland baoee, but just got into an incredible bangathon with a couple of highly sexually compatible gals. I guess that's #1on my list for all these baoees. Fired a good looking head turning type over the year end 'cause she was just so damn prudish, I had trouble shootin the load.

Rapidly went through a bunch of "interviewees"/ FBs and now have an interesting SG crew: one from Beijing (acquired in Feb), great bod, face so-so but wow, what a kinky screamer. Had to do a withdrawal this month though, once she started talkin about a long term contract. Weighed the pros and cons, but figured against it so let her go - right about the time my current No 1 interest from Shenzhen showed up. That one has the bod I like (nice pointed face, slender hands, limbs n bod + interesting boobs), exotic looks (she looks kinda un Chinese but Thai-Viet), the much required skills on the bed and is the petitie type that I luv (easier to toss around the room/ bed). Like the wisdom from one of WB's later posts from Mr Guru, it helps absolutely to have reserves & alternatives on hand so one can make a clear decision, like deciding on the SZ one over the BJ one. Currently happily with this one, who just loves to do it and has the makings of a great soulmate.

On the sidelines, for variety (and one-off pay-per-use bang jobs) are a Viet FB, an SG FB, my fav singer at Mirage (too bad heading back in August), my fav masseuse (gone legit for a few mths but coming back to the trade soon) and a couple of good MMS at CI and Lido who know how to deliver one-off goods!!

Only question now is whether I reconfigure my budget for FY 2011-2012 to provide the SZ gal more perks ... thinking about further exclusivity for the SZ One since she's pretty hot in my book. Already gave her a good faith boost and solved her work permit problems with some ol Yusuf Ishaks so I have her on hand in SG. Now lookin at a couple more areas to strengthen ties.

Kinda realised with the kind of tight market here and absent Master WBs' internet charm/ means/ and unlimited freedom of movement, it is important to me not to waste too much time getting any prospective candidate on the bed to check out the ultimate criteria. Aside from having to practise the routine and those battle drills from Mr Guru highlighted above (which need some patience and self-restraint executing IMHO), that's where having good, persuasive MMS helps cut through the maneouvring and get to the sampling pronto! Kinda getting too spoilt to have to chase too much, and reali$e now how $trong the $G $$ is, to our advantage, heh heh. That $eem$ to be the $hort-cut for tho$e who dun wanna go the Mr Guru route (though he's got great points I must admit)!

Happy baoing brudders!
Old 30-05-2011, 12:24 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by mama88 View Post
Bro Warbird
Your strategy is impressive, import your own. 60,000 RMB plus car plus all expenses? That means including rental, utility, telephone etc? About 20k SGD a month? Probably worth it for someone you really like. But considering you have a few of these, I salute you for your affordability power. Enjoy.
He is a different league from us, bro mama88. But I have heard of mistresses being kept by men here in China from RMB10k-20k, though they are likely not university students.

Warbird, are you sure you are not "overplaying", uh, "overpaying"?
Old 31-05-2011, 06:14 PM
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Smile Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by mama88 View Post
Bro Warbird
Your strategy is impressive, import your own. 60,000 RMB plus car plus all expenses? That means including rental, utility, telephone etc? About 20k SGD a month? Probably worth it for someone you really like. But considering you have a few of these, I salute you for your affordability power. Enjoy.
Hi bro mama88,

She is going to be quite expensive, hehehe.

What affordability power? I'm just hving a long lucky streak. It's called dumb luck.


Originally Posted by Dragonkeep View Post
So that's where the Master has been ... sounds like quite an ECA budget for this financial year!

Am taking good care of my mainland baoee, but just got into an incredible bangathon with a couple of highly sexually compatible gals. ...

Rapidly went through a bunch of "interviewees"/ FBs and now have an interesting SG crew: one from Beijing (acquired in Feb), great bod, face so-so but wow, what a kinky screamer.....Currently happily with this one, who just loves to do it and has the makings of a great soulmate.

On the sidelines, for variety (and one-off pay-per-use bang jobs) are a Viet FB, an SG FB, my fav singer at Mirage (too bad heading back in August), my fav masseuse (gone legit for a few mths but coming back to the trade soon) and a couple of good MMS at CI and Lido who know how to deliver one-off goods!!

Only question now is whether I reconfigure my budget for FY 2011-2012 to provide the SZ gal more perks..........

Kinda realised with the kind of tight market here and absent Master WBs' internet charm/ means/ and unlimited freedom of movement, it is important to me not to waste too much time getting any prospective candidate on the bed to check out the ultimate criteria....
Happy baoing brudders!
Hi Bro Dragonkeep,

Ths for sharing ur insights n sexcapades w/ us. I'm no master, I'm just a disciple, trying to learn from the true masters.

It appears that you're hving more BAO-ees n mistresses than me, hehehe. And still has time for ST...Amazing!

Originally Posted by chenzong View Post
He is a different league from us, bro mama88. But I have heard of mistresses being kept by men here in China from RMB10k-20k, though they are likely not university students.

Warbird, are you sure you are not "overplaying", uh, "overpaying"?
Hi bro chenzong,

I'm only in the minor or junior league.

Yes, I know most PRC gals only demand RMB10-20K a month for BY in China. Many Shanghai gals want 20-40K though. YW is not in Shanghai or Beijing.

Am I overpaying? Perhaps.

.................................................. .................................................. ....

Good afternoon!

I was zapped by an indignant n self-righteous SBF bro:
Picking up KTV gals... 29-05-2011 02:03 PM What if some cheebye Lao Chi Ko Pek does this to your daughter, granddaughter, daughter-in-law, or your sister?

I guess he was referring to what I'm going to do w/ my mistress-to-be YW. My answer is that it's consensual n a win-win situation. She gives me her young pussy in return for monetary reward. I'm also confident that I'll give her unforgettable COS, hehehe.

Oh, in case I forget, she is one of the few gals I'll fxk raw. I also intend to shoot some of my precious load into her lovely mouth n make her swallow every drop. Yes, all my spunk will be deep inside her, literally.

Should the zapper be kind enuff to leave his nick, I would definitely send some of her lovely photos to him. I also promise NOT to zap him back. My word is my bond.

More on YW. Actually she thought I was a PRC man when she stated her basic requirements of 5w rmb a month plus car to be BY-ed in China. She knows her value. She wants 7w rmb or abt 13.3K SGD a month to be kept in SG plus car plus travel expenses, apt rental n meals, etc. It will be closer to 25k a month, not counting gifts.

I hv agreed to 7w a month n she will come on a tourist visa for 2 months. I hv also promised to keep her long-term IF I'm very satisfied w/ her...

Is she worth it? I dun really know. I can only hope that her pussy turns out to be as pretty n delicious as her face n they say, the proof of the pudding (or pussy) is in the eating, hehehe.


Bro WB
Old 31-05-2011, 06:36 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Wah Bro WB!!!
Looks like this gal is gonna be a huge hit with you.
Much anticipation.
err ... i dun zap you, but you think we can all have a look at the pictures?
Old 31-05-2011, 08:13 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB,

I never zap but can send me her lovely pics for admiring?
Old 31-05-2011, 08:24 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
More on YW. Actually she thought I was a PRC man when she stated her basic requirements of 5w rmb a month plus car to be BY-ed in China. She knows her value. She wants 7w rmb or abt 13.3K SGD a month to be kept in SG plus car plus travel expenses, apt rental n meals, etc. It will be closer to 25k a month, not counting gifts.

I hv agreed to 7w a month n she will come on a tourist visa for 2 months. I hv also promised to keep her long-term IF I'm very satisfied w/ her...

Is she worth it? I dun really know. I can only hope that her pussy turns out to be as pretty n delicious as her face n they say, the proof of the pudding (or pussy) is in the eating, hehehe.


Bro WB
SGD 25K/mth...that is seriously a lot of money...

Ten years ago I may have considered this sort of proposition but 10 years later today, i dun have the money nor the inclination to by any gal anymore...
Up my pts and pm me if you want to exchange pts

My personal XXX videos thread in sbf:

Old 31-05-2011, 09:38 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by teebs_darklord View Post
SGD 25K/mth...that is seriously a lot of money...

Ten years ago I may have considered this sort of proposition but 10 years later today, i dun have the money nor the inclination to by any gal anymore...
Looks like our guru WB is still going strong! no money looking for girls to bao me....
Old 31-05-2011, 11:04 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Give that man a TIGER!!!
Please treat all women nicely
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