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Re: Beijing Recommendations
Wah.. i just came back from Beijing a few days ago. Many thanks to the bro who provided Lily's tel number. Her service #1. TAT 30 minutes can produce decent looking ladies already.
Had a girl called Ting Ting for 2 nights, nice big B cup tits, smooth skin, nice smelling hair and body, plus quite young.. accommodating to my requests as well. Damage only RMB500 + RMB50 transport. My other experiences not so good. Asked for a tall, fair, slim girl. Kenna one with tits that look like papaya.. sianzzz. Went ahead and finished the job, but wasnt very satisfied. Another was a 17 yr old. Think very green. Dun wan to give BJ. Sianz. But very good looking and body was great. Probably because young la..... |
Re: Beijing Recommendations
Re: Beijing Recommendations
Just an FYI to all bros, the GongAn just raided 4 of the well estalished KTVs yesterday i.e 天上人间,名门夜宴,花都, 凯富 and took away 557 gals for questioning. The 4 ktvs license is also stopped for 6 months. So all brothers, keep it low during these few months and watch yr back.
Re: Beijing Recommendations
Pai say hor, if my posting is misleading.
I had short time RMB500 for each session of 1.5hr. so had the same ger for 2 nights. BTW, its RMB 1k for overnight, but appears the ladies have a choice not to take up the RMB1k offer.... and maybe because i didnt complain to okt la... |
Re: Beijing Recommendations
____________________________________________ 寧教我負天下人,休教天下人負我 Ever since I reached puberty, my taste for women has not changed.. Their average age is always 20. |
Re: Beijing Recommendations
The new police chief in BJ has started actions since 11 Apr. They have raided many ktvs, massage centres, sauna, bbs, etc in Beijing. Starting tonite, all ktvs in 朝阳 and 海淀 were ordered to stop business for a week. We are going to party at 东方 tonite. Only go safe places for now.
Their next target is Internet call girls. Still finding out their action plan on this. In the meantime, take care. ----------------------------------------- 北京警方将重点打击网络招嫖 何春中 2010年05月14日09:10 来源:《中国青年报》 【字号大中小】打印留言论坛网摘手机点评纠错E-mail推荐: 本报北京5月13日电(记者何春中)149个卖淫嫖娼团伙被打掉,256家招嫖发廊被取缔,35家娱乐 服务场所被责令停业,1132名相关违法人员被抓获。在1个月的时间里,北京警方开展集中打击整治行动,目 前已取得显著效果。 下一阶段,北京警方专项行动打击的重点:一是组织、容留、介绍妇女卖淫的场所法定代表人、主要经营管理 人员和责任人员;二是组织、强迫、引诱、容留、介绍卖淫犯罪活动的组织者、协助组织者和团伙成员;三是网络 招嫖。 北京市公安局通报,北京警方从4月11日起,在全市组织开展了代号1的打击卖淫嫖娼专项行动 ,对各类卖淫嫖娼违法活动开展了全方位的打击,形成严打、严查、严管的态势。自4月11日以来,北京警方共 打掉卖淫嫖娼团伙149个,查处了存在组织容留卖淫嫖娼、淫秽表演、违法活动的旺世豪门商务会馆、中 天国际商务会馆、富金湾洗浴以及存在场所从业人员在场所内搭识客人外出从事卖淫违法行为的8号公馆 夜总会、天伦王朝商务酒店东方都会歌厅等35家娱乐服务场所。 (责任编辑:崔雷) 北京警方将重点打击网络招嫖 Last edited by Mark Lim; 14-05-2010 at 01:29 PM. |
Re: Beijing Recommendations
视频:北京警方夜查夜总会 共查获557名陪侍小姐_新闻_腾讯网 Looks like we are all going to be vegetarians in Beijing from now on. They didn't mention about cracking down gay bars....that could be an option for bros who are bi or homo ....
____________________________________________ 寧教我負天下人,休教天下人負我 Ever since I reached puberty, my taste for women has not changed.. Their average age is always 20. |
Re: Beijing Recommendations
The raid come in 3 phases - Phase 1. Entertainment centres, including ktvs, clubs. Phase 2. Massage and Sauna Centres, BBS included, Phase 3. Internet and Phone Prostitution, okts included. Phase 1 & 2 are in place now, they are moving to phase 3. Can still go to regular places, find your regular girls from ktvs or okts like lily. Just be more careful, dun take risk. Gong An is posing as customer to lure the service providers now. Cheers, Mark |
Re: Beijing Recommendations
Video of RAID in Beijing
My Mandarin is very limited and I only understand a small amount. For some places I am not 100% sure. 视频:北京警方夜查夜总会 共查获557名陪侍小姐_新闻_腾讯网 视频:北京警方严打卖淫嫖娼 查获557名小姐_新闻_腾讯网 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think this lady is taking about Passion in Beijing. 天上人间陪侍女多来自艺校 陪聊千元起价 在线观看 - 酷6视频专辑 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This video is on Regal Club in Beijing 北京天上人间等涉黄被查 抓557名小姐 在线观看 - 酷6视频专辑 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Looks like a raid in a sauna I think it's in Dongguan or Guangzhou. I'm not sure if it's in Beijing. 蹊跷!扫黄走漏风声,警方突袭扑空 在线观看 - 酷6视频专辑 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RAID in a KTV 拍客:西安突击检查夜总会,抓获“黄赌毒”百余人 在线观看 - 酷6视频专辑 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some guy talking about what's going on....I think ??? 四警察找小姐不付帐 与夜总会起冲突 在线观看 - 酷6视频专辑 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A drug raid at a KTV ? I'm a little curious what's going on in this video. 警方突袭 清查娱乐聚众场所 在线观看 - 酷6视频专辑 |
Re: tian shang ren jian
????????????????? ??_????_?????--??????--????????
link to girls and price at tian shang ren jian. it wil be good old days again in no time ![]() 十年修得同船渡。百年修得共枕眠。千年修得同性恋。万年修得性冷淡 |
Re: tian shang ren jian
Re: Beijing Recommendations
Alright, Had to use a proxy for so long on this site in beijing, but its finally available through the GFW.
Thanks to all the guys for the posts. I've been a reader, but my proxy wouldn't let me write. Just a quick FR from Lily's girls - Yang Yang Called Lily to ask for someone slim and nice, half hour later yang yang calls me on the way. Kinda dumb, can't find the place, but she's sweet when she arrives. Take a quick shower together to relax and get her chatting a little. Just try to put her at ease and relax some. Move to bed for a bit of massage and keep up the chatting. Finally she's relaxing and my boy is getting all hard. She's got great way to keep you excited with her nails across your whole body. She goes down gives a great BBBJ - Lips, tongue, up, down, taking her time and making me crazy. She's not interested in finishing quickly, take some rest to have me calm down and then go wild again sucking and teasing. Finally she climbs on top - great dirty talk, smooth transition, then puts her tightest one down on me. Long time since I had a tight one like that. Finish off after some top and behind. Damage 500 + taxi + tip. Value was great. Looks - 7/10 pretty, but definitely older than she said. quite short. BBBJ - 9.5/10, I can't think what could be better FJ - 6-10, good time, tight, but nothing blow me out of the water Attitude - 6-9, started six, was nine once warmed up. |
Re: Beijing Recommendations
One more entry, since I don't know how long GFW will ignore this site, and I definitely owe you guys.
Another of Lily's girls - Li Fan (Might be wrong - definitely Li) Call Lily and she says this girl is great, but I'm afraid I'll get a chubby girl. Sometimes my Chinese isn't so great and they give me a chubby girl. Li Fan shows up thirty minutes later, dressed like for a cocktail party, which is a little too flashy for me, but she looks ok. Darker skin, slightly heavy girl. She's familiar with the routine, not fidgety, straight to business. Asking permission for everything - a little too much so it seems like business. Take a quick shower, relax with some massage, then take a quick one to the mouth while I feel up her tits. Not too excited by her, so just finish after BBBJ. All in all, a little boring, couldn't interest me with any touching, massage, even bj was just soso. Damage 500 + taxi + tip Looks - 6/10, not bad, just not great. Chubby at the stomach but nice titis Attitude - 6/10 Nice girl, but bored with her job. BBBJ - 7/10 Needs to work on the mood, even if the technique is fine. |
Re: Beijing Recommendations
非诚勿扰:人的一生很短暂,认识你是一个错误,就让我们将错就错吧! |
Re: Beijing Recommendations
![]() I just checked with my contact in Beijing, he is still going strong cheong.. in Tianjin.. ![]()
Dont be CONFUSED, FL are for fcuking, not for relationship. If I forgot to return your points, please pm me your latest post link hor. Thanks |
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