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Old 28-03-2011, 01:01 AM
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Re: She looks like a season SJPS clubbers!!

Originally Posted by Nato17 View Post
It really is crap if you ask me. I offered her close to what she was looking for or at least half, with the condition that she is out of it for 6 months, but she said she would rather work.

I did my maths and I am sure it is sufficient for her, but guess she has other things on my mind. To be honest, the only thing that held me back from giving her is I really feel that I am being a sucker, but then again, I rather be a sucker than letting her suffer. I did have a huge arguement with her so guess that is that.

Listen, let me gif u you one of my thinking y she rather work then accept ur money...

firstly, u gif her is only one pymt.. if she agree to ur term, she stop work...
if she continue, she might be able to find more LIKE U.. and get MORE CASH...
or even GIFTS!! I heard some GL WLs get gucci bags, LV bags.. etc.
so why stop for one "small" lump sum, when she can stay on and earn more..
and meet more vegetable heads like u to chop?

Forgive me for the last term.. but if u had really gave her the money...
then u really CHAI-TAO!

good thing u didn't

And bro Frankenstein and Bro Unfit and Bro Joker's posts r my sentiments exactly.

once MM or WL go back.. they got their BFs and lovers or even Husbands back there.. why would they keep themselves just for u when u not around there in China?

It would definite make more sense for the RICH RICH towkays to make an arrangement wif the OKTs.. but trust me.. OKTs might not go for it.

Reason is simple, how much can towkay pay to keep gal for himself?
If OKT can let the WL work and get more $ den he won't do it.
besides.. duno if the gahmen allow such practice or not??
I know u can book the gal for like 8 slots or more if u can.. but not sure if can BAO them. That is more like keeping a mistress and I duno if the law allows that here for WLs.

Anyways, it's fine if u got feelings for the WLs.. if u patronise them enough times, the chemistry should improve and u should get better svc or something else.. (like closeness or willingness to try stuff wif u)
but dun think for a moment that they not thinking.
dun underestimate them, they r NOT STUPID.

k.. just my thoughts.. take care and bonk wisely.. dun let small head overrule big brain in big head.
Be Cool! Relax and have a fun time! But remember to be safe too!

Nice Number, thanks bro A- 1288
Old 28-03-2011, 01:17 AM
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Re: She looks like a season SJPS clubbers!!

Originally Posted by Tension68 View Post
Listen, let me gif u you one of my thinking y she rather work then accept ur money...

firstly, u gif her is only one pymt.. if she agree to ur term, she stop work...
if she continue, she might be able to find more LIKE U.. and get MORE CASH...
or even GIFTS!! I heard some GL WLs get gucci bags, LV bags.. etc.
so why stop for one "small" lump sum, when she can stay on and earn more..
and meet more vegetable heads like u to chop?

Forgive me for the last term.. but if u had really gave her the money...
then u really CHAI-TAO!

good thing u didn't

And bro Frankenstein and Bro Unfit and Bro Joker's posts r my sentiments exactly.

once MM or WL go back.. they got their BFs and lovers or even Husbands back there.. why would they keep themselves just for u when u not around there in China?

It would definite make more sense for the RICH RICH towkays to make an arrangement wif the OKTs.. but trust me.. OKTs might not go for it.

Reason is simple, how much can towkay pay to keep gal for himself?
If OKT can let the WL work and get more $ den he won't do it.
besides.. duno if the gahmen allow such practice or not??
I know u can book the gal for like 8 slots or more if u can.. but not sure if can BAO them. That is more like keeping a mistress and I duno if the law allows that here for WLs.

Anyways, it's fine if u got feelings for the WLs.. if u patronise them enough times, the chemistry should improve and u should get better svc or something else.. (like closeness or willingness to try stuff wif u)
but dun think for a moment that they not thinking.
dun underestimate them, they r NOT STUPID.

k.. just my thoughts.. take care and bonk wisely.. dun let small head overrule big brain in big head.
Actually, I would be guilty of a LV bag and an iphone. I have considered doing 8 slots or more but jeez, I am better off taking her off the OKTs hands. 150x10 = 1500 x 23 days = 30k+.

Patronize them more really does nothing in my opinion. I mean, how many times can you get horny etc. To be honest, I am still licking my wounds after my quarrel with her, But oh well, life goes on.
Old 28-03-2011, 02:46 AM
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Re: She looks like a season SJPS clubbers!!

Originally Posted by Nato17 View Post
Actually, I would be guilty of a LV bag and an iphone. I have considered doing 8 slots or more but jeez, I am better off taking her off the OKTs hands. 150x10 = 1500 x 23 days = 30k+.

Patronize them more really does nothing in my opinion. I mean, how many times can you get horny etc. To be honest, I am still licking my wounds after my quarrel with her, But oh well, life goes on.
r u serious? taking her off OKT is how much?
less than 30K?
And.. who tell u go visit her everyday? piangz.. got so much money go invest in property or something.. earn more money n bonk more gals (my opinion)
but seriously.. so u take her off OKT.. she can't stay in SG wat..
so go back to PRC.. i doubt she will remain in contact for long...
or maybe only entertain u when u go visit her or meet u in other country
den de question comes.. who she been wif b4 she see u again?
when in SG got to to for checks.. go back.. who check her?

bro.. get a wife (if u dun haf one already) or a GF or a lover
think it will cost less. (again.. my opinion)

and in the end, it's still ur choice.
U wan to use ur money to buy sextisfaction.. that's fine
but to fall for them and be twirled around their fingers.. juz not worth it.
not unless she really really want to be wif u..
n if got.. pls enlighten me so I can also find one.. ahaha

bro Nato, better not fall into the same trap again.
u got out of it, stay focussed and clear..(it may be hard.. but try bro)
Be Cool! Relax and have a fun time! But remember to be safe too!

Nice Number, thanks bro A- 1288
Old 28-03-2011, 03:02 AM
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Re: She looks like a season SJPS clubbers!!

Originally Posted by Tension68 View Post
r u serious? taking her off OKT is how much?
less than 30K?
And.. who tell u go visit her everyday? piangz.. got so much money go invest in property or something.. earn more money n bonk more gals (my opinion)
but seriously.. so u take her off OKT.. she can't stay in SG wat..
so go back to PRC.. i doubt she will remain in contact for long...
or maybe only entertain u when u go visit her or meet u in other country
den de question comes.. who she been wif b4 she see u again?
when in SG got to to for checks.. go back.. who check her?

bro.. get a wife (if u dun haf one already) or a GF or a lover
think it will cost less. (again.. my opinion)

and in the end, it's still ur choice.
U wan to use ur money to buy sextisfaction.. that's fine
but to fall for them and be twirled around their fingers.. juz not worth it.
not unless she really really want to be wif u..
n if got.. pls enlighten me so I can also find one.. ahaha

bro Nato, better not fall into the same trap again.
u got out of it, stay focussed and clear..(it may be hard.. but try bro)
Actually, she asked for 60k. I agreed to "loan" her 30k. Even though in all honestly, I think she would not have returned me. What I meant was, if I am going to blow 150 x 10 slots per day x 23 days that would take me only 2 months to recover my "investment".
Old 28-03-2011, 08:55 AM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Bro Nato hate to say it but you have just committed the cardinal sin of cheonging and that is falling for the WL. Its one thing to have feelings another to act on them. Sorry bro going to be hard on you but that only one way this thing is going to end for you and it ain't going to be pretty.
Old 28-03-2011, 09:49 AM
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Lightbulb Re: She looks like a season SJPS clubbers!!

Originally Posted by Nato17 View Post
Actually, she asked for 60k. I agreed to "loan" her 30k. Even though in all honestly, I think she would not have returned me. What I meant was, if I am going to blow 150 x 10 slots per day x 23 days that would take me only 2 months to recover my "investment".
When you said "loan", I bet she'll already reject you. She'll have no mean to return the amount if not in this line. To an ang pai, 30k is just 2-months of work.

I'm not discouraging because I am also in such shit hole. I offered to give 100k with terms and conditions; konna rejected as well. So, you see ... there maybe more than 1 offering the same WL options.

Sadly, these girls don't think as we think and often it'll hurt when we realise we've been taken for granted all this while.

Moving on ... Earning and Living in Paradise.
Old 28-03-2011, 11:07 AM
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Re: She looks like a season SJPS clubbers!!

Let's stick FRs please

Kindly open another thread for The experts to put their comments on falling in love & lending money to WL

I sincerely thank you all
Old 28-03-2011, 11:10 AM
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Re: She looks like a season SJPS clubbers!!

Originally Posted by joker88 View Post
Wah bro, where did u hear this rumour? Are u one of the "taukeh fan"?

I heard there are two generous old men negotiating to bail her out.
Not sure izzit true or not?
hohoho! I am not one of the taukeh lah. Cannot afford. Would rather enjoy all the constant supply of PRC gals with so much variety....
Old 28-03-2011, 12:06 PM
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Re: She looks like a season SJPS clubbers!!

Originally Posted by KJparty View Post
When you said "loan", I bet she'll already reject you. She'll have no mean to return the amount if not in this line. To an ang pai, 30k is just 2-months of work.

I'm not discouraging because I am also in such shit hole. I offered to give 100k with terms and conditions; konna rejected as well. So, you see ... there maybe more than 1 offering the same WL options.

Sadly, these girls don't think as we think and often it'll hurt when we realise we've been taken for granted all this while.
walao, bro KJ, u offer 100K? That is RMB500K. Can buy a condo in 2nd tier city in China aredi. Now I understand why property prices in China keep on rising. Lots of foreign funds coming in to support it.
U can oso use this sum to bao a real pretty KTV chic from Las Vegas or Tian An Men for 6 months. All yours exclusively, n no need to share with other cheongsters.
Old 28-03-2011, 05:49 PM
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Re: She looks like a season SJPS clubbers!!

Originally Posted by poolhot. View Post
Let's stick FRs please

Kindly open another thread for The experts to put their comments on falling in love & lending money to WL

I sincerely thank you all
I agree... please stick to content. Thanks.
Old 28-03-2011, 11:31 PM
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Red face Re: She looks like a season SJPS clubbers!!

Originally Posted by poolhot. View Post
Let's stick FRs please

Kindly open another thread for The experts to put their comments on falling in love & lending money to WL

I sincerely thank you all
Sorry, bro, my sincere apologies.

Got carried away by the comments. Will stick to FRs for now.
Up Queue: ??

Please PM me if I had missed you out.
Old 29-03-2011, 02:53 AM
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Fr on bobo 1612 (beside lor 16 Hotel 81) by Mr Oreh

Booked her yesterday cause if wanting more of her big boobies, they are a pair of soft & fair titties that I loved to grab & caress upon everyday if she was mine girl. Waited patiently for abt an hour & she came in wearing blue low cut dress which shows her cleavage line. She sure is gorgeous that I can't wait to tear her dress down! Cut the story short.

Look: 7/10 she may not have pretty face but her fair skin keep her in a standard.
Boobs: 9/10 love her d cups & great to suck her nipples while grabbing them. *_*
Body: 8/10 her figure isn't bad & her butt quite fleshly which good to doggy her
Fj: 8/10 wet down there & I pumped her for a good 20mins feeling her virginal walls clamping on my didi often!
Service: 9/10 very good overall in terms of communicates & cat bath action & showering she's there all the time right beside me keeping me satisfied !
Rtf: yes I would!
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 29-03-2011, 02:53 AM
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FR on Bobo (L16 H12) by syler

Face: 7.5/10 (Pretty, fair, smooth skin. I feel that she looks prettier with her hair down. she looks like those pretty receptionist)

Bath: 8/10 (Very sensual, i like the way she used her boobs and butt to rub against my soaped didi, very shiok feeling )

Boobs: 9/10 (1 of the best pair of boobs i have ever seen and touched in GL D cup soft,natural bouncy boobs with light brown nipples. But the lighting make her nipples appear pinkish. Nice to grab and suck.)

Body: 8/10 (fair, smooth, slim, her butt is really creamy white, nice to touch.)

Catbath: 9/10 (she catbath me from ankles to ears. i like the way she licks, sucks my body and giving sensual soft bites very shiok feeling. Most arousing moment is when she licks my ear holes and blowing air into it. I also like how she sucks my balls. Every moment is like a climax.)

Frenching: 9/10 (she is a good frencher. we had intense tongue fight for 5mins, nice soft lips to suck)

BBBJ: 9/10 (Nice suction, good bbbj skills, nearly cummed in her mouth but i managed to hold back)

FJ: 9/10 (Very accomdating, tried many positions, she even taught me new positions , very nice moaning which aroused me greatly)

GFE: 9/10 (She keeps calling me darling, we chatted for quite some time after the bonk)

RTF: Yes
Managed to catch a glimpse of wawa and my next bonking target will be wawa. her type of syt image totally suits my taste
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 29-03-2011, 08:33 PM
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Re: She looks like a season SJPS clubbers!!

Originally Posted by poolhot. View Post
Let's stick FRs please

Kindly open another thread for The experts to put their comments on falling in love & lending money to WL

I sincerely thank you all
Yeah, I kena -6, wif comments "talking rubbish"

here is my FR but its more on the hse than on the gal...

This is my second visit to a hse that bros, and WL suggested cos the Bathroom got "inflatable bed"

Actually is not an inflatable bed, but a rubber bed.. or foam bed.. err.. just not inflatable la. Can slip and slide.. but.. cos it's not flat.. but made in such a way that err.. like a pillow block at one end, and sloped down at the other end.

Anyways, went to the hse (2nd time liao.. first time kena HL look from the old man.. found out his name is P**g)

This time, (cos I wear long sleeve biz wear..) he dun gif me HL look.. but asked nicely if 150 PRC gals was wat I was looking for.. I answered, "Ya, my fren say this place new.. ask me check it out.. I always go to big road number 6 or 2831A, so decided to come see see."

Immediately he smile and ask, "want me intro or u got regular gal?"
(I was thinking.. should I try someone new.. din wan to be disappointed.. so I asked for my regular.. JS)
Then he look a bit BP and even dare to ask me.. "which house"
I look back at him and ask, "ha? u duno ah? nid me to teach u ah?"
Then he lan lan, open his book and dial (#$^% if he din noe how come he can flip book to find number?)
then he say JS busy, suggested me to try others, like Ling Zhi or 77..
I wanted to wait, and all the time he kept on asking me to change..
even said it's us cheongsters who "support" JS until so hot..
"hot meh?" I ask. "ya la, u all support de ma" he say

Anyways, cut the crap wif dat old man, cos he really piss me off.
When JS finally arrive, I went up, open room n saw the so-called inflatable bed.. SO DISAPPOINTED!!

However, still manage to haf some childish fun, JS used lube on my back and slid from my shoulders all the way off me and onto the shower floor.. all the while laughing and giggling.

(skip the sliding bit)
Onto the bed, JS still as passionate, (no nid to say too much)
Except... dis lass sure luvs doggie.. practically begged me to do it..
After like wat must be 15mins of BBBJ and cuddling and fondling, I obliged and really bonked us both silly. My legs got weak after that.
I collasped onto her and we lay there panting for a good 45secs

Oh, bro Maxi.. I saw Chu Chu at 1654A, err.. too slim for my taste.. otherwise wud try her liao. Thnx for the intro bro, really appreciate it.

apologies if this FR is short and not "juicy" enuff, nid to catch up on work.. and also exercise.

And apologies if I din manage to try WLs that bros intro, recommend or suggested I try. I very picky la.. must haf real naturall y big boobs, taller than me is good.. not too slim.. face.. err.. I must like de la. I think there was one time I reject 3 gals b4 choosing one.. and that was like over a yr ago.. and now.. I'm back at GL again.. hope I dun do rejecting again.. haha.

happy bonking bros!
Be Cool! Relax and have a fun time! But remember to be safe too!

Nice Number, thanks bro A- 1288
Old 29-03-2011, 08:53 PM
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Re: She looks like a season SJPS clubbers!!

Originally Posted by Tension68 View Post
Yeah, I kena -6, wif comments "talking rubbish"
dis forum getting crazy, lah. people zap for ridiculous reason. no need to put their nick that's why. can zap without exposing. we zap only if that bro do something to put us all in trouble. expressing own opinion should never get zap. like that everybody will just shut up. people dun understand a forum is for open discussion.
boss sam should consider displaying nick automatically when doing zap. all this shit will stop fast.
I ask all questions & make all the comments that nobody wants to do so openly.
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