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Old 02-05-2009, 09:41 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

My friend just opened 1 stall selling Vietnamese food at the newly renovated foodcourt at Bencoleen (opposite SMU). I haven't checked it out though. Maybe you guys can give it a try. Actually, I don't really like to eat Viet food in Singapore. It's expensive and the taste is not really as good as in Vietnam
Old 03-05-2009, 12:56 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

some complilation of vn words which i find interesting n share with bro here. i think they are imported from chinese words . .....some sounded like cantonese or chinese dialact..

cám ơn - 感恩(gan en)/谢谢 - thank you
tạp chí - 雜誌(zha chi)- magazine
Phụ nữ - 妇女(fu nu) - women (e.g tap chi phu nu..a women magazine in vn)
công an - 工安(gong an) - Public Security i.e police
gia đ́nh - 家庭(jia ting) - family
lịch sử - 历史(li shi) - history
hy vọng -希望(xi wang) - hope
thành phần - 成份(cheng fen) - ingredient
trường đại học - 大学(da xue) - university
trường tiểu học - 小学(xiao xue) - junior/primary school
học/ học tập - 学习(xue xi) - learn/practice
quốc gia - 国家(guo jia) - country
quốc tế - 国际(guo ji) - international
hàng không - 航空(hang kong) - airline
công ty - 公司(gong si) - company (e.g Công ty Hàng không Việt Nam )
công viên - 公园(gong yuan) - park
bảo hiểm - 保险(bao xian) - insurance
quảng cáo - 广告(guang gao)- advertisement
quan hệ - 关系(guan xi) - in relation
lăng phí - 浪费(lang fei) - wasting/wastage
thể thao - 体操(ti chao)/体育 - sports
thể dục 体育(ti yu) /健身 - exercise
âm nhạc - 音乐(ying yue) - music
thêm - 添加(tian jia) - add
trợ lư - 助理(zhu li) - assistant
công nhân -工人(gong ren) - worker
quản lư -管理(guan li)- management/managing
khoa học- 科学(ke xue) -science
nhân viên - 人员(ren yuan) -staff
phục vụ -服务(fu wu) -service
thời tiết dự báo -天气预报(tian qi yu bao)- weather forecast
Kinh tế - 经济(jin ji) - Economics
Chính trị - 政治(zheng zhi)- Political
chính phủ - 政府(zheng fu)- the Government
trung tâm - 中心 (zhong xin)- Central (e.g trung tam thanh pho = city central)
quan tâm - 关心(guan xin) - care (e.g anh khong quan tam em!)
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Old 03-05-2009, 01:16 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Talking about vietnamese food, u walk down this Bencoleen street towards the SI MA LU temple, there is another food court opposite the H81, there is a stall selling viet food too. Not expensive but the taste I am no expert to judge. I heard their vietnamese accent is from Northern part... Does northern food taste better than the southern?

Originally Posted by lordstriker View Post
My friend just opened 1 stall selling Vietnamese food at the newly renovated foodcourt at Bencoleen (opposite SMU). I haven't checked it out though. Maybe you guys can give it a try. Actually, I don't really like to eat Viet food in Singapore. It's expensive and the taste is not really as good as in Vietnam
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Old 03-05-2009, 01:17 AM
lordstriker lordstriker is offline
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Great bro RockViet! I learned a few more chinese words from your post. Thks ya!

Originally Posted by jackbl View Post
Talking about vietnamese food, u walk down this Bencoleen street towards the SI MA LU temple, there is another food court opposite the H81, there is a stall selling viet food too. Not expensive but the taste I am no expert to judge. I heard their vietnamese accent is from Northern part... Does northern food taste better than the southern?
Different parts in Vietnam have different taste of food, and different kind of special foods. So, hard to say which part of Vietnam has a better food. Also, it well depends on individual taste.
Old 03-05-2009, 02:31 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Come come come.... U teach me vietnamese I teach u mandarin.

Originally Posted by lordstriker View Post
Great bro RockViet! I learned a few more chinese words from your post. Thks ya!
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Old 03-05-2009, 01:03 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by lordstriker View Post
My friend just opened 1 stall selling Vietnamese food at the newly renovated foodcourt at Bencoleen (opposite SMU). I haven't checked it out though. Maybe you guys can give it a try. Actually, I don't really like to eat Viet food in Singapore. It's expensive and the taste is not really as good as in Vietnam
Me too dun eat Vn food in sgp...ko ngon va ko re...dun even bother to try...
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Old 04-05-2009, 01:22 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Tan Dinh Church

VietNamNet Bridge – Located on Hai Ba Trung Street in Ward 8, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Tan Dinh Church is one of the most ancient and beautiful religious buildings in the city. Its construction took six years (1870 - 1876).

The distinctive feature of Tan Dinh Church is the Gothic and Roman architectural style./ A mass in the Church.

The Church bears the Gothic, Roman and Baroc architectural style. In 1929, the area of the Church was expanded and a 52.60m-high tower was added.

In December 1976 it was upgraded to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the church’s construction. The holly temple was heightened and the bell tower was repainted. With its distinctive pink colour and white decorative designs, the Church stands out against the blue sky.

Looking at the front of the church, a main tower and two other small structures are seen. On the peak of the tower is an octagon with a bronze cross standing 3m-high. In the main tower, there are five large bells weighting about 5.5 tonnes.

The designs and decorations inside in the church.

In the two other structures are lamp towers with many air holes and patterns that create a sense of firmness yet gracefulness.

Two sides are galleries with the dome topped with fish scale-shaped tiles and arches adorned with decorative leaves, flowers and sophisticated refined statues of angels.

The chancel in the Church is rather large with two rows of Gothic styled pillars that lead to the main altar. With its front, the two rows of pillars are evaluated to be most beautiful and unique feature of the architectural work.

On the left are statues of female saints and on the right are statues of male saints. All the altars in the chancel are made from precious marble imported from Italy.

Tan Dinh Church is not only a valuable architectural work that is on the list of historical, cultural and tourist addresses in the City, but also the worshipping place of parishioners and the place where many charity activities are held.

The distinctive feature of Tan Dinh Church is the Gothic and Roman architectural style.

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Old 04-05-2009, 09:20 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Many airlines cut flights to Vietnam

VietNamNet Bridge – Financial difficulties and the global economic recession have forced international airlines and Vietnam Airlines to reduce service from and to Vietnam.

International airlines have cut down their summer flight schedule schedule to Vietnam in response to decreasing demand for air travel, a consequence of the global economic recession, says to the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam (CAAV).

Vo Huy Cuong, Head of CAAV’s Air Transport Division, on April 28 told the press that preliminary statistics show a year over year decrease in international flights to and from Vietnam of four percent from the end of March to October.

According to Cuong, airlines which have reduced service to Vietnam include Singapore Airlines, Thai Airways and Thai Air Asia.

Cuong said that Thai Air Asia has reduced the daily flight frequency on its Hanoi–Bangkok route from three flights a day to two. However, Air Asia has added four flights a week to its HCM City–Bangkok service.

Summarizing, Cuong said that growth of Vietnam’s aviation market will slow down because the global economic recession has reduced dramatically the demand for travel by air.

Not only foreign airlines have cut flights to Vietnam, said Cuong. Vietnam Airlines has also cut down international flights. For example, the national flag carrier has cut two flights to Busan, South Korea.

In its business report for the first quarter of 2009, Vietnam Airlines wrote that it is suffering impacts of the global economic recession. The air carrier said that the biggest difficulty is that passenger and cargo transport market has shrunk overall by 1.7% compared to the same period of 2008, and the international market is down by 9.3%.

In the first quarter of 2009, Vietnam Airlines carried 2.26mil passengers, a decrease of 5% over the same period of the last year. These include 866,970 international passengers, nine percent less than a year ago.

There is also positive news for Vietnam’s aviation market, however. Shanghai Airlines will begin thrice-weekly service between Hanoi and Shanghai this summer. From June 1, Northwest Airlines will fly daily from HCM City to destinations in the US via Tokyo, becoming the second US air carrier to serve Vietnam.

EL Al, the Israeli flag carrier, will appoint a general agent in Vietnam in early May. It expects this will help push the sale of air tickets for its flights from Bangkok, Hong Kong and Beijing to Tel Aviv and beyond.

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Old 04-05-2009, 01:35 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Dung roi, thuc an Vietnam o Singapore ko ngon lam va cung mac. An o Vietnam la tot hon. Toi rat thich an com tam.

Originally Posted by lordstriker View Post
My friend just opened 1 stall selling Vietnamese food at the newly renovated foodcourt at Bencoleen (opposite SMU). I haven't checked it out though. Maybe you guys can give it a try. Actually, I don't really like to eat Viet food in Singapore. It's expensive and the taste is not really as good as in Vietnam
Old 04-05-2009, 03:24 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

No choice la, frequently the food sold at oversea is more expensive than in the original place.

Originally Posted by VietnamLover View Post
Dung roi, thuc an Vietnam o Singapore ko ngon lam va cung mac. An o Vietnam la tot hon. Toi rat thich an com tam.
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Old 05-05-2009, 12:53 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

viet FTW!!
Old 05-05-2009, 02:58 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

What do u meant?
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viet FTW!!
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Old 05-05-2009, 12:24 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club


Originally Posted by nettyworms View Post
viet FTW!!
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Old 05-05-2009, 10:01 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

History flashback "Bắt đầu từ nay" - long long ago, I used to watch TVB or HK movies and in movie HK ppl will refer to nguoi vn as "Bắt đầu từ nay". I wonder wat this phrase mean and y they use on them. When 1st start to know tieng viet this HK slang "Bắt đầu từ nay" was just loosely mean "From now on/ start from here"

Just found out the origin of "Bắt đầu từ nay" from wikipediia.....after the fall of saigon, Vn ppl try to run away from the communist rules by boat...they r the boat ppl...there's a large influx of vn boat ppl to HK as they assume the status of refugees and chance for opportunity to locate in the refugee camp in HK and wait for their turn to go to country like US/UK/AZ..etc..but....After the "cut-off day" on June 16, 1988, those who fled to Hong Kong would no longer automatically be considered as refugee..

The HK goverment thus broadcast the change of policy on Vietnamese radio PSA on Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) in Hong Kong as frequent as once every hour in vietnamese

Bắt đầu từ nay, một chính sách mới về thuyền nhân Việt Nam đă được chấp hành tại Hồng Kông. Từ nay về sau, những thuyền nhân Việt Nam kiếm cách nhập cảnh Hồng Kông với thân phận những người di tản v́ vấn đề kinh tế sẽ bị coi là những người nhập cảnh phi pháp. Là những người nhập cảnh phi pháp, họ sẽ không có chút khả năng nào để được đi định cư tại nước thứ ba, và họ sẽ bị giam cầm để chờ ngày giải về Việt Nam.

From now on, a new policy regarding Vietnamese boat people has been implemented in Hong Kong. From now on, those boat people from Vietnam seeking to immigrate into Hong Kong as immigrants due to economic reasons will be considered illegal immigrants. As illegal immigrants, they will not have the ability to settle in a third country, and they will be detained until repatriated to Vietnam...

You can hear the broadcast at $»´ä¹q¥x75©P¦~ - ¸g¨å$«·ÅÀW¹D

The Vietnamese-language announcement, which has just been broadcast, elucidated the policy of 'Comprehensive Plan of Action' that the Hong Kong Government implements on the Vietnamese boat people who intend to enter Hong Kong.

Its so frequently heard in the radio that many Hong Kong people learned this Vietnamese phrase...and started to use this phrase "Bắt đầu từ nay" to represent Vietnamese people.This phrase is usually considered as derogatory, or even racist.
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Old 05-05-2009, 11:19 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

can any bro help to translate the below msg?

"ban co biet ban lam toi that vong lam ko toi rat can su giup do cua ban"

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