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JB Delights - Great Action just across the Causeway [NEW] For those who don't like to do it in their own backyard but still want to be close to home.

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Old 20-08-2019, 04:10 AM
WhitePaper WhitePaper is offline
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Re: Samster Gathering JB

Originally Posted by ramadel View Post
Wise decision..... I think it is best not to cheong for the time being as I oso heard some cleanup planned. Authorities need some figures for VIP to announce during Merdeka speech. MB Johor will be speaking on topic of Visit Johor Year 2020 and upcoming plans for Johor Baru.

If really must cheong in JB....... suggest that you go patronise those low profile places in hotels. Standalone joints like Amansari, Poseidon or VIP are high risk targets.
Thanks for the heads up. Merdeka Day is 31st August right?
Will avoid going into JB during these 2 weeks and maybe go Batam now
Old 20-08-2019, 09:05 PM
chachachang4 chachachang4 is offline
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Re: Samster Gathering JB

Originally Posted by WhitePaper View Post
Thanks for the heads up. Merdeka Day is 31st August right?
Will avoid going into JB during these 2 weeks and maybe go Batam now
Hahaha.... me too.
I have started going back to GL now for my fixes whenever I get horny..... and guess wat?
I came across an ex-VIP lady now working at a GL Cat50 house..... in one of those VN houses.
Old 24-08-2019, 04:19 AM
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Re: Samster Gathering JB

An update from the Johor Police Chief at today's press conference.


JOHOR BAHRU (Bernama): The police have arrested 572 people in 417 raids for various offences during "Ops Pemutihan 2.0" in the run-up to Merdeka Day, says Johor Police Chief Datuk Mohd Khalil Kader Mohd.

He said that police seized 62kg of illicit drugs valued more than RM280,000 in raids throughout Johor from August 19 to 23.

"Among the drugs seized were heroin, syabu, cannabis, ketamine, Ecstasy and Eramin 5," he told newsmen after the Johor Police Contingent monthly gathering here on Friday (August 23).

Mohd Khalil said 'Ops Pemutihan 2.0' is to combat snatch theft and drug abuse to ensure that preparations for the festivities happen without any untoward incidents.

Another 22 persons were arrested for outstanding warrants and 57 suspected triad members were also detained.

A total of 1,047 police personnel from various police stations in Johor were involved in the operations with assistance from NCID and Immigrasen personnel.

Mohd Khalil said "Ops Pemutihan 2.0" will continue to run and may be expanded to include traffic offenders as the JPJ has requested assistance to clear the backlog of outstanding summons by foreign vehicles.

- Bernama
Old 24-08-2019, 04:41 AM
EvolveMMA EvolveMMA is offline
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Re: Samster Gathering JB

Originally Posted by ramadel View Post
An update from the Johor Police Chief at today's press conference.


JOHOR BAHRU (Bernama): The police have arrested 572 people in 417 raids for various offences during "Ops Pemutihan 2.0" in the run-up to Merdeka Day, says Johor Police Chief Datuk Mohd Khalil Kader Mohd.

He said that police seized 62kg of illicit drugs valued more than RM280,000 in raids throughout Johor from August 19 to 23.

"Among the drugs seized were heroin, syabu, cannabis, ketamine, Ecstasy and Eramin 5," he told newsmen after the Johor Police Contingent monthly gathering here on Friday (August 23).

Mohd Khalil said 'Ops Pemutihan 2.0' is to combat snatch theft and drug abuse to ensure that preparations for the festivities happen without any untoward incidents.

Another 22 persons were arrested for outstanding warrants and 57 suspected triad members were also detained.

A total of 1,047 police personnel from various police stations in Johor were involved in the operations with assistance from NCID and Immigrasen personnel.

Mohd Khalil said "Ops Pemutihan 2.0" will continue to run and may be expanded to include traffic offenders as the JPJ has requested assistance to clear the backlog of outstanding summons by foreign vehicles.

- Bernama
Thanks for the update.
Old 24-08-2019, 04:44 AM
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Re: Samster Gathering JB

Originally Posted by ramadel View Post
....... may be expanded to include traffic offenders as the JPJ has requested assistance to clear the backlog of outstanding summons by foreign vehicles.

- Bernama
Obviously referring to Singapore vehicles....... those driving into Mudland should take precautions.
Old 25-08-2019, 01:56 AM
JadeBird JadeBird is offline
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Re: Samster Gathering JB

I receive intel there is Operasi involving 11 roadblock checkpoints on outgoing routes to Tuas Checkpoint tomorrow..... dunno wat time commence but obviously targetting vehicles returning to Singapore as the location of the roadblock checkpoints are all on roads leading back towards Tuas. So if you are returning to SG make sure you have some spare cash on you just in case your vehicle have outstanding summon.

This is only relating to Gelang Patah/Tuas side ........ there may or may not be Operasi at the Bukit Chagah / Woodlands side as no intel available for there yet.
Old 26-08-2019, 01:31 AM
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Re: Samster Gathering JB

Despite my taking precautions for safe driving and obey traffic laws, I kenna summon at the Gelang Patah R&R carpark for driving without seatbelt...

I had my seatbelt on all the way from KL down and only released it when I reach the R&R and turning into the carpark as I was high tide and needed to pee. Immediately after turning inside..... I saw a row of about 20 Traffic Police bikes parked along 1 side of the carpark and Polis checkpoint nearby..... too late for me to put back my seatbelt and was waved to the side by one of the policeman. Despite explaining to him I had my seatbelt on and only released the catch while turning into the carpark..... he refused to accept my explanation. Brought me to the sidetable where the indian corporal gave me 2 choices.... a) pay the compound fine of RM$300 on the spot.... or b) follow them back to the station for documentation and then go court to explain to the magistrate if I still insist had not committed any offence.

KNN lan lan pay up the RM$300 and curse them under my breath. During all this while I had forgotten my high tide and later realised some pee had leaked out.

Should have taken the Causeway route back instead of Tuas.

The rows of Traffic Police motorbikes at the carpark...

Old 26-08-2019, 01:36 AM
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Re: Samster Gathering JB

I wonder what will happen if I had refused to pay the RM$300 ?
Can they really arrest me? What if I did not have enough money with me? Anybody has experience of going to court for similar offence?
Old 29-08-2019, 02:54 AM
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Re: Samster Gathering JB

Only 300 ringgit?
KNN few years ago I oso kenna for not wearing seatbelt..... it was 400 ringgit. We were returning back to SGP from Ipoh and had exited the highway at Tangkak to look for makan & pump petrol. Kenna stop by Polis patrol along the road..... 3 cops in a Landrover.
Old 30-08-2019, 03:23 AM
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Re: Samster Gathering JB

Originally Posted by Grounded Eagle View Post
Only 300 ringgit?
KNN few years ago I oso kenna for not wearing seatbelt..... it was 400 ringgit. We were returning back to SGP from Ipoh and had exited the highway at Tangkak to look for makan & pump petrol. Kenna stop by Polis patrol along the road..... 3 cops in a Landrover.
This one is not law enforcement..... but disguised robbery. Common practice few years back as poorly paid policemen will go round in their patrol cars to target Singapore registered vehicles and extort money from them.

Now the situation has changed. SOP now for every traffic operation is that there must have a static base / checkpoint and videocam in recording mode while the operation is running. All vehicles that are summoned must have accompanying video footage..... so if you have receive summon from them then be knowledge that your offence has probably been recorded. Not easy to makan money now.
Old 03-09-2019, 07:43 AM
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Re: Samster Gathering JB

Is big wind over? Safe to chiong? Feel like going down for a quick release today.
Old 09-09-2019, 02:27 AM
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Re: Samster Gathering JB

Last night typhoon was quite strong..... heard some joints in tebrau/pelangi area was hit. Damage sustained must have been substantial as not able to open for business today.
Old 09-09-2019, 12:18 PM
WhitePaper WhitePaper is offline
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Re: Samster Gathering JB

Originally Posted by ramadel View Post
Last night typhoon was quite strong..... heard some joints in tebrau/pelangi area was hit. Damage sustained must have been substantial as not able to open for business today.
No wonder...... I was wondering why my favourite joint along Jln Keris was closed yesterday. Usually open at 2pm but sometimes later at 5 or 6pm..... but yesterday waited until 9pm still not opened. Finally captain replied and say not opening for the day. Also no response from the girls too who would usually reply me promptly on their wechat. Hope they are alright and not gone up the lorry.
Old 09-09-2019, 09:23 PM
WaterSnake WaterSnake is offline
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Re: Samster Gathering JB

Originally Posted by ramadel View Post
Last night typhoon was quite strong..... heard some joints in tebrau/pelangi area was hit. Damage sustained must have been substantial as not able to open for business today.
I heard RnB was badly hit. My regulars there 154, 167, 118 & 100 all no reply to my calls or messages. I think they may have been detained. Any bro went there today? Can update the sitrep?
Old 09-09-2019, 10:15 PM
KatongCowboy KatongCowboy is offline
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Re: Samster Gathering JB

Originally Posted by WaterSnake View Post
I heard RnB was badly hit. My regulars there 154, 167, 118 & 100 all no reply to my calls or messages. I think they may have been detained. Any bro went there today? Can update the sitrep?
We made a wasted trip there today. Should have come into sbf earlier.... missed the news about saturday's raid.

Should have suspected something wrong when captain refuse to post today's working girls photos. When contacted..... he was unable to say who is working instead asking us to go down and see the mirror parade. Regretted making the trip there.

Mirror parade was only 3 girls ...... all cmi. None of their regular girls are available. Captain was unable to bring out more girls so we left and went to Bukit Indah instead. Did a russkie there..... a bit expensive at rm400 but worth it.
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