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You know I'm no sifu, just a student who is RELENTLESS... Yes, if u hv formidable self mastery, ur success would be formidable. No, I said if I had half ur good looks, meaning I dun even hv half ur good looks. If u improve ur self mastery, chio gals will be stalking u. I need 10X ur self mastery to do that bcos I'm a lao chi ko pek., hahaha. Quote:
Cheers! .................................................. .................................................. ..... Good morning! Bro seabeng related the story of a singer at a HFJ who was playing hard to get n later he found out she was a $150 a shot FL (Hang Flower Joints). I replied to his post bcos my story is the reverse. I met a SYT FL in August 2008 n later found out that she was a real singer at a HFJ, hahaha. My post: Quote:
Very illuminating post...hahaha. I like to add my 2 cents. In August of 2008, before I ever set foot in a KTV or HFJ, I got ctc of a PRC FL from a bro. The whore LX was a 20 yo SYT, tall (169), fair n quite chio, A very good fxxk for a princely sum of only $120, hahaha. The damage was later reduced to $80. I upped her quite a few times. Friction cost for me: Zero. A couple of wks later, she confided that she was a real singer at a HFJ n that she was going to hv a show in 2 days. She wanted me come to show support. A SBF bro knew the joint n told me abt a taller(173) n prettier singer there n hinted that I could fxxk her, so I called a few experienced frens to go along. LX was very pleased to see me n my frens. The taller n supposedly prettier gal wasn't that pretty n was definitely older. In fact, among the 14-15 or so singers whom I saw taht nite, LX was the only one I wanted to fxxk in that joint. I hung $100 for LX n $100 for the taller gal bcos she came to sit w/ me ( I was a hapless "nice guy" then; nowadays I'll give zero unless I like to fxxk the gal). My frens also hung $100 for both gals n for a few others. They wanted to give me "face." BTW, clients who met LX at her HFJ would end up paying 5 to 10X for ST. A few days later, the same grp of frens brought me to a KTV, my virgin visit to one, where I met my 1st BAO-ee n my current favourite lao po XW. That is another story. LX completed her 6-month contract n returned to PRC. In May of 2009, LX called me one day n said that she had returned on a TAM singer permit n wanted to meet up. She wanted $500 for ST!! I told her $200, take it or leave it. She said no n hung up the phone. Two wks later she called n said OK, hehehe. The next month, June 2009, in my 1st ever visit to TAM, I saw her there n she was one of my 3 butterflies... The other day a tall singer called n asked me to go to her joint. She was intro by my GF YB (who returned to Fujian last wk). This gal is supposed to be 172 but is at least 174. She looks fine n has long slender arms, nice legs n butt, but her breasts look like A/B only. Nowadays I want gals w/ at least a full B Boobs which must be beautifully shaped. Why would I ever go to her joint? Next! Cheers! Bro WB Quote:
Outrageous, isn't? Same gal, same country, different times, different locations, vastly different prices. Same gal, same country, same time, different locations n vastly different prices. And worst of all, same gal, same country, same time, same location, but vastly different prices to different clients. I therefore like get a feel of the big picture n regularly take a look at the quality n potential damage of meat/pussies at different joints at different times, including KTVs/HFJs/FLs/legal GL gals, escort service, etc. in SG n overseas, to hunt for n fxxk my type of gals at minimal cost. Be Relentless. Leave no stone unturned. Cheers! Bro WB |
I hv finished reading David X's Be Relentless.
Here is more of his wisdom: “BUT SHE’S SO…” You can’t treat a hot one like she’s a hot one, and you can’t treat her like you’re not trying to treat her like she’s a hot one and maybe she knows that you know. Read that again, just to make sure it sinks in. Because if you do that you’re ignoring her because she’s hot. Treat them all the same, no matter what they look like. And remember that while you think she’s hot, I may think she’s ugly. What’s the difference in how you treat a ten versus a one? Depends on how horny you are. Next question. How do you treat an 8 versus a five? Depends. Am I horny? What about young versus old? Treat them all the same. Young to me is probably old to you. I’m 53 years old. You have to stop thinking about them and instead think of you. After all, you are the most important person in the relationship. “But she is just so…” Forget it. The whole orientation of seduction psychology is wrong, by the way. It just trains you to be over-analytical and causes you to forget the most important person in the relationship, you. You can’t be thinking for her. Let her do that. Think for you. Instead of thinking, ”What does she want?” think about what you want and only you. Do it honestly and completely. What will happen is it will teach you something more valuable than money and more valuable than technique. It will teach you honesty. CONTROL Women are constantly testing us. I really believe that. Children test you to see how far they can go, and women are the same. Being with children can teach you a lot about how you should be with a woman. As soon as you give in, you lose. You’ve failed the test. Any psychiatrist will tell you that. Because if you’re willing to give in now, then you’ve just demonstrated that you’ll also give in later. Once you’ve set an example of something, it’s too late. If you give in now you’re making your life more difficult later on. I'm tough with kids, but they love me. My sons friends love me, I’m like the Pied Piper. Why? Because the rules aren’t hard to follow when I live by them also. You need to be in control but not controlling. When I was still dating, sometimes women would start to have a hissy fit, saying things like, “It’s always your way!” and I would say, “I’m glad you remember the rules.” It’s my direction in life and I don’t care what they say. I know what I want in my life, and I know myself better than they do. My life is not a democracy. YOU’VE BEEN CONDITIONED TO BE A PUSSY My mother told me that I have to ask for everything politely. “Can I please fuck you tonight?” Your mommy meant well, but try to forget her advice, because she left out the important stuff. Your mommy didn’t tell you, “Treat a lady like a whore and treat a whore like a lady.” Your mommy forgot to mention, “Who cares what they think.” She never told you that the most important person in the relationship is you. And that’s because it’s your life. Women don’t know what’s good for you, your mom doesn’t know what’s good for you, and I don’t know what’s good for you. I’m not saying that your mother did anything wrong. You’re probably a very nice person. But you’re not nice to yourself, you’re nice to other people. You’ve been conditioned to be a pussy. “Say please.” “Be nice.” “Share your toys.” “Say thank you for that cookie.” But in this world today, we’re finding out that being nice to certain people is dangerous. When you go out to meet women, you’re on dangerous grounds. Who knows what these women are like. Some of them have AIDS, some of them are prostitutes, coke whores, manipulative cunts, thieves, murderers, liars, the list of fucked up women goes on and on. I’ve had women rip me off while I was taking a piss. They went into my wallet and took my money. And they’ll cheat on you given half the chance. Do you honestly believe that your girlfriend wouldn’t fuck George Clooney behind your back? What if Brad Pitt showed up in her life? Would she stick around for you? You’ve got to be nice to you first." Cheers n hv a great day! Bro WB |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Yes, not all big timers are in illegal businesses. But even those in legit businesses, sometimes, the cash is undertable money, cannot see the light of day kind of cash. Then some are gambling windfalls - legit. Those really legit business and legit money… these are the really rich people. To me, playing in the same playground with them, trying to outbid/impress the singers, is like using an egg to hit a rock… 以卵击石 I was with KX late Saturday night and playing with her… iphone… when it rang… it showed “丽都XXX”… ah so familiar. I handed the phone back to her to answer. When she was done, she explained that a mummy from 丽都 called her becos she couldn’t reach someone else on the phone, blah blah blah… I can’t really remember what she said cos I wasn’t listening and I didn’t care. ![]() LP is a ghost town, or so I heard… a lot of gals unwilling to work there cos they usually get paid once a fortnight or week… to these gals, cash is king… who wants to wait till month’s end to get paid? |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
战鸟大哥,别再赞小弟了,这样下去,总有一天我会被你KCed的… 哈哈哈…
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Some updates on KX, my new target…
KX showed me a pic she took, which I have uploaded as my new avatar. I told her she looked like Dawn Yang, a Singapore blogger, and I showed her Dawn’s pics on my iphone’s safari browser. She said: 一点都不像,我嘴巴哪有那么大?Hahaha... It was KX’s birthday yesterday and I treated her lunch. I think I have KCed her (under 1 week) when she messaged me afterwards: KX: …因为你人好,所以我跟你一起会很开心! FA: (totally freaked out, beating the retreating drum while acting cool) 哈哈哈,我哪里好?你不怕我扮猪吃老虎吗? KX: 哈哈!你不知道女人的直觉一般都很好吗? But I think I will not up her. During lunch, she showed me the scar on her wrist and told me how she cried for 3 months after her previous failed relationship and finally slashed herself. She was rescued by her girl friend. KX has no airs. Doesn’t wear/carry branded stuff – Zara, Charles & Keith handbag, etc… not the Ferragamo shoes, Chanel or Balenciaga bags I’m so used to her peers carry. Sigh, I’m battle-harden and knows how to and so used to dealing with similarly battle-harden, manipulative, calculative veteran PRC KTV mms but KX is freaking me out! Damn! What should I do, fellow old birds and shifus?? I don't want to be responsible for ending someone's life. |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
I feel that she's using reverse psychology to play wif you and seems that it's totally working! Why would i say that? That's Y i bold the words u said! Quote:
旁观者will see that this is a pure win win for her and a pure lose lose for you bro F.A Quote:
Of cos, if one buys for her at their own expense, its a diff story. I know singers who are so branded that when they're wif new potential clients, they doll themselves up so down to earth you'll think she's your typical gal next door! Quote:
Its only been a week bro. Make her proof her worth, then give her your penis, then a penny! But before she did anything, you already proclaiming how good blah blah she is. I am not saying you're wrong in your judgement bro, but note, neither am i saying you're right. Its clear your liking and emotions for this gal has got the better of you. Time to move a step back & not be too impressed wif words but actions. Only a week bro....only a week!
The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!! The 4 Golden Rules in life: 1) 不要欺骗自己 2) 不要出卖自己 3) 不要背叛自己 4) 不要对不起自己 是你的,就是你的。 不是你的,不要抢! 人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多、而是因为计较的少 Officially Retired From The Nite Scene |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Okay so I'm a completely new noob to this and will appreciate hearing from those who are experienced in this and have gone down this road before...
What are your views and advice on the best way of broaching the issue or opening negotiations with the girl? There is this Shenyang girl in TAM that I sat in one of the recent outings, she is MCOT and speaks good english and is a good conversationalist, beyond the mindless bimbo talk that many meimeis seem only capable of. Of course she claims she only "sits" and does not go for ST, has never gone out/slept with customers before and has even rejected previous offers of exclusivity ie. baoing by other men. And of course I am taking this with many many pinches of salt. I have gone out with her once after that, just for drinks and nothing else. Thing is, I have dropped many hints and she has flat out not picked up on them. I am planning to raise it directly with her the next time; in fact I intend to bluntly ask her to just spend the nite with me, dinner, drinks and sleepover in my hotel room. If she says okay, I can assess her performance and decide whether to take it further. But if she says no, then I am just going to forget it, albeit with a tinge of regret. What do you seniors think of this approach? |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Thanks for your reply, appreciate it very much, make me see from another perspective, and always very insightful. Now I don’t know how often singers get paid at HFJs, like I’ve already said, I’ve never hung flowers before nor in contact with any singers. I was referring to how the KTV mms who sit with you in the rooms in LP – they are usually paid fortnightly or monthly, unless sometimes the mummy has the cash on hand. Anyways, I’ve heard about this system many times from different mms and sadly and admittedly, I haven’t step foot into LP to verify cos my cheong-ing kakis are total cheapskates and shun high-end high-spending KTVs like the plague… sigh. Her reverse psychology is working on me? If her objective is for me to abandon my intention to screw her, what’s in it for her? She doesn’t get paid a cent you know. I’ve met her outside LV twice in less than a week, without any rejections, and once was within an hour from my SMS. Sans the picking up the tabs for drinks and lunch, she did not ask nor hint, to be compensated, which btw, I’m so used to her more aggressive peers do to me. So maybe she’s playing the longer-term game whereby she tries to KC me first before showing her true colors? Now, that I can handle, but then again, I’d be passing judgment too early ya? Well, I still have self mastery so I’m not so worried about getting KCed till I’ll lose my sanity in this game. People like us, we know ultimately where our responsibilities lie, no matter how ironic that sounds, coming from players like us. Hahaha! Other guards against losing our sanity to this KC game – having an abundance (of pussies) mindset, and calculative when it comes to $$$ matters. Way I see it, it’s a cost-benefit analysis – how much do you have to spend to screw a mm? That’s why I never like the idea of hanging flowers to singers just to fxxk them. Remember I talked about my regular gal asking for a pay rise in the beginning of the year? Guess what? I not only stood my ground, but I have also managed to reduce the cost by 40% recently, giving her excuses like losing lots of money in the stock markets etc etc… hahaha. But I have digressed too much. Anyways, after all that I have said, you are right Bro! Its too early to pass judgment now. Afterall, its only been a week, so lets take a step back and wait and see… ![]() |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Hi Bro JJ, I’m no senior but here’s my 2 cents… I think you can find out from the mummy – she should be able to tell you whether the gal is open to ST/bao-ing. Failing which, just ask her directly lor, since she has completely ignored all your hints and acted blur. Some gals prefer to get to know her customer a bit better first (just another excuse IMO) or simply just need that extra push/nudge. Sometimes, I enjoy the BGR process or simply the company, other times when I don’t have the luxury of time, I go WL/FL. |
我只是有一说一。。。你放心,我是110%的异性恋者,呵呵呵。。。 Quote:
Congrats to u if u hv KC-ed her in one wk。 请不要见怪,我有一说一, to be blunt, I'm not sure who is getting KC-ed here. I believe you're enamored w/ her... Be very cautious, bro. Pls read the comments n advice by Mr.Chairman below. Quote:
Timeless advice. It behooves me to remember those words. You sound like Dr. Marius Panzarella, the RS guru n expert on female psychology...I guess great minds think alike, hehehe. The way I see it, in KC-ing n BY-ing game n in any RS, it doesn't matter how much I like the gal, it's how much she likes me that counts. Cheers! Quote:
I'm no expert on this matter. I hope Mr. Chairman will give u the advice u need... IMHO, there r many possibilities/reasons why she is behaving the way she is n every gal is different. She may actually do ST for selected clients or she may already hv a BAO-er/patron/BF/husband/lover... Hv u established good rapport w/ her? Hv u been physical w/ her? Hv u french kissed her yet? If u hv, she is very likely to say YES to ur approach, regardless of her current situation. Just my 2 cents. Cheers! Bro WB |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
This kind a WL only got 2 possibilities that i can think of. 1) She already got a fulltime BF or lao gong liao, so she dun have to do these kinda stuff for she is already sufficient wif the current arrangement. 2) There are some who will not do ST but will only allow someone to shack her if he/she is so called BF/GF To me, she meets how many men a day, to act blurr on your hints means to me that she has picked up ur hints but flat out ignored them. She could be playing a diff game all together. The type that wants a man to invest & chase her wif monetary & gifts before she even submits. Remember, there is no bitch unbedable but then again, one must always remember, is she worth it? This, u gotta decide on your own. May i suggest you ask her out for dinner, then go to her joint and after that for supper. Plain platonic but do that. Observe phone patterns and little actions. Mostly, it will happen during supper & you'll know her true availability. Drag till near sunrise or close to sunrise cos most WLs wif fulltime BFs would be bombarded wif sms n phonecalls to track her whereabouts! Also see if she keeps hinting to go back blah blah then come back here n update the think tanks avail here for me scrutiny. Good Luck!
The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!! The 4 Golden Rules in life: 1) 不要欺骗自己 2) 不要出卖自己 3) 不要背叛自己 4) 不要对不起自己 是你的,就是你的。 不是你的,不要抢! 人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多、而是因为计较的少 Officially Retired From The Nite Scene |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Bro F.A, take a step back & see from her eyes & think from her mind what she's doin to get the most out of doing nothing but sharing a SOB SOB SOB life story & you'll already see her plot. Remember, best stance to take is always to make yourself the 旁观者 and everything you never tot u cud see will be seen as clear as day. This is the nite scene, so if you apply compassion, angelic traits, you're already dead before u started. If she's that good, y did she end up at the nite scene in the 1st place? She knows what she's doin bro......... Never believe what u hear or see in the nite scene....... Like this case, all i can say is, still water runs deep bro Cheers
The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!! The 4 Golden Rules in life: 1) 不要欺骗自己 2) 不要出卖自己 3) 不要背叛自己 4) 不要对不起自己 是你的,就是你的。 不是你的,不要抢! 人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多、而是因为计较的少 Officially Retired From The Nite Scene |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Me no expert, me just a newbie noob sharing my novice ideas nia.......
The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!! The 4 Golden Rules in life: 1) 不要欺骗自己 2) 不要出卖自己 3) 不要背叛自己 4) 不要对不起自己 是你的,就是你的。 不是你的,不要抢! 人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多、而是因为计较的少 Officially Retired From The Nite Scene |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
If I ever go back on my words, and just so you know, I hereby authorize you and Bro WB to slap me until I wake up my fxxking idea, but only with enough force so as not to permanently damage my “handsome” face lah, cos I need it to sian the gals… LOL! Your sentence in bold is the essence of it all. *salute* |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
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Kakis Invited for KTV Outings to Find " Very Attractive Gals" | warbird | Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos | 990 | 20-01-2024 11:44 AM |
At wht age r gals most sexually attractive to u? | kurupa | Polls | 24 | 18-06-2006 04:54 PM |