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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 24-09-2008, 01:35 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by aicheongmai View Post
Hey chinacity, in short we will address you as 'cc'. In the first place, insulting bro's wife or gf here is a bad idea as you dun know thier background. For that, I demand for an appoloy from you to bro Ito for those words you used to insult his wife.

We dun need comments from you as we strongly support our bros here with their own taste. Who do you think you are? To me, you are consider a piece of shit or worst than that. I heard you dun even come out with Bros.. No one ever cheong with you.

As such, even IF WE wan to intro our gers to you, I believe the chances are very slim. As you dun even dare to show yourself to the rest of the bros. You have problem with your look or what?

When you post any msg, please use your brain but if you are true like what bro Ito had mentioned "brainless" then use your kidneys to do the thinking. Don't use your buttock as it is consider an organ which does not move / functioning. Kidneys do not have the power of doing thinking, but it move as in functioning organ.. Else, you can also try something else which will helps to increase your thinking power.

Have you ever go to bed with a woman? If not, go GL, pay them for the juice that comes out from thier cave. That juice will helps as in Hokkien it is called as "Gin".

Wake up understand.. Ass hole....
Wah Bro, never post for so long, once posted, really shake the forum. Hahahahaha peifu peifu.
We work hard, we play hard. No regret in life.

Bro who up me, plse leave your nick and I will up you back. We are here to share.
Old 24-09-2008, 02:55 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
I heard that less than 2 weeks ago, a patron spent $250K on a lucky singer at DC. Analzye that!
Unless the money is spent on a private deal instead of hanging flowers, I think you may have heard the figure wrongly. The single biggest "flower" was for Meiyue's departure show amounting $120,908 (12-09-08 was her birthday as well as her last performance). Her total "flower" revenue for the 2 weeks up till her show is around $180k, including the show night's $150k. The second spot went to Lulu who trailed behind Meiyue by $30k to $40k, followed by Xiao Jun's $130k.

Meiyue's patron (most of those regulars of DC will know who he is) has been "hanging" $50k to $80k per month on her, making her the top earner each month.
Old 24-09-2008, 03:21 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
I heard that less than 2 weeks ago, a patron spent $250K on a lucky singer at DC. Analzye that!

wahlaoeh wtf?!! $250K is RMB or Rupiah?? Pardon me if anyone finds my commemts offensive if got i say sorry first but Really damn "kam gong" man tat guy...for tat kind of money can easily fly to China, play, eat and fuk better than a King and maybe "pow" a Supermodel come back...whereas here the most tis singer give u fuk shiok shiok but in the end will say bye bye then go back China n be a millionaire herself n fuk care u liao

jin ay kam gong kia, doubt even multi-millionaires do tis kind of stupid thing do they?
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Old 24-09-2008, 03:31 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by NobleEagle View Post
wahlaoeh wtf?!! $250K is RMB or Rupiah?? Pardon me if anyone finds my commemts offensive if got i say sorry first but Really damn "kam gong" man tat guy...for tat kind of money can easily fly to China, play, eat and fuk better than a King and maybe "pow" a Supermodel come back...whereas here the most tis singer give u fuk shiok shiok but in the end will say bye bye then go back China n be a millionaire herself n fuk care u liao

jin ay kam gong kia, doubt even multi-millionaires do tis kind of stupid thing do they?
When we have the money we wont bitch.. It happens when one tries to wear a hat bigger than his head... then he'll bitch when he thinks he does not get his due returns..

I was there at DC that night.. not sure the amount but the contribution was obscene.

As long as we play within our own means things should be fine and we wont feel short changed.

Old man... new place!!!!


Old 24-09-2008, 03:34 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

sorry hor... deleted.....

Old man... new place!!!!


Old 24-09-2008, 04:03 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by hamlinlau View Post
When we have the money we wont bitch.. It happens when one tries to wear a hat bigger than his head... then he'll bitch when he thinks he does not get his due returns..

I was there at DC that night.. not sure the amount but the contribution was obscene.

As long as we play within our own means things should be fine and we wont feel short changed.
Bro.. that night u there..! wat a night...
Could it be a flaw!!
Old 24-09-2008, 04:24 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by cx75 View Post
Wah Bro, never post for so long, once posted, really shake the forum. Hahahahaha peifu peifu.
Hahaha.. Where have you been? Long time no see liao. Ever since your ger went back, we dun have chance to chong together. How about tomorrow? Got performance.. If you can come and support that will be great. Take it as a gathering.. How?

Anyway, I just can't stand this "cc"insult bro's wife or gf. Correct or not. Who d fish he think he is? Siant or what? Hahaha..

Dun tok about those joker in this forum who dun understand the purpose of this forum. Sammyboy had this forum up for a "good" reason yet such pple misuse it.

I would have "zap" him but on a second thought this is not necessary. As I think he might have already been zapped by others...

Call me if you can make it... I hope to see you there...
Once brother always brother. Cheong all the way..
Old 24-09-2008, 05:13 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by NobleEagle View Post
wahlaoeh wtf?!! $250K is RMB or Rupiah?? Pardon me if anyone finds my commemts offensive if got i say sorry first but Really damn "kam gong" man tat guy...for tat kind of money can easily fly to China, play, eat and fuk better than a King and maybe "pow" a Supermodel come back...whereas here the most tis singer give u fuk shiok shiok but in the end will say bye bye then go back China n be a millionaire herself n fuk care u liao

jin ay kam gong kia, doubt even multi-millionaires do tis kind of stupid thing do they?
This guy has the ill reputation of paying obscene amount of money just to hook singers. He is so influential in DC that his words can cause singers to lose their job or stay on, subjected to his ultimatum to them (you should know what I mean).

With the recent demise of his father, he is now even richer than before.

* Sorry I don't reciprocate points
Old 24-09-2008, 05:26 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by K9696 View Post
Bro.. that night u there..! wat a night...
Could it be a flaw!!
I was in one of the room... and the mms came to tell me some singer doing her grand finale... Average sweet elegant looking, eer even more average voice.. That's what raised my curiosity..

A friend who read my posting reminded me of another mutual friend who goes for singers only.. and 'highlighted' a few pointers to me.. and that answered all my question. Too sensitive to post here..


Old man... new place!!!!


Old 24-09-2008, 05:28 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by mansgp View Post
This guy has the ill reputation of paying obscene amount of money just to hook singers. He is so influential in DC that his words can cause singers to lose their job or stay on, subjected to his ultimatum to them (you should know what I mean).

With the recent demise of his father, he is now even richer than before.
Yes.. he needs a few lifetimes to spend that amount..

Old man... new place!!!!


Old 24-09-2008, 06:26 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by hamlinlau View Post
Originally Posted by mansgp View Post
This guy has the ill reputation of paying obscene amount of money just to hook singers. He is so influential in DC that his words can cause singers to lose their job or stay on, subjected to his ultimatum to them (you should know what I mean).

With the recent demise of his father, he is now even richer than before
Yes.. he needs a few lifetimes to spend that amount..

man his father might be turning in his grave if to see how he is spending money.

few lifetimes? i doubt it, flower already hang $250K liao, hang 10 times already 2.5mil liao, havent include shopping, properties for girls, his daily expenses etc

but anyway its his own money n if he enjoys it tis way good for him
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Old 24-09-2008, 06:32 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by aicheongmai View Post
Hahaha.. Where have you been? Long time no see liao. Ever since your ger went back, we dun have chance to chong together. How about tomorrow? Got performance.. If you can come and support that will be great. Take it as a gathering.. How?

Call me if you can make it... I hope to see you there...

they seem like have endless shows n performances
sound like u now punch card there regularly hor
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Old 24-09-2008, 08:27 PM
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Smile Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by Anon Creature View Post
Unless the money is spent on a private deal instead of hanging flowers, I think you may have heard the figure wrongly. The single biggest "flower" was for Meiyue's departure show amounting $120,908 (12-09-08 was her birthday as well as her last performance). Her total "flower" revenue for the 2 weeks up till her show is around $180k, including the show night's $150k. The second spot went to Lulu who trailed behind Meiyue by $30k to $40k, followed by Xiao Jun's $130k.

Meiyue's patron (most of those regulars of DC will know who he is) has been "hanging" $50k to $80k per month on her, making her the top earner each month.
I guess my frens may hv exaggerated a bit or the total figure could hv included private deal.

I'm curious becos u hv such intimate n detailed knowledge of DC, let me guess, u must be a regular patron there?

BTW, Nite Hong Kong n Sandborg are fully operational. Will u be going upstairs to hv a look-see?

Old 24-09-2008, 08:31 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by NobleEagle View Post
wahlaoeh wtf?!! $250K is RMB or Rupiah?? Pardon me if anyone finds my commemts offensive if got i say sorry first but Really damn "kam gong" man tat guy...for tat kind of money can easily fly to China, play, eat and fuk better than a King and maybe "pow" a Supermodel come back...whereas here the most tis singer give u fuk shiok shiok but in the end will say bye bye then go back China n be a millionaire herself n fuk care u liao

jin ay kam gong kia, doubt even multi-millionaires do tis kind of stupid thing do they?
$250K in SGD.

On the other hand, a wife can be even more costly, haha.
Old 24-09-2008, 08:54 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by hamlinlau View Post
Where is the line between KTV vs FH. I find You mentioned KC and EGO..(no offence to the FHs), are there any other factors? I find I can achieve all the conditions in the KTV room and no need to come to the hall.. Yes, even the EGO aspect. Anyone care to share?
Maybe an alternative explanation would be easier to understand.

Egos are just like lanjiaos. Some like to stroke it a certain way, some like to stroke it another way. Some like to apply colgate then shiok.

Maybe you find that KTV can stroke your ego (or lanjiao) the way you want, but others need to find HFJ to stroke it the way they want. Some like me, ego big enough liao, dont need simi KC game to make it bigger.

In HFJ, people hang flower big-big. And there are people who try to hang small-small, and if the girl still accompany them and like them, then they ho-say liao, got bragging rights. "See! People hang a few K but I only need to hang a few hundred can French her liao..." This is ego-stroking. Expensive ego-stroking. But to some people, their ego is worth that few hundred dollars of expenditure. To other people, this ego shit is childish and they would rather keep their money for other things.

Does this make sense?

If you want to zap me annonymously, go ahead. But please save your comments. If you do not have the balls to leave your nick, then I don't really care what you have to say.
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