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The Legal Geylang (prostitute) Scene Had a great time with a government approved broad in Geylang? Tell us all about it! No FREELANCE crap here please. Legal commercial sex only. Threads about illegal Geylang whores carry a reputation point penalty. |
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase
I was informed that Lan Tian of W1615 has surrendered her yellow card.
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase
ya,she found someone to take care of her
Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase
She's only in GL for 2 months ... |
Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase
Personally, I think she is ok, but no big deal, compared among those around...
Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase
My reliable source told me Amy of L1654A is considering surrendering her yellow card in the first week of Jan 2011. Hope the info is wrong.
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase
FR on Amy & LuLu 1654a tarma
囡囡們抱怨我寫的報告用了太多香港化詞句, 這遍報告我會用盡我所能去寫, 少一些口語化,做到可以直接投稿新明日報! 傍晚六時多回到學校, 從學生手冊中了解今天只有八個女生上學。 想再找蘭心,但又一次和她沒有緣份。 剛剛上學加時二堂! 問校長LuLu什麼時候下堂回校? 答案是快了,那麼我等她吧! 腦海中想起Amy,問校長Amy呢? 答案是也差不多快回來了! 機會難得,來一次兩飛吧! 男兒牙齒當金使,我承諾過LuLu和Amy兩飛的約定, 今天要完成了。 準備好心情,但沒準備好足夠的學費,還差50元! 感到有一點慌,但多得Gary私底下從他錢包中拿出來借給我。 這一刻魔鬼導道Gary背後長了一對白羽毛翅膀, 樣子突然變得師氣不少!加分 Amy 和 LuLu 相信大家對她們的樣子身材都很熟悉了。 小弟用日本AV女優去比如她們吧! Amy 像 希美まゆ 樣貌身材有八成相似! 推薦 希美まゆ 作品 キミだけの希美まゆ カワユすぎる8時間 片號是 idbd248 看過後你會覺得Amy和 希美まゆ 一樣有純真傻傻的笑容! LuLu 像 桜ここみ 樣貌有一點像,但身材和感覺相似。 推薦 桜ここみ 作品 SSS-BODY 片號是 ebod101 看過後你一定同意LuLu和 桜ここみ 一樣有 魔鬼身材加充滿淫慾的感覺想把你吃掉一樣! 最近有一套不錯的兩飛片,女優是 麻美ゆま 和 吉沢明歩 片名 W 美しい痴女の接吻と性交 片號是 soe491 看過後你會明白兩飛是很高深的學問, 是一種對三人默契度的一大孝驗! 你們包括Amy和LuLu都不清楚她們名字當中的含義吧! 相信改名字的人都不會相信她或他改得多麼的有意思。 Amy 艾米 法國名字,意思是 Dearly love, Beloved. 名字已經告訴我們Amy是可愛的,受人愛護。 LuLu 露露 夏威夷名字,意思是 precious, pearl, clam, protected. 德文意思是 Famous Warrior! 完全正確LuLu床上的表現就是偉大戰士的複製。 當大門關上後,小房間只有我們三人。 Amy笑了,我也笑了,但LuLu生氣了! LuLu罵Amy不要笑,也要我都不笑少說話多做事! 我完全服從,我明白LuLu是一心要把這一次服務做好, 帶給我最好的回憶,她的話直接,我了解她的苦心! Amy回答說聽LuLu的話就沒有錯了後, 可愛地伸出舌頭,甜美啊! 我坐在床中央,背部貼牆,穿著衣服,想想應該如何開始。 Amy已經脫下上衣和短裙,只穿著內衣, 右邊過來送上她招牌親吻,輕輕的碰唇後離開,Amy又微笑了。 她的笑很純真,很有感染力! 千萬不要帶Amy去北極,萬尺冰山都給她溶解,世界末日! 輕吻後主菜法式熱吻上場,不強烈很溫柔。 我不自主地閉目去享受這一刻的幸福如達無人之境! 突然心口一涼,我上衣給反起一半。 左面乳頭給人吸啜箸,開目向左側看是LuLu的好事。 LuLu是脫去了內衣,但穿上簿簿連身裙。 她的胴體是人間凶器,半透明簿沙下使胸部曲線完全凸出。 蹲着的LuLu索引我的左手去扶摸她露出的右乳, LuLu隔著裙自摸着左乳,她很陶醉,底音呻吟着。 空閒的右手漫遊了Amy 的身體脫去她的bra, 露出可愛的粉紅乳頭小山丘。 她們合力也打我的褲子脫子,小炮已經變得又紅又腫致敬! 我對Amy的乳房露出嬰兒肚餓的表情,Amy明白主動授乳! 合拍的LuLu也準備好她的豪乳等我吸啜!四個乳一張嘴忙得很。 授乳後一起向下啜乳頭, 我雙手右LuLu左Amy不停地溫柔扶摸小妹妹們, 她們也玩着小炮,把他視成控制桿上下左右擺動。 三人的吟呻聲比如聖誕詩歌團,帶給人間溫暖的愛。 我很喜歡這一段沖涼前穿著衣服的前奏, 完美的開始,脫光光,我還有襪子呢,去洗澡去。 浴室是小間的,三人剛剛好。三文治我在中間。 Amy又一招牌動作,漱口水!殺菌口氣清新,爽。 LuLu 前Amy 後,二人同時波推, 感覺似車子駛入自動洗車中心兩邊刷子清潔車身; 又感覺似去Disco給兩辣妹前後夾住辣身舞! 肥皂冲去後,我轉脖子向後和Amy激吻! LuLu向下發展啜乳頭,蹲下水中簫。 還加上乳交,這是大胸囡囡的絕活! 大很挺但不柔軟是不行的,包不住就不爽。 很多囡囡不做乳交因為乳房中間皮膚是很簿的,怕痛。 LuLu這個服務加分有熱心去想過主動去做。 二女服務交換,我和LuLu激吻,Amy水中簫。 LuLu法式吻和Amy不一樣! Amy是溫馨純潔形,LuLu是激烈淫慾形! Amy吻是細水長流,但LuLu吻不到三秒鐘就忍不住對她上下期手。 不里自主地大力瘋狂的吻,搓她的大波,指插她的妹妹等, 獸性大發,流露出最原始的本性。 比如說LuLu來我工司當我秘書,我會忍不住面試會中攪上她! 她告我強姦,我有罪但輕判,因為法官都同情我是情不自禁的! Amy 吹奏進步不少,加上不少的口水吞嚥聲,不再單調了。 她經常說她的功夫不行,是她謙虛而且。 羅馬非一天建做,Amy的進化的快是驚人的, 她已經不只是可愛這麼簡單,是很專業的服務員。 回到床上,前奏正式上場,我背向天臥着,雙手放在頭上。 Amy在左邊從上向下漫遊着,LuLu在右邊從下向上漫遊。 我兩眼看不見,感覺告訴我二人打成平手半斤八兩。 她們兩人的漫遊都帶很多口水好濕。 二人也不忘用手去挑逗和輪流激吻! 我把屁股翹起來,做毒龍鑽服務。 Amy 作主動從後鑽, 而LuLu 轉到我面前請我吃她新鮮出爐的波餅!好軟好香! Amy 的AR不錯,小弟對此服務不熱衷。 LuLu走到後面,穿過大脾同我吹奏, Amy 走到面前給我食她的粉紅豆白色砵仔糕,甜在心! LuLu 繼續向上,我蹲下剛好壓在她胸前,乳交再起! 加上baby oil後,來一容台灣小吃大腸包小腸。 小炮左右被包圍,後無去路,只有向前沖擊小嘴!太淫亂了! 返過來向天做前面的服務, 我豁出去了和Amy再法式激吻, 完全不介意她剛剛和我做過的服務,她的吻還是這樣甜。 交換LuLu激吻,Amy吹奏! 我很壞,用力按住Amy的頭來一個深喉! 好有欺凌弱小感,興奮但有一點變態。 和LuLu激吻的同時,LuLu主動帶我左手去指插她! 相比我對Amy溫馨的指插,LuLu是很狂野的, 不是一隻手指,是兩隻,最後三隻! 兩隻手都好忙,兩個小妹妹都出水了。 小壞蛋的我嘗試指插LuLu屎眼,半成功半隻手指頭! 放棄不想傷害她,LuLu笑臉罵我壞! Amy 的指插屎眼,哈哈失敗了! 我受不了要抄飯了。 我要先上Amy,LuLu主動幫我上套後,Amy騎上來! 前後搖一輪,變上下! LuLu 又要騎,但馬鳩只有一條! 我伸出我的左手兩隻手指,LuLu主動隔空騎上。 三人同時快樂,互動感也不錯, LuLu主動去摸和吻Amy 的胸,和帶Amy大力去搓她的波, Amy是很努力去放開,但小妮子不可以和LuLu相比。 托起Amy大脾我主動隔空抽插,小炮出入Amy洞口清晰可見, Amy呻吟聲放大。 換觀音坐蓮和Amy對望,擁抱後把起火車站便當式! 只招體力需求很大,想起要留力去幹LuLu, 把Amy放下, 正常式抽插,Amy上半身在床外平衡着, 這樣的招式女方有不一樣的效果。 Amy看得去累了,我也不忍心再幹下去。 放生Amy換上性愛達人LuLu上場! 除套,吹奏起,上套,一話不說,騎上,這就是專業! LuLu招牌360騎功重現! 回想起小弟和LuLu的第一戰就是快速敗陣在此招中! 但這幾個月的默默努力,現在的我已經當日的黃毛小子! 360騎功分五段,分九十度為一節,第四節是背向你的。 第五節,又是最殺傷力的一段,LuLu會向後臥壓下, 從天花大鏡做一個視覺上的大刺激!死傷無數,精流遍野! 我今次是360騎功的生還者,大命不死! 轉正常式回氣,LuLu那會這麼簡單放過我, 她把正常式變化成拱橋式!把平凡的一式加入強烈的視覺效果! 我的體功有限,轉狗仔式我的致命弱點希望可以出水做終結。 這次狗仔式的抽插速度和力度是我今生最快和最強! 如果用底像數DV去拍的話,相信會拍到鬼影! 我扣住LuLu雙手如titanic 中Jack從後抱Rose一樣! 我向天吼叫,我出水了,體力也剛好消耗完了! 心中真的要多謝老天爺,多謝祂給我有這機會遇上Amy 和LuLu! 保守我不早洩,不軟下來,堅持到底,打出漂亮的一仗。 如果要打分數,我會給她們滿分! 如果硬要雞蛋中挑骨頭話!Amy太愛美了, 而LuLu你是很美的小虎牙中國娃娃面是你的特色,多笑一個吧! 最後我想送上一首Eason的廣東歌,歌詞很有意思, 說出中年男人用時間光輝去換來金錢地位, 但這是真的開心成功嗎? 活在當下,朋友年輕要玩多一點,讓青春無痕! 歌名叫,陀飛輪 主唱:陳奕迅 作曲:Vincent Chow 填詞:黃偉文 編曲:Gary Tong 監製:Alvin Leong 過去十八歲 沒戴錶 不過有時間 夠我 沒有後顧 野性貪玩 霎眼廿七歲 時日無多 方不敢偷惰 宏願縱未了 奮鬥總不太晚 然後突然今秋 望望身邊應該有已盡有 我的美酒跑車相機金錶 也講究 直到世間個個也妒忌 仍不怎麼富有 用我尚有換我沒有 其實已用盡所擁有 *曾付出 幾多心跳 來換取 一堆堆的發票 人值得 命中減少幾秒 多買一隻錶 秒速捉得緊了 而皮膚竟偷偷鬆了 為何用到盡了 至知那樣緊要* 勞力是無止境 活著多好 不需要靠物證 也不以高薪高職高級品搏尊敬 就算搏到 伯爵那地位和蕭邦的雋永 賣了任性 日拼夜拼 忘掉了為甚麼高興 Repeat* 記住那關於光陰的教訓 回頭走天已暗 你獻出了十吋時和分 可有換到十吋金 還剩低 幾多心跳 人面跟水晶錶面對照 連自己 亦都分析不了 得到多與少 也許真的瘋了 那個倒影多麼可笑 靈魂若變賣了 上鏈也沒心跳 銀或金都不緊要 誰造機芯一樣了 計劃了照做了得到了 時間卻太少 還剩低幾多心跳 還在數趕不及了 昂貴是這刻我覺悟了 在時計裏看破一生 渺渺 |
Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase
can anyone pm me 3021A phone number. thanks much
Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase
我相信囡囡們也读得爽! |
Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase
thank bro.
Happy to hear! i just want to say i wrote this FR cuz i just enjoy the process of writing. i don't mean to get points up, promote any girls and showing off. And whether of not i get any supporter is really not that important. To me writing FR like fixing a puzzle, after finished then frame it up and end. Cheers |
Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase
Heard OKT mentioned,zhen zhen .I know if she is that house?thanks
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase
Saw this nice colourful house when I was driving pass today as on the way home..Think It was hse 6 on Lorong 16..Any one tried before? Are the gals as good as the phyical outlook of the hse?
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This is an experience I should share. Went only to 4 different houses at GL. Average. It was probably 26 or 27 October. I decided to visit GL again. As I walked along Lorong 16, reached Westerhout Road. I noticed that a group of very young WL came out of House number 6. They all were pretty and most importantly very young. I went in. The OKT was very friendly and offered me 80/30 mins and 150/60 mins. I opted for 80/30 mins. Another customer was sitting in the sofa as I waited on a bar tool. Within 10/15 mins two WL came in by the door. The 80/30 mins seemed to be a Malaysian with lot of powder on her face. The other one was an angel on gods earth. The man sitting on the sofa was hesitant for a moment about the second girl so I told the OKT I would take her. The OKT reminded me that she would cost 150. (I would take her even for 250). As I payed 150 to the OKT. The girl filled up a register allowing me to have a glimpse of her alluring sexy body. I had never seen such curves-such smoothness and such complexion. The OKT payed her some part of the money and as soon as she filled her vanity bag she smiled at me; held my arms and started to walk towards the stairs. As she started climbing she held me tight.I did not miss the chance. I put my hand on her bare waist at the gap of the skirt and blouse. It was soft like butter! I squeezed her waist and she held me more tight. As we reached the room door, she instantly grabbed my head and started sucking my lips with her as if she was waiting to meet me since her birth. Kissing she opened the door with one of her hands. A beautiful room with a very round bed. She adjusted the lights and asked me if it was OK, and I could see her. I tensely opened her skirt, blouse, bra and panties. She opened mine. She again started kissing me. I squeezed her in to my body. Touched her pussy, in return she touched my anus with her fingers. She then put off her sexy alluring white high heels.
She then said she would take a shower. If I wish I could join her. I was dieing to feel her body all along. It was a wonderful experience. After the bath we fucked in two different positions. She kept on kissing me. I could not last long. I think 20 minutes in total. Rest of the time she slept on my chest as I played with her body, boobs and juicy pussy. I enjoyed watching her beauty and feeling it with my body. I kissed her all over the body. I wish I could suck her pussy. She was so sexy and fucking alluring. I hope you like my FR. Nothing of it is made. I have forgotten some of the details. If you try her please do not forget to write what I forgot. Please help me to identify her. These are the details: WL Name - Lan Tien Origin - PRC, She told me the province, forgot. Age - 24 years (Thats what she said; but believe me she looks like a 18 year and her body would be perfect for a 18 year) Height - 1.6m I think (On bare-foot, In heels she looks wonderful) I like this size. Wonderful in high heels and very handy in the bed. Home Base - I got her at Westerhout Road, House 06.(This house probably has no girls of its own.) She told me that she was from L1649. Can anybody try her and confirm me. I will go back to her in my next trip to Singapore. Misc Info - She was in a white mini skirt. If the skirt was abit more lower, you could see her pussy. Girly feet with Toe nails polished in black. Beautiful finger nails. Mid long black hair. Beautiful high heels. Look - 9/10 Thats why I took her. The guy at W06 called her for some other customer. I was amazed to see her and took her instead. She is beautiful. Smile would melt a rock. No doubt it did make my Didi rock hard and her very sight started making my underwears wet! Body - 9.5/10 Awesome! She has everything any man would desire in a woman! Snow white skin, pink tight tits, a super slim waist you would want to hold in Doggie, alluring naval, perky butts, a very flat tummy, long slender legs and a super smooth skin. I rubbed her body with mine for the first 10 minutes. I have never felt such smoothness, even from a new born. Sha has no fat around her pussy. Wonderful! Pussy is a perfect 10 - clean shaven, tight and she squeezes little bro when you are inside. Her hands are soft. Nails very clean and taken care of. Toes are soft and in perfect shape. I liked her long toe nails polished in black-really sexy. Tits - 7.5/10 Not that big that they hang. The best size that would remain tight. Very soft. Nipples are pink. She allows sucking and enjoys it. Snow white boobs with a pink tit! Wow! Shower - 9/10 She really did a very good cleaning. The moment she started cleaning my ass crack, I loved it. Took lot of care in washing all my parts. Allowed me to touch everywhere. Not much sexual action in the bath. She was caring and always smiling as if she was my GF. Cat-Bath - 8.5/10 I would have cum if I allowed her to continue for more than 5 minutes. Stopped her. She kissed, licked and sucked my body. Tortured my nipples and balls. Used her long finger nails to scratch my body - I loved her lips, teeth, tongue and nails all over my body! I wish my wife would be like her. French Kissing - 10/10 Even before, I could get in the room at the second floor, she held me tight with her body and licked my lips. Her lips smelled wonderful and were softer than anything I ever remember feeling. She kissed, kissed and sucked in a way that made me like to fuck her there - right outside the room. Even as I fucked her, she kept on kissing my lips. AR - 9.5/10 Fantastic! She first cleaned my anus with wet baby wipes. Then began the action I never thought would happen. Used her lips, suction, hands and nails. She really did it without hesitation. Ate my anus. I felt her tongue deep inside my anus. I felt her lips rub my anus. I begged her to stop. Otherwise it would make me cum. BBBJ - 8/10 (Covered BJ) I asked her to cap me. She is for sure a veteran! Straightly looked at my eyes and asked me how I liked it.No hands used. She took my whole dick in her mouth and kept sucking. Amazing. FJ - 7.8/10 She was outstanding. I asked her to ride me first. She did it. She was too tight. I enjoyed holding her super thin and sexy waist. Enjoyed her breasts in my hand. Best of all even as she continued fucking me, she did not forget to kiss my lips with hers at regular intervals. After some time I asked her to go for missionary and I went on top. She put a pillow beneath her hips so that penetration was maximum. I held her both hands tight with my hands; put my whole body weight on her to feel her body and kept fucking. She screamed and kissed me. Her pussy was so tight that I could feel the blood supply running. As I was about to cum she with her two legs tightly rounded me up. With her hands she squeezed my body close to her. She smiled and said "Can you feel the bites of my pussy!" I literally felt that her pussy was squeezing my didi. Never got such pleasure from anybody. Attitude - 10/10 Fantastic! Better than any wife. Better than any GF. RTF - Yes; again and again. Can any bro confirm me that she is still there. And if the Home base (L1649) I mentioned was correct. She said she was in GL for 4 months and would stay for 2 years.If I get a confirmation I would plan a trip to Singapore in January. After everything we took bath again. And she kissed me good bye on my cheeks. |
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