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Old 12-03-2011, 03:27 PM
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Re: Issue with ICA

Originally Posted by insing View Post
otherwise there will be no so many problems and unsatisfactions in SG now
What type of problems and unsatisfaction

Becasue GF cannot come in , means 'they' cause problems and unsatisfaction
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Old 12-03-2011, 09:20 PM
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Re: Issue with ICA

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
you seem to face the denial that your gf was truthful...everything you answer for her...if you continue to be in this manner then you will never accept the think our ICA was a bunch of useless fools...
I would not say the are useless, rather say they are bias,would not elaborate more,i guess brothers here in my same shoes would understand me
Bro icalaw101,she was questioned by the police while waiting for taxi,being honest,she admit that she does work in ktv and was ask to go to the police station,then special pass was given,she regrets her actions for listening to her friend that gd money can be made in sg,but again, who doesn't make mistakes,if she can come over,we will be getting married. Its her first time and last time working in ktv,so apart from getting lawyer, what other alternatives i could do? I have been to her home afew times and her family also agreed to let her marry me, problem is not sure if she could come, really sad,its genuine case of true love
Old 12-03-2011, 09:49 PM
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Re: Issue with ICA

Originally Posted by shysaint View Post
What type of problems and unsatisfaction

Becasue GF cannot come in , means 'they' cause problems and unsatisfaction
At least they should give us a opportunity to speak out and judge case by case basis,and not give the standard answer like got to wait. Cannot disclose,not under our charge,pushing people from dept to dept without getting a valid answer, we singaporeans have a career,family and home here,who would be willing to put everything at risk by giving false statement to the ica,unless its a geniune case
Old 13-03-2011, 01:04 AM
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Re: Issue with ICA

Originally Posted by ICAlaw101 View Post

However, if she comes into Singapore without approval from ICA known as a written consentto come in, the minimum punishment is one year jail. Good luck.
bro you seemed to be well verse, pls entertain me. Thanks in advance.

if come in without prior permission but fill in details in white card honestly and accordingly then not an offence right? At most they U turn her only right?
Old 13-03-2011, 01:11 AM
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Re: Issue with ICA

Originally Posted by shysaint View Post
PR now not easy to obtained on 1st application .. LTVP is much easier ..

You are also very right that " all ICA officers make judgment calls onsite whether or not to allow foreigners to enter Sinkieland."
Not true, some high flyers can get PR on 1st try while some even got invite to get PR even if they dun want.

Agree ica guys are assholes.
Old 13-03-2011, 08:05 AM
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Re: Issue with ICA

Bro Fboy,

The correct procedure is to appeal to ICA HQ BEFORE she fly or come into Singapore. The filling of the white card known as the disembarkation card or DE card will not solve the problem. You can do a proper appeal to ICA directly through a lawyer, takes 2 to 4 weeks or try the route of some brothers, DIY, write on own, go see MP and that circuit takes months.

If are prepared for an U-turn, consider the feeling of packing, going to airport and flying, reach Singapore and be detained like a criminal in a lockup for a day, fly back in a smelly state, go home and unpack, causing anxiety to he family and you. Perhaps some anger and disappointment thrown in. There is a lot of explanation to her and her family as well.

I cannot bear to see someone treated like that.

Originally Posted by F-boy View Post
bro you seemed to be well verse, pls entertain me. Thanks in advance.

if come in without prior permission but fill in details in white card honestly and accordingly then not an offence right? At most they U turn her only right?
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Old 13-03-2011, 08:10 AM
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Re: Issue with ICA

Bro Jdaniel, in the case of an arrest by a police, you need the professional appeal of a lawyer. Most people would not know how to trace the police officer would arrested her, the police division who arrested her and the police report filed pertaining to her arrest by the police. These are basic details to start with. By the way, your gf would not even have this info herself.

Originally Posted by Jdaniel View Post
I would not say the are useless, rather say they are bias,would not elaborate more,i guess brothers here in my same shoes would understand me
Bro icalaw101,she was questioned by the police while waiting for taxi,being honest,she admit that she does work in ktv and was ask to go to the police station,then special pass was given,she regrets her actions for listening to her friend that gd money can be made in sg,but again, who doesn't make mistakes,if she can come over,we will be getting married. Its her first time and last time working in ktv,so apart from getting lawyer, what other alternatives i could do? I have been to her home afew times and her family also agreed to let her marry me, problem is not sure if she could come, really sad,its genuine case of true love
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Old 13-03-2011, 10:54 AM
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Re: Issue with ICA

Originally Posted by F-boy View Post
bro you seemed to be well verse, pls entertain me. Thanks in advance.

if come in without prior permission but fill in details in white card honestly and accordingly then not an offence right? At most they U turn her only right?
If cannot comes in , refused entry only , why jail term .. Not illegal entry ... SORRY , I don't understand
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Old 13-03-2011, 11:00 AM
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Re: Issue with ICA

Originally Posted by ICAlaw101 View Post
Bro Fboy,

The correct procedure is to appeal to ICA HQ BEFORE she fly or come into Singapore. The filling of the white card known as the disembarkation card or DE card will not solve the problem. You can do a proper appeal to ICA directly through a lawyer, takes 2 to 4 weeks or try the route of some brothers, DIY, write on own, go see MP and that circuit takes months.

If are prepared for an U-turn, consider the feeling of packing, going to airport and flying, reach Singapore and be detained like a criminal in a lockup for a day, fly back in a smelly state, go home and unpack, causing anxiety to he family and you. Perhaps some anger and disappointment thrown in. There is a lot of explanation to her and her family as well.

I cannot bear to see someone treated like that.
thank you bro fo your prompt reply, can let us know what is the meaning when girl passport is choped with W2? Is this a ban?
Old 13-03-2011, 01:04 PM
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Re: Issue with ICA

My gal passport is not stamped with any banned stamp, does that means she is not banned? If thats the case, how to declare on the disembarkment card since not sure if she was prohibited from entering singapore a not
Old 14-03-2011, 08:45 AM
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Re: Issue with ICA

Bro Jdaniel,

When your gf was repatriated by ICA mean that her passport was taken by ICA and she collected her passport at the airport only when she past the checkpoints, is is a bad sign. She is likely to suffer a ban, usually not indicated on the passport. She would have been informed at ICA ANC they will give her a notice canceling her visa/work permit/student pass on the ground that she was involved in undesirable activities in Singapore.

To speed things up, get a lawyer. If she declare that she was not prohibited from entering Singapore, she will face the possible charges of making a false declaration under Section 57(1)(k) of the Immigration Act. I dealt with this issue earlier in this thread. Look it up please.

If she declared she was prohibited, which is the correct thing to do, she would be sent back and made to do an U-turn at Singapore checkpoint.

Some bro a in the forum prefer to appeal on their own, when it fails, they try again and again. They also look for MP in the last resort. They also fly repeatedly overseas to visit their gf. This process takes months with both parties separated, anxious and the possibility of the relationship strained. When I do love someone, I prefer to see them with asap. Instead of wasting this time, anxiety and money, they use the same money to look for a lawyer, appeal and know the answer. Sometimes a legal appeal may fail but when ICA know that there is legal representation, it appears simply because most people encountered by ICA uses route 1- DIY. The lawyer will understand from ICA what caused the appeal to fail and put in a further appeal. It will be cleared by this stage. Total time spent is about minimum 4 weeks.

I am not to judge what is right or best. Some thinks that it would be more satisfaction if they eat the rice they grow themselves. For me, I buy mine off the shelves at any nearby supermarket. Someone grow the rice for me please.

Originally Posted by Jdaniel View Post
My gal passport is not stamped with any banned stamp, does that means she is not banned? If thats the case, how to declare on the disembarkment card since not sure if she was prohibited from entering singapore a not
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Old 14-03-2011, 08:45 AM
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Re: Issue with ICA

Bro Fboy,

Please set out the full chop details for analysis.

Originally Posted by F-boy View Post
thank you bro fo your prompt reply, can let us know what is the meaning when girl passport is choped with W2? Is this a ban?
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Old 14-03-2011, 10:03 AM
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Re: Issue with ICA

[QUOTE=ICAlaw101;5758467Some bro a in the forum prefer to appeal on their own, when it fails, they try again and again. They also look for MP in the last resort. They also fly repeatedly overseas to visit their gf. This process takes months with both parties separated, anxious and the possibility of the relationship strained. When I do love someone, I prefer to see them with asap. Instead of wasting this time, anxiety and money, they use the same money to look for a lawyer, appeal and know the answer. Sometimes a legal appeal may fail but when ICA know that there is legal representation, it appears simply because most people encountered by ICA uses route 1- DIY. The lawyer will understand from ICA what caused the appeal to fail and put in a further appeal. It will be cleared by this stage. Total time spent is about minimum 4 weeks.

I am not to judge what is right or best. Some thinks that it would be more satisfaction if they eat the rice they grow themselves. For me, I buy mine off the shelves at any nearby supermarket. Someone grow the rice for me please.[/QUOTE]

Bro, For any application of visit pass, the standard waiting time is 4 weeks. No matter lawyer or no lawyer.

Bro Jdaniel - How long since ur gf returned to her hometown?? better to wait for min 6mths or longer. My Bx also do not have any chop/ban in her passport but she did ask the officer in charge while being detained in ICA that after 6 mths she can return back with a application.

Abt special pass, from my hearsay, it is a pass issued to a person to stay longer in singapore to help police in investigation. Some sort like acting as "informer". Hope any bro can amend if I am wrong.
Old 15-03-2011, 12:03 AM
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Re: Issue with ICA

[QUOTE=ICAlaw101;5758467]Bro Jdaniel,

Bro icalaw101,the ica officer at the airport didn't reveal anything about her banned period or whatsoever to her,thats why we are puzzled,how come also all that have been repatriates know their ban period but not her,if not for the sabo work by them,she would not have to face the charge already, real bad luck think i will have to consult the lawyer one of these days
Old 15-03-2011, 12:10 AM
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Re: Issue with ICA

Bro bAka123,my gf have been in vietnam for almost 9 mths already,all the while been flying there every mth end to spend time with her,but this can't go on,need to find a solution to it,its really taxing to the mind and body when you can't be together with someone who you love and love you truly
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