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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Excuse me for asking a newbie question.. what is the going rate for BY (I'm assuming this means Bao-ing)? And what is the usual agreement?
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Thank you for posting once again Bro WB… been busy and will be drown in work for this last month of the year but I will find time to read your posts – they are gems!
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Yes, BY is Bao Yang (抱养) or in short, bao-ing, a term popularized here on Sammyboy, by our dearest bro WB, hahaha! Well, it depends on you and the gal right? It’s a negotiation process. Different terms and conditions come with different price tags. End of the day, it boils down to how much you are willing to part. Can be as low as $2K per month to how deep your pockets are. I also know KTV gals whose bfs don’t support them, damn power! Their bfs go casino and 1 night can gamble away $1,000 but don’t give a cent to their gfs – then their gfs complain and complain but what’s the use? They already got hooked by them and so I know for sure that one of the gems of WB works like a charm – in a relationship, the one who cares less controls it. Sometimes, you have to pay through the roof. 2 cases in point: 1. A local celeb (I’ve bonked a few times) confided in me recently. There’s a 27 yo guy who wants to marry her. He told her he has $2M net worth, will ask lawyer to draft an agreement to give her half of it - $1M, but only paid out in equal monthly payouts. I told her, “good ah, got $1M!” Then she told me how much she earns a month. But somehow, I feel that the guy is just trying to play around with her. I haven’t got time to follow up with her. 2. A HK actress I rtf last Friday told me there’s a Singapore businessman who wanted to BY her for 2 to 3 years for $50K per month: (Dialog was in Cantonese, but I can’t type Cantonese, can only speak it fluently) Fallen.Angel: 好啊! HK actress: 神经病,我理都没理他。 Fallen.Angel: 一个月五万很多钱啊。 HK actress: 不是钱的问题。 Fallen.Angel: 那是什么?如果我是你我会接受,哈哈哈 HK actress: 我还没玩够。要对着同一个人两三年太辛苦了。 Fallen.Angel: 那结了婚要对一世不是更辛苦!? HK actress: 结婚就不同啊!他又没说要娶我。再说他已经结婚了。 Fallen.Angel: 。。。。。。 Someone offered $100K just to bonk Fiona Xie. Do you think its too much? But if that person can afford it and treats $100K as loose change, who’s there to judge ya? |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Well, any OKT offer BY service by allowing us to choose the girls to BY at a certain price? I think its going to be excellent business ideas for OKT besides the usual ST/FL/WL which I have no interest in apart from the necessary relief. Having an exclusive girl with the right taste is so much more fun and enjoyable.
I don't have time to go and shop at those KTVs and try one by one to offer/negotiate with them all these BY terms. We shall have it standardized. |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
I listen to my gal complain about her stupid 姐妹… these gals kenna KC deep deep by their respective bfs. They never talked about money issues at the onset so the gals feel that its too late to talk now. The bfs reckon that since the gals earn their keep at LV/TAM, they shouldn’t come asking for money. They break up, patch up, break up, patch up (*yawn*) and end up the gals still stick to their bfs… some of them can go to work every night but 打白板 few nights in a row… their morale can become so low 1 of them even commented that she 好想拿把刀捅自己 |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
It gets very dangerous when it gets to the "next level", with Chinese girls. They can do anything once they felt they've nothing to lose...
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
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Hi bro pro.d.igy,
You hv a defeatist mentality. Turn it around n hv a winner mentality. Quote:
No need to say anything. Look at her eyes, then her mouth...pull her towards u n kiss her, hehehe. Always be closing! Hi bro MillerV, Pls join my outings next month. Quote:
How hv u been? Quote:
It's good to retire from chionging n settle down. Unfortunately, I'm still looking... Quote:
I'll add my 2 cents later. Quote:
Ths for ur post. Quote:
Yes, several mummies hv intro gals to me for BY. Most mummies don't get a cut of the BY fees but a greedy LV mummy actually demanded 2-3K a month from the gals! Personally, part of the fun in BY is finding, wooing n negotiating w/ the gals, hehehe. Otherwise, where is the challenge? Quote:
Cheers! .................................................. ...................................... Good morning! BY-ing chio gals of ur type is a wonderful pastime. Part of the fun is finding n getting the gals to say yes, hehehe. In the last 2 1/2 yrs, over 60 gals in SG n PRC hv said yes to me, but I hv consummated the deed w/ less than half of them, hahaha. It's humanly impossible to BY all of them. Just recently, several gals agreed to BY but I hv not followed thru w/ our agreement...just didn't hv the time. Two of them r being BY-ed now. PRC gals r dangerous. Remember the 17 yo high school student CL I met in Beijing in May this yr? She is studying in SH n will try to graduate in 2 yrs. She wants me to keep her as er nai n she is eager to hv 2 kids w/ me!! Quote:
Ths for giving YY's HP no. SH gals r very mercenary. Despite that, I hv exchanged SMSes w/ YY from Gotham City. She wanted to know the person who gave me her HP no. I said my fren SKY, hahaha. I'm negotiating from a strong position. I'm trying to qualify her, not the other way round... I basically told her: 我朋友说你很漂亮很有气质, 他知道我眼光很高, 很少女孩子我看得上, 不过他相信我会喜欢你, 会照顾你。。。 She awaits my return to SG...hahaha. If she is drop dead gorgeous n my type, I'll BY her. If not, what hv I got to lose? Cheers! Bro WB |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
You are assuming they think rationally. I have friends who have been burnt, and I've read much in my 8 years in China. Try not to get it emotional, keep it transactional.
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Good morning!
First, I like to add my 2 cents on what attributes in a man which r most attractive to a chio gal/woman n, once they r together, what will get her addicted to him. IMHO, his masculine (character) traits r most attractive to her, well above money, status, power, looks, height, physiques, physical strength, etc. I hv alluded to theses traits many times. The underlying foundation is self confidence/emotional control/self mastery. I do not know of a modern man w/ absolute self mastery. Do you? Pls give me his name. Maybe only ancient sages had such absolute power, haha. So don't worry, as long as u hv a lot more self mastery than all ur competitors, u will get n keep ur gal. According to many gurus n in my personal experience, a man's ability to give his woman regular multiple orgasms/COS will be very addictive to her. He must, of course, keep all his masculine (character) traits. If, for any reason, he becomes insecure, needy or loses emotional control/self mastery, he will lose her (if she is a beautiful, high quality woman w/ plenty of options). Second, I like to update my training progress in BY-ing over the last 31 months. After keeping more than 2 dozen gals, most of them from 2 to 8 wks, I hv "settled down" w/ 2 long-term mistresses. One of them is my 1st BAO-ee XX or XW who was only 20 when we met in 2008. I'll give a brief acct of my saga w/ her to illustrate my learning curve. She was my 1st n initially the worst BAO-ee n now she is my best. In May of 2009, I consummated BY-ing of XW, after chasing her for 8 months. It was a failure n I hv detailed my encounter w/ her in several different threads in May n June, 2009.. Here is one: http://sammyboyforum.shop/showthread....103863&page=13 The main problem was that I was insecure, needy n desperate. I got KC-ed n she was in control of the RS. I also had little self mastery at the time n got angry easily, big mistake haha . After our 1st separation, I offered her a small fortune to BY her full time n begged her to return to me but she ignored me completely. I started this thread in June 2009 n began chasing n BY-ing many pussies of my type. My KC for her faded quickly, hehehe. I still tried to call n text her once a wk. In August, 2 months later, she suddenly replied my sms n later agreed to BY. Again, the BY-ing was short lived for various reasons. http://sammyboyforum.shop/showthread....133505&page=24. Little KC this time as I had many other chio pussies to worry abt, hehehe. In Dec 2009, XW tried to intro her childhood fren for me to BY. But her fren was not my type. I reiterated my liking for her.http://sammyboyforum.shop/showthread....133505&page=48 In Jan of 2010, while hving dinner w/ my new mistress, the 18 yo KK, XW texted me...I was too busy to BY her as I had 3 gals at the time. In early May that yr, I broke a "date" w/ her as it was late at nite. I tried to call n text her a few days later n got no reply. She also took me off her MSN list of frens. Now I know that she was being BY-ed by a wealthy man in his early 30s from mid May till Dec of 2010. In early Jan this yr XW emailed my MSN n asked if I would go to meet her in Fujian. I didn't go. She continued to make overtures to me. The table had turned, hahaha. To make a long story short, she left the young BF n became my lover/lao po shortly thereafter. The young man was too needy n possessive n later, too desperate, hahaha. We hv been together to this day. She is in PRC now n will return to SG when I'm there early next month. At this time I know that it would be very difficult for her to leave me. She is addicted to me financially, sexually n emotionally...I know for sure that I hv given her intense orgasms/COS that she has never experienced w/ another man before. Yes, I still like her pussy n her companionship, but I wish she will marry a fine young man in PRC next yr. It's good for her, hehehe. I'll just find a younger n prettier pussy. It's a win-win-win situation. Cheers! Bro WB |
Dear bro assky,
I hv kept in touch w/ YY by texting, will try to call her soon. She told me she got her business primarily from mummy A n asked whether I'm in good terms w/ her. I said yeah, but added that I had had major problems w/ one of her 小妈 in the past. I just asked her, 等我们在一起了, 你要不要上班? Of course I want her to continue working as I already hv a lao po n a mistress in SG n dun hv much time for her. The fact that she plays hard to get n won't do ST is reassuring. BTW, I ASSUME that she is drop dead gorgeous n that she is already 我的女人, hehehe. Positive assumptions r very powerful. A gal can sense it 15,000 KM away. I assume that she will quickly agree to my offer to BY her n I further assume that I shall give her intense sexual pleasure she has NEVER experienced before n that she will be addicted to me before she leaves SG in late Feb. Will return to SG soon. Cheers! Bro WB .................................................. ................................. Good evening! It's getting cold here in Gotham City! I hv mentioned the importance of masculine traits, self mastery, etc in attracting n keeping women. But if a man can't give his woman multiple orgasms/COS regularly, she will leave him IF she is very attractive n desirable. This is a certainty. A noted sex guru just sent me an email on Oral Sex Skills To Drive Her Wild. Hi Bro Warbird, Let's begin with this true story: I was meeting some friends out at a casual place for a couple of drinks... and, as it turns out, all of them happened to be female. Anyway, I arrived a couple of minutes late, and they were already in the middle of a conversation when I got there. "Girl talk." I guess because they know that I'm not a judgmental guy... or maybe because they know I wrote a few books about sex... or, heck, maybe it's because I'm so "in touch with my feminine side"... they just kept the conversation going when I got there as if I was just one of the girls. As you might have guessed based on the subject line of this newsletter, they were talking about oral sex... And you would be right. What you might not have guessed is that they were swapping stories about the WORST oral sex that they had ever received. And they were... LAUGHING HYSTERICALLY. Talk about uncomfortable. I was just sitting there, smiling and nodding while the girls were laughing their heads off talking about the guy who slobbered too much, and the guy with the "corpse tongue" (no, I did not make that up), and the guy who didn't know where anything was, and the guy who... Well, okay. You get the idea. It was kind of awkward because I felt really BAD for these guys... but I didn't want to come out and "defend" them-- At the same time, I sure didn't want to start acting like a big know-it-all and saying something like, "Well... I wrote a book on this stuff so let me tell you ladies how it gets done right..." So, basically, I just kept my mouth shut and listened. And while it was very awkward, it was also very interesting. One of the main things I learned was that there are VERY few guys who really know what they are doing when they go down on a girl. And that when a girl does meet a guy who knows exactly how to send her into orbit, it's a big deal. She's going to definitely want to keep that guy around, and she will brag to her friends about him. The other thing I learned was that a lot of women are basically clueless as to what they themselves actually like... I mean, THEY KNOW IT WHEN IT HAPPENS... but they didn't seem to really know EXACTLY why. I guess they can't really see what's going on down there-- or maybe it's just that when it's really great, they completely lose the ability to think AT ALL. Because as I was listening to them, I could hear that they would talk about the SAME things as the "worst" or "the best" depending on the guy they were with. In other words... the guy that "slobbered" too much was bad, but the guy that made it really wet down there was good... Was it all in their heads? Not exactly. The big "ah-ha" here is that when it comes to going down on a woman, WHAT you do is far less important than HOW you do it. And maybe that's why I figured the "basic" material on this subject wouldn't be that great to share with you... even if you KNOW all that basic stuff, it's still possible that a group of girls will be sitting around in a bar somewhere making fun of YOU. Ouch. I want to make sure that when you use the tips I give you in these Newsletters that you will absolutely give her the best sexual experience of her life when you try them out. I'll tell you up front that the three tips that I'm going to share are all much more about getting into her mind than her body, because seriously, for women, THAT is where it ALL happens. For men, a certain amount of what makes great sex is what goes on in our heads... I mean, being distracted and nervous can kill it... but for the most part, it's not about our mood... it's about the physical stuff: -What she looks like -what she feels like -what she smells like -what she sounds like -and what she's doing to us. That is just NOT the case for women. Yes, that stuff matters. But for women the physical things you do don't matter anywhere near as much as things like: -sexual confidence -sexual trust -the things you say to her -HOW you say them -and how you CONNECT with her. Now, if you're thinking that "connect with her" sounds kind of vague... don't worry. I'm going to tell you EXACTLY how to do that. With the following tips I'm going to tell you EXACTLY how to make her FEEL that you are connecting with her in the way that will drive her wild with lust. If everything goes really well, YOU'LL feel it too, and the experience will be incredible for both of you... |
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Kakis Invited for KTV Outings to Find " Very Attractive Gals" | warbird | Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos | 990 | 20-01-2024 11:44 AM |
At wht age r gals most sexually attractive to u? | kurupa | Polls | 24 | 18-06-2006 04:54 PM |