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Old 19-01-2013, 01:29 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Hi bro warbird and the rest of esteemed bros, hows life?
hope you guys are all happy cheonging and enjoying all the PRC pussies.

If bros want to exchange upz, please let me know. Min = +5

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Old 20-01-2013, 06:33 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by Loving_Dickhead View Post
Hi bro warbird and the rest of esteemed bros, hows life?
hope you guys are all happy cheonging and enjoying all the PRC pussies.
The same to you, happy cheonging 2013!
Old 21-01-2013, 11:54 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by AAconnection View Post
Wow! Very interesting topics. Learn many things from brother Warbird and many other brother who share. Thank you!
Hi bro AAconnection,

You're welcome.

Life is so interesting and mysterious...

Originally Posted by chenzong View Post
As as someone who has met up with the man himself, I can vouch that Bro Warbird looks 20 years younger than his true age! It is a blessing indeed to look young.
Bro chenzong, you're exaggerating quite a bit haha.

Originally Posted by ahpui99 View Post
Impressive! And his kids are 20 years old??!!??
My youngest son is older than my lao po.

Originally Posted by Loving_Dickhead View Post
Hi bro warbird and the rest of esteemed bros, hows life?
hope you guys are all happy cheonging and enjoying all the PRC pussies.
Hi Bro LDH,

Life is wonderful!

I always enjoy PGHs of my type, regardless of nationality.

Happy Cheonging!

Bro WB

.................................................. ............................

Good morning!

How much sexual confidence (SC) do u hv? Rank yourself from a scale of 0 to 100, 100 being max or absolute SC. Aim to reach 100.

I received the following e-mail on sexual confidence recently:

Bro Warbird,

Most guys lack confidence in their ability to physically turn on a woman and “rock her world” when it comes time to hit the sheets. A woman knows right away if she’s dealing with one of these “boy-men” and runs for the hills as soon as she realizes it. If you want to make sure she sees you as a Sexually Confident kind of guy -- the kind of guy who can ignite throbbing sexual passions deep inside her -- you need to become a master at giving women an incredible sexual experience. Here are 10 powerful tips to get you started.

Number 10

Uncover the source of Sexual Confidence

Sexual Confidence comes as a result of knowing how to give a woman mind-blowing pleasure. It’s the confidence that the woman you’re with will have a once-in-a-lifetime experience with you. It’s knowing all the steps -- from the first eye contact all the way to the “end game” -- and knowing how to build ANTICIPATION at every step along the way. Start by practicing my “two steps forward, one step back” technique by escalating things, then backing off, then escalating further, then backing off again. The anticipation and arousal this creates will drive her INSANE. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Number 9

Get out of the manipulation mindset

Guys are always curious about how to “trick” a girl into bed -- what the magic words are, etc.. I personally know a few guys who do this… and I can tell you it does NOT lead to fulfillment. Avoid this whole “manipulation mindset,” and stop trying to figure out what the magic bullets are to get a woman to do what you want in a dishonest way. It’s much better to work on becoming an interesting guy who knows what to do to build attraction in a natural, non-manipulative way. If what you’re doing feels wrong or unethical, stop it. There are better ways to get what you want.

Number 8

Stop idealizing beautiful women

Most guys get fooled into believing that just because a woman is unusually attractive, she’s also usually honest and would never consider taking from you, cheating on you or lying to you. The reality is that people are never 100% “good” or 100% “bad.” There are situations where ANY person would lie, cheat, steal, or be disloyal. When you accept the reality that people are people, a beautiful woman is still human, and that the woman you feel strongly for is just as likely to be dishonest or disloyal as any other, you’ll take her off that pedestal you put her on. And that’s an important step toward achieving Sexual Confidence.

How important are looks when it comes to being confident in bed?

Page 2: Become more confident

Number 7

Looks don’t matter when it comes to Sexual Confidence

Nothing about how you look, how old you are, how tall you are, how much you weigh, how much money you make, or whether or not you’re her type has ANYTHING to do with how you can make a woman feel once you’re in bed with her. A key to remember is that AFTER a woman has experienced a mind-blowing intimate experience with you, that experience alone will render all of that other stuff irrelevant. It just won’t matter. Picture yourself in this future ahead of time and it’ll help make it a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Number 6

Delay your gratification

Delaying gratification becomes more profound the more you think about it -- and when it comes to sex, it’s absolutely critical. It not only allows you to build the sexual tension and make her want you more and more, but the teasing and anticipation act as amplifiers to HER arousal. Bottom line: You are more likely to turn her on -- and more likely to take things to a physical level -- if you’re cool and calm. Lose your need for instant results, and you’ll drive her CRAZY.

Number 5

Act like sex is normal

A lot of guys get nervous when it comes time to have sex; they think they need to start acting differently when it’s time to “do the deed.” But sex is normal, so keep acting normal as things heat up. Don’t make a big deal out of it; keep having fun; keep teasing; keep acting light. Smoothly, confidently, comfortably progress from one step to the next, all the while enjoying yourself and acting like all is normal -- because it is.

Number 4

Put sex into perspective

Instead of positioning sex as the ultimate goal and the center of your purpose, move it so it’s simply one of your many goals. Make it a natural outcome if you like a woman and if you choose to spend the time and effort to get to that point. Take the “pinnacle value” out of sex, put it in perspective, and your relaxed attitude will make you much more likely to get it.

The No. 1 way to boost your confidence in bed…

Page 3: Be confident

Number 3

Tame the fear of rejection

As you progress from one step to the next with a woman -- from a casual date to touching, kissing and beyond -- the stakes get bigger and bigger. Men typically feel more apprehensive as they progress from one step to the next, and feel less confident moving to the next step as things get more intense. The fear is not of being rejected or stopped, but of losing all the ground that has been gained, and going back to ZERO. Fortunately, the more involved you get, the more likely it is you’ll succeed. The next step involves less risk, and it makes the sexual act more likely. Remember this.

Number 2

Interpret her actions

If she stops you, it usually doesn’t mean that she wants you to stop FOREVER; it means that you didn’t get her turned on enough. Interpret it as “I’m not ready yet,” rather than “Go away, I don’t like you anymore.” Stop, lean back, talk casually for a while and just relax. Then get her even MORE turned on than before. Feel free to make her ASK you for sex… or even beg. “Please” is a great word -- teach her to use it, and she’ll LOVE you for it.

Number 1

Get in touch with the animal inside

A woman wants a man who’s in touch with his inner ANIMAL. If he’s overly logical, overly analytical, overly controlled, overly educated, it shows a woman that he cannot let the animal out. At an instinctive level, a woman knows that this means she won’t be able to FEEL anything strong toward him, and she knows he won’t be able to arouse any sexual feelings inside of her. Study, get to know, make friends with, and DEVELOP the animal inside you. Educating yourself in this area is one of the most important things you can do to take your Sexual Confidence to the next level.


Your Guru

Old 21-01-2013, 06:42 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

great post WB! Bump!
Old 23-01-2013, 09:50 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Why don't we talk more about the skills to be used to pick up KTV girls instead of boasting about your personal exploits?
Old 25-01-2013, 11:15 AM
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Golden Million KTV

Find one night I must try Golden Million KTV in Havelock Road.
Old 25-01-2013, 11:59 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by MillerV View Post
great post WB! Bump!
Hi Bro MV,

Ths for ur support n encouragement. I'm always reading, learning, researching and practicing...

I'll remain a diligent student of human sexology and man-woman RS for the rest of my life.


Originally Posted by erkianpeng View Post
Why don't we talk more about the skills to be used to pick up KTV girls instead of boasting about your personal exploits?
Hi Bro EKP,

Many esteemed bros n I hv extensively discussed HOW n WHERE to pick up KTV gals in SG in our earlier posts.

.................................................. .....................

Good morning!

Since I started this thread in June of 2009, I hv long realized that picking up KTV gals outside KTVs in SG is not much of a challenge.

I now don't 'pick up' any gals, instead I just want to connect with n MERGE INTO them hahaha. I hv since expanded to other related areas including connecting w/ n merging into any gals anywhere in the world, including non-WLs...n what to do after getting their ctc numbers, etc. There r only two types of women I shun, regardless of how beautiful: 1) Married women n 2) relatives.

My current research focus is on the seldom discussed subject of sexual addiction. No, not yours, but hers. No, not her generic sexual addiction to many different men, but her specific sexual addiction to you and ONLY you. More importantly, not only her sexual addiction, but also her emotional addiction to you, which is THE most powerful. I hv case studies to support my conclusion. And then there is financial addiction which is really quite tenuous n the weakest. What if a richer man comes along?

BTW, attraction precedes addiction.

Hope + Uncertainty = Attraction (Passion)

It behooves a man to remember the above equation, whether he has just met the woman 20 secs ago or he has spent 20 yrs w/ her.

In the past, I had concentrated my efforts on theories, strategies, methods n techniques, but I had very limited field actions when I started this fact, some esteemed bros had criticized me, appropriately n rightfully, for being "an armchair general" w/ no actual combat experiences. I was like a infant, according to one very esteemed bro.

As with any skill the only way to improve is to practice and practice and practice...I hv done just that hahaha.

In the last several yrs, I hv proposed BY to AVERY gal of my preferred type I hv met n who don't do ST. For gals in SG, about 90% hv accepted my offer, but I hv consummated the deal w/ less than half of them. I just don't hv the time. BTW, if I only BY gals of my type who r uni students/graduates, I'll find close to zero here in SG.

Fortunately, there r many, many uni students/graduates of my type in China. And almost 100% of them hv accepted my offer. But the catch is that I hv to BY them in China. So far only abt 5% hv agreed to come to SG.

The best so far is 23 yo NL, a graduate of a major uni, who is very pretty, 171 w/ B/C boobs n proportionate figure. She is a non-WL who is gainfully employed.

When NL knew that I lived in SG, she wanted to hv nothing to do w/ me. I kept in touch by sending one msg a month. I told her to get a passport, but she ignored me. Later she tried to 'borrow' a little money from me n I flatly rejected her. End of story? Just the opposite. My value shot up n she became more interested...a few wks later, I 'commanded' her to come to SG n she agreed haha.

I always give detailed FRs here, not to be boastful or pat myself on the back, but to illustrate the validity n practicality of my various hypotheses n techniques, which I have gleaned from multiple sources, including scientific papers in peer review journals n writings of many well known gurus. I hv also reported my many failures n egregious mistakes.

I believe that extensive theoretical knowledge n vast hands-on experience (with as many partners as possible) r equally important in connecting w/ n merging into women of your preferred type n making them addicted to u, emotionally n sexually.

But there r prerequisites. Your mindset n self confidence n self mastery, at the subconscious level, will be the most powerful determinants of ur degree of success. Actually, the same principles apply to every field of human endeavor. If for whatever reason you think you're 'not good enough' for any task or any pursue, you hv lost...


Bro WB
Old 26-01-2013, 01:13 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Thanks for sharing.
Old 26-01-2013, 06:09 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Thanks for the advice again WB!
Gotta practice, practice and practice!
Old 28-01-2013, 05:12 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

WB bro i totally agree about not giving this girls money. The more you reject them the more they will fall for you. cause we just don't harshly do what they want. Just today i went to ktv i say my friend is playing game with me then i ask her to block to wine for me she disagree then later i say "no you must drink some" then not long after she drunk. We dance then for some reason whenever i dance they say "you are a good guy...." i was like wtf. again then for tonight she didn't ask me for tip.... i guess like you say if you are a guy who know what you really want they will fall for you??? not sure if is true?? sorry i might not be writing properly as i just got back from a drinking session.....
Girl and Booze for life and stay happy life is too short to get too worked up.............
Old 29-01-2013, 02:37 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by NotMyRealName View Post
Thanks for sharing.
You're welcome.

Originally Posted by MillerV View Post
Thanks for the advice again WB!
Gotta practice, practice and practice!
Bro MV, practice makes perfect.

Originally Posted by deathnitez View Post
WB bro i totally agree about not giving this girls money. The more you reject them the more they will fall for you.............................. i guess like you say if you are a guy who know what you really want they will fall for you??? not sure if is true?? sorry i might not be writing properly as i just got back from a drinking session.....
Hi bro deathnitz,

Thks for sharing.

.................................................. ..................

Good afternoon!

Bro MV wants to practice n practice (practise)...good for him!

Could a man become a world class neurosurgeon w/o hands on clinical practice? Do u think he could suddenly become a master who could give women extended massive orgasms (EMO) w/o any practice?

BTW, it's absolutely essential to give women regular PVO. In addition to pre-penetration orgasms to 'prime the pump,' correct sexual positions, penetration angles n movements, a man's ablity to last at least 10-15 min is the key to giving her PVO.

Is regular PVO enough to get her sexually addicted to u and only u? No, by itself it's not enough. You must anchor her intense pleasure during PVO specifically to you and only u hahaha. Hint: Start by giving her a nick that no one else knows, not even her mom haha.

A word of warning. If u are successfully in getting ur type of girls emotionally n sexually addicted to u and u don't hv any KC for them, very soon u will be bored w/ them. They will become clingy n desperate n it could be very difficult to get rid of them. That is when ur nightmare begins. Some of them might become homicidal and/or suicidal...don't do it on the wrong girls! Try to make it a win-win situation.

Bro deathnitez brought up the subject of not giving any money to women. It should work well for for non-WLs. But you usually must spend some money to get WLs in bed, at least initially.

IMHO, a man should not give any extra money or buy gifts for their women unless they hv earned it. Say no to them whenever it's appropriate to do so. Do not care abt what they think or how they will react. They can take it or leave it. Actually saying no and ignoring them increase their attraction for him.

BTW, NL is trying to KC me. She has given me the best compliment I hv ever received. Knowing that I was BY-ing two other girls, she asked me 3 days ago if I was well to do. I replied: 什么算富有呢,she said: 我感觉你素质很高,不像国内的有钱人. To get the ball rolling, I hv just given her a western name haha.


Bro WB
Old 01-02-2013, 12:02 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Good afternoon!

If you're thinking of a long-term legally committed RS (aka marriage) w/ ur dream gal, you must proceed w/ extreme caution. Don't base ur decisions on emotions. You must think it through n analyze the future RS logically.

IMHO, you should read the e-book "How To Be The Jerk Women Love" before going to'll be a win-win situation for both of u.

I just received a msg from another guru:

The Truth About Women Beauty - Why you hold the cards‏

Hey Bro warbird,

A woman peaks is in her early twenties. (He is referring to her good looks and physical attractiveness.)

I want you to always keep that in mind.

A woman PEAKS is in her early twenties.

No matter how hot or cute you think she is right now, her beauty
and attractiveness will always go down after that...................................

A lot of women are delusional about the fact that a man should love
them for what's inside.


Not understanding that, for a man, visual is very
important--regardless of how much he loves his partner.

A lot will hide behind the fact that they had kids.

Or that it's just natural to be less attractive as you grow older.


Have an great day!

Mr Guru

I also came across this msg on a guy's blog from Gotham (I hv taken the liberty of doing some editing for obvious typos):

As I have said, most males are attracted to 13-28 year old women, so some men will prefer 14-15 year olds while others covet late twenty women. But men's sexual preference is probably shaved like a standard Gauss Bell, being the median at around 20 and the main preference at around 17-24. Sexual preference for prepubescent girls under 12/13 is definitively deviant, but so is probably also strong sexual attraction towards women over 35. Women over 35 can probably give men satisfaction by being an analogous substitute, by being pretty similar to the real thing. Women in the 35-45 age bracket can also be attractive if their appear younger and still fertile.

Also, most historic records clearly show that girls have always started menstruating at around 11-12. In Roman times, women married at the ages of 13-15 and gave perfectly healthy babies. Its true that during famines and severe malnutrition girls can retard their menarche until the age of 14-15, but that is the exception, not the rule. During medieval times the roman catholic church set a minimum age of 12 for consummation of marriage, because women were ready back then too. That girls used to menstruate at 16 or 17 is a feminist lie. It is also a feminist lie that pregnancies for women in their midteens are risky. Teen pregnancies are only risky if the mother is under 14 or severely underdeveloped for her age. Argentine girls btw look younger than their US counterparts, because they are smaller and skinnier.

There is an obvious reason why most men would prefer a 16 year old over an 28 year old if they were free of their cultural and legal bounds by the way, because of the fecundity POTENTIAL.

A 28 year old wife will pop out at most probably 2-3 kids, having her most fertile years behind her, whereas a 16 year old bride will easily pop out 7-8 children and have her best years before her.

I guess I'm a very average (or should I say median) male for preferring gals aged 18 to 24 hahaha.

I hv more FRs on my recent personal connection w/ gals of my type which I'll post here when I hv the time.

Happy and Prosperous Lunar New Year to all!

Bro WB
Old 01-02-2013, 12:17 PM
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Smile Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Correction: If u are successful (NOT successfully) in getting ur type of girls emotionally n sexually addicted to u...

Old 01-02-2013, 06:51 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Hi Warbird,
Interesting posts by you. I theorize, hypothesize and put them into test in my free time too
Old 02-02-2013, 11:59 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
A word of warning. If u are successfully in getting ur type of girls emotionally n sexually addicted to u and u don't hv any KC for them, very soon u will be bored w/ them. They will become clingy n desperate n it could be very difficult to get rid of them. That is when ur nightmare begins. Some of them might become homicidal and/or suicidal...don't do it on the wrong girls! Try to make it a win-win situation.
Bro WB, this warning cannot be emphasised and repeated enough. The nightmare is not very fun to go through, and Chinese women are really into these drama.
A Singaporean in China
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