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Old 11-02-2003, 09:45 AM
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HC at Shanghai

Hi Bro SGPShanghai69,

Finally, able to hear from you! Welcome back!
I shall be in Shanghai every month and my coming trip will be from early March.
Hope we can get in touch and exchange info on the scene. Not only on the cheong-scene but other helpful local info too. Hope we can do better than the Singapore Club there!
See you!
Old 11-02-2003, 04:25 PM
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Re: Re: newbie - Shanghai to Hangzhou

Originally posted by SGPshanghai69
Hey bro piggy9,
a warm welcome to u!
The trip u mentioned from Shanghai to Hangzhou wil cost u a mere RMB50 Yuan 1-way. Accomodation is relatively cheaper than Shanghai....average a 4-star hotel wil cost u a night at RMB 350 approx or more.

For further info u required, u can always post your questions at the Thread 'Hangzhou Recommendations' which is just next to this thread here at the International Field Reports Section.....or PM our 'Chief Ambassador of Hangzhou', Bro Shagman69 as he's the local 'snake-head' in Hangzhou......

Have fun cheonging in both Shanghai & Hangzhou
Now I am being "demoted" to "Snake Head"
Well, anyway, we welcome all bros who wishes to cheong with us. Freeloaders not included.
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Old 13-02-2003, 07:28 AM
kawatetsu kawatetsu is offline
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kawatetsu deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy
Want to share my recent experience at Bourbon St. Heng Shan Lu. Went alone, and got approached by a tall gal less than 5 mins. She asked to sit, and figured why not? Anyway, she politely explained that I have to pay RMB280 for her to accompany me, plus a drink (RMB80?) and she agreed to stay with me all night, and even offered to bring me to Park 97 for afterhours drink.
Since its not a lot of money, and being lazy to "shop around" I agreed, and she was very affectionate, like GFE.

But knowing SHA gers, it takes some tackling. We went to Guan Di together, thinking that I will get more action there rather than her work place, Bourbon St. However, once we got there, she met up with some of her friends, and that's when I know, the game is up. Tried to get her to come back to my hotel, but she kept saying too early, do it tomorrow, blah, blah, blah. End up, we went for supper w/ her friends, and spent RMB500! Order everything on menu like its free. felt so "sui yu"

Anyway, the next night she called me up and asked me to go to Bourbon St again. This time, I asked her to come to my hotel room to chat instead. She agreed after some hassling on phone, and finally after 1 hours of chit chat, got her into bed. This is best way to tackle.

Cost - gave her only US$100
BTW, she's a uni student, and worked weekends only as "hostess"

Old 13-02-2003, 08:21 AM
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Originally posted by kawatetsu
Want to share my recent experience at Bourbon St. Heng Shan Lu. Went alone, and got approached by a tall gal less than 5 mins. She asked to sit, and figured why not? Anyway, she politely explained that I have to pay RMB280 for her to accompany me, plus a drink (RMB80?) and she agreed to stay with me all night, and even offered to bring me to Park 97 for afterhours drink.
Since its not a lot of money, and being lazy to "shop around" I agreed, and she was very affectionate, like GFE.

But knowing SHA gers, it takes some tackling. We went to Guan Di together, thinking that I will get more action there rather than her work place, Bourbon St. However, once we got there, she met up with some of her friends, and that's when I know, the game is up. Tried to get her to come back to my hotel, but she kept saying too early, do it tomorrow, blah, blah, blah. End up, we went for supper w/ her friends, and spent RMB500! Order everything on menu like its free. felt so "sui yu"

Anyway, the next night she called me up and asked me to go to Bourbon St again. This time, I asked her to come to my hotel room to chat instead. She agreed after some hassling on phone, and finally after 1 hours of chit chat, got her into bed. This is best way to tackle.

Cost - gave her only US$100
BTW, she's a uni student, and worked weekends only as "hostess"

About the same price as getting one from the KTV if you add up the cost excluding the supper of course.
Next time, try the KTVs first. The Uni and weekend stuffs are the usual punch line. She will tell that to anyone.
Damn! I'm Dumb.
Old 14-02-2003, 05:09 PM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Got Conned....all newbie bros exercise cautions!

Originally posted by shagman69
About the same price as getting one from the KTV if you add up the cost excluding the supper of course.
Next time, try the KTVs first. The Uni and weekend stuffs are the usual punch line. She will tell that to anyone.
Couldn't agree more with u bro shagman69 on this matter on our bro there got conned!
In Shanghai no doubt a metroplitan city yet it is still lurking with dangers for the unbewared ones.......
All newbie bros, kindly exercise cautions.....
Do feel free to PM any 1 of us for prior info before entering Shanghai and we will try our best to cater whatever info to assist any newbie bros here so as to not to be guarantee but will do our best!
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 15-02-2003, 07:02 AM
kawatetsu kawatetsu is offline
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kawatetsu deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy
Thanks for advice bros. Just hope other samster read and learn.
SHA gers are really tricky foxes.

I must be pretty dumb, as I have been conned:handphone,clothes shopping, expensive meals,taxi fares.

Old 15-02-2003, 02:27 PM
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Just life!

Originally posted by kawatetsu
Thanks for advice bros. Just hope other samster read and learn.
SHA gers are really tricky foxes.

I must be pretty dumb, as I have been conned:handphone,clothes shopping, expensive meals,taxi fares.

Well, its life. Just pay your share of school fees and you will become wiser.
Check in with us before your next trip bro. We will try our best to help you.
Bro SGPShanghai69 will take care of you in SHA while I can see to it that you stay out of trouble in HGH.
Damn! I'm Dumb.
Old 15-02-2003, 02:30 PM
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Hi Bros,

Do u know the condo in Hengda Mansion along ChanShou Road ??
Becoz' I'll be staying there. How's the rental like there per month ?


Last edited by solid; 15-02-2003 at 02:34 PM.
Old 24-02-2003, 03:06 PM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: Just life!

Originally posted by shagman69
Well, its life. Just pay your share of school fees and you will become wiser.
Check in with us before your next trip bro. We will try our best to help you.
Bro SGPShanghai69 will take care of you in SHA while I can see to it that you stay out of trouble in HGH.
(500th Posting)
Couldn't agree more with u bro!
Over here in Shanghai is the 'fittest' survive! the local gals here or even the locals Shanghainese dun deserve that every bit of respect nor consideration so be it even to the gals here!
Why? Simply they r the one that made us treat them this inital stage here I learned my lessons too....

Treat them with TLC (tender,loving,care) as how we treat our gals or wife back home, they think that they are bloody queen....demanding this & that from u, domineering over u!
But when u treat them like they r nothing but just another gal on the street, nothing special...they really want u! See? This is Shanghai gals attitute man.....dun deserve special treatment lah bro! They wil find very intriguing that hwy all other men treat them like gold but u on the other hand treat her like me, it works! And best of it all, u wil always be the 1 that wil be calling the shots from then on...rather than being 'lead by the nose' as alot of locals men here r being treated by their wife or gals.....

Pm us should u need any further info or assistances the next time round bro...cheers
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 24-02-2003, 05:18 PM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Originally posted by gl355
yes,u must know how to survive in sh.

by going to the ktv and throw money to get bonks,trust me,YOU DIE FASTER...hehe..

i say many times,that sg ppl r not match compare those ppl from japan,taiwan,arabs...etc when go to ktv to look for gal to get bonks!

i personally had encounter it before with other national in a ktv.
if i will to ask for a discount,they will ask u to fly kite as u couldnt afford to come and spent or bonks.

sh gal r like a cunning fox...they know how to hunt u and get u hunted! rather we hunt them....hehe
i should say most of them r not a local native but from some city nearby.
you can easily pay 1000yuan to fuck a gal (aka street or butterfly gal)

the best way to bonk is to log into sina or sohu and starts chatting ,just like sg irc....
u will get quality and better gals....somemore FOC!

plus point :
if u put up a nice hotel like 5 stars,they thinks u r rich!
dress nice
nice behavior
act like first time in sh or known little chinese.
brings them back to hotel to try our coffee....hehe

will be in sh next week...
had about 6 gal to bonk...

well good lucks....
Well said indeed on that bro gl355!
Totally agreed with u on that that by throwing $$$ wil only get one into more shit & dieeeee....faster rather than getting 'laid' instead!

Dear all exercise more cautions...
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
Living life simple is a true blessing
Old 24-02-2003, 06:03 PM
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Originally posted by gl355
yes,u must know how to survive in sh.

by going to the ktv and throw money to get bonks,trust me,YOU DIE FASTER...hehe..

i say many times,that sg ppl r not match compare those ppl from japan,taiwan,arabs...etc when go to ktv to look for gal to get bonks!

i personally had encounter it before with other national in a ktv.
if i will to ask for a discount,they will ask u to fly kite as u couldnt afford to come and spent or bonks.

sh gal r like a cunning fox...they know how to hunt u and get u hunted! rather we hunt them....hehe
i should say most of them r not a local native but from some city nearby.
you can easily pay 1000yuan to fuck a gal (aka street or butterfly gal)

the best way to bonk is to log into sina or sohu and starts chatting ,just like sg irc....
u will get quality and better gals....somemore FOC!

plus point :
if u put up a nice hotel like 5 stars,they thinks u r rich!
dress nice
nice behavior
act like first time in sh or known little chinese.
brings them back to hotel to try our coffee....hehe

will be in sh next week...
had about 6 gal to bonk...

well good lucks....
Be in SHA too with SGPShanghai69. Want to meet up and bonk some?
Damn! I'm Dumb.
Old 24-02-2003, 07:43 PM
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I will be in HGH too!

Me long term in HGH! Care to go out together? Let me know where?
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Old 24-02-2003, 10:16 PM
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HC in hongqiao area

damn hard to connect to this forum siah.
bro shagman and SGPshanghai69, any hc near the hongqiao zhong shan area???? told the cab driver to go to xin huai hai massage but he said dunno where......
appreciate any detail info.
also is the ktv next to mbox worth my time.
all info will be appreciated. will be leaving sh in a few days time.
hope to make it memorable coz will go india next time....will be damn sian liao
Old 25-02-2003, 12:21 AM
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Re: HC in hongqiao area

Originally posted by piggy9
damn hard to connect to this forum siah.
bro shagman and SGPshanghai69, any hc near the hongqiao zhong shan area???? told the cab driver to go to xin huai hai massage but he said dunno where......
appreciate any detail info.
also is the ktv next to mbox worth my time.
all info will be appreciated. will be leaving sh in a few days time.
hope to make it memorable coz will go india next time....will be damn sian liao
PM Bro SGP Quick! I will only be there next week.
Don't underestimate India. Had my best there!
Chenai MGM Movie City!
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Old 25-02-2003, 09:15 AM
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already pm bro SGP but no reply. i guess his pm is full. anyway will go explore hongqiao and see what i can find.
saw this club bikoo, considering going ....hmmmm
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