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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Dun need to know how to speak tieng viet la...she can speak quite good english liao...now still taking course at British Council...
![]() But you are willing to give up your cheonging with KT gang for her meh ![]() ![]()
Info threads are for field reports...if you want to chat post in tcss thread Please do not post when you PM somebody Please Do Not reply long post, always edit... may zap and remove post |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
so I am a good guy now ![]() |
![]() Quote:
(** ok..ok..teh/kopi without fresh milk.. ![]() |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Info threads are for field reports...if you want to chat post in tcss thread Please do not post when you PM somebody Please Do Not reply long post, always edit... may zap and remove post |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
![]() khach san = hotel lam tinh = make love mot dem = 1 night bao nhieu tien = how much? ![]() ![]()
Latest Translation updates: https://sbf.net.nz/showpost.php?p=60...postcount=7985 2014 - 27yo and above Min 10 points to exchange |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
港报: 中越网民因旧海战视频对骂
===================================== (联合早报网讯)香港《南华早报》网站报导:鉴于互联网可让人们瞥见一直以来并未引人关注的历史,它或许还 可以为可能更加凶险的未来打开一扇窗子。举例来说,几个月前, YouTube网站上出现了一些据称是中国和越南1988年在南中国海有争议的斯普拉特利群岛(南沙群岛) 进行海战的视频画面。 经过短暂战斗,中国控制了6个岛屿,战斗还导致70多名越南海军人员死亡或失踪。那场战斗虽已基本被人 遗忘,但它仍是在东亚地区发生的与当前相隔时间最短的一次大规模海战。 就有关视频画面而言,最突出的并非海战本身,而是那场海战在网上引发的仇恨情绪。 中越两国民族主义者对海战的评论是你能在互联网上找到的最刻薄的言论了。评论中夹杂着恶毒的种族主义叫 嚣和粗俗的性讽刺。人们由此完全可以想见,随着南中国海紧张局势再次升温,中越两国政府将置身于何种危险境 地。 两国都在竭力主张对南中国海拥有主权,但也都会时不时表示,完全有能力掌控本国的民族主义情绪。而两国 也都清楚,民族主义情绪很难驾驭,并可使自身的处境岌岌可危。 目前没有迹象表明,中越两国政府是网上公佈海战视频画面的幕后操纵者。而显示这两个前盟国在1979年 进行边界战争的视频画面如今也在网上十分行。那些画面虽然简短但极为血腥,而附在后面的评论也 十分恶毒。 世界此后发生了很大变化。中越两国在1991年实现了关係正常化。虽然双方之间的猜疑和不信任感一直挥 之不去,但两国已在许多领域取得了进展。两国间贸易、投资和旅游业不断扩大,官方接触也在不断升级。两国已 通过谈判解决了全部陆地边界纠纷和有关北部湾的纠纷。目前两国仅在帕拉塞尔群岛(西沙群岛)和斯普拉特利群 岛—具有极高的战略价值且蕴藏有丰富资源—还存在争端。 中越两国社会都曾十分封闭,且受到严密掌控。而今网上出现的此类极具挑衅性的画面大都尘封在国有媒体宣 传机构的档案里,只是在关係紧张时才偶尔被重新派上用场。 而今,人们可以在互联网上自由发表言论。为应对这种开放的局面,中越两国政府须在该地区展示真正的领导 风范和成熟心态。 河内在上周举办了首次南中国海问题国际学术研讨会。虽然学者观点针锋相对,但他们一致认为,中越两国政 府需给该问题降温。学者强调,两国政府都未能控制好本国的民族主义情绪。 互联网如今已成为一种现实。然而,就北京和河内这样的政府能否展示出提升两国关係所需的开放度和灵活性 而言,目前还远不能确定。 新华网
Latest Translation updates: https://sbf.net.nz/showpost.php?p=60...postcount=7985 2014 - 27yo and above Min 10 points to exchange |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
BIZ : The Vietnamese cosmetics industry needs a makeover
================================================== ======= VietNamNet Bridge - Cosmetics made locally are unable to compete with products made cheaply by Vietnam’s near neighbors never mind more exclusive western brands. According to Nguyen Thi Kim Thoa, chairwoman of the HCM City Cosmetics Association, 90 percent of cosmetics products on the domestic market are imports. Domestically made products can’t even compete on sale price, since Chinese and Thai made products are cheaper still. Phan Thi Viet Thu from the HCM City Customer Protection Association also says Vietnam’s cosmetics cannot compete in the high grade market segment which is dominated by imports from Japan, Europe and the US. Most of domestic producers focus on competing on the popular lower end of the market. However, the problem remains that production costs of domestic products are nearly the same as that of big brand names. Besides, as Vietnamese enterprises do not have budgets for big advertising campaigns, they still cannot target more affluent customers. With 20 year of experience in trading cosmetics at Pham Van Hai Market, Luu Thi Lien Huong said domestic products are not chosen by customers because producers do not pay attention to the packaging and do not make sufficient investment in assisting retailers. Huong also said counterfeit goods are killing domestic products. Counterfeit products can appear on the market very quickly, especially skin and shower cream. In the first 10 months of 2009, the HCM City Market Control Sub-agency discovered 91 cases of violating laws in producing and trading cosmetics. A lot of counterfeit goods have been discovered entering the country from China and Thailand. According to the HCM City Cosmetics Association, the quality of made in Vietnam cosmetics is in no way inferior to imports. Saigon Cosmetics products, Da Lan toothpaste and Thorakao skin cream, for example, have been exported to the Middle East, Japan, the US, China and Cambodia. Therefore, experts believe that the key to helping domestic producers to compete with imports is to settle problems in the distribution and improve marketing skills. VietNamNet/SGTT
Latest Translation updates: https://sbf.net.nz/showpost.php?p=60...postcount=7985 2014 - 27yo and above Min 10 points to exchange |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Voters upset by city leaders’ ‘broken promises’ ================================================== ====== VietNamNet Bridge – In HCM City, people are tired of repeating their petitions about pollution, traffic jams and floods at meetings of the local People’s Council because, reports VietNamNet, the local authorities fail to keep their promises to deal with these issues. In Hanoi, voters are upset about clogged streets. Traffic jam in HCM City. At the 16th meeting of the HCM City Peoples’ Council (legislature) in July, residents presented many petitions. They addressed issues of transportation, architectural planning, land and environment, flood protection and compensation for expropriated land and site clearance. Petitions that were accepted by the Council were forwarded to the City’s executive arm, the People’s Committee, for action. Before the 17th meeting, which opens on December 8, a report by the People’s Committee said that related departments “have exerted efforts to solve petitions and sent reports to the People’s Council to answer the people.” Lots of people say that’s not true, according to VietNamNet. Nothing is solved Referring to a voters’ petition that the City control and supervise the implementation of water drainage projects on roads to prevent traffic jams and ensure the good appearance of streets, the HCM City authorities’ report said “the city is focusing on implementing many key infrastructure projects, including water drainage projects funded by ODA capital. These projects have to be carried out at the pace committed with the donors. Contractors have been asked to work three shifts per day to speed up the construction.” There’s no detail on how the Department of Transportation implemented the city’s instruction. HCM City residents still see many barricaded roads that are empty of workers. Thus, the city’s request to contractors is not obeyed and the people’s petition is not answered at all. Similarly, people are upset by the authorities’ answer to a question from Tan Phu District voters as to why the City doesn’t allow advertising on buses to reduce the burden on the city’s budget. The report said: “The People’s Committee has allowed advertising inside buses on a trial basis. More time is needed to research the question of whether to permit advertising on the outside of buses, to avoid visual pollution and negative impacts on traffic safety. Many buses are old and they will be replaced by new buses. The People’s Committee has assigned the Department of Transportation to continue researching and report to have specific guidance”. This ‘issue’ is a hardy perennial. Advertising on buses was proposed by the Department of Transportation itself several years ago. Specialized ministries and agencies have confirmed that advertisement on buses is legal and that it is up to HCM City to manage this matter. The People’s Committee refers to “solutions” to local people’s petitions in its report, says VietNamNet, but nothing is solved. In Hanoi, congested streets focus complaints In a second story, VietNamNet reports that Hanoi citizens, downtowners and suburbanites alike, are intent on raising their concern about clogged and torn-up streets when that city’s Council convenes on December 8 for a four day session. Petitions are piled high, says the online newspaper, about the sorry state of streets such as Au Co, Lang and La Thanh, the Post Office-Cau Am intersection in Ha Dong, and many more tie ups in high-construction districts like Tu Liem, Gia Lam and Tuong Tin. Slow compensation for expropriated land is another hot issue. Action is needed, not explanation In the eyes of the people, when leaders fail to solve problems thoroughly, they don’t fulfill their responsibility, asserts VietNamNet. A member of the City People’s Council, Nguyen Dang Nghia, said that at the 17th meeting of the People’s Council, he will ask officials to provide specific solutions for the people’s petitions, not just explanations. Deputy Nghia’s opinion is perhaps just what the city’s people want; they have tired of repeating their petitions about pollution, traffic jams, flood, etc. from meetings to meeting but seeing no concrete result. VietNamNet judges that the local authorities’ “failure to keep promises” has eroded the people’s trust in them, and urges the members of the People’s Council to flex their muscles. The Council members “are the ones who can put pressure on the authorities and supervise their work. . . . This role and power must be exercised routinely, not just at Council meetings,” the online paper says.
Latest Translation updates: https://sbf.net.nz/showpost.php?p=60...postcount=7985 2014 - 27yo and above Min 10 points to exchange |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
BIZ : Sold as Vietnamese but really made in China
================================================== == VietNamNet Bridge – Jams and dried fruit sourced from China are being sold as Vietnamese products in order to scam customers. Small merchants at Ben Thanh Market in HCM City have been found to be lying about the origins of products because prices for local goods are always double tjat of products made in China. Dried fruits sourced from China, for example, sell at 50,000 dong per kilo, while made-in-Vietnam products cost customers 120,000-130,000 dong per kilo. Tuoi Tre reporters purchased dried fruits described as being made in Da Lat. Included inside was a small label showing an address. However, when they followed this up they found it to be a supplier who distributes made-in-China products. This HQ was just 50 square meters large, and there was no suggestion of any production happening there. Under cover Tuoi tre reporters were told they just needed to make a call to place an order. Believing the reporters were retailers, they were persuaded to buy products in large quantity for retailing. “My prices are low, just 40,000-50,000 dong per kilo. And you can re-sell at 100,000 dong per kilo, and make a good profit,” reporters were told. The lady who met them also said retailers just needed to put the small label with address of producer into the boxes of products to persuade customers that the products were made in Vietnam. Duong Cong Khanh, senior official from the HCM City Market Control Sub-department, said this is fraudulent behavior. He stressed products could only be labeled ‘made in Vietnam’ if that was genuinely the case. Meanwhile, imports from China must be labeled as such and have a sub-label in Vietnamese. Khanh said his agency has been making inspection tours to retail kiosks and has discovered many cases where sellers have changed the names of products to swindle customers. VietNamNet/TT
Latest Translation updates: https://sbf.net.nz/showpost.php?p=60...postcount=7985 2014 - 27yo and above Min 10 points to exchange |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
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天上印这五个字,那都不是事,天塌下来当被盖, 简单就是幸福 .. ![]() |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Latest Translation updates: https://sbf.net.nz/showpost.php?p=60...postcount=7985 2014 - 27yo and above Min 10 points to exchange |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
you use Tel to chat online? so high tech
I use computer to chat online i use tel for voice call ![]() |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Do u know something call Broad Band On Mobile?
![]() ![]()
Latest Translation updates: https://sbf.net.nz/showpost.php?p=60...postcount=7985 2014 - 27yo and above Min 10 points to exchange |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
no..no... hurricane will not approve...pick the good ones eg. "thich", "vui lam", "nya"...
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Sorry to interrupt...
"thich" and "vui lam" I know, what is "nya"?? I only can find nha (which is "house").
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