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Old 30-10-2014, 10:35 PM
rapier1978 rapier1978 is offline
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Re: phuket

Originally Posted by FaguoRen View Post
Lonely Cheong last WE, hopping in the gogo bars mainly, not really comfortable to go in disco alone, so haven't tried FL hunting in Hollywood, Seduction n Tiger.

Sat nite, started with Exotica then came back and ended there after clockwise checking 1 by 1 all the ggb in Soi Seadragon. Main decision factors : eyes contacts n smiles with some pretties, number of customers. For gals quality, it would have been Susie Wong indeed, but it was quite packed. For quantity 30+ gals in Diablo, but feel packed oso, smaller than other joints so all the gals sitting around the stage n staring at u, feeling pressure :-p
The stunning gal with goddess body n hairs I was targeting , we had fun but I was not 200% sure if really a lady although been told she is when asking waiters n other gals, so played safe and choose another cute n sexy gal. Smaller boob but very nice n GFE. Damage BF 800, LT 3000. I sent her back after breakfast at 8am, was bit too sticky afterward n I wanted to check other places n gals on Sunday.

Sun nite, started with Rock Hard gentleman club, no much gals as most are taking day off on Sun. Only 6 gals n 3 cust incl me. 1 tall gal very pretty n sexy. Bought her a drink and was kidding about if she was 100% a lady , as usually suspecting tall n stunning gals to be LB. I think she felt offended after a while and me keep staring at her. She said can show her ID if I dun believe :-p
I wanted to pick her out but due to sunday restriction coz not many gals, barfine was 1000 THB but only for 1h. The gal was still asking 3000 THB for ST. Not worth only 1h and too early to go back hotel anyway, so I declined n keeping option to eventually come back later to pick her. Went back to soi Seadragon and ended in Suzie Wong. Played with 4 gals, and ta pao the hottest one. BF 800, ST 3000. GFE oso n worked hard to please me. Really felt honored that the hottest gal turned down approaches from 3 other customers n kept eyes contact n interaction when pole dancing :'-)

Total damage for 2 nights was relatively high, but drink quite a lot, had lot of fun with very nice gals (I can speak Thai , it's helping a bit I guess), and still cheaper than Cheong in SG with happy ending, although cannot compare, SG dun have gogo bars with gals dancing in bikini n toppless. I could have controlled more the lady drinks but is ok, only 2 nites I wanted to fully enjoy n just let it go crazy party ;-)
So sorry that we are not fated to cheong together...

Great to know you have enjoyed yourself... Hmm.. i should have drop by Suzy Wong. Never mind Next trip in Jan. Promise i will drop by Suzy Wong.

Good to know Rock Hard still doing good.

It not the amount you spend it the feeling you get. I also spend quite a bit on Lady drinks for waiter, barman, Mamasan and my lady paid 6500 for LT. But if you ask me i would say it worth it as i am not able to get the same at SG.
Old 03-11-2014, 07:20 PM
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Re: phuket

Hi gentleman,

Its been a while since i have been to phuket (2 years back) , have some time to spare and like to revisit this island although i know i will not be able to capture the feeling of yesteryears. It would be a short trip for 4 days.

I am a sucker for LT so this will be my main activity. Can anyone give their opinion on the LT rates that most likely is not accurate anymore given my outdated experience.

In order of most expensive to less expensive:
1) gogo bar including barfine (4000 to 6000)
2) beer bar like soi tiger and seadragon including barfine (3000 to 5000)
3) Fl from disco (2500 to 3500)

Will be there end Nov, cheers!
Old 04-11-2014, 12:29 PM
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Re: phuket

Will be in phuket 11-25 November. Pm if wanna catch up
Old 04-11-2014, 09:50 PM
rapier1978 rapier1978 is offline
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Re: phuket

Guys...whatever you do enjoy your holiday not nightmare. Stay away from Jet Ski
Old 04-11-2014, 10:44 PM
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Re: phuket

Originally Posted by rapier1978 View Post
Guys...whatever you do enjoy your holiday not nightmare. Stay away from Jet Ski
Whilst injury/death caused by inadequate regulation over jet ski operators is of course deplorable, a more common problem with renting jet skis in Phuket is being extorted (backed by threats or even actual violence) to pay for supposed damage or scratches etc which of course already exists all along.

Whilst the New Military Junta is trying hard to tackle this problem, it still happens with too much sickening regularity.

Old 05-11-2014, 04:00 PM
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Re: phuket

Originally Posted by rapier1978 View Post
Yah... Let me see if the price will change in January 2015. This time round most of the gals i have met are from Bangkok and not Issan and They have been to spore to work.

Yes..Lots of our Brothers from China and Indian too.
Bro, January period? Don't count on it being cheaper as that is SUPER SUPER SUPER HIGH SEASON!!!
Old 05-11-2014, 04:23 PM
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Re: phuket

Originally Posted by jur9 View Post
Bro, January period? Don't count on it being cheaper as that is SUPER SUPER SUPER HIGH SEASON!!!
Yes - high season for most places in Phuket starts end November and goes on all the way to the second week of Chinese New Year - which this year is quite late on 19 February.

By the way - whoever upzed me, many thanks! Please pm me to enable me to return the favor. Thanks

Old 17-11-2014, 02:11 PM
bryanfongie bryanfongie is offline
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Re: phuket

Hello everyone,

Believing that there are many phuket pro's around here, i hope to get some enlightment from you pros here - before making my maiden trip next month.

Firstly, i allocated 3000 bath for LT+LD+my own drink+BF, if any+tips(around 300-500 bath), is that too little or just right?

Secondly, is Hollywood still the place to go? And for disco, would it still be Tiger, Banana and several others to pick up farangs or Asian chicks? What about the clubs in Patong?

Thirdly, i saw many actually opted for massage parlors opposite Kristine? Which are the top parlors that gives both clean and "dirty" massage?

Thank you brothers.

Last edited by bryanfongie; 22-11-2014 at 10:29 AM.
Old 30-11-2014, 10:41 AM
djnutnut djnutnut is offline
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Re: phuket

Originally Posted by bryanfongie View Post
Hello everyone,

Believing that there are many phuket pro's around here, i hope to get some enlightment from you pros here - before making my maiden trip next month.

Firstly, i allocated 3000 bath for LT+LD+my own drink+BF, if any+tips(around 300-500 bath), is that too little or just right?

Secondly, is Hollywood still the place to go? And for disco, would it still be Tiger, Banana and several others to pick up farangs or Asian chicks? What about the clubs in Patong?

Thirdly, i saw many actually opted for massage parlors opposite Kristine? Which are the top parlors that gives both clean and "dirty" massage?

Thank you brothers.
hi bro 1st things 1st is 3k bath mostly u will get is ST without BF nor LD nor own drinks as the month u going is a holiday season as lots of visiter over there in oct i just got that also cost me 4k LT 600 BF not included own drinks so count yourself how much will u spend there... and for massage i will recommend u go for those clean 1 as u will use your "bullet" for the night y not u enjoy a real massage unless u have a super high sex drive
just 1 cent of my thinking... pardon me as i did not study much my ang mo fail
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Old 30-11-2014, 07:39 PM
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Re: phuket

Originally Posted by bryanfongie View Post
.....Firstly, i allocated 3000 bath for LT+LD+my own drink+BF, if any+tips(around 300-500 bath), is that too little or just right?

Secondly, is Hollywood still the place to go? And for disco, would it still be Tiger, Banana and several others to pick up farangs or Asian chicks? What about the clubs in Patong?
Yes, as what djnutnut states, prices are gonna be higher (and quantity/quality limited) during the high season. Happens every year unfortunately, plus Phuket has generally been getting more and more expensive.

As to the places you mentioned, these are all within walking distance and in Patong and if your aim is to pick up freebies (as I presume you are, from the way you phrase your question and your terminology "pick up"), then you should instead concentrate on figuring out where available ladies are at; You're not gonna find any discos in Patong mainly patronized by just civvies.

Unless tourist girls are accompanied by their husbands, BF etc, MOST will not go to these discos in Patong. On the other hand, SOME pairs/groups will venture out and this is what should guide you to where you should go to.

Not really worth it to go for civvies unless you got lots of time to spare in Phuket IMHO.

Old 30-11-2014, 07:41 PM
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Re: phuket

Where to go for FJ during day time?
Old 01-12-2014, 05:52 PM
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Re: phuket

Originally Posted by kryme View Post
Where to go for FJ during day time?
Here, there and everywhere. It is a holidaying location. No day time or night time difference except for quantity that is available.
Old 02-12-2014, 03:48 PM
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Re: phuket

Hotels in Phuket during the High Season is always a problem; if you are planning for a longer stays, you may want to consider the very nice apartments and villas for rent at very reasonable rates.

One website I use as I prefer staying around Surin beach/Bangtao ares is

Old 03-12-2014, 11:26 AM
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Re: phuket

Next up 15-20 Dec. Any bros wanna meetup?

Last edited by c00ls0ul; 03-12-2014 at 11:39 AM.
Old 03-12-2014, 12:44 PM
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Re: phuket

Originally Posted by c00ls0ul View Post
Next up 15-20 Dec. Any bros wanna meetup?
Interesting... I might go down to Phuket.
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